Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 135: Demigod Devil, a sub artifact above level 0!

Chen Feng sees all this as a game.

Half asleep.

Chen Feng is at the tipping point of Sandman.

After becoming an evil god.

Chen Feng has some mild narcolepsy.

Fall asleep to familiar loud music.

No doubt it made him happy.

As for the usual trivial matters, Chen Feng became a little indifferent.

As for strength.

Chen Feng has moved to the top step by step.

Although it is a bit arrogant to say that.




Chen Feng's strength is a little more than he imagined.

But even so...

Chen Feng really has no ambition to occupy the world.

Is it because it would add to the killing?

Chen Feng rejected this answer.

Promote evil spirits.

Not just fear.

Even emotionally, Chen Feng found himself in a state of chaos.

in his eyes.

There is no white and black.

good and evil.

Only like or dislike.

Chen Feng has no such idea about invading the world.

It's not that I don't want to.

Just simply don't like it.

in short.

Just too much trouble.

Chen Feng likes life now.

A small shop, a computer, a pot of flowers, a female employee, and a dog in front of the door.

Although all of this, in the eyes of other evil gods, it is simply unbelievable.

But Chen Feng still enjoys the process.

Like a corruption in the distance.

Even though they are far apart, Chen Feng can still see the other person's posture and state.

Three giant dogs.

Roaring, like a terrible purgatory descended.

Those ugly creatures named demons regard it as a monstrous beast.

In the eyes of Chen Feng.

The other is a dog.

An unpleasant-looking watchdog, that's all.

It is true that people and gods see things differently.

Chen Feng likes this tranquility.

This is the main reason why the world is not yet in turmoil.


Dragons have reverse scales.

Touch and die.

Chen Feng has a good temper.

Good enough to even coexist peacefully with ordinary people.


But one thing is, don't wake him up in his sleep.

Chen Feng in this case.

Very depressed mood.

To put him to sleep again, there is a price to pay.

The wailing became a lullaby.

like now...

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes slowly.


"Not enough. 35

"It's still not enough.

"I want to sleep, but I'm still a little bit short."

Watching the demon being attacked, Chen Feng's sleepiness was far from reaching the point of deep sleep.

Sleep needs to continue to help.


This means that Chen Feng will insist on playing this game.

Until the moment when you completely let yourself no longer be angry, and thus really sleep.

"Maybe, some music can help!"

Chen Feng has his own exclusive BGM.


Chen Feng snapped his fingers.

After a moment.

In the shadow of the void, countless twisted and swinging figures suddenly appeared.

The dark flute sound, the strange dance gestures, and the faint shrill laughter.

Multiple voices come together.

- Praise of the old days.

It is different from the rage of corruption and the reincarnation of the undead of the Lord of the Tomb.

At this moment, the ability displayed by Chen Feng.

But it's a symphony from the Legion of the Old Days.

members of it.

Known as the Old Ones.

Every member of the old days is a powerful and ancient existence in the universe.

The old members who played the flute were full of strange shapes.

One of the.

It looks like a giant shell.

Several multi-segmented cylindrical pseudopodia protrude from the half-open shell.

A face with sunken eye sockets peeks out from the inside out.

different from before.

This is the first time my Lord has truly summoned them since his awakening.

A creature like a shell, unable to describe his mood.

He can only play the flute harder to get Chen Feng's attention.

And the Old Ones who danced by.

Also in a state of ecstasy.


This is his name.

He is called the "Dark Silent One"

Living in the deep, invisible underground, everything you go will be drawn into unpredictable darkness.

As long as the curse shows up, all life, all sounds, and all actions will come to an end.

What's even scarier is...

The other party has the source of the pollution.

Those who come close to Him will have an urge to goug out their eyes and make sacrifices.

Powers and worlds ruled by him.

Totally pitch black.

Because all living beings sacrificed their eyes to the terrifying gods in their hearts.

And there are many, many more such terrifyingly twisted Old Ones.

Soul Hunter, Darkest One, All Exhaust One, Sleeping God, etc...

Each of these, in the old journey, has their own legends.

And now...

They followed the Lord God and came to this strange land.

They need to be summoned in order to be fortunate enough to appear beside the Lord God.


They regard playing and dancing as the only way to be noticed by Chen Feng.

Unlike before, in order to make Chen Feng sleep.

They didn't even dare to make a sound.

But now it's different...

This time, it turned out that Chen Feng took the initiative to summon them.

Therefore, in addition to the familiar vocal music, this time, there are many more chanting sounds.

“After spring and summer comes autumn and winter, and after autumn and winter comes spring and summer. 35

"They waited patiently, for they shall rule the land again at last. 35

They are trying to come back to the world.

These twisted old rulers, all the time, are imagining everything that occupies the world.

In this way, countless figures gathered in the sky above Tianyi Island.

Those demons who originally wanted to be enemies with them only felt dizzy and didn't know what to do for a while.

The "employees" who belong to the same camp feel refreshed.

Especially the Fallen Legion.

Under the influence of old hymns.

The original violent feature has increased again.

But seeing the monsters that were originally hideous and twisted, at this moment, it became even more unacceptable.

Some, octopus heads, human bodies, have bat wings on their backs.

Some, the faces are terribly twisted, like a human face that has been pulled and deformed and full of pain;

Withered long hair will follow the body, and the support will sway in the wind like a ghost.

Some of them have six legs, long bodies, and forelimbs like crab claws.

Each of the Old Ones possess terrifyingly evil abilities.

this moment.

They played the flute, danced, and chanted hymns of the old days.

so that...

The terrifying mutation of the Corrupt Legion, which has strong plasticity, has taken place completely.

Those obscure energies affected every living being of the Fallen Legion.

Therefore, an unprecedented terrifying mutation occurred in them.

Corruption sees everything in sight.

【It's really interesting!】

【We have to work harder!】

"I'll see it."

The core corruption did not refute the other two consciousnesses.

And what's even more terrifying is that...

His body also seems to be undergoing some kind of mutation.

The flesh on both sides of his spine split open.

next second.


A pair of sarcoma-like blood wings spread out and appeared in the world.

These wings are made up of tiny droplets of blood that keep dripping.

compared to previous war powers.

The corruption at this moment actually controlled the flight.

[More and more interesting. 】

[I want to pacify this world! Let this world know what the Lord of War is! 】

Out of instinct, the core degenerate echoed: "I think so too!"

But soon, the core corruption reacted.


Become a professional fan of two stupid guys?

Even if...

Shouldn't these words like treading the world be uttered by oneself?

Corruption is almost boring.

The longer they get along, the more serious the influence of those two consciousnesses on corruption.

so that...

The corruption even began to assimilate slowly.

"do not care!"

But the corruption quickly reacted.

Rather than fighting with your own consciousness.


Let the demons know the horrors of the fallen army.

Compared to the surly and terrifying corrupted Legion before, at this moment, the fully upgraded Legion is even more frightening and horrifying.

Floods are no longer enough to describe this team.

At this moment, the corrupt army on all fours was like a tsunami and landslide.

Under the unstoppable offensive...

The so-called devil has completely turned into a blank sheet of paper.

It shattered completely when touched.

No resistance at all.

And while the war was in full swing...


A loud bang.

However, the volcano that was smoking black smoke suddenly erupted.

Crust shattered, earth cracked.

At the entrance of the volcano, there was an incomparably hot breath.

Immediately after.

A scarlet palm suddenly stretched out from the top of the volcano.

Appears with the arm.

Temperatures across the island began to soar rapidly.

And the trees that had withered at close range couldn't stand the scorching heat, and they started to spontaneously ignite.

Corruption sees everything in sight.


The main messenger standing behind all the demons appeared at this moment!

【First strike is stronger!】

【Kill him!】

"Shut up, I know what to do!"

Fallen Corruption clearly felt the figure in the volcano, which contained extremely terrifying power.

At this moment, without thinking, He suddenly raised the three heads.

But in front of the three heads, countless blood beads have gathered.

A strange scene appeared.

Tens of thousands of blood beads kept appearing, merging, and pressing.

It ended up being three beads the size of a round table.

Each one exudes a terrifying energy aura.

Once it falls into a city like Lingzhou, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

The terrifying explosion will instantly destroy one-fifth of Lingzhou City.

An egg lays under the nest.

Until then, the death toll will undoubtedly be a scarlet number!

And for this level of attack, the corrupt is not even satisfied.

I saw that the three beads actually merged into one one after another.

Where are the beads.

It is simply a crystal clear pearl!

Exudes brilliant colors.

But the body is further compressed.

Round table size, iron pan size, apple size.

The three identical pearls were condensed and fused, but instead, they were compressed into this shape.

At this moment, around the pearl jade, there is a terrifying and abnormal magnetic field energy.

A radius of one hundred meters.

Completely turned into a forbidden land.

The demons who never fled, didn't even react, and were instantly corroded by energy.

Layers of skin peeled off, flesh and blood evaporated, and in the end, even the bones were completely annihilated.

disappeared into the world.


There is only one idea of ​​depravity.

That is the figure in the volcano of destruction.

With all his strength, he burst out.

Like a blazing fire, wherever it goes, it instantly becomes a scorched earth.  …

A moment of brilliance.

Pearl is still moving forward.

The demon elites near the volcano are all above the golden rank.

What's more, it has entered the legend, even the epic.

But even so, once the pearls approached, they were melted by the high temperature and completely lost their traces in this world.

The demons panicked.

So-called loyalty becomes worthless at this moment.

They are madly trying to escape from here.

So much so that the demons who had ravaged Tianyi Island not long ago panicked and let out a roar of grief and indignation.

However, what made the corruption unexpected is...

That pearl, which has smelted countless powers, is about to sink into the volcano.

That big hand, like a sky curtain, gave people a sense of sight that suddenly expanded hundreds of times.

so that.

In an instant, he grabbed Zhuyu in the palm of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, with a pinch, the pearl jade completely burst.

Only a demigod can burst out this kind of strength.

this moment.

Even if he is corrupt, his face is full of tension.

The six eyes narrowed slightly.

A dignified breath of encountering a powerful enemy.


Meanwhile, the volcano is in full swing.


A figure nearly five meters tall hovered above the volcano.

Burning Flame Demon.

This demigod demon has mysterious demon tattoos on his body.

Kong Wu's powerful limbs were like iron pillars, and just now, it was his right hand that directly extinguished the rotten's full-strength blow.

The world looked like the end of the world.

His most elite warriors died and escaped.

This undoubtedly caused a violent flame to rise in the heart of Burning Flame Demon.

Burning Flame Demon's eyes, which were completely replaced by flames, stared at the corruption.

Just like two hot suns, it will completely melt the corruption.

And corruption is not ambiguous.



The core in the middle is corrupted, and it is even louder:

"I think so too!"

Seeing that the pearl and jade that he cast was destroyed, he fell into a rotten spirit and attacked his heart. At this moment, he even cursed.

And this undoubtedly made the Burning Flame Demon completely runaway.

Countless flames splashed out.

Immediately, the scorching hot temperature swept toward the corruption!

And see this scene.

The corruption also seems to have the determination to fight.

His blood began to boil.

There was a dizzying bloody smell.

The corruption has stepped directly into an unprecedented state.

getting closer to each other.

And when the momentum is at the top.

Fallen Corrupt did not hesitate, and ran towards the back.

Corruption is just madness.

Not stay.

He has not yet transformed and has never entered the demigod realm.

And what about the burning flame demon in front of him?

The momentum is arrogant, like the top of Mount Tai.

At this time, banging is tantamount to an egg hitting a stone.

You talk about dignity with the corrupt who relies on being kicked every day to gain strength?

Isn't that a joke?

Fallen and run away with peace of mind.

You are not your opponent.

Naturally, I have to go back to move rescue soldiers.

The Burning Flame Demon roared angrily. He never imagined that the corrupted man with the aura of a god's mansion in front of him would be so cowardly.

It is simply the shame of the evil god!


How could he easily let go of killing so many of his people?

The Burning Flame Demon did not intend to give the corrupted a chance to escape at all.

At this moment.

The Burning Flame Demon had only one thought left.

That is to kill each other!

"Boom! 35

The Demon Wings behind him waved wildly, hitting 0.4 of the location where the Fallen Corrupted was.

It can be corrupted to squeeze its own potential, coupled with the beast form, running has bonus points.

As a result, the Burning Flame Demon never caught the opponent.

Chaos is the nature of the devil.

Even if he entered the demigod realm, his reason was also somewhat lacking.

The Burning Flame Demon lost its trace of corruption.

Because I don't know when...

A white mist appeared in front of him.

The visibility of the fog is extremely low, almost only half a meter away.

"It's just foggy, and you want to stop my footsteps?"

Burning Flame Demon spread out his palm, and the flaming sword suddenly bloomed.

Sparks appeared, and the long sword burning with flames slashed down towards the mist in front of him.

This long sword is not a simple level 0 sealed item.

Rather, it is a higher-level artifact embryo.

Level 0 Sealed Artifacts can be combined with divinity to create legendary artifacts.

For example, the bone scepter in the hands of the Lord of the Tomb.

The old scepter was an artifact.

It can control hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of undead creatures into battle.


With the fall of the true body of the lord of the mourning tomb, the white bone scepter also fell apart, was decomposed and ingested, and became the nourishment of other hostile forces.

The Burning Flame Demon is only a demigod.

Nature cannot create a true artifact.

The divinity required to smelt an artifact was originally an amazing value.

Therefore, the flame sword in the hands of the Burning Flame Demon.

above level 0.

The artifact is not full.

This is a secondary artifact.

But even so, the opponent's power can still split mountains and open seas.

Therefore, Burning Flame Demon has absolute confidence that with a single strike, the white fog can be dissipated immediately.

Long sword swinging.

Sparks fly!

But when Burning Flame Demon was trying to find traces of corruption.

He suddenly frowned, as if seeing an unimaginable scene, and muttered to himself:

"Why hasn't this white fog cleared?"

But he saw Burning Flame Demon in front of him.

The white fog never dissipated at all.

This time.

Burning Flame Demon couldn't help frowning.

An inexplicable feeling of irritability instantly made him lose his mind!

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