Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 161 Evil God Wild Hope, Wanderer Circus!

In an instant.

Infected people entrenched in the surrounding area.

Completely polluted into a group of extreme monsters.

They are rooted in place like vegetation.

However, these plants are somewhat special.

The whole body is black, and at the epidermis, there are round eyes.

Those eyes exuded a cold and evil aura.

There seems to be endless resentment.

Once locked by the other party, it will be sluggish and pulled into the endless nightmare world.

And the most chilling thing is...

They still have the ability to devour.

This is simply a shrunken black goat cub.

Barren wasteland.

The forbidden zone of life.

This place that originally breeds evil, at this moment, there are so many terrifying existences.


What kind of sudden change will happen here.

Mu You slightly embarrassedly retracted the palm clinging to the door.

in the face of this level of pollution.

She didn't even get a chance to perform.

On the other hand, Wu Zhichao knew more clearly what this erosion meant.

03 Being God.

Wu Zhichao knew better than anyone that the wilderness was terrifying.

There is no restraint of order.

Outside the wilderness, it has completely become a purgatory abyss.

It is no exaggeration to say that the area outside the city is called hell.

If you compare the outside to a banquet.

Then the infected person just now is a small character who can't even afford to be on the table.

In this terrible land, no one knows how many little-known terrible disasters are hidden in the dark corners.

Evil, sources of pollution, sealed objects, bounty hunters, mutant plants...

Countless forces are intertwined.

It is precisely because these forces compete with each other.

So much so that it is impossible for one family to dominate outside the wilderness.

Everyone shares this piece of resources under their feet.


It is synonymous with the wilderness.


What the sleepy man behind him did at this time greatly exceeded Wu Zhichao's expectations.

Tainting monsters in action are not uncommon.

What moved Wu Zhichao was...

Why were those monsters stuck in place?

There is only one answer.

Wu Zhichao narrowed his eyes and said with absolute certainty:

"The other party is occupying territory!""

Rather than saying that they are monsters, it is better to say that they are stone tablets that divide the territory.

Once towered.

It means that the land under your feet has completely changed from a land without owners to a domain with owners.

Any infected person, extraordinary person, or even heretic god believer who steps into this place must consider one thing.

Can you bear the fate of going against God?

Where is this outing.

It's simply territorial expansion.

Regarding all this, Wu Zhichao is not aimless.

The Labyrinth Cave is the best example.

The "young boss" acted resolutely, and on the day he knew about the cave, he exerted his abilities and occupied the place of wealth that made countless bounty hunters go crazy.

According to the report of the subordinate.

The forces entrenched in the labyrinth cave also began to move.

all the time.

Several forces are working together to mine the labyrinth cave.

But now...

Because of the appearance of monsters, the cave was completely occupied and owned by individuals.

How can this sudden change convince the leaders of the forces?


The eyeliner reports that several forces have completed the talks.

If there is no accident...

In recent days, several forces will join forces to launch an attack on the cave.

These forces, there are many strong warriors.

Fighting with each other on weekdays may not be obvious.

But now, several forces have completed the integration.

There are more than a dozen legendary powerhouses alone.

There are five strong people in the epic realm.

Such a team has a certain threat to the league.

But now, their goal is only one, that is to clear the monsters in the cave.

When he heard the news, Wu Zhichao was still a little uneasy.

For fear that the layout of the "boss" will be destroyed halfway.

But after seeing the power of the other party with his own eyes, Wu Zhichao realized how big the gap between them was.

When he fell asleep, the infected people who rushed towards him turned into distorted vegetation.

Facing those monsters, the opponent won the final victory without even blinking his eyelids.


Everything was as expected by the other party.

If Wu Zhichao guessed correctly, the occupied cave was just a bait.

The purpose is to lure the fish.

There are several forces, and many of them are cunning and insidious followers of the evil god.

And now...

The fish is hooked!

Wu Zhichao shook his head and sighed in his heart:

"The wages of avarice is death."

In Wu Zhichao's eyes, those extraordinary people who walked into the cave were already dead.

No one can survive the other party's plan.

In this way, Wu Zhichao's fear of Chen Feng has risen to a certain extreme.

At this moment, he only had one idea.

That is to do your job well.

In addition, there is a sense of happiness that cannot be suppressed in my heart.

Allegiance to each other.

It was Wu Zhichao's life, and even his previous life, which was extremely correct!

Stepping on the accelerator, Wu Zhi started to head towards the destination.

I don't know how long has passed.

Chen 347 Feng was awakened by a loud noise.

He looked around with sleepy eyes, but saw that it was already night.

But it was brightly lit up ahead.

Not only that, there were many laughter coming from the front.

It gives a strange feeling.

In the wilderness, burning open flames is a taboo.

Because that would invite the prying eyes of some terrifying being.

But now...

The lights in front of you did the opposite.

The scorching beam pierced through the night and instantly exposed the location.

The performance of Mu You and Wu Zhichao was also a little strange. They were dumbfounded, staring at the scene in front of them.

"what happened?"

"Have we reached our destination yet?

Wu Zhichao shivered, and then said:

"There's a third of the way to go, only now, we're having a little trouble.

Wu Zhichao's face looked a little solemn. .

There are not many things that can attract the attention of Shendi, but obviously, the noisy scene in front of him has made him a little shocked.

"What trouble?"

Chen Feng asked.

Wu Zhichao turned his head slowly, and in the eyes illuminated by the light, the color was a little unusually scorched yellow.

He stared at Chen Feng and said:

"We seem to have met..."

"The Wanderers Circus.

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