Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 121 Holy Laziness, the 4 vassal summoning!

"Xiwen, you and I are married, how did you come to this point?"

"I, Yue Hongyi, treat you well, why are you..."

"How can you run away with the whole family and take my daughter away?"

"That's all, what are you talking about now? Find a new godfather for the child?!

"Are you going to piss me off?"

In the empty villa, there was a man's grief-stricken voice.

Yue Hongyi came back from a business trip with gifts for his wife and children in his hand.

But who would have thought...

He was originally excited, but after pushing the door, he found that the entire villa was empty.

Guards, servants, wives, and children all disappeared without a trace.

Yue Hongyi thought that the enemy's family would take revenge, and his face instantly turned pale with fright.

But at this moment, he found a letter left by his wife.

Words are normal.

Clear thoughts.

The wife in the letter just said to take the children out to relax.

But what if the guards and servants were taken away?

Doubtful, follow the phone number left by the other party and call.

But what his wife said next made Yue Hongyi, a legendary peak powerhouse, immediately stunned.

His wife went to Lingzhou City, a hundred miles away.

Not only choose to settle there.


Have you found a godfather for your child?

Online dating?

pen pal?

Or was it premeditated?

Yue Hongyi, who was only one step away from being promoted to the epic realm, only felt that his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

as an extraordinary.

He has always had a strange feeling about his own children.

He couldn't tell, he just felt a little weird.

But no matter what, the other party is his own flesh and blood.

He has to take on the duties of a father.

And the wife...

Even more generous.

When you go out to work on your own business, the other party is at home with her husband and children.

The two have been married for so long, and they haven't even quarreled a few times.

But who would have thought...

The wife did such a thing.

For a time, Yue Hongyi was furious, and he lost the slightest sense of reason.

And right on the phone, a gentle female voice came:

"Hongyi, I don't know how to explain this to you."

"If I said, come and live with us, would you?"

The woman seemed to have anticipated all this and was trying her best to remain calm.

For Yue Hongyi, this sentence is comparable to a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

He only felt a pain in his chest, and almost a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Yue Hongyi firmly held the microphone, gritted his teeth, and said word by word:

"You asked me to come and live with you?"

"Who do you take me, Yue Hongyi!


"Wait, I'll go to Lingzhou now!

"I want to get this breath back myself!"

"Drip drip..."

There was the sound of a disconnected message on the phone.

Li Xiwen sighed and wanted to dial back, but it was clear that he couldn't explain it to Ben on the phone.

He can only let him see with his own eyes the current state of his daughter.

The other party can wake up.


Li Xiwen looked at the baby sitting next to him who was sneering, and said distressedly:

"You need to keep him safe."

The lunar eclipse slammed its small mouth, and the milky voice sounded in Li Xiwen's ears:

"It's not my business?""

"He's your dad.""

Lunar Eclipse:

It is justifiable and cannot be refuted at all.

"Cut. 35

In the end, the lunar eclipse was defeated, and he closed his eyes again, and seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

as an unbeliever.

In a short period of time, Li Xiwen actually believed in two gods, which was something she did not expect.

as ordinary people.

Li Xiwen also fell asleep.

There, she saw the figure that controlled the darkness.

Without any hesitation, she abandoned her belief in lunar eclipse.

The awakened Li Xiwen turned into another mad believer of the evil god.

Life experiences, ups and downs.

It was really hard for Li Xiwen to describe the mood at the moment.

She just hoped that her husband could stay sane.

after all……

The level of danger here is no less than the hell that ordinary people understand.


In the villa, there was a man's aggrieved cry.

Yue Hongyi was crying at this moment.

Where is there a trace of the arrogance of the legendary peak powerhouse.

This is too bullying!

The daughter-in-law ran away with the child, turned around and recognized a godfather.

It is not uncommon for a marriage to be discordant or to separate.

But just now...

The wife actually wanted to live with them in the past.

Yue Hongyi is patient, patient, and patient.

I can't stand it anymore...

"Wow" and cried.

In the villa, Yue Hongyi wiped away tears, gritted his teeth and said:


"It can't be left like this!"

"Ah. 35

"Is anyone thinking of me? 35

Chen Feng rubbed his nose, looked at the scattered leaves outside, and said:

"Winter is coming. 99

That's what the weather in the north is like.

It was just the beginning of winter yesterday.

After eating the dumplings, the weather turned straight down.

"A year is almost gone. 99

different than usual.

During this year, Chen Feng became a Cthulhu.

And there are many vassals.

Black goat cub.

Deep diver.

Nameless Mist.

Although they are a pot of flowers, ugly fish and cigarettes.

But Chen Feng still never disliked each other.

After all, in that room, they were the first companions to accompany them.

And he also spent a dark day with himself.

Chen Feng took a deep breath.


The transformation has been completely completed.

[Code Name: Primal Chaos]

【Believers: 5】

[Reserve believers: 350,000]

【Subordinate: 3】

[Number of Summons: 0] (Cooldown 62 days)

[Divine Reserve: 100] (belief conversion, can be summoned)

[The prototype of the temple: Lingzhou]

Compared to the simple template I saw for the first time.

The attribute template that appeared in front of Chen Feng at this time was luxurious.


He has taken the entire city and everyone in the city for himself.

Even Lingzhou, who has lived for more than 20 years, has become his own wealth.

"So...the dreams that I thought were real, didn't they?

"A world of puppets."

"Like the bones of a hundred-meter giant."

"And this time, those little ants who died in their own hands. 35

"No, they're not little ants.

"They are extraordinary people, powerful terrifying warriors that ordinary people need to look up to."

Chen Feng thought that he should be a little surprised after knowing all this.

Surprised by his own strength.

Surprised to have everything unknowingly.

Surprised that what died in his hands was not the nothingness of the dream, but a real person, or...

A real God!

If I remember correctly.

He even destroyed many worlds.

He is an executioner himself.

The living beings who died in their own hands were already in an incalculable number.

But certainly, much more than the so-called reserve believers.

Should you be guilty?

It seems like it should.


Chen Feng was still very calm.

Even a little tired, want to sleep well.

At the moment of becoming the evil god, Chen Feng's will has undergone an unimaginable transformation.


This is the supreme existence above mortals.

Sitting on the cloud, overlooking everything.

There is no sorrow or joy, and naturally there is no so-called guilt and apology.

The only difference is that Chen Feng began to face up to his own strength.

He clenched his fists, feeling the tension in his palms.

Immediately, Chen Feng looked at Mu You who was wiping the desktop:

"Am I strong?

From the moment the eyes are locked.

Mu You felt that his body was extremely cold.

At this time, Chen Feng's questioning in person made her legs almost sore and she knelt on the ground.

at this moment.

Many gorgeous sentences flashed through Mu You's mind.

Destruction and decay, invincible, vast terror, and so on.

But when the words came to his lips, Mu You lost the courage to praise the other party.

Mu You nodded, his voice weak:


Chen Feng's attention was once again on his fist:

"Is this something that even the maids of grocery shopping know? 35

"So, with such strength, what should I do?

"Expand territory?"

"Recruiting believers? 39

"Or should I do something that fits the identity of the evil god, such as destroying the world?

Chen Feng lowered his head and thought seriously about future plans.

But soon, he abandoned many ideas in disinterest.

Is it uncomfortable to sleep?

Or is the game not fun?

What does it mean to destroy the world?

Anyway, similar to this kind of thing, other evil gods are working hard and trying every moment.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng had his own idea.

That is to keep lying flat.

[Number of Summons: 0] (Cooldown 62 days)

[Divine Reserve: 105] (belief conversion, can be summoned)

Chen Feng looked at the properties panel again.

"Sure enough, compared to the previous month of summoning the Nameless Mist, the time has now tripled to three months."

More than ten days have passed since the summoning of the Nameless Mist.

And now, if you want to summon the next affiliate, you will undoubtedly have to wait more than 60 days.


The divine reserve has increased.

"Conversion of Faith?

Chen Feng saw the keyword.

Those beliefs undoubtedly came from the so-called reserve believers.

But a total of 350,000 people gathered in the faith, and only 105 points of divinity were tempered?

Sure enough, it's not the usual stuff.

"I just don't know, what kind of surprises will the vassals condensed with the beliefs of hundreds of thousands of people bring me?

The grocery store is about to welcome a new member.

Immediately, Chen Feng whispered:


A deep crack appeared out of thin air.

There was an air of incomparable depravity in it.

Accompanied by decay and tragic, under the illumination of such dark energy, the temperature in the entire room began to drop.

Outside the door, a dog's head was lying on the window.

【Summoning ceremony?】

【Without offerings?】

"He is the Lord God, of course not!

Fallen Corruption answers for two stupid consciousnesses.


Some kind of terrifying summoning ritual was going on in the room.

The evil will radiated from it, even made the corrupted feel a trace of fear.

well known.

A summoning of this level requires a large amount of sacrifices as a supply.

Otherwise, the caster may suffer bad luck.

And in front of him, the energy emanating from the house.

It is very similar to the Fallen Corruption.

what does that mean?

The other party is calling the gods again!

The Fallen has seen the Black Goat Cubs and the power of the Nameless Mist.

Knowing that the other party, like himself, are all evil gods.

However, the strength of them who came to the world was also cut by half.

Only one percent, or even one thousandth, remains.


Summoning the gods, when has it been so simple?

There are no sacrifices.

In a house full of groceries, several terrifying beings were summoned one after another.

And the most outrageous thing is...

Each of these evil gods is so impatient.

Seems to be selected, what an honor to please.

Stupid and stupid.

At this moment, I just feel that the few brain cells are rapidly oxidized.

The three consciousnesses, at this time, have been adjusted to a frequency for the first time:

"It's too exciting!"

The temperature in the house dropped rapidly.

next second.

A shrunken arm stretched out from the crack.


At this moment, a panicked voice came from the side.

Chen Feng turned to look, only to see Mu You covering her mouth with her hand, looking terrified.

"Too happy to forget she's still here.

Chen Feng calmly surveyed Mu You in front of him.

She was terrified in front of herself.

But it couldn't hide the scarlet brilliance entrenched above his head.

in it.

Countless evil spirits wailed continuously.

The creatures who died in the opponent's hands were also an astonishing number.

Facing his own strength, Chen Feng saw many scenes that he usually deliberately blocked.


Those monsters on the shelves.

and also……

Your own little maid or a killing spree?

"Are you going to fire him?

"Forget it, ten yuan a day's wages are hard to find such careful employees.

the most important point is.

Criminals have difficulty finding formal jobs.

Such people, no matter where they go to work, are generally paid less than normal people.

Therefore, Mu You's salary has been capped.

"There will be no need to raise wages in the future.

Chen Feng can be a black-hearted boss with peace of mind, and there is no psychological burden at all.

As for Mu You, at this moment, his heart was filled with unimaginable terrifying shocks.

Mu You is clear.

Black Goat Cubs and Nameless Mist will never appear out of thin air.

It's just, how the other party came to this world, Mu You has no idea at all.

And now...

The Lord God solved the mystery in her heart.

These gods are all summoned in this world.

But what Mu You can't understand is...

Why is there no sacrifice in the summoning ceremony?

But thinking of this, Mu You was completely frightened.

Who said there are no sacrifices?

Don't you just stand here?

Mu You was terrified and felt that his heart was about to jump out.

"Could it be... that my previous answer caused the Lord God to be displeased?"

"Otherwise, why would you summon me in front of me this time?"

"I...I am a sacrifice!

As a believer of the Heretic God, Mu You knows the steps of the summoning ceremony too well!

Thinking of this, Mu You cried.

Too scared, a tear rolled down his cheek.

Her mouth trembled:


Chen Feng waved his hand:

"Don't look kid, turn around.

Mu You was like a puppet, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, but still slowly turned towards the wall in horror.

She seemed to have thought of a terrible picture.

The moment he turned around, a terrifying figure would completely engulf him.

It's not just Mu You who is afraid.

The travel cube crawling on the shelf has been crowded into the corner.

no doubt.

Its butt rested on the Wrath doll's head again.

The latter didn't know whether he was afraid of being beaten or lost consciousness. At this time, the puppet's face just kept a stiff smile.

It is conceivable to be able to scare a level 0 Sealed Artifact into this appearance...

At this time, how terrifying the vassal strength is!

Heavy footsteps sounded in the room.

This is an extremely bloated figure.

It's very stocky and potbellied, like a toad, not a terrifying vassal.

The whole body is covered with fur.

It gives a vague feeling, like a combination of a bat and a sloth.

The only thing that made Chen Feng feel cordial was that the other party was much more sleepy than he seemed.

Its drowsy eyelids drooped halfway, and its bizarre tongue was lowered to the corners of its mouth.

Looking at Chen Feng at this time, the obscure and harsh ravings converged into two words:

"My lord.



"Congratulations to the host for getting a vassal.



"Congratulations to the host for extracting the vassal, Zatoguya.

"Scan around for the right carrier.

"Looking for success, the carrier is characterized as a lucky cat."5

Chen Feng looked at the lucky cat placed at the door.

A piece of porcelain, a symbol of wealth, has undergone an unimaginable sudden change at this time.

It's like a lump of unshaped silt.

I can't find my true body shape.

I don't know how long it took, the other party was stereotyped into what Chen Feng had seen before.

A terrifying creature created by the merger of toad, bat, and sloth genes.

Just a glance is disgusting.

It is filthy and unclean, and it is infinitely vast.

Horror, hatred and evil beyond the comprehension of human beings!


[Identity: Dependent]

[Parasitic Talent: Holy Laziness]

[Satoguya's temperament is very lazy, and he is always in a "sacred laziness", never moving, waiting for the sacrifice to appear. 】

[Believers from thousands of planes will offer sacrifices to them every once in a while. 】

310 [Current number of sacrifices: 0]

Chen Feng smacked his lips, feeling that his family members were really getting more and more promising.

Parasitic Lucky Cat.

So the acquired talent is similar to the ability to get something for nothing?

Holy laziness?

Seeing the other party's appearance, a picture immediately appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

In ice and snow.

A ragged beggar crouched at the foot of the wall with a broken bowl.

I don't want to give, I want to gain.

Isn't this what you want to eat?

And, is it still so arrogant?!

Chen Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself:

"The black goat cub that eats fertilizer, the deep diver that reproduces infinitely, the nameless fog that never goes out, and this..."

"Holy Fallen Zatogua."

"Well, it's all talent. 35

"They are all top talents!

Maple Leaf City.

This is a second-tier city in the Dawnbreaker Alliance.

Even at noon, it was still hazy and thick clouds rolled.

It seems that the heavens and the earth are filled in the fog, flickering and dark, and it is impossible to see the real thing.

"This weather is really weird. The sky was so clear yesterday, how could it be like this today?"

"Okay, stick with it for another hour, and it's time to change shifts.

"After get off work in a while, do you want to go to my place for a drink? I got something good, it's very nourishing.

"Hey...take me one.""

In a corner of the city wall, several guards were talking.

But just when they were looking forward to being able to go home and rest as soon as possible.


Suddenly there was a slight tremor on the ground.

It's like someone is beating a drum.

In less than a few seconds, the vibration became more and more intense, like a thousand horses galloping, causing everyone to be distracted.


This is not uncommon.

After all, it is the wasteland of the apocalypse now, because of the particularity of energy, even the natural elements are undergoing some kind of qualitative change.

But unlike before, this time there was no sign of the earthquake.

At this moment, an extraordinary person who is good at observing from a distance suddenly trembled and stretched out his hand to point forward:


"There... there seems to be someone!

The crowd looked forward.

However, in the mist, many figures appeared vaguely.

They are like people.

But it's more like a monster pieced together by machines.

Steel arms, alloy legs, and scarlet electronic eyes.

The so-called earthquake is nothing but the frequency vibration generated by the opponent trampling on the ground!

And at the front of the crowd.

It was a terrifying figure sitting atop an eerie, terrifying vehicle.

The other party seems to be assembled entirely by machinery!

Apart from the general appearance, the other party and human beings no longer have the slightest relationship.

But it was this existence that gave everyone an unimaginable heart shock.

A word came to mind.


The convenience is the kind recorded in ancient books.

The terrible emperor who suppressed the Eight Wastelands!

The faces of the guards all turned pale.

Everything came so suddenly, they only felt that their hands and feet were a little cold.

After a while, someone reacted and shouted loudly:

"Raise the alarm!

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Immediately afterwards, an urgent alarm sounded over Maple Leaf City.

Ning Qingcang, who was sitting at the top of the chariot, didn't have the slightest wave in his heart. He just stood up slowly, raised his right arm, and swung forward fiercely:

"There are no ghosts and gods among the stars, no supernatural phenomena, and no extraordinary powers."

"Yes, it's just a mechanical force that surpasses flesh and blood.

"What we have to do is to destroy all the tragic creatures who try to infect this land with their filthy flesh and blood."

"Now, let them see what real strength is."

"Our soldiers.

"Let's attack!""


The legion that was like a torrent of steel, under the order of Ning Qingcang, rushed towards the Maple Leaf City in front of him with incomparable enthusiasm.

beginning of winter.

the next day.

The steel legion from the night city has completely stepped into the world!

The disaster that belongs to mankind has come!

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