CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 365 Gold is more valuable than diamonds!

"Congratulations to Little Bee, for winning this game with a score of 16:10." Leon Kai's tone was a bit complicated when he celebrated Little Bee.

He is Xu Beifang's friend personally, and he definitely hopes that Xu Beifang can go further. But he has also been a fan of faze for many years.

Therefore, no matter what the outcome of this confrontation between the palms and the backs of hands, he would not be in a particularly good mood.

But after thinking about it, faze finally performed well in this game, although he struggled very much on defense in the second half.

But in the first half, as the offensive side, Niko and Dayushen performed very well, and they were able to play back and forth with Xu Beifang in the outfield.

He has seen everything he wanted to see.

He felt relieved again, and even congratulated Little Bee more enthusiastically.

"To be honest, there is nothing surprising about this result. It's just that Faze's performance in the first half gave fans a lot of expectations." Leonkai concluded, "But there is really nothing to say. The overall performance of Little Bee is better."

"Xiao Xu's presence is as strong as ever. From the first half of the pistol round, his presence is very strong. Moreover, the other members of the Little Bees also played very well. No one was defeated. In this case, there is no reason to lose."

After sighing at Faze's state, Leonkai looked at Little Bee again.

Because of the exaggerated form of the Bees in recent months, everyone in the Berlin Major believed that the Bees had the potential to win the championship.

In the first game of the legendary group, the Little Bees also showed their form, crushing g2 with a big score. However, g2 did not provide effective countermeasures, and the state was not very good, and did not put the due pressure.

But today, Faze was facing both positive pressure and proper targeting.

But people with a discerning eye can still see the differences in details between the two teams.

Little Bee can always find opportunities to break the game, but Faze seems to be more tormented.

Especially Xu Beifang, the methods he displayed in confrontation were even more amazing.

Leonkai looked at Xu Beifang in the camera and sighed.

The guy who used to practice shooting randomly with netizens now has the strength to reach the top of CSGO.

Xu Beifang took off his headphones and could hear his teammates shouting excitedly.

"Galactic Battleship?? Please call me Shipbreaker!" Shox looked very excited after winning the 1v3 endgame at Match Point.

Although he usually keeps shouting about who is willing to be cunning if he can lay down, but in fact it is because the two eldest brothers in the team are too cunning, and many times he does not have a chance to fight in the end game.

I have always been in the atmosphere team, and occasionally I work hard to carry a wave and enjoy the adrenaline rush. It is quite good.

"It's really a good fight. Niko didn't expect you to touch his back at that time." Xu Beifang praised, "If you had given him another blow at that time, his mentality would have exploded."

When shox is in good shape, his endgame ideas are really good. He can always find some weird routes to put himself in the fog of the opponent's map.

Then use experience, information processing and even intuition to win the endgame.

Xu Beifang was much more straightforward in the end game. He killed people first and let the opponent reduce their numbers.

shox hugged Xu Beifang. He was in a very high mood now and took the initiative to say: "Actually, you have a better idea for solving the problem in the pistol game in the second half."

"What do you say?" Xu Beifang listened attentively. This thing has always been his weak point.

Although I recently got a copy of Endgame, this kind of improvement still requires a lot of time. Sometimes the Endgame Master can provide him with a lot of help with just one sentence.

"The Rain God was in the control room at the time, and you were at the pillar at point B, and you were probably able to determine that Niko was at point A. I understand this correctly."

Xu Beifang nodded: "I understand this information."

After all, the Rain God came out the second time. If Niko was also down there, he would have come out to replenish the gun.

"There will be no problem with your first few shots, but if you find out later that he is acting as a hook, you can go to Niko and kill Niko first. That way it will be a 1v1 head-on, destroying their layout first."

When Xu Beifang heard what Shox said, he also reacted at this time.

At that endgame, he was thinking that he was going to be surrounded by the opponent, and he had to deal with the rain god on the outside first.

So there is still a small problem with the idea. The information processing is slow. Otherwise, it will be easier to win this endgame by killing Niko first, and then going to the front to use the door to pull the Rain God.

"I learned it." Xu Beifang nodded. Shox's ideas were still top-notch, but his marksmanship could not support his ideas, making his endgame performance not as strong as before.

Then he turned to look at Jackz: "Brother, let's not talk anymore. I'll treat you to dinner later. Today, your spear was fully loaded for me, and I directly suppressed it with one hand of firepower from the other side."

jackz smiled: "It doesn't matter, as long as you can win."

In fact, he was a little uncomfortable playing today. After all, he used to be a more aggressive gun man, but now everything has to be considered for the team, and the overall thinking mode needs to change.

Xu Beifang saw jackz's concerns: "If you have enough money, you can also take the initiative to fight with the opponent in the end game. What you need to understand is that you are protecting your gun because of the needs of the team, not because you can't deal with it. Keep your gun on the other side."

Changing one's thinking is a very painful thing, which is why gun men's marksmanship will decline a lot after transitioning to a commander, because many of their playing methods are based on teamwork.

Then I lost confidence as I continued to fight.

Jackz is quite qualified as a first-line shooter. Xu Beifang doesn't want his confidence to be destroyed because of this style of play.

Apex came over and put his hands on both of their shoulders, "Okay, let's go back and do the review after the game. It's almost time to shake hands with Faze."

As everyone in Little Bee stood up and started walking towards the stage, the director's camera also showed the Faze player seat.

Everyone's expressions on faze were obviously not good.

Although they knew there was a gap in strength in this bo1, they always had some expectations in their hearts. As the offensive side, they scored 6 points in the first half, which proved that they had the strength to defeat the Little Bees.

But the poor performance in the second half still dashed these ideas.

However, they can still accept it. Thanks to the excellent performance of the Rain God in the first round, they won a victory in the legendary group. Now they have lost to the Little Bee, and the record is only 1-1.

As long as they win two of the next three games, they still have a chance to advance to the championship group and enjoy the cheers of the audience on the big stage of Mercedes-Benz.

However, none of the teams entering the legendary group is a weak team, and the next game will not go smoothly.

But there was still a possibility of qualifying, and with the psychological expectation of losing in this game, they still managed to deal with their emotions when they looked at the members of the Little Bee walking towards them.

The moment Niko saw Xu Beifei approaching, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then punched Xu Beifei in the chest.

"Ouch, what are you doing~" Xu Beifang was suddenly attacked, and Xu Beifang was very puzzled.

Niko gritted his teeth and said, "You're the one playing with the stun gun, right?"

The originally bad mood of several other members of Faze were diluted by Niko's words, and now they couldn't help but want to laugh.

Because of the relationship between Xu Beifang and Niko, the two teams have a good relationship.

But they didn't expect that Xu Beifang would be able to pull out a stun gun in a major. You know, this is a major stage!

In case the stun gun fails to shock anyone, they can already imagine various rhythms on the Internet.

"Who stipulates that you can't play stun guns in professional competitions?" Xu Beifang shrugged, then laughed and mocked, "Do you understand CSGO? You just have to practice a lot to understand it!"

Niko was very angry, but there was really nothing he could do against Xu Beifang.

Because he also played with a stun gun, but not only failed to get the kill, but he was killed by Xu Beifang.

The use of stun guns in professional competitions is still very small, but for 200 yuan and the almost sure-kill attribute, this firearm can generate very high profits under certain circumstances.

But if Niko suddenly takes it out like this, the effect will definitely not be very good. After all, Xu Beifang has been specially trained.

While thinking, Xu Beifang walked to the Rain God.

The two muscular men hugged each other, and the scene was a bit gay.

Rain God was the first to speak: "You played really well in the outfield today. We couldn't beat you several times when we faced guns directly. It seems that I will study your video when I go back."

Today's Nuclear Crisis is not considered a strong map for Faze, but Rain God's proficiency in this map is still quite high.

In 2017 and 2018, he and Niko knocked down countless teams in the outfield of this map.

But today, when the two of them joined forces, they just barely gained an advantage over Xu Beifang. There were even many rounds where the two of them were knocked over by Xu Beifang.

"Another talented boy is rising." The Rain God couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this, Xu Beifang was speechless: "Is there anyone more talented than you?"

Rain God has been firmly established on the first-line stage for several years and is well known by major csgo players.

Xu Beifang has only been on the professional stage for a year, and his game time is almost as long as Rain God.

He clearly understood that the lazy dog ​​in front of him was the real genius.

As long as this guy wants to work hard and start practicing guns for a while, players will see the galactic battleship start roaring again.

"But not everyone will be as diligent as you." The Rain God smiled.

He was convinced that he had never beaten Xu Beifang head-on.

This is not the first time he has played against Xu Beifei. Almost every time, he can feel the change in Xu Beifang's influence in the game.

But he was not jealous of Xu Beifang's change.

As one of the traffic stars in the industry, Xu Beifang's efforts have been recorded.

There is no entertainment life, no emotional pull. In addition to maintaining health and fitness, there is only csgo in life.

Yushen knew that he would never be able to work so hard in csgo, so he admired players like Xu Beifang more and more.

However, he and Niko still failed to completely kill Xu Beifang, which also aroused the rain god's competitive spirit.

"I will definitely be in better shape next time we play against each other."

"Then I'll start looking forward to it."

Xu Beifang replied with a smile.

After shaking hands with Faze after the game, Xu Beifang returned to the players' bench and started to pack his luggage and leave amid the cheers of pasha in the stands.

"We meet again!" Li Wenzhe, with his flowing hair, greeted Xu Beifang with a smile.

Xu Beifang was a little surprised: "Are you coming this time? Where is Joseph?"

"He is on the air in China, and we have all changed here." After answering, the bald man asked, "Do you have time now? I want to interview you and apex."

Xu Beifang communicated with apex for a while and then answered that it was okay.

It's outrageous to say that after the game, they had already returned to the hotel, but they bumped into Li Wenzhe in the elevator and was taken out for an interview.

Sure enough, the bald man's emotional intelligence was as little as his hair. Xu Beifang couldn't help but complain.

But Baldy finally came here, and they do have time now, so it makes no sense for Baldy to hit a wall like this.

The three of them found a seat and sat down.

They found a seat in the rest area of ​​the hotel. After getting ready, Li Wenzhe started the interview:

"First of all, congratulations to you for winning today's game. You successfully defeated Faze and successfully advanced to the 2-0 group. You only need to win one more Bo3 game and you can enter the quarterfinals. Now How are you feeling?"

Xu Beifang thought for a moment, and then replied in Chinese: "It feels pretty good to win the game, especially against Niko. To be honest, before the legendary group started, our entire team was a little uneasy. After all, Training and competition are two different things, but the final result was good and our performance in the competition was quite stable.”

Li Wenzhe turned to look at the phone, and then asked: "Sev, do you have anything to ask?"

Joseph, who was connected on the phone, thought for a moment and asked: "Northern, I mainly want to ask you. Your performance in the outfield in the first half today seemed to have lost your previous dominance. If you encounter this situation, , how will you adjust."

This question is quite acute. After all, in the first half of Nuke, it is true that he was suppressed by the opponent in several rounds.

Xu Beifang smiled: "This is actually quite normal. Niko and Rain God are both top outfield players. They have been fighting against me in the outfield and they play quite aggressively."

"Their outfield is not as chaotic as G2. There are still a lot of tricks overall. In this case, I must be more stressed to deal with it. In the mid-term, I was a little lost. After all, I was defeated by them several times in a row. For the first time, I didn’t know where to start, but I slowly regained my rhythm and confidence.”

Hearing this, Joseph also nodded with satisfaction. It is quite difficult for one person to suppress several people in the outfield. With the rhythm of the losing streak, it is normal for him to get lost.

"Then let me ask another question, has Beifang prepared this year's signature stamps?" Li Wenzhe said with a smile, "I have prepared the balance."

Xu Beifang smiled: "When I designed that print in the first half of the year, you should have known what I was going to do with this print."

It’s just that the printing design has been postponed this year. The coach said that it seems that the design will be unified after the legendary group competition.

So if you want to torture the designer, you have to wait.

"I hope there will be a day when I can see all the Chang'an flowers in one day. We also really want to see our players standing on that stage." Li Wenzhe said sincerely.

Then he turned to look at apex: "Last question, apex and we were in the pistol station and saw nice using a stun gun. Is this part of your tactics?"

Li Wenzhe's loose English was stumbling, but surprisingly Apex understood it.

This question was on point, and many viewers in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears and started to listen.

This kind of weird guns and tactics appeared in professional games, which really interested them.

The stun gun appears in professional games, just like the League of Legends next door selected Teemo. They really want to know what the brain circuit of Little Bee is.

When apex heard this, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Xu Beifang:

"This is not a tactic of ours at all, it's just a sudden rise from the North that wants to play. He said that, what can I do, I'm just a commander."

Apex spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Listening to Joseph's translation in the live broadcast room, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to flood the screen.

[I guess, what kind of team leader! 】

【This status is so enviable for Shushu】

【Just want to play haha】

【It’s just addictive】

[jw studied the northern demo overnight]

【Here comes the electric shock boy~】

"I just didn't expect that the stun gun he used was quite effective." Apex said with a smile, "It seems that I am planning to turn the stun gun into our common weapon in the future."

"If you think about it, during the offline competition, North used a stun gun to electrocute people, and the scene would be filled with excitement."

Li Wenzhe thought about that scene for a moment and found that he was really looking forward to it!

"Okay, thank you for accepting the interview." Li Wenzhe waved to Xu Beifang and the two, "I also hope you can enter the offline smoothly. I'm looking forward to the offline scene of you killing people with a stun gun in the North."

Xu Beifang waved his hand: "It depends on the situation then~"

The stun gun still depends on the specific situation. If you use it in every game, it will be meaningless.

A lot of things are like this, you have to catch them by surprise.

After bidding farewell to Li Wenzhe, Xu Beifang and Apex took the elevator back to their training room.

Different from yesterday's crushing game, the pressure of today's game was moderate, which still allowed them to see a lot of problems.

When the head coach xtqzzz saw everyone present, he also started a meeting to review the game.

As they reviewed, they found that neo had really targeted Xu Beifang a lot.

The props limit Xu Beifang's opportunities to shoot. Through tactical pull, Xu Beifang is allowed to run on the map, allowing several people to team up to confront Xu Beifang, and deal with him by quickly replenishing their guns...

There is nothing more famous than this.

The rise of Xu Beifang in Cologne has caused other first-line teams to put Xu Beifang under the microscope.

If it weren't for the Bees' proactive adjustments, their defense in the first half might have been even worse.

So they still have to make periodic modifications to their adjustments.

XTQZZZ pointed at Xu Beifang's position in the video with a laser pointer: "Northern here, you have to pay attention. Your forward pressing route in the outfield has been studied. You can see that every time NIKO and Rain God push forward, they will search for this. The location…then you have to figure out how to change the route a little bit.”

Every professional player will develop his own unique style of play when he reaches a certain level.

Therefore, CSGO professional players have basically become formulaic offense and defense after reaching a certain level.

It's just that the higher the level of professional players, the more formulaic content there is.

The opponent found this and used it to target Xu Beifang.

Xu Beifang only realized this and immediately nodded, explaining that he would change in the future.

"Then it's what we proposed before. In the north, you can be more flexible in position selection, cooperate with your teammates to defend, or directly go to K1 to lead the rhythm. These are all possible." apEX also said, "I need you to be more proactive to get information and then use it to process it.”

"The outfield is restricted, so taking the initiative to switch to other areas is also a good option."

Xu Beifang did not refute, but quietly absorbed the understanding of the conductor and coach.

This is true. Although he had previously proposed that he should run around the map more flexibly, this time he was fighting and getting a little bit ahead of himself, and he started to compete with Faze in the outfield.

apEX should have noticed his idea at that time, but did not raise it.

Now that I think about it, something is indeed wrong.

The follow-up review clarified some communication issues, and there were no major problems.

After all, Xu Beifang is the core of the team, and more problems revolve around him.

"In addition to the position selection issue in the north, the stun gun choice today is really good. We can consider using it once or twice from time to time in the future." apEX suggested. He felt that this thing could disgust the opponent's mentality. tactics.

Xu Beifang answered: "It cannot be used in every game. This kind of thing must be released from time to time to be effective."

Others can also understand this. After all, with a stun gun, only when the opponent is unprepared can he have a chance to shock someone at the corner. If the opponent is prepared, then he can directly pull it to a long distance for investigation. If the stun gun is empty, the follow-up will not be successful. I can only wait to die.

"Today's game did show us some problems, but the overall impact was not big. We will just make adjustments slowly in the future." After adjusting your play style, you still have to put it into actual combat, fight against it, and get feedback for adjustment.

"But the economic management ideas proposed by the North really worked." XTQZZZ became quite interested when talking about this.

In today's confrontation with Faze, Faze actually dominated them offensively in the first half.

But the economy saved by JackZ allows Little Bee to always have a spear to play with. Although Faze is on a winning streak, the economy just can't support it.

This led to Xu Beifang finding a wave of opportunities and turning them over directly, starting a continuous scoring rhythm.

"Today's hand is really a pity. It would be fun if Faze defeated Faze after saving up the economic hand."

"When there is time later, I think we can all use economic design tactics to fight in a targeted manner."

However, XTQZZZ just clicked on these contents and then announced that today's review training is over and everyone can move freely.

XTQZZZ's words seemed to be the sound of nature, so sweet at the moment.

"it is finally over!"

"No, I've already fainted, brothers."

"I'm going downstairs to eat. Is anyone going to come with me?"

"Together together, I'm almost starving to the point of becoming a male model."

I didn’t have dinner to begin with, and I had an interview after returning to the hotel. The review took more than an hour.

It's already time for midnight snacks.

Xu Beifang felt as if his chest was pressed to his back with hunger. Although the buffet restaurant in the competition group didn't taste very good, he didn't pursue anything in this situation. As long as he was full, it was enough.

A group of them came downstairs, but unexpectedly saw an old acquaintance.

"The Galactic Battleship is cooking!"

Listening to Xu Beifang's teasing, NIKO almost spat out a mouthful of rice.

Xu Beifang didn't care at all and sat across from NIKO with his resentful eyes.

"Why are you acting like a resentful woman? If you shock you once, you will remember it for the rest of your life, right?" Xu Beifang couldn't help complaining.

NEO smiled gently beside him: "Don't worry about him, he's not in a good mood these days."

Both parties were acquaintances and did not need any introduction. They started chatting very familiarly.

Olaf added next to him: "Understand, this guy was fucked by your old gay friend today, and then by his cousin. He was not in a good mood."

Xu Beifang's eyes widened instantly: "What's going on with you?"

NIKO just ate his meal in silence. He was a little depressed now.

Xu Beifang directly turned on his phone and browsed the forum.

[G2 destroyed my diamond coins, send them! 】

[How could Faze be defeated by G2! ! 】

[My cousin is so awesome, my younger brother can’t stand the pressure at all]

[Nexa’s gambling points also ruined Faze’s game. This guy is really a god of gambling. How can he succeed four times out of five times?]

[Can I say in advance that gold is the best value store now? 】

[Don’t be discouraged, there is still the last round, Faze still has hope of qualifying]

Xu Beifang took another brief look at the battle report of that game.

The Little Bees won the game and went directly to the hotel from the venue, but Faze, who lost the game, couldn't leave because they still had to play in the 1-1 group.

In the 1-1 group, they met G2.

G2 was very smart and finally locked the map in Lost City, although G2 was not very strong on this map.

But in the map of Lost City, every team has two brushes. As long as the gap is not too big, it is possible for anyone to win and lose.

Then, perhaps in order to avenge NIKO's rhythm, my cousin was very ruthless in this game, achieving a rating of 1.66, and there was even a wonderful 1V3 endgame in the process.

On his own strong map, NIKO, as the team's No. 1, only got a rating of 1.01, barely getting promoted.

There has been a lot of discussion about this game, because this game has affected many people's guessing work.

G2's victory has made the players' homework a bit confusing.

In the challenger group, there are many teams that choose G2 to qualify.

But after entering the legendary group, everyone is still willing to believe in teams with greater momentum such as Team A, Little Bee, NAVI, and Faze.

Many netizens have placed G2 among the 0-3 options.

Even players who are not that extreme just give up their choice of G2.

But who would have thought that G2 would give them a big job in the second round of the legendary group.

Directly smashed the Galaxy Battleship.

As a result, G2 is only one BO3 away from entering the championship group.

And if Faze doesn't win the BO3 tomorrow, he will leave directly.

"Are you upset? Is my cousin so fierce?" Xu Beifang said.

NEO shook his head: "Mainly because he was disgusted by Nexa's gambling style. He was in good condition and could bet on where we were. He couldn't beat the frontal attack at all. He spawned Hunter several times in a row. It feels good.”

"But this is the Major, and it's not just our team that was upset. Liquid was crushed by NRG today, and then Big Cousin and the others defeated NAVI. The entire legendary group's confrontation became confusing. .”

He ate his food and looked at Xu Beifang: "Now you and Team A are the only ones who are in a relatively stable state and have been winning."

"Oh, by the way, Liquid seems to have lost to VP again. They are now one game away from being eliminated."

After losing to G2, they came to the edge of being eliminated. At that moment, everyone in Faze wanted to kill each other.

But later I found out that even the liquid was one game away from being eliminated, and my mood improved inexplicably.

Even though it's unethical, it's nice to have someone to suffer with them in the lower bracket.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "This legendary group is in such a mess. It seems that gold will retain its value this year better than diamond coins."

Rain God shook his head: "It's better to think about yourself first, otherwise if the next BO3 is not played well, then the audience will complain that 'silver is more cost-effective than gold'."

Xu Beifang shook his head, although he was not worried about this happening.

But the chaotic situation in the Legend Group still made him feel some inexplicable tension.

Sure enough, this is the Major!

The confrontation between old and new legends, the crushing of strength, and constant upsets.

This is so interesting!

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