Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 150 Miracles come, gifts from darkness! 【Full Order】

Li Yuan completely collapsed.

Because of the influence of Night City, the residents of this city are all atheists.

Liyuan, who has lived in this land since childhood.

Even earlier, he had become accustomed to being ruled by machines.

Now, overturn the obsession in the heart and convert to a god's mansion.

You can imagine how difficult this is.

When people are in extreme situations, they will make many crazy actions.

like now...

Li Yuan had nowhere to go.

The sister's serious illness has dragged down the other's body.

Moreover, coupled with the lack of food supplements, their physical fitness also dropped to freezing point.

No miracle happened.


They will die in this cold city.

No one will listen to the cries of weaklings like them.


It's something that happens every day in Night City.

Li Yuan originally thought that he could face all this calmly.

Because from a very young age.

He has seen all kinds of corpses appear in front of him.

Gang fights, eating poison by mistake, dying of serious illness...

The strange death made Li Yuan from the initial panic to the end, has become numb without the slightest wave.

He thought that he could accept this terrible fate.

But it's really your turn.

Li Yuan had an uncontrollable grief and anger.

He wants to live.

I want to keep my sister alive.

No matter what the price is.

Even if it is to sell all the dignity and freedom, it will not hesitate.


No one would listen to a weakling's pleas at all.

All Li Yuan could do at this time was to put his hope on the statue in front of him.

The cries of my sister were right behind.

The little girl was obviously terrified by the scene in front of her.

So much so that tears welled up, calling Li Yuan to stop his self-mutilation.

But Li Yuan regarded the worship in front of him as the only life-saving straw.

The Lord of Mourning became the leader of the city.

On the first day in office.

Published to the convenience about the way of prayer.

Li Yuan could not remember all the contents.

At this moment, "Three Three Seven" is recited from the mouth with some stumbling.

"Head of the living, Lord of the dead."

"The stalwart Primal Chaos, please save our brothers and sisters.

"No matter what the price is, as long as I can live, I am willing to sacrifice all my souls!

Every time Li Yuan said a word, he slammed heavily on the ground.


Blood gathers...

Like a small stream, it began to flow along the gaps in the surrounding floor tiles.

Li Yuan, who was already weak, became more and more sick under the influence of this injury.

He was pale and his lips were blue.

Even breathing became heavier.

Just like a pulling bellows, every breath needs to be exhausted.


The opponent's life is coming to an end.

In the dark night.

A strange beam of light flashed across the face of the statue hidden in the cloak.

It's like blinking your eyes and radiating brilliance.

Appears too fast.

So much so that Li Yuan, who was kneeling in worship, did not notice this scene at all.

Lingzhou City.

Chen Kee shop.

Chen Feng fell into a deep sleep.

He likes this feeling.

Relax yourself.

No worries.

In the surroundings, familiar tunes and voices still resounded.

Cthulhu held a flute and played the soul prelude that was enough to corrupt the legendary powerhouse.

Part of the tentacles on the opponent's chin is missing.


This injury came from the self-destruction of the fear.

it's a shame.

But Cthulhu obviously has no time to care about such trivial matters at the moment.

Because, He must devote himself wholeheartedly to the task of coaxing the Lord God to sleep.

Compared with the other side sleeping.

Not to mention the tentacles, even the sacrifice of his own life has become an understatement, and there is no comparison.

For Cthulhu.

Death is not the end.

but a start.

As early as the moment he became a god, the other party had already placed his life core in the vast sea.

Even death.

But as long as there is an ocean, Cthulhu can be resurrected from it.

The price paid was only a trivial reduction in realm.

Cthulhu has an almost infinite life.

So for him.

Able to face death very calmly.

But Chen Feng's sleep is particularly important.

All along, the real awakening is only a shallow consciousness.

Once the core consciousness of the Lord God truly awakens, everything around him will be destroyed in an instant.


All things are born.


All things end.

Therefore, Cthulhu has no time to care about the humiliation he has suffered.

He is just doing his work religiously.

The music that corrupts life.

In Chen Feng's ears, it has become the most beautiful movement in the world, no one.

Surrounded by this wonderful feeling.

Chen Feng even felt that he could sleep until the end of the day.

And right now.

A point of light appeared at the end of the universe.

There were some more mourning voices in the spot of light.

It sounded so desperate and sad.

The darkest emotions in the world.

To Chen Feng, it sounded like some kind of accompaniment.

This kind of sound is not disgusting, but has a wonderful experience.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant.

The old rulers who were still playing and dancing just now disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

Chen Feng stretched his waist.

He was not bored.

Instead, he looked at the strange point of light that suddenly appeared at the end of the universe.

Reach out.

In an instant, Li Yuan's humble appearance appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

The other party is still doing a kowtow action.

However, the movements became heavier and his face became extremely pale.

On the side, there is a poor little girl.

The sunken cheeks look like they haven't eaten in a long time.

They are like two stray cats who are not accepted by the world, looking so pitiful and helpless.

in the ear.

Li Yuan's prayers kept resounding.


"Do you just want to live?"

"What a simple wish. 35

Whether it is the rotten wandering to the door of the shop.

The mourning tomb to be sealed and bowed down.

Or at first, Mu You who appeared in front of him.

Chen Feng can always give enough understanding to "poor people".

"You can't give the other party too much energy.

"Otherwise, he will die. 99

"A little is enough."

While thinking about it, Chen Feng breathed forward gently.

The breath permeates.

Cut through the dimension, cut through the space.

It came to the city of night, which is thousands of miles away.

The Lord of Mourning did not like the construction of the city.

Although the mechanical style also exudes icy coldness.

But compared with the real death, it still feels a little worse.

Waving a scepter.

The death army buried in the ground slowly got up.

The steel warriors who were transformed and possessed human minds instantly flashed red lights in their eyes.

no doubt.

At this moment, their hearts were subjected to unimaginable mental shocks.

This was originally a cemetery.

And now, because of the call of the Lord of the Tomb.

The surrounding land was like an earthquake, and it slowly cracked open.

Immediately after.

One after another, the white skeleton arms broke through the soil and appeared in front of everyone.

In the empty eye sockets, there are two flickering ghost fires that keep burning...

Different from the usual body composed entirely of bones.

Because of the special nature of Night City.

The body structure of these skeletons is actually made of steel.

This undoubtedly gives the skeleton warrior a more terrifying combat power.

Remodeling begins.

The skeleton warriors who were summoned to the world from the brink of death immediately threw themselves into the construction work.

Only death is eternal.

Just when the Lord of the Mourning Tomb was quietly looking forward to the appearance of the transformed city.

A sudden and terrifying energy pierced the sky and descended on Night City.

Extraordinary people are very sensitive to energy perception.

so that.

The energy that appeared at this moment immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

The superhumans looked up.

I just felt that at this moment, even the air became cloudy.

With a faintly decadent taste.

It was like opening a coffin that had been buried for hundreds of years.

Pure breath of death.

Let a group of extraordinary people tremble, and there is no courage to fight against them.

"Hoo! 35

And at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly overflowed around.

The terrifying wind made people feel like they were cut by countless knives, which was unbearable.

"Lord... Lord God?"

The Lord of the Mourning Grave looked at the breath that suddenly descended on the city of night, and the whole person was stupid.

In the eyes of others, the new leader of Night City.

Destroying the existence of mechanical civilization with one's own strength, at this time, he actually knelt on the ground.

Never saw the Lord God come.

Just feeling the breath of the other party made the Lord of the Mourning Tomb terrified.

What made the Lord of Mourning Tomb even more concerned was that the direction in which the energy descended turned out to be a newly built statue.


The Lord of the Tomb of Mourning narrowed his eyes and instantly turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the statue.

at the same time.

Li Yuan, who was in front of the statue, was immediately enveloped by an evil and abnormal energy.

The invisible energy, like countless wriggling and twisted poisonous snakes, instantly suppressed Li Yuan's body.

The fear of the unknown made Li Yuan completely lack the courage to resist.

so that.

Excessively frightened, his eyes were wide open at this moment.

It seems that in the next second, the eyes will fall to the ground.

One after another bloodshot, people are intimidated when they see it.

In his throat, he was panting heavily.

Li Yuan seemed to be sunk into a swamp full of ghosts.

There was a rotten smell all around.

The most incredible thing is...

In the depths of the swamp, countless worms seemed to be wandering, and they actually wrapped around his broken right arm.

Li Yuan wanted to struggle, but to no avail.

He could only watch helplessly, those terrifying creatures attached to his arms.

They opened their mouths and spat out highly corrosive acid.

Just a few seconds.

The mechanic prosthesis obtained in exchange for only saving money at home was corroded.

House seemingly endless rain.

Li Yuan only felt that there was no hope in life anymore.

But before he could think too much, the tops of those worms had sharp teeth.

It bites directly on the broken limb.

"Do not!

It's an unimaginable pain.

under severe pain.

Even breathing has become a luxury.

And slowly, those squirming bugs actually entangled each other.

In less than a few seconds.

The prototype of a palm grew out.

Li Yuan looked around.

No swamps, no terrifying tentacles, everything seems like a dream.

But when Li Yuan put his eyes on his right hand, he was instantly stunned in place.

What did he see?

However, he saw that his right arm, which had been lost for a long time, was actually recovered.

"That's not a hallucination at all..."

Li Yuan tried to control his arm.

Although a bit jerky.

But the fingers still did what they were supposed to do.

no doubt.

The lost arm is back!


But at this moment, the palm of the palm suddenly cracked.

Immediately after.

A mouth full of sharp teeth appeared in front of Li Yuan's eyes.

Suddenly, Li Yuan's complexion changed suddenly.

I became more and more uneasy.

Immediately afterwards, his soul seemed to be affected in some way, and suddenly there were many more memories.

In memory, there is a description of the control of this arm.

Rotten Arm.

This is its name.

When Li Yuan was in danger, this arm would swell, like a sarcoid, attacking the enemy.

The root of rot comes from the entanglement of countless bugs.

Just seeing the blurry picture made Li Yuan almost have a cardiac arrest.

"elder brother!"

The scene of Li Yuan yelling just now clearly frightened the little girl.

The other party also saw Li Yuan's lost and found arm, and was surprised and wanted to run over to verify.

But Li Yuan's expression was tense, and he said angrily:

"Stand there, don't come over!"

Li Yuan's face was dignified, his eyes were full of blood, and he was so nervous that even blue veins appeared on his neck.

"do not come."

"Stand there, don't come over."

Li Yuan's suppressed voice gave people a sense of sight of iron objects colliding.

The little girl had never seen her brother like this.

A strange feeling suddenly came to my mind.

so that.

A teardrop the size of a bean slid down his cheek immediately.

Li Yuan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

The two siblings depend on each other.

The purpose of abandoning the flesh and blood and replacing the mechanical arm before was to cure his sister's disease.

Li Yuanduo wanted to go up to comfort the other party.

However, he can't.

He can't get close to each other.

Unimaginable sudden changes have taken place in his body.

Li Yuan must accept the fact that he has turned into a monster.

He must calm down.

Only by really figuring out what happened to your body can you lift this caution.

"What a perfect creation.

"Only a creator like the Lord God can refine this kind of shocking artwork."

At this moment, a sudden voice broke the calm under the night.


Li Yuan tightened his body and blocked in front of his sister.

Although he became a monster.

But it doesn't affect his love for his sister.

no matter who.

You can't hurt your sister, even if you risk your own life!

"Moving family.""

"My child, your luck makes me jealous."

"Want to eat? Want to have great power? Want to protect your loved ones forever?"

in the dark.

Accompanied by bursts of alluring declarations, a man with an unusually pale face immediately appeared in front of Li Yuan.

"Who are you?"

Li Yuan, who was at the bottom, was not qualified to meet the Lord of the Tomb of Mourning.

In fact, for the new leader of Night City.

Most people are dazed.

He was not angry, just looked at Li Yuan, and said slowly:

"Lord of the Mourning Tomb."

The moment Li Yuan heard the name, he felt that his legs were shaking.

He killed the mighty Ning Qingcang with his own hands.

The new leader of Night City.

He actually appeared in front of him in this attitude.

Moreover, the other party also asked those tempting questions before.

Li Yuan knew that this 0.4 was an opportunity in front of him.

Possesses the Arm of Decay.

Li Yuan can also fight like a superhuman.

This is the only way to transform your life.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan did not hesitate at all, and immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed:

"City Lord, I want to gain power.""

"I will allegiance to Night City, and allegiance to you."5

In a life of suffering, Li Yuan has long been accustomed to being low-key.

It wasn't as embarrassing as I imagined.

To live.

Even more humiliating things, Li Yuan has done.

But the Lord of the Mourning Tomb shook his head:

"You boy who has gold, why do you throw away the treasure and go to find the stone?

"You have already obtained the gift of the Lord God, haven't you?"

"From now on, you are the Son of Night City. 35

"As the first lucky person in the city to receive the gift of the Lord God, your life will be completely changed.

Li Yuan is not a fool.

If at this time, he still does not understand the words of the Lord of the Mourning Tomb, then he has lived in vain for all these years in the slum.


Li Yuan repeated the words of the Lord of the Tomb of Mourning.

He suddenly turned to look at the statue beside him.

The power of transformation.

Repaired arm.

All of this stems from the gift of the Lord God.

"There really is a god in this world!"

Li Yuan only felt that at this moment, all the cells in his body began to tremble.

With all his strength, he faced the statue and kowtowed heavily.

"Thank you Lord God."

"I will keep my promise."

Li Yuan's face was flushed red, and he said in a low voice like a demon:

"Offering my life and soul.

"Eternal life and allegiance to you.

"If there is a violation."

"Just let me lose everything I cherish."

this oath.

It was more heavy and harsh than Li Yuan swearing with his own life.

night city.

under the statue.

A dispensable little person, in one fell swoop, became the Holy Son of the Night who surpassed all people.

until this moment.

The residents of Night City really realized it.

What a miracle!.

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