Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 207 Occupied by darkness, the kingdom of God shrouded in despair!

An unexpected scene happened.

Unconsciously, the Queen Mother's soul was meddled and transformed into a dark form.

Not only that.

The other party actually had the ambition to be free.

Let go of all the past.

Embrace your new life.

With the change of mentality, the appearance of the queen mother has changed.

Turned into a half-worm, half-octopus state.

Terrible form, daunting.

However, in the eyes of the monsters, the Queen Mother is the best performer.

Harsh laughter resounded around.

The frantic ravings, accompanied by the sound of the flute, covered all of the Queen Mother's senses.

The Queen Mother seemed to be watching a pantomime just now.

Just to see those monsters dancing and playing beside the sleeping master.

Can't hear any sound at all.

But now, with the transformation, the appearance of the mother emperor is more and more inclined to them.

"The Beginning of the Living. 35

"Lord of the Dead.

The Queen Mother seemed to hear some kind of sound.

At this time, accompanied by a burst of loud music, a few words were silently recited.

Immediately, the Queen Mother lay on the ground and said sincerely:

"Humble believers offer you allegiance."

"I am willing to sacrifice the entire kingdom of God to you, just to get..."

"A new life."

"Boom. 35

The sleeping figure seemed to sense the Queen Mother's prayer, and turned over at this time.

Turning over in sleep is a normal action.

But what you need to know is that the place where the other party is sleeping is an entire interstellar space.

The seemingly ordinary action caused a terrifying shock.

in this case.

The entire interstellar space could be completely shattered.

Also at the same moment, all the monsters stopped their movements.

They don't play anymore, they don't dance anymore.

Instead, his body froze in place.

They seem to freak out 377.

His eyes were staring straight ahead, even holding his breath.

Feeling the strange atmosphere around, the Empress was also trembling, not knowing what terrible accident had happened.

He suddenly had a feeling.

These true gods seem to be afraid of something.

"Don't disturb his sleep!

This was the warning the Queen Mother had heard before.

He seemed to have guessed something.

These terrifying beings, no matter where they were exiled, actually woke up in fear of this being in front of them.

Although I don't know what will happen when the other party wakes up.

But look at what these monsters look like.

They trembled, like an old man who was dying, and even the bones became extremely soft.

Even more frightening is...

None of them are simple characters.

All have the power of the true God.

The existence that fell into a deep sleep, alone, made hundreds of true gods so fearful that they didn't even dare to breathe too hard.


These two simple words can no longer describe each other.

Under the influence of this atmosphere, the Queen Mother never hesitated.

He knelt on the ground and kept kowtow.

In this case, the soul of the other party slowly emerged from the forehead position.

When you reach the realm of the mother emperor, you can already freely control the soul body.

And his purpose is simple.

That is sacrifice.

In the soul, there is all the information of the Zerg master.


The key to unlocking the kingdom of God is also contained within.

The moment the soul extended from the body, the Queen Mother's body began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is like a sun-dried orange (adae), without the slightest moisture.

The queen mother is ugly.

But even so, there was a strange smile on the other side's face.

The soul fell into the darkness.

Time froze at this moment.

In the next second, the mother emperor's shriveled body turned bloated again.

However, the opponent's body shape no longer remains the same.

The energy like asphalt was attached to the mother emperor, and under the layers, the mother emperor completely turned into a cicada.

"Crack. 99

"Crack. 35

Subsequently, the cicada pupa shattered.

A terrifying figure slowly crawled out.

The other is like a beetle.

Countless sharp, sharp spines like colorful metal are born on the body;

On the body as black as ink, there are also a pair of eyes the size of grinding discs.

Around the body that is more than ten meters long, it is full of twisting tentacles.

It rose to its feet, the roar of throbbing and swaying deafening.

The Queen Mother received the rebirth she had been looking forward to for a long time.

He completely bid farewell to his past self.

Then it became such a terrible and evil heresy.


The Queen Mother muttered to herself.

He is begging the sleeping master to give himself a new name.

This means new life in the true sense of the word.

After a moment of dead silence.

Terrible ravings attacked the mother emperor from all directions.

The Queen Mother heard his long-awaited name.

deep valley.

This is his new name.

The Queen Mother is no longer a ray of soul of the body.

He has dedicated everything that belongs to the past to that stalwart existence.

He is now reborn in pure darkness.

He has everything he wants.

But the butterfly effect of sacrificing souls did not end there.

Darkness engulfed everything.

He also obtained the Zerg Divine Kingdom in a distant dimension.

At this moment, a crack slowly opened in the dark interstellar cemetery.

The space is peeled off layer by layer.

Like a thousand layer cake.

And the affected dimension seems to feel something, like a cockroach seeing the light, and hurriedly hides the figure.

That's it, just for a very short time.

The locked Zerg Divine Kingdom was exposed in front of a group of monsters.

It was a strange world.

There are no humans, animals, demons, vegetation, just pure bugs.

Disgusting maggots, twisted centipedes, dazzling butterflies, and strangely shaped, strange insect races that the world has never seen before.

And among them, there is an unusually fat figure.

It is the mother emperor body.

At every moment, the other is eating, reproducing, and procreating.

The reason why the mother emperor is called the mother emperor is because the other party created an ethnic group!

different from normal.

At this moment, the Queen Mother felt strange that she seemed to be spied on in an unknown space.

The Queen Mother strangely locked her gaze on the sky.

He seemed to want to find some clues.

Strangely enough, the night sky is extremely dark tonight.

Even his vision was covered with a haze.

"In the end what happened?"

When you reach the realm of the mother emperor, you already have the ability to see through everything in the world.

But at this time, what surprised him was that he couldn't penetrate the darkness in front of him.

The sudden change made the Queen Mother feel a little worried.


Accompanied by a piercing hissing sound.

Huge and unusual bugs emerged from the corner of the kingdom of God.

These bugs all possess terrifying strength.

Each head can actually be comparable to the eternal powerhouse.

This is the foundation of the kingdom of God.

The Queen Mother has conquered countless worlds.

Mining resources, gathering treasures, devouring life.

Under such circumstances, the Zerg forces supported by countless worlds can imagine how terrifying it is.

There are hundreds of eternal powerhouses alone.

In addition, the peaks of the mountains began to move.

The "mountain peaks" as high as 100 meters are actually bugs.

This is a terrifying alien species that belongs only to the kingdom of God.

Twelve insects are responsible for guarding the entire insect kingdom.

What is even more terrifying is that each head has a demigod realm.

The body is as high as 100 meters, and the insect armor is a hundred times or a thousand times harder than steel.

They are the greatest beneficiaries of the kingdom of God.

Some have even completed the initial accumulation, and there is only one opportunity left to enter the stage of true gods.

The Queen Mother deserves to be the true god who has dominated the millennium.

Relying on instinct, he sensed the danger coming, and at this time, he did not hesitate to turn on the firepower to the maximum.

In addition to the eternal bugs and demigods, there are countless bugs such as legends, epics, and gold.

They are also in a state of readiness.

Interstellar Cemetery.

A group of monsters witnessed the scene in front of them.

Seeing the integrated bugs, the monsters not only did not panic, but sneered harshly.

Deep Valley is also one of them.

As a branch of the former Queen Mother's soul, the deep valley at this moment has gained a new life after betraying its body.

His soul has been polluted.


These non-existent emotions will not be placed in his heart at all.

On the contrary, a terrifying ambition was bred in my heart at the moment.

He wants to be unique.

As long as the Queen Mother lives, he can't really get rid of his past self.

Therefore, as long as you can kill each other...

He was truly reborn.

Thinking of this, Shen Gu raised his head.


In response to the Queen Mother, it was also a harsh Zerg sound.

At the same time, countless dark energies turned into touches, and slammed away towards the Insect Realm Divine Kingdom.

The tops of those tentacles had barbs, like ropes, that actually hooked the kingdom of God.

At this moment, the two worlds are completely connected.

And a group of monsters also stepped forward at this moment, walking towards the dimensional crack in front of them with a relaxed and comfortable attitude.

They have been silent for too long, so it's time to get active.

The mother emperor in the kingdom of God is still unclear, what kind of desperate war will be waiting for him and the soldiers under his command!

Heaven of the Kingdom...

Completely dark!.

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