Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 131: The gods worship, the foolish leader of the Tianyi tribe!

in the lightless universe.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes.

This is not a good sign.

The sudden voice disturbed the hearts of many gods.

In the dark corner, countless eyes bloomed one after another.

They locked their eyes on a certain point.

It was full of anger and murder.

I can't wait to kill this guy who disturbed the sleep of the Lord God.


They dare not.

They are like a group of scavengers living in a fish tank.

Only when garbage is generated, they will be dispatched to clean the fish tank.

Before that, they would just stand by silently.

Born to be God.

yet so humble.

Not just any suffocation.

On the contrary, for them, it seemed like an unimaginable opportunity.

But now, the Lord God did not give them the opportunity to clean up the garbage at all, but directly woke up.

This is not good news!

The flute and dance stopped.

What they can do...

Just attach hatred to the figure of Damn it disturbing the Lord God.


They don't mind, dragging each other into purgatory, making them suffer from human suffering, and they will not be able to live forever.

And as a goal, the Lord of the Tomb of Mourning is still unknown to all of this.

Controlled the Dawnbreaker League with ease.

The so-called former leaders of the daybreak, all let the tomb of the heart complete the stamp collection.

He became the three mourning tomb guards under his command.

The Lord of the Mourning Tomb has already begun to lay out.

Take control.

This is the basic ability of a deity.

If you can't do this little thing well, what kind of evil god?

But this is it, who regards the control of the alliance as a simple god's mansion as simple as drinking water and eating, but at this time, he is so nervous that his teeth are starting to tremble.

Different from the scene of the first visit.

Today's barren universe has undergone some changes.


I do not know when, unexpectedly filled with many cold winds.

The whistling was incessant.

But the tomb of mourning can be carefully identified, where is the rumor.

But a terrible roar.

And in the dark corner, there is a terrifyingly twisted face.

The Tomb of Mourning has discovered...

One of them is Ning Qingcang who I just touched today.

The opponent's life and consciousness were completely deprived and melted into this barren universe.

All of this was intentionally done by the tomb of mourning.

The opponent devoured a level 1 sealed item and obtained the innate ability of the sealed item.

The best thing is to rely on charm to make the target his subordinate.

With this ability, dozens of night watchmen from the main city died tragically for no reason.

And when the other party was trying to repeat the old trick, who would have thought...

Tomb of Mourning unexpectedly released the dark energy attached to the body.

This is terrible pollution.

Contamination from the Lord!

This is not a conspiracy at all, but a conspiracy!

Not surprisingly.

The charmed Ning Qingcang locked his eyes in the darkness.

【Do not look directly at God】

This is not just talking.

In an instant, Ning Qingcang's soul was corroded, and then he was permanently stuck in this destroyed universe.

Ning Qingcang's heart was higher than the sky.

Not only is he wise, his strength and forbearance are also beyond the reach of ordinary people.

If you let the other party keep going.

Not only the Dawn Alliance will be directly controlled by it.

Even the surrounding alliances are likely to suffer annihilation.


The honorable name of the other party will one day be resounding in the whole world.

If there is a difference between geniuses.

Ning Qingcang was undoubtedly at the top.

Like this kind of heavenly chosen son, he was born with terrifying luck.


What Ning Qingcang met was the Lord God.

Under the power of the Lord God, the so-called genius vanished in an instant, turning into a gust of cursing in his ears. It seemed that only in this way could he be able to tell the resentment and anguish in the center.

And besides that...

In a position not far away, there is a planet hanging at this moment.

It is different from the fragments that shatter around and have no life at all.

That planet seems to have just been born.

Hot lava tumbled over the planet.

There is no land and no life.

It was a place that was still full of destructive aura.

And what makes Tomb of Mourning horrified is...

At this moment, the planet trembled from it.

It gave him the feeling that his closed eyes were opened.

next second.

An eye suddenly appeared in the vision of the mourning tomb.

He guessed right.

It was indeed an eye.

But at this time, his eyes were fixed on the body of the mourning tomb, there was reminiscence, there was confusion, and at the end, there was even a sense of familiarity after a long absence.

The tomb of mourning was stunned.

The opponent is God.

And give yourself a very familiar feeling.

Tomb of Mourning instinctively thought that he could recognize the other party.

But none of the authority emanating from the other party can resonate with the brain of the mourning grave.


"How strange!"

Obviously feel very familiar, but it seems to have changed a template, Mourning Tomb can't distinguish the true identity of the other party.

But one thing the tomb of mourning knows is...

During this time, the main god took in other evil gods.

Tomb of Mourning is now known as a follower of the evil god, there is one...

That is the corruption of the Lord of War.

But now, in the already fiercely competitive camp, a "newcomer" has been ushered in.

This undoubtedly made the tomb of mourning feel a sense of urgency.

Therefore, the tomb of mourning knelt on the ground and said with a humble expression:

"My lord, my humble servant offers you a tribute. 35

"I hope you are satisfied.

In front of the tomb of mourning, the master of machinery stood dumbfounded.

The roar from Ning Qingcang seemed to awaken the master of machinery who was sealed by layers of palms.

But at this moment, He couldn't move, and just relied on his eyes to scan the surroundings, observing everything.


run down.



The surrounding energy is full of negative will that even the gods can't imagine.

It seems that after staying here for a long time, the Lord of Machines will become more and more crazy because of the god's descent into the world, and the somewhat broken brain.

And these madness seemed to open a new door for Him.

Reason has completely turned into a state of nothingness.

Many studies that were usually suppressed by reason, at this moment, were all displayed in front of the Machine Lord.

Tentacles, steel, twisted, mechanical.

If it is said, the Lord of Machines has a skill tree of his own in his heart.

Then thousands, tens of thousands of years.

The Lord of Machines kept protecting the fruits on the skill tree.

But now, it's just a dozen seconds, or even shorter mental pollution.

The skill tree of the Master of Machines was crooked.

Crazy people are far more terrifying than normal people.

Because you never know what the other party will do next.

And now...

The Lord of Machines is undoubtedly facing this situation.

A deranged deity is obviously dozens or even hundreds of times more terrifying than a rational deity.

The Master of Machines clearly knows that these research results, which have been embodied because of corrosion, will come out.

Not just a certain force.

But a civilization and a planet may be destroyed because of this.

that's it.

In the whirlpool of reason and madness, the machine master gradually lost himself.

He no longer panics, where he has come.

Instead, he is completely immersed in the research of the brain.

Chen Feng was a little annoyed.

What sacrifice?

what my god?

What humility?

Are these important?

Is it important to sleep?

Do you really not look at the time when calling someone else?

Carrying this slight anger, Chen Feng clapped aside with one hand.

If you get up, the gas level is.

Just lying down, being woken up is undoubtedly at the highest level.


Chen Feng was a little annoyed, but when he patted it, it happened to be on a planet without any life.


A sudden sound.

The planet was completely shattered.

This kind of collapse is not a fragmentation in the conventional sense.

But annihilation, completely disappeared in the universe.

Whether it was the mourning tomb, the lunar eclipse hanging on the side, and the evil gods hiding in the corner, they were all terrified by the scene in front of them.

Especially those hidden evil gods.

Getting bored!

Why are there always these unrepentant guys who want to affect the sleep of the Lord God!

Is it bad to live?

Why do you want to die?

These evil gods were furious.

It has always been so.

Can't get away if you die?

Always leave a mess for them to clean up.

Although immortal.

Weird twist.

But they also have their own consciousness.

Anger flooded the soul.

They looked at each other a few times, and they all saw a look of broken jars.

All are believers of the Lord God.

Blessings are the same, and difficulties are the same.

Thinking of this...

Countless pus-filled arms broke through the space restrictions and descended into the shop.

Indiscriminate attachment, did not let go of a living hole in the room.

Everything happened too suddenly.

So much so that Black Goat Cub, Nameless Mist, and Zatoguya didn't react, so they were captured and brought into the barren universe.

And besides that...

Mu You and Travel Cube were not spared.

The grief doll hid in a narrow corner, not even daring to take a breath.

Each of these suddenly appeared arms exudes a powerful will.


An arm represents a deity.

Then these arms represent hundreds of terrifying gods.

The grief doll was completely frightened.

It was even a little fortunate that it was thrown into the corner.

"Isn't it found?"

After dozens of seconds of dead silence, the Doll of Calamity couldn't help but turn his head and look aside.

But as soon as he turned his head, the eyes of the Doll of Disaster and Resentment on his face showed an extremely anthropomorphic look.

But he saw a palm beside him.

And in the palm of his hand, there is an open eye.

There are very few black pupils in the eyes.

Strange appearance, even the disaster doll felt a myocardial infarction.

The disaster doll forced the corners of his mouth and tried to say hello to the other party.

But the owner of the arm didn't give the Doll of Calamity the slightest chance.

The palm of the hand grabbed it and directly buckled it on the head of the disaster doll.

"What are you doing!""

Before the Doll of Calamity could finish speaking, he was directly dragged into the barren universe.

Fallen rot heard the movement, and put his head on the door and looked around again.

But who would have thought that a suction force was suddenly attached to the fallen body.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Convenience is also included.

At this moment, all the villains gather.

The camouflage originally attached to the body was corroded in the face of absolute darkness.

The black goat cub turned into a terrifying tree with swaying tentacles.

A nameless fog hangs in the air, and hundreds of faces are constantly changing their postures in the fog.

Satoguya also changed from a lucky cat to a monster made up of different creatures.

The corruption suddenly transformed into a three-headed giant dog with a will to destroy.

The phantom spirits of the Traveling Rubik's Cube and the Level 0 Sealed Artifacts of the Doll of Calamity also appeared on the spot.

It's just that, with their humble strength, they are only worthy of standing in the corner with Mu You.

Big party.

Mu You was even more frightened and trembling, unable to bear it.

Look around.

The weakest ones around are all Level 0 Sealed Artifacts.

And oneself, the strength of the epic realm is here...

Nothing counts.

The employees in the store were all at a loss for a while.

But soon, the four evil god brothers reacted.

They looked in front of them.

The figure that was sleeping in the darkness actually slowly stood up.

The stalwart level of the other party has long exceeded the vocabulary descriptions that exist in the world.

There is no fixed figure.

Instead, the entire world is directly included in it.

At the position of the pupil, there are two terrifying pupils that are comparable to the eyes of hell.

Every second, every moment, every moment, life is annihilated in it, reborn, and it goes on and on.

In His eyes, life blooms and perishes.

while sleeping.

Countless lives have proliferated as a result.

And when the other party wakes up.

The creatures in the eyes, like insects sprayed with pesticides, died tragically one by one.

for a short time.

A world is destroyed because of this.

Whether it is the black goat cub, the lord of the mourning grave, or the lord of the restricted machinery.

Still at the lowest level of strength are Mu You, Disaster Doll and Traveling Rubik's Cube.

All of them obediently closed their mouths at this moment, staring blankly at everything in front of them.

No doubt they were stunned.

And the initiator of all this, the Lord of the Tomb of Mourning, was even more frightened to the extreme.

He swears.

Since becoming a god, he has never encountered such a fatal deterrence.

He simply wants to make a tribute to the Lord God!

Who would have thought...

What caused such a big fight?

The Lord of the Tomb of Mourning now has the desire to destroy it in place.

Without exception.

Whether it's the Heretic God, a Sealed Artifact, or an epic powerhouse like Mu You.

They all knelt on the ground, showing humility and respect to the Lord God in front of them.

And just when countless evil gods dare not breathe.

There was a layer of red light on Satogua's heart.

At this moment, the always lazy Satoguya was surprisingly fast, and instantly covered the red glow with his palm.


Because he was too nervous, Zatoguya forgot that a believer had just performed a blood sacrifice for himself.

You can eat the offerings while squatting.

This is the life motto of Zatoguya.

He has no sense in rejecting this delicious meal delivered to your door.

But now...

In the universe where the Lord God is sleeping.

Just under the gaze of hundreds of collapsed and mad Evil Gods.

Just when the store employees were panicking, the red glow in Zatoguya's heart...

All of a sudden it became the target of 317 targets.

The eyes of all the gods were focused on Zatoguya.

This Evil God, who was lazy, even had to send meals to him, cold sweat dripped down his forehead instantly at this time.

Zatogua wanted to refuse the blood sacrifice, but it was too late.

In this way, accompanied by a strong bloody smell blooming around.

A figure glowing with white light slowly appeared.

The food was right in front of him, but Satogua was well-behaved like a good student.

Don't dare to move.

Mia completes the blood sacrifice.

At this time, she finally got her wish to see the gods that the tribe worshipped and believed in for countless years.

Mia never forgets her mission.

She wants to find justice for the Tianyi tribe.

I also want to avenge the deceased clansmen!

And getting the support of the gods is Mia's only hope.

Therefore, as early as the time of sacrifice, Mia had already prepared for the worst.

Even if she sacrificed her own soul, she would not hesitate.

And just when Mia was ready to speak and ask for help...

However, he saw that the god who had been worshipped by the Tianyi tribe for generations actually knelt on the ground with both knees.

"No...don't be so polite, right?

Mia was completely dumbfounded. This scene made her feel that she was in an illusion.

I didn't admit I was wrong.

A combination of sloth and bat.

The whole body is covered with dense hair.

But his face was not as lazy as in the statue.

Rather, there is a sense of sight that is extremely panicked.

As if he had made some kind of mistake, he seemed extremely restless.

But even so, the opponent's strength is still vast and terrifying.

Mia couldn't understand, what exactly was such a terrifying god afraid of?


Although Mia felt strange, she couldn't help but want to call each other out of instinct.

"I really want to sleep. 39

Ke Mia just opened her mouth, but she heard strangely...

A terrifying murmur came from the side.

Those harsh ravings made Mia almost fall to the ground.

She could be sure that this was not allegiance to the gods, the voice of Zatoguya.

So, is there any other life around here?

Satoguya's body was so terrifying that just now, he occupied all Mia's eyes.

But now it's different.

Mia looked around in panic.

But at this moment, countless twisted faces wrapped her layer by layer.

Most of the energy auras of these strange beings are similar to the gods that the Tianyi tribe is loyal to.

what does that mean?

The people who were paying attention to him just now turned out to be a group of ancient gods with terrifying strength.

At this moment, Mia felt that a crack appeared in her soul, as if it was about to crack immediately.

"Where did you come to?"

"Why are there so many gods here?"

Mia's consciousness stopped beating.

Because she discovered something even more terrifying.

That is...

No matter how terrifying these evil gods were, they all knelt on the ground.

And the direction the other party knelt down was the position behind Mia.

An indescribable fear welled up in his heart.

How terrifying is the strength of an existence that can be worshipped by countless evil gods?

Just thinking about it up close made Mia a little dizzy.

Look straight?

Mia didn't have the guts at all.

She just knelt on the ground and lowered her head to the extreme.

This is powerlessness to some extreme performance.

If this is a nightmare.

She wished to wake up earlier.

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