Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 185: Fallen Lord, Transformed Laziness!

Just when the red raccoon was still immersed in panic.

The bloody battle in the Hell of Baator has begun.

The oppressive force formed by arrogance shocked all the devil princes.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string.

At times like this, backing down will only fail miserably.

Several devil princes have survived for thousands of years. At this moment, they know better than any devil how critical the current situation is.

Because, accompanied by a sea of ​​blood, the red glow shrouded the sky.

The devil army under his command has begun to be in chaos.

Feeling shaky morale.

The jealous with a sharp horn on his head scolded:

"My people, it's time for you to advance to a higher rank!

"Win this victory, and I will bestow the divine reward!"

"Only the bravest warriors can receive this honor!"


For any living being, divinity is the most coveted treasure.

This is the first step towards the divine level.

And the most insane is none other than the eternal powerhouses under the command of the Demon Archduke.

They have been in eternity for far too long.

As long as they acquire divinity, they have the opportunity to enter a higher level.

Therefore, at this time, these eternal powerhouses have fallen into madness!

At the same time, an unusually plump figure stepped forward.

This figure is three meters long, like a giant.

And the most terrifying thing is the opponent's body shape.

The physique like a mountain peak is full of impact from the vision.

What's even more weird is that while the other party is walking, there are countless noises of "three six zeros" in his stomach.

"I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry."

"I want to eat food! Eat a lot of food!"

"Give me food, let me eat!"



This is a devil prince who has fallen into the abyss of gluttony.

The meaning of existence is to devour.

As he walked, he inhaled.



Immediately afterwards, the surrounding demons shrank in size in an instant, and then they were swallowed into their stomachs.

The most terrifying thing is that there are even two eternal powerhouses who are swallowed up by the devil.

And after swallowing the Eternal Powerhouse, Gluttony's body started to crack.

Just like the land that has been dry for a long time, the dense cracks made several devil princes feel a little bit of fear.

Immediately, thick and dark energy diffused out from the crack.

At this moment, the three-meter monster rose from the ground.

Four meters, six meters, eight meters, ten meters!

And the strength of the opponent is also rising.

From the demigod realm, he suddenly stepped into the real god level!

Unicorn narrowed his eyes jealously, and seemed to have some unpredictable plans for gluttony:

"Gluttony, why use the body?"

"Your body and mine have long been buried in the river of time."

"If you use it now, it will cause the life of the real body to be lost. 35

Seven deadly sins.

Each has the strength of a middle-level true god.

They originate from the purest evil.

Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust.

This is the embodiment of human selfish desires.

However, the true God is not immortal.

After surviving for countless years, they gradually found that their souls were like flowers lacking water, and gradually began to wither.

It was from that moment.

The "shadow" whose strength has been reduced countless times instead of the main body, appeared in the Hell of Baator.

"Shadow" only possesses the strength of a demigod, and its life cycle is only about a thousand years.

But for the seven deadly sins, this was originally part of their game.

Several devil archdukes reached an agreement.

Mutual benefit and mutual assistance, helping the "shadow" to step into the ranks of the true gods, so as to give the original breath that the body needs.

In this way, they attacked the high-level gods and established their dominion in the Hell of Baator in one fell swoop.

Arrogance kills Shadow of Rage.

It's not that jealousy rips the skin off.

What really angered the Demon Archdukes was that their arrogant actions were simply hindering the opportunity for them to attack the high-ranking True God!

Creating a shadow is not easy.

Arrogance can act on rage, and can act on a few people.

Therefore, this led to the collective crusade of the devil archdukes.

But even so, several Demon Archdukes knew that they controlled their limited anger within a tolerable range.

The real body is buried in the long river of time, soaking in life.

Awakening rashly is very likely to hurt the source.

But who would have thought.

Gluttony unexpectedly awakened the real body at this moment without hesitation.

As a true god, he appeared in front of several people.

Different from the mountain peak-like figure before, at this moment, with a body of ten meters, it is more like a giant that penetrates the world.

As for body shape.

It is boundless.

Obviously visible to the naked eye, but it gives people a feeling of no boundaries.

Gluttony's brows furrowed, and he said:

"My real body was forcibly awakened."

"I felt an aura of annihilation.

"The deterrence of this breath is countless times more terrifying than arrogance."

"It's a strange feeling, like there's something peeking at you and me. 55

As he spoke, Gluttony raised his head and stared at the void.

Desolate universe.

Seeing such a terrifying giant, Chili felt that his heart almost burst and jumped out.

Everything that happened in Baator's hell once again shocked it.

Originally thought that those devils only possessed the strength of demigods.

But who would have thought that the so-called demigods were just a disguise for the other party.

At this moment, all the terrifying monsters removed their disguise, and immediately, their true strength was exposed in front of them.


"I was fortunate enough to actually meet the true God?!"

At this moment, Chili couldn't even believe his eyes.

At best, it is nothing but the master of eternity.

But now, everything he saw one after another had a serious impact on his mind.

The raccoon instinctively looked behind him.

It seems that at this moment, only Chen Feng can give it the sense of security it needs.

Barto hell.

The real body of gluttony appeared, and a vision of heaven and earth was instantly produced.

Pride and laziness simultaneously discovered a change in the distance.

Arrogantly narrowed his eyes, the dark energy that was originally boiling fell into silence at this moment.

No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

As for the laziness, the little girl with the delicate face went completely crazy and muttered to herself:

"What the hell is going on with this guy?"

"He actually used his real body?!"

"Is he going to wage a real war of gods? 35

Arrogant kills rage, but it is only the shadow of the opponent.

As for the opponent's body, they are still sleeping in the void.

Even at the moment, a few demon princes are aggressive, but they have a tacit understanding with shadows.

However, the act of gluttony pushed the situation of this battle to the forefront.

Laziness looked at Arrogance and seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he could only take a deep breath.

"I'm going to be killed by you!

Lazy wants to protest.

But also know that arrogance now has a background.

Whether or not the shadow can impact the realm of true gods is no longer important.

The important thing is that his own body may also be pulled into the battle situation today.


Not possible.

Rather, it's already set in stone.

Because just when I was lazy, far away...

Three more energies began to boil.


The devil archdukes who were in the alliance have torn off their disguise and summoned the true gods to the world.

But even so, Arrogance still smiled calmly:

"It's really interesting, where did those guys have the courage to summon the real body?"

"Is this also the master's layout?"

"Your appetite is so terrifying, the shadow of a demigod does not suit your appetite, is the body of a true god what you expect?"5

Arrogant muttering to himself, making laziness a little crazy.

He only felt that arrogance had gone completely crazy.

Because at this time, the other party is still saying some incoherent words.

Especially the sacrifice to the true god!

Laziness is even more stunned to the extreme.

Arrogance doesn't seem like a joke, so...

Does the other party really plan to sacrifice the real bodies of the gluttonous people to the other party's so-called master?

Sloth knows that he is now a grasshopper tied to a rope with arrogance.

He cannot escape and cannot escape.

"Are you ready? 35

Arrogance seemed to see through the dazedness of laziness, and said softly, 0...

"what to prepare?"

Lazy's tone at the moment matched the child's face, which made it look a little cute.

Arrogance just laughs without saying a word.


The wings behind Arrogance suddenly began to spread out.

The original regular angel wings, at this moment, were completely shrouded in all directions.

The most frightening thing is that the arrogant body is also changing.

Like a dragon's hard armor, it permeates the body.

On the surface of the hard armor, many strange symbols are also engraved.

"Those symbols, like some kind of totem, are the masters who made arrogance fall into madness?"

Laziness is clear, this is a crucial moment for insight into the Lord behind arrogance.

Therefore, he focused on those totems.

Tentacles, spikes, ocean, darkness, starry sky.

In an instant, Sloth saw many sources of energy.

The most bizarre thing is that everything in the world is superimposed at this moment.

The other side is the starry sky!

The other side is the ocean!

The other side is the desert!

The master of the arrogant mouth is not so much a part of the world, but rather that the other party created the world.

It's just that the other side's world is out of tune with the world that laziness is familiar with.

The ocean is full of twisted and evil giant creatures like octopus.

In the starry sky, monsters entrenched in barren planets cannot be judged with conventional vision.

Some are tangled balls of light.

Some are crawling blood clots.

What's more, it's just nothing but darkness or smoke.

Seemingly the sun and the breeze can completely destroy it, but the laziness is shocked by...

The other party seems to have life.

Extraordinarily powerful.

When the sun shines down, it will be corroded in an instant, and it will also be swallowed into the darkness.

And the gust of wind swept through the smoke, and eventually it would be assimilated, annihilating the world.

This is exactly the moment, Sloth understands, why such a noble arrogance would be willing to swear allegiance to each other?

that is because……

This existence that has never really been seen, seems to be the co-lord who created the world!

Sloth figured out everything and tried to quit watching.

But what makes Lazy terrified is that his eyes seem to be attracted by the strange picture, and they are completely fixed on the scene he sees at the moment.

Laziness seems to be one of them.

"I... I'm contaminated?"

Sloth finally sensed something, and he tried to struggle, but to no avail.

Laziness only feels conscious of itself.

In an instant, he fell into quicksand and couldn't extricate himself.

In an instant, he was drawn into the deep sea vortex again and completely sunk.

What's more, it was assimilated by the starry sky and decomposed into tiny dots of light.

I don't know how long it has been since 0.4, when Laziness regains consciousness again...

The arrogance in front of him has completely changed.

If it is said, the previous arrogance is still a fallen angel.

So now...

The other party has simply become a fallen ruler.

With a body of more than ten meters, it completely shrouded the hundreds of thousands of devils.

Arrogance still has a shocking appearance, and this appearance has not weakened in the slightest with the mutation of the opponent's body.

And different from the initial charm.

The arrogance at this moment is more of a kind of dark erosion.

On each feather, there is an open eye.

The dense eyes seem to have the ability to penetrate people's hearts. Once locked, the mind will be corroded in an instant, unable to extricate themselves.

"This is the perfection of arrogance tainted. 99

"And I……"

Sloth said while looking at his fist.

Suddenly, a few thin lines like black snakes lingered on the fair skin.

What's even more weird is that, seeing the changes in the body, laziness not only has no fear, but also has a feeling of eagerness to try.

It's like opening a blind box.

He is looking forward to himself, what will he look like after summoning his body?!

"Just one glance, I was actually contaminated into this state?"

Join if you can't.

After seeing the horror of the arrogant master, the sloth has completely lost the motivation to resist.

If at this moment, He really has any thoughts, it is just a...

That is...

I am very lucky to be alive!

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