Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 209: The starry sky is annihilated, and the betrayal appears! 【Subscription】

The terrifying pollution chain came to an end with the self-destruction of a demigod-level bug.

But despite the final victory.

But the Queen Mother was still a little uneasy.

He stared into the sky.

However, in the starry sky like ink, that cheek never disappeared.

He still overlooks the kingdom of God.

But at this moment, different from the expressionless face just now, there was a strange smile on the rotting cheek.

That smile directly hit the heart of the Queen Mother.

The other party seemed to be mocking the useless power of the Queen Mother.

Demigod bug.

Each head has been injected with the mother's heart and soul.

Even if the Queen Mother overlooks everything, she doesn't see everything in her eyes.

But the demigod mad believers that he had painstakingly cultivated died tragically.

Or let the mother emperor feel infinite anger, wishing to destroy the whole world, in order to dispel the hatred in her heart.

And now, the smile on the cheeks of the rotten "Sanqiqi" undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, completely making the Empress into a rage.

"Whoever you are."

"Dare to touch my kingdom of God, I will kill you,"

The Queen Mother was never a kind person.

He is the Zerg ruler who controls countless worlds.


It was precisely because of the Queen Mother that this extremely humble creature became as vicious as it is today.

"I'll let you know and provoke my end.

The one eye on the mother's forehead was bloodshot.

Like a ghost with countless hatreds.

What is even more terrifying is that it spreads out with the breath of the mother emperor.

In the scarlet eyes on his forehead, a jet-black thread suddenly appeared.


In this world, a small Sealed Artifact is already overwhelming for ordinary people.

Especially like level 1 or even level 0 Sealed Artifacts, they have the ability to destroy cities at every turn.

And the eyes embedded in the mother's eyebrows.

In fact, it is an artifact.

Above the level 0 sealed item is a secondary artifact.

The sub-artifact is a higher level, and it is worthy of being called a real artifact.

On weekdays.

The Queen Mother is rarely used.

It is because even a true god would have to pay a heavy price to use such a terrifying weapon.

blood sacrifice.

Using this weapon requires a lot of sacrifice of life.

This is the kingdom of God.

It is the foundation that the Queen Mother has built for countless years.

If it wasn't until the critical moment, how could He allow himself to use the divine weapon here.

But what the Queen Mother never thought was that today's Divine Kingdom was secretly spied on.

If He did not respond, he would likely end up in a tragic end.

thought here.

The Queen Mother no longer hesitated.

Completely opened the terrifying artifact embedded in the eyebrows.

The only thing that pleases the Empress is that the explosion just now killed countless of her own people.

This means that he doesn't have to start a new round of slaughter, and he can rely on the blood mist to activate the divine weapon.

The sanity of the eyebrows and eyes became clearer.

The artifact originally had its own spiritual consciousness.

However, the artifact is too terrifying, and in the past, it was sealed by the mother emperor.

But now...

The sudden visitor broke the tranquility of the kingdom of God.

Just pollution, the kingdom of God showed signs of collapse.

The queen mother must admit one thing, that is, the rotten face overlooking the insect world, also possesses the power of the true god.

He has to be tidy.

When they reach the realm of each other, a single negligence can lead to losing the whole game.

this moment.

Bloodthirsty pupils stared straight at the rotting face.

No emotion at all.

Some are just endless rebelliousness and bloodlust.

"I will let you know what the price of coming to the kingdom of God is without being invited. 95

"I will kill you, but I will also keep your soul forever."


"Go to hell. 35

The Queen Mother's faint voice wafted into the air like a gust of wind.

From the beginning to the end, He did not intend to drive the opponent away, but directly issued a killing blow.

What is even more terrifying is that the body of the mother emperor who motivated this artifact also underwent a terrifying qualitative change.

The originally bloated figure suddenly began to tense at this moment.

The flesh and blood like a rock was attached to the whole body.

At this moment, the murderous aura on the Empress became more and more intense.

It was like an eruption of magma, full of scorching pain.

The mother emperor's murderous aura grew stronger.

A group of insects who were inspired stood beside the mother emperor and roared towards the void.

This is the home of the Queen Mother.

It has accumulated thousands of years of heritage, and it is simply not something that a true god can compete with.

And the demigods who survived by luck gathered all their strength and attached themselves to the mother emperor.


Just when the murderous aura was intense to the extreme, a ray of aurora suddenly appeared in the eyes like rubies...

The momentum was like lightning, and it was boiling, like fireworks in the sky, pouring out on the rotten cheeks.

The dignity of the true God is untouchable.

The attack of a kingdom of gods was gathered, and it was simply not something that a rotten cheek could resist.

It was accompanied by a tearing sound.

Countless sorrowful breaths spread throughout the kingdom of God.

The terrifying visitor who was born from the fusion of countless grievances was perfectly killed in this way.

And those scattered grievances have become the food of the insects.

Being eligible to come to the Kingdom of God means that none of the bugs here are simple characters.

These powerful bugs are enjoying their spoils to the fullest.

Some bugs even broke through the realm in one fell swoop after ingesting enough grievances.

This situation undoubtedly offset the loss of the demigod mad believer's self-destruction.

The kingdom of God ushered in a long-lost tranquility.

Everything seemed to come to an end.

But the strange thing is that although the rotting cheeks in the sky have disappeared, the color is still as black as ink.


The Queen Mother just saw clearly that, in the face of her own attack, not only was there no fear on that rotten cheek, but a strange smile lingered on her face.

Rather than being annihilated by his own artifact.


This is the other party's intention.

Like some kind of temptation.

Different from the subordinates who fell into a carnival state, the mother emperor stood there with a grim expression.

He was slightly surprised by 0.4's staring in the air, trying to find some answers.

But at this moment, the mother emperor seemed to see something, and her body suddenly froze in place.


In the dim night, another cheek suddenly appeared.

Like an octopus, with tentacles all over its face.


Another vine-like cheek appeared beside him.

One, two, three...

Densely packed, hundreds of cheeks appeared out of thin air in the night.

Among them, the most unbelievable thing for the Queen Mother is...

A pair of scarlet eyes were staring at him.

The face of the other party, the Queen Mother swore she had never seen it.

But those eyes were very familiar to him.

Because that is...

His own eyes!

The Queen Mother must accept a fact.

The soul used for God's descent really betrayed itself?!.

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