Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 146: Unrecoverable, Terrible Punishment!

"What the hell is going on with all this?!

Wu Zhichao was confused.

At this moment, his throat was dry and his eyes were dull.

It was like a traveler who fell into the desert, unable to even utter a word.

I can only stare at the front...

Harmless young boss.

Have to admit.

The other party's smile was very warm.


In Wu Zhichao's eyes, the smile sketched out was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart, leaving him completely undamaged.

Fear is on the one hand.

Losing talent is the most important thing.

He thought he knew the big picture.

But I don't know...

Everything is looking at the sky.

All the mysteries are solved.

Wu Zhichao originally thought that the two eternal powerhouses who passed by the shop were afraid of him.

That's why it was in a hurry and passed quickly.

But now I know

What people really fear is the boss in the room.

As for the lucky cat at the door.

It is not the evil god who controls the whole situation at all.

Instead, it is a limited-edition room ornament in the skin of the evil god.

Why is the other party waving his hand?

It's not a special hobby either.

But the positioning of the other party in this store is a decoration purely to attract customers.

As for the so-called Level 0 Sealed Artifact.


Even Wu Zhichao was very excited about the equipment.

Here, nothing but items sold on the shelves.

And in it.

There is even a secondary artifact.

As a god's residence, Wu Zhichao was no stranger to artifacts.

The black dragon suspended above the scorching blade was quietly lying on the shelf, although it never launched an attack.

But only a pair of eyes exude a look.

It has the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

This is the aura above the demigods.

If Wu Zhichao was an enemy, the outcome would only be 91 points.

People nine.


The fierce aura radiating around him, without even waving it, made Wu Zhichao's soul feel a little shiver.

This is the power of the sub-artifact!

Far from being an ordinary weapon, it can rival it!

Except for these terrible Sealed Artifacts.

throughout the room.

There are three other beings who can be called demigods.

They are the lucky cats at the door.

Smoke billowing from cigarettes.


There are also potted plants in the corners.

They are clearly the most terrifying existence in the world.

Available in this store.

They have been given a new value.

The evil god who was in charge of soliciting guests looked extremely tired, and there seemed to be countless nightmares living in the soul of the other party.

Exudes a tired will all the time, wanting to fall asleep completely.

Can be under the influence of unknown forces.

The other party is tirelessly doing the movement of swinging his arms.

Not to say……

Are the gods inviolable?

But now...

Why did He do such a thing against his will?

And the white mist on the cigarette.

in ever-changing figure.

There are humans, there are monsters, there are even...


The twisted face left only three dark caves.

The other party seems to have discovered Wu Zhichao and tried to ask him for help.

I want Wu Zhichao to help him break free from his misery and gain freedom.

But now, Wu Zhichao himself is too busy to take care of himself, how can he still take care of saving others?

He, who has always been powerful, is now like a child who has done something wrong, and he can't help lowering his head.

Don't dare to look at him.

no doubt.

In that cigarette, in the life swallowed, in addition to ordinary creatures, there are real evil gods!

As for the potted plants in the corners.

A phantom in mid-air.

It is a collection of all the filthy auras in the world.

dense eyes.

Tentacles of vice.

And the terrifying energy that warps space.

Wu Zhichao's body has the ability to see through everything.

In the previous years, Wu Zhichao was lucky to have this ability.

Because it is this ability.

Let him save countless times from danger.

It is also because of this ability that it can be unfavorable in the action of arresting.

Because no opponent can escape from his eyes.

But now, Wu Zhichao somewhat regretted having this ability.

If the body of these monsters has not been found.

Perhaps, I can avoid the shock of my soul.


Wu Zhichao was completely numb.

As for the youth who was questioning ahead.

Wu Zhichao didn't even have the courage to raise his head.

"Don't look!"

"You'll die if you watch it."

Past experience made Wu Zhichao in a strong sense of fear at this time.

So much so that the instinctive emotions from the soul level persuaded Wu Zhichao not to seek death.

Where is this grocery store.

It is simply a collection of demigods and level 0 sealed items.

These "goods" alone made Wu Zhichao speechless in astonishment.

As you can imagine.

How terrifying is it to conquer the existence of these goods.

If these demigods and the sealed artifact are simply compromising.

He had already asked Wu Zhichao for help.

At that time, they will naturally find a way to attack the so-called slave owners together.

Try to escape from this muddy cage.

Beasts are called beasts because...

The other party is not familiar at all.

No matter how much food is fed or how good the room is, the beast will still be extremely ferocious.

Once feeding each other's masters, expose weaknesses.

The other party will not hesitate to open his mouth wide.

Biting off the neck of the so-called master, watching the other party die in front of him.

But now, these "goods" in the room give Wu Zhichao the feeling...

But like a group of real open-door dogs.

They have completely lost their animal nature.

Instead, the sense of responsibility of the caretaker.

Even if it is not restricted, the rope is untied, and it is not crazy.

Instead, he sat quietly on the ground.

He grinned, and a threatening aura was about to come out.

This murderous intent is straightforward.

seems to say.

If you have any bad thoughts, your neck will be bitten off immediately.

Facing the loyal army of demigods.

Wu Zhichao's remaining courage completely collapsed.

To be able to tame such a terrifying demigod with similar strength to this level.

Rather surprised.

Wu Zhichao's heart is more of a horror.

If we say that demigods are the supreme beings above mortals.

So now...

What is the existence above the demigods called?

Therefore, Wu Zhichao did not even have the courage to spy on the nature of the opponent.

The sixth sense from the gods.

Once He really makes the act of peeping, I am afraid that it will fall into a state of doom.

Don't keep the gods waiting too long.

In the past as a god's residence.

Wu Zhichao has absolute qualifications to describe the meaning of this sentence.

Never came to this store before.

Wu Zhichao was in the prison city and had absolute control.

He does not like to wait for others.

I don't like being waited for.

Once he was angry, a terrible sticky breath flowed in the world.

The subordinates who feel the breath will kneel on the ground.

The breath exuded is like a dazzling blade, no one knows, death will fall on whose neck in the next second.

It is because of this inexplicable fear.

Subordinates will be in awe.

Feng Shui can turn around.

Who would have thought that now it was Wu Zhichao's turn to endure this kind of pain.

He knew he could not hesitate too long.

Once angered each other.

Wu Zhichao couldn't imagine his fate at all.


Maybe it will become a luxury.

This is not Wu Zhichao unfounded worry.

Those demigods who are obviously similar to themselves, or even stronger.

The posture that appeared in the room was not the original appearance at all.

Rather, it appears in the form of objects.

It's like being taken out of the soul.

And then connected with those items.

Do they really want to?

Before, they may have resisted, but because of the suppression of the stronger.

to accept the injustice in front of him.

"You can't hate each other!"

This is a sentence that Wu Zhichao's instinct gathered together.

"Calm! 35

"Calm me down. 35

Wu Zhichao was like a drowning person being rescued.

Some anxiously breathing the air.


The words of the young boss are still vivid in my ears.

What is the meaning of this sentence?

After calming down, Wu Zhichao fell into a deadly silence.

He is good at thinking.

Now, the brain field is starting to work very fast.

One after another, like fireworks blooming, they exploded in my mind.

Week by week.

There was never a second of pause.

It's mentally damaging though.

But compared to the current predicament, this loss is nothing at all.

I have not received any invitations myself.

mistakenly entered the territory occupied by the opponent.

This is disrespectful behavior.

This sentence helps.

If you just look at the surface meaning, you are very wrong.

Wu Zhichao was clear.

If you really lick your face and ask the other party, make conditions.

The end will only be worse than death.


Anger is invisible.

This is the basic mastery skill.

It's like Wu Zhichao examining the prisoners in the cage.

A second ago, there was a smile on his mouth.

In the next second, it will be completely killed, and it is still the kind of ashes.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhichao sighed deeply.

Things have been done.

He has to face it.

Obviously, this sentence is a rhetorical question from the very beginning.

The other party is questioning himself.

Came here with no manners and swagger.

Is it asking the other party to give some obligatory help?

This is simply a language trap.

Stupidly followed the other party's words.

It's the real undoing.


What is the purpose of the other party hiding himself in the world?

The other person seems to be immersed in their own role-playing.

as one of the props.

All the evil gods and sealed objects are flattering each other and playing their own roles.

Even the skinner, one of the former Skull Saints.

All changed their identity to a store salesperson.

Look at the professional appearance of the other party.

Where is there a trace of the evil god believer?

The young boss didn't ask himself straight to the point.

This means...

In the eyes of the opponent, he is also a prop in this game.

"Am I a tool man?"

Wu Zhichao, who was good at understanding the overall situation, soon discovered the strange atmosphere around him.

Tools must have the value of tools.

on the machine.

No nut is useless.

He must bring himself into the feast of this game.

Before the other party gets bored and yells the pause button.

Wu Zhichao must persevere in acting.

It's a real one-shot.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhichao coughed lightly, and then said:

"Old... Boss, nice to meet you.

"I'm a haunted... haunted house investor, and out of professional habit, I like to visit the grocery store.""

"You know, running a haunted house requires a lot of props.

"It's too expensive to buy a new one, but the old one is more affordable. 99

for this profession.

Wu Zhichao did not make things up on a whim.

If you compare the prison city to a haunted house.

Then the monsters detained in the cage are the props in the haunted house.

The tone of the 330 haunted house is scary and eerie.

This is almost in line with the image of the prison city.

"Running a haunted house?"

Chen Feng took a step forward.

Seeing the other party's new moves, Wu Zhichao's heart began to beat violently.

He wanted to step back, but felt it was too impolite.

So he gritted his teeth and stood still.

However, Chen Feng walked straight to the shelf and began to rummage.

While searching, he muttered to himself:

"Before the haunted house in Lingzhou closed down, the boss sold me a lot of replacement items.

"A lot of them were sold halfway through, and I remember some more."

"Where is it? 99

"Alas! Found it! 99

But I saw Chen Feng pull hard.

A collar full of steel nails was pulled out by the other party.

The collar was mottled red, and the erythema on it was like blood that couldn't be washed away, which made people feel a lot of discomfort.

Also, there are terrible nails all around.

Haunted houses need special actors.

When dressing up, the natural requirements are extremely exaggerated.

And this prop is the ornament worn on the neck of the slaughtering followers in the old haunted house.

Chen Feng raised a smile, handed the prop in his hand to Wu Zhichao, and said:

"Like it?"

Wu Zhichao looked at the collar in Chen Feng's hands and fell into deep thought.

What does the other side mean?

Only pets will wear collars.


Is this the punishment given to me for straying into this place?

The punishment that belongs to him has finally arrived.

But never thought...

The punishment was so severe.


Wu Zhichao looked around.

Countless eyes gathered on him.

The ferocious aura seemed to tear himself into pieces.

Rejection is only a dead end.

Wu Zhichao stood blankly on the ground.

It seems that the mind is under some immeasurable pressure.

"Like it?"

Chen Feng looked at the fat sheep kindly.


is the customer.

He asked again.

Cthulhu does not conflict with the identity of the shop owner.

The important thing is that he likes the job.

It's like in a dream, half-awake and half-nightmare destroy countless worlds.

Selling things in the store is equally fulfilling for Chen Feng.

The second time, Wu Zhichao, who was sluggish, suddenly woke up.

There was a smile on his face, but there was a hazy water stain in his eyes.

Endless shame.

Frightened an evil god to tears.

Again and again not three times.

As Chen Feng asked again, the aura entrenched in the surrounding monsters became stronger.

【Is it useless to give you a chance?】

face this pressure.

Wu Zhichao finally accepted his fate.

The corners of his mouth trembled, staring at the collar in the hands of the young boss, and nodded lightly:

"Like it, love it!"

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