Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 195: Mutated Demon Fly, Encounter Between Servants!

The monster with the body of a human face and a fly swept downstairs.

The other party is like a black fog, and wherever it goes, anything it touches will corrode.

Insects are the fastest evolving beings in the world.

Even in the human world, bugs are terrifying predators.

Weird and ugly body, strange and terrifying ability.

Bugs are born with traits that make humans disgusted, resisted, and frightened.

Even a simple centipede can make ordinary people feel creepy.

And as real Zerg, how terrible are they?

Naturally imagined!

Across countless galaxies, countless civilizations have been ruthlessly attacked by this locust-like monster.

And the reason why they can destroy a civilization in a very short period of time.

At the end of the day, there are only two words.

That is reproduction!

Devour, multiply, expand.

On this basis, the offensive of the "Three Six Seven" clan was in no way unfavorable.

Even more frightening is that the Zerg has the ability to look like.

In the process of continuous devouring, the worms will ingest civilization genes and transform themselves into creatures suitable for this world.


Under the cross-modification of genes, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Different from higher Zerg.

For example, the demon flies in front of them are only low-level zerg.

They act as scavengers, perfectly perform the tasks assigned by their superiors, and then bring death to all creatures they see.

Magic flies have no emotions, no emotions.

The meaning of their existence is to destroy!

Just like now, the magic flies like black mist swept the entire hotel.

The receptionist downstairs still had a smile on his face.

But the rumbling sound was too loud, and the receptionist instinctively looked forward.

In an instant, the magic flies surrounded the opponent layer by layer.

Everything happened so suddenly.

But the siege didn't last long, and then...

A skeleton fell to the ground.

The gnawing power of these flies is comparable to that of locusts.

for a while...

The entire hotel was devastated.

In a room, the white walls were covered with black silk threads.


This is a terrible scene that will only appear when the resentment accumulates to the top before death.

At the core of the grudge, there are several women with disheveled hair.

Each one is ugly.

Everyday people look at it and their hearts stop beating.

Before the Zerg came, they lived here, but who would have thought...

A sudden disaster trapped him here.

The Zerg are cruel and bloodthirsty, and have no mercy at all.

in this case……

Several women did not know what kind of bad luck they suffered, and even if they died, the grievances of the other party remained in place and never dissipated.

It's just that the current daughter of the curse is no longer a victim.

The strength of the Zerg general is too terrifying.

They have become grudges, and they have become ghosts.

On weekdays, once someone enters this room by mistake, it will kill the soul in an instant and become a body.

At that time, the body will be parasitized by the Zerg again.

There seems to be no end at all.

But now it's different...

The aimless devil flies do not distinguish between enemy and foe at all. From the moment they are summoned, the meaning of the other party's existence is endless slaughter.


Accompanied by a huge noise.

But suddenly the door was knocked open.

Immediately afterwards, the swarms of flies that looked like night broke into the territory of the Daughter of Resentment.

Several cursed women opened their eyes at the same time.

They are all evil things.

Demon flies only have the instinct to devour.

And the Daughter of Resentment sees all intruders as targets of revenge.

They die with endless resentment, and any creature that enters this place by mistake will become the object of their revenge.

like now...

Black silk threads like hair, densely shrouded down towards the devil fly.

These threads seem to be light and thin, and they will break when they are pulled, but they are actually made from the most intense hatred in the world.

I don't know how many souls have died in this house.

The resentment that formed cannot be estimated.

Once the magic fly is entangled, I am afraid that it will be annihilated in this world in less than a few seconds.


Just as the cobweb-like threads of grievance wrapped around the devil flies, seeing these insects was like seeing a bull with a red cloth.

Turned out to be frantic.

Immediately after...

Like crazy, they opened their mouths and began to devour the thread in front of them.


"Crack. 39


Under this terrifying bite, the grudge thread instantly snapped.


Seeing this, the resentful daughters roared.

But at this time, the eyes and mouth of the other party suddenly turned into three deep caves.

The other end of the cave seems to be connected to purgatory, with an incomparably terrifying suction...

The Damned Lady tries to devour the flies.


Its grade is too low.

From the beginning, this was not a battle of equals.

The original intention of creating these magic flies is to target the demigods.

In a sense, the evil spirits, ghosts, infected people, and monsters living in this hotel are nothing more than sacrifices of the devil flies.

This is the Zerg.

No mercy.

After entrenched in this hotel for a long time, each floor has strong subordinates.

But now...

In the face of the sudden demigod, these subordinates seemed a little out of reach.

Therefore, the Zerg general's idea is very simple, that is, to use these failed products as sacrifices to help the magic fly to go to a higher level.

The demon flies that had been sucked in the past completely devoured the woman of resentment in the house in less than a minute.

Layer after layer.

Except for the floor where Chen Feng was, they didn't spare a living creature.


What's even weirder is that with the continuous devouring, the magic flies slowly gathered together.

The originally weak and dense group, at this time, actually merged into a humanoid monster.

This is a weird and extremely ugly monster.

It has a barbed tongue, the upper body is a man with a face full of pustules, and the lower body is a disgusting fly.

Behind it, there are also a pair of spotted wings.

devour, multiply.

In a short time of 0.4, the number of magic flies has already exceeded 10 million.

But now, the monster formed by the gathering of thousands of devil flies is full of terrifying deterrent power that destroys the world.

"Boom! 35

At the same time, a piercing thunder sounded outside.

This monster seems to be not tolerated by the world, and the thunder may fall anytime and anywhere, killing it.

But the magic fly didn't care about all of this.

For it, the meaning of existence is to complete the task given by the Zerg general.

It will kill as many targets as possible.

The mutant flies slowly walked towards the floor where Chen Feng was.

And just when there was still one step, a contemptuous female voice suddenly came from above:

"It's disgusting."

"The best place for a disgusting thing is to be skinned and thrown into an uninhabited wilderness to be eaten by maggots!"

"You dare to disturb the master's rest?


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