CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 301 Arriving at the top of the world!

In Sydney in May, the average temperature is around 20 degrees, which is a very comfortable temperature that allows everyone to start blooming flowers in this early spring and show off their own aesthetics.

Xu Beifang was wearing a denim jacket and black wide-leg trousers. After drinking and eating, he looked very lazy.

The finals of IEM Sydney officially ended last night. The tense mood that had been tense since entering the schedule seemed to relax in this atmosphere.

He was actually still a little confused.

After defeating Liquid 3-0 last night and winning the cup, everyone in Little Bee was very happy, so they were thinking about going somewhere to have a drink to celebrate.

No one knows nightclubs better than NIKO.

Xu Beifang asked about the address of NIKO nightclub, and Rain God came over and took them to a good nightclub nearby. Then they partyed all night, completely releasing the pressure at this moment.

Although it has the name of CSGO Succubus.

But the nightclub is not Xu Beifang's home venue. shox and apEX danced wildly in the nightclub, making the atmosphere heated.

However, Xu Beifang, who acted abnormally, was still drunk by Faze and a bunch of old men. He has forgotten how he went back to the hotel.

It was already noon when I woke up, and I was pulled over by my teammates for lunch.

After lunch, the vacation had already begun. The bald coach and Dou talked and walked to eat, while taking a good look at the scenery of Sydney.

The game was over, and all the teammates were relaxed. They were all wearing their regular clothes. Xu Beifang, who was walking behind, saw shox and apEX walking arm in arm. Leaves fell from the air from time to time, and vehicles drove past them. Driving back and forth, the afternoon sun hits the body, making people feel a little tired.

Xu Beifang looked at the various scenery around him. There was nothing particularly surprising, but the ants on the roadside, the flashing traffic lights at the intersection, and the height of the trees all made him interesting.

The breeze caressed my face, cool and comfortable, and unknown birds chirped in the distance.

Perhaps many years later, he could still recall the pleasure of this afternoon in a daze.

His thoughts were not disrupted until his cell phone vibrated in his pants pocket.

You don’t know this by looking at it, but you’ll be shocked when you see it.

After the game last night, he basically didn't take care of his mobile phone and started playing crazily in the nightclub.

Now I take out my mobile phone and see that the messages on WeChat, Twitter, and Xiaopo Station have all reached 99+.

Xu Beifang was already very proficient in using the WeChat group sending function and sent a group reply to thank everyone.

Then he found some friends with whom he had good relationships and responded in a different tone.

You still have to pay attention to this. For example, his way of getting along with playing machines is definitely different from Tiedan.

Just curse a few words when Tiedan comes up.

After replying to Tiedan and others, Xu Beifang found his brother Nanfang again and prepared to announce the good news to his family.

But when he clicked on his profile picture, he discovered that Nanfang had also sent him a message last night.

South: North can do it, it’s the second championship! !

Nanfang: You are indeed very handsome today! keep it up! !

A video was also posted below, and Xu Beifang clicked on it to view it.

As soon as the video played, he saw the familiar competition area of ​​his Internet cafe.

The layout of some things in that competition area was redone by Xu Beifang after the Stars League, so he could recognize it at a glance.

The curtain in the competition area showed a scene of players shaking hands after the game. The sound was very noisy. From time to time, someone said: "Xiao Xu is awesome", "Fuck" and other exclamations.

It's now past 1pm in Sydney, and in China it should be closer to 10pm than 11pm.

Xu Beifang thought for a moment and directly made a WeChat video call.

Xu Nanfang answered the call without even waiting for a minute. He could even hear some noise in the Internet cafe.

"You went to work this morning, haven't you gone home for dinner yet?" Xu Beifang said with a smile.

Xu Nanfang rubbed his eyes and yawned: "Why are you going to work so early? I just arrived at the store after having breakfast at home."

"You're a lazy boss, aren't you? Be careful that your sister-in-law doesn't give you pocket money."

"I'm in charge of all the money, and you still use your sister-in-law to give me pocket money?" Xu Nanfang smiled, and then explained, "The main reason is that I watched you play last night and was so excited that I sent you several messages that night. I didn’t reply... Then I wanted to go online to see what everyone praised you for, and I saw a lot of your highlights. You know, I was so excited that I went straight to a computer to get ready to play hard on WDM."

"Then last night, I played on that perfect platform. I played 5 games in total and won one, and I was given a C+." Xu Nanfang got angry when he talked about it, "I either killed the first or the second. , the result was that we couldn’t win. This group of teammates walked around and aimed at the ground, flashing all their own people. There was even a round where I encountered people with stun guns. My blood pressure went up. As a result, I couldn’t sleep anymore. I wanted to go home in the middle of the night. Go to bed, your sister-in-law’s phone is turned off, and no one opens the door for me..."

Xu Beifang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Many players are like this. Watching the highlights of some professional players, their blood boils instantly, and then they run excitedly to compete in the ladder, but the result is that no one makes a sound.

"Still laughing! If you laugh again I'll give you a brain breakdown!" Listening to his brother's laughter, Nanfang became a little angry.

"If you don't laugh, don't laugh." Xu Beifang suppressed the corners of his mouth, but looking at Nanfang's face in the video, he couldn't help laughing.

Xu Nanfang didn't become serious when he heard his brother's smile, and soon stopped laughing.

After the topic ended, Xu Nanfang asked about his younger brother's schedule: "After this game, do you have any vacation, Beifang?"

Perhaps because they have been wandering at sea, they cherish the reunion of their families.

"I heard from apEX that after playing in Sydney, I will have a period of vacation when I go back. I have won two major championships in a row. Although everyone is happy, they are also a little tired. The coach asked us to relax and adjust a little."

Professional players like them are like power banks sometimes.

After venting all your energy during the game, all the electricity will be used up. At this time, you have to go home and stay away from the game for a while to recharge your batteries and restore your energy and desire to win.

"The coach will probably tell you later today. Anyway, if I go back, I will inform you in advance."

Xu Nanfang nodded: "Okay, then I'll eat a bucket of instant noodles first. I'll wait for you to help me score points when I get home."

"We can't make it, we have a point difference, haha."

"You kid, you really want to be beaten, don't you?"

Although there is a slight age gap between the two brothers, Xu Beifang played with his brother when he was a child, and there is no generation gap now.

A little tired from walking, they sat down on a stone bench next to the park and rested for a while.

The teammates are all talking about the recent football match in France, thinking about going to watch one together after returning home.

Xu Beifang is not particularly interested in this. He knows that football is a good sport, but perhaps because of the development of domestic football, he doesn't like it.

He had also gone to watch a football match with his teammates in France before. The problem was that none of the players knew each other and it was just a fun thing to watch.

This is the slight difference between him and his current teammates. Because he grew up in a different environment, there will always be some small disputes when facing different things.

The teammates were discussing football. Xu Beifang didn't want to do the "RNM, refund the money" thing, so he just opened the forum and started surfing.

Half a day has passed since Little Bee won the championship, and this is when the forum is at its hottest.

Xu Beifang scrolled through it casually. Except for the news about the price of accessories, the rest were discussions about the content of IEM Sydney.

[Last night, the little bee demonstrated what it means to be flying as a wild bee! 】

[Discuss rationally, is BOSS the liquid nemesis? It seems that he only lost to liquid once in his debut]

【Liquid Noble Phantasm! 】

[Liquid's condition has not been very good in this tournament, and the performance has been very confusing. I hope they can adjust back in the future]

[In fact, Liquid is already very strong. This is the first team to force the BOSS to start in the second stage]

[Nice: Because I was too afraid of losing, I decided to go 3:0]

[It feels like the Little Bees have started to gain momentum in the past few months, and I feel like they really have hope of winning the Grand Slam]

[It’s not that simple. The professional level of CSGO has fluctuated too much. It depends on whether this state can be continued in the future. But there is one thing to say, Xiao Xu is still very fierce]

Xu Beifang smiled, and then continued to scroll down.

There are fans of Little Bee in the forum who are carnival, and fans of Liquid are naturally uncomfortable.

[I specially ordered a KFC for the finals last night, ready to enjoy the feast of marksmanship, but I did see the feast of marksmanship, but I don’t want to eat KFC this month]

[Hello everyone, welcome to watch the game between Little Bee and Liquid. I am the commentator of this game playing with the machine. Okay, we see that Little Bee has won the pistol round]

【Grass! I basically never won the liquid pistol game in this final]

[Self-aiming still can’t beat violent lock-in]

[stewie2K, I don’t even know what he was playing in the finals, there was basically no sound during the whole game]

[In several games, it was stewie2K who played around and ended up losing. I don’t know why he came here to buy liquid]

Even the output of Liquid Fans is actually relatively restrained. Today's network environment has not yet reached the level of sinisterness and weirdness of later generations.

The reason why domestic fans are not friendly towards stewie2K is mostly because of the airport incident.

As for stewie2K's performance, he thinks it is quite satisfactory.

Stewie2K's role in liquid is more of a lubricant for a gun man, and he uses his style of play to influence the opponent's mentality.

In a downwind game, stewie2K's Monkey Cry, Knife Man, and Whip Corpse can directly stir up the opponent's emotions.

But in case of headwind, this kind of thing cannot be used.

And to be honest, Xu Beifang is not afraid of stewie2K doing this kind of thing.

He didn't think that Bean next to him was worse than stewie2K in terms of taunting. Bean was always taunting people, and his throat would feel itchy if he didn't call him out for a day.

stewie2K's performance in today's BO5 was not bad, just average.

It's just that some people who don't understand the game will always take advantage of the guys with bad statistics.

For example, the director of Team Liquid, even though his statistics were not the worst, Liquid lost the game and in most cases he became the one being criticized.

After browsing the forum for a while, Xu Beifang planned to reply to the message from Xiaopo Station.

But as soon as I opened the Xiaopo website, I saw a lot of people @him in the background.

He clicked in and saw the director appearing in the camera at a glance.

This hairstyle...should be done after the game.

I glanced at the title, and sure enough it read "Director Post-Game Interview: We messed up everything today, and we will take revenge next time."

Interesting... This title caught Xu Beifang's attention, and he decisively clicked on the video and looked down.

The director, who looked a little disappointed, stood in front of an IEM Sydney billboard and was interviewed by the host:

"Director, that's it for Liquid's IEM Sydney. I know this game is hard for you to accept, but you know I interviewed you before the game. Everything was fine with you at that time. Why did it become like this? ?”

The director pursed his lips. He was actually in a bad mood, but he did have something he wanted to talk about.

"Actually, we also want to know why the finals confrontation turned out like this. We have made a lot of preparations for this finals. We have thought about how to restrict Nice, and when those little bees call those tactics. , how should we deal with it..."

"To be honest, I don't know why it turned out like this. We were under great pressure throughout the game. We operated every round very carefully, not wanting to give our opponents any chance." The director said helplessly on his face. His expression said, "But the final result is what you see."

He took a long breath and then let it out slowly, as if this could relieve the worries in his heart.

"The Little Bees played very well, especially in Lost City. They have always been the leading team. The highlights played by Nice have always affected our layout."

"This is also the first time I have seen a person hit three five-kills in a professional game. After the pistol round in the second half, everyone had no feeling. We tried hard to adjust, but in the end we couldn't do it."

"Nice was really foul today." The director complained at the end, perhaps expressing the thoughts that had accumulated in his heart, and his mood obviously became better.

The audience below the comment area also responded unanimously.

[Indeed, BOSS is too foul]

[I can understand the director. I was also confused when watching the finals. I have never seen such a fierce person.]

[The Little Bees are also very strong overall. They are already number one in the world. It would not be a shame to lose to them.]

Number one in the world?

Xu Beifang raised his eyebrows. He immediately opened the HLTV APP and found the team rankings.

The first one on the list is the little bee!

"Brothers, our HLTV is ranked No. 1 in the world!" Xu Beifang happily shared the good news with his teammates.

Zaiwu poked his head over and said, "Where?"

"No. 1 in the world!" Xu Beifang said, "The rankings were just updated today. It should be that the points for our victory over Liquid to win the championship have been added."

apEX said: "Who is the second-ranked team in the world now?"

"Team A, behind us is Liquid, and behind us is ENCE."

The bald head looked at the excited team members and said with a smile: "The small goal we set before has been achieved, so now can we get some applause?"

After hearing this, everyone applauded very cooperatively.

"No, isn't there a big gap between us and Team A?" apEX asked.

After the surprise, they were still confused, because they had roughly calculated before that they would need at least one championship plus one knockout point to keep up with Team A.

Xu Beifang flipped through the HLTV points ranking change list and quickly found the answer.

"Team A has participated in too few games in recent months. It finally participated in Blast Miami, but failed to win the championship and gained little points. In early May, the points had actually dropped a lot, and Our points difference is not big anymore. Then there are the extra points we got to win the championship yesterday, which directly surpassed Team A."

After hearing this, the joy in the hearts of everyone in Little Bee dissipated a little.

They once again understood the strength of Team A.

Although they have become the number one in the world, do they actually have the strength to be number one in the world? It only proves that they are the best team in the world in recent months.

They became number one in the world only because Team A did not participate in many games and was in a semi-rest state.

Moreover, they feel that Team A may not be playing games recently because they want to be like Lao Yinbi.

It is very likely that Team A is using this period of time to not be exposed to first-line games for the time being, hiding a bunch of tactics behind it, and studying all the excellent tactics in the current first-line.

Team A was hiding in the dark, which put a lot of pressure on them who were in the light. Several people felt a little stressed for a while.

shox felt that the atmosphere was depressing and took the initiative to change the topic: "Let's not talk about this. I feel that IEM is so fast this time. I don't have any feelings yet, and we won the cup... Sigh, I should have stayed on the stage for a while last night. After more than half a month, we were given 30 minutes."

In fact, before the final, shox and his teammates also said this, because compared to the game in Shanghai, this game in Sydney was very easy from the beginning of the group stage, and they made it all the way to the final without encountering any special difficulties. He originally thought that the opponent in the final would be more difficult, but it ended 3-0. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

"The two finals in the North were so unexpected. It was so scary."

Having joined the Little Bees for a long time, shox will no longer look at Xu Beifei in the same light as before. However, Xu Beifei's performance in these two finals was beyond his expectation after all. When it first happened, It also made him widen his eyes. He couldn't imagine what kind of power the tall man in front of him, who was still in a daze, had hidden.

Last time I played a 1V5 annual endgame in the Star League, this time I got three pentakills on one map.

He couldn't imagine where the limit of Xu Beifang's abilities was?

"Just get used to it." apEX already looked calm.

When Xu Beifang creates highlights, he will also stand up and shout very cooperatively, becoming a flashpoint for the team's atmosphere.

But in fact, in his heart now, there is nothing that the two stars in the team cannot do.

No matter how difficult the endgame is, when they are watching the game, they still feel that there is a possibility of a comeback?

"Coach, maybe this is what you call self-confidence." apEX walked up to the bald man, "Although it's a bit flamboyant, I feel that Little Bee is much stronger now than when we first founded the team."

XTQZZZ picked off the leaves that were floating on his head. The good thing about his bald head is that no matter what is on his head, he can react immediately.

"Whether a player has really experienced a big scene is a very important factor." He turned the leaf in his hand, "In fact, it is not just CSGO, but also many e-sports industries. As long as you have entered the finals... It’s not obvious in the finals, but as long as they can win the championship, you will see a real qualitative change in their playing style next year.”

"Because they are confident from the bottom of their hearts and will not think that they are weaker than other players and other teams."

"This is the case with Team A. They have won too many championships. In terms of self-confidence, no one is better than them. They have even taken the initiative to take a rest. To put it bluntly, they feel that the current professional competition is not challenging. There is no one. A team can threaten them."

"You think this is a kind of arrogance, but in fact it is the huge self-confidence brought by them winning 10 offline championships last year. They have already won CSGO's highest honor, the $1 million Grand Slam, and the Major championship. , but do you think anyone can threaten their status now?"

apEX finds it difficult. Even though Team A has begun to take a break recently, as long as they participate in official matches, Team A can reach the finals. This stable ability makes people feel very oppressive.

He glanced to the front left, where Xu Beifang and Zai Wu were sitting. One was surfing the Internet passionately, and the other was watching videos of small animals.

"Nice said in the interview after the game last night that if we want to challenge for a Grand Slam next, that can indeed be our next goal, but it is not easy to win this Grand Slam."

JackZ touched his chin and said: "The first opponent in front of us is Team A."

Although they defeated Liquid and reached the number one position in the world, Team A is still a big mountain in front of them.

If they want to become the second Grand Slam team and receive a bonus of US$1 million, they must regard Team A as their imaginary enemy in the future.

"Compared to Team A, our map pool is a big problem. Now we have no problem taking out the maps of Town, Building, Maze City, and Sha Er. The train will definitely be banned, so don't worry about it for the time being." The bald head counted it out in detail, "The overall level of the two maps, Nuclear Crisis and Death Amusement Park, is a bit lower. When you come back from the break, you must practice on these two maps."

"The nuclear crisis of Team A and the liquid amusement park are all hurdles we need to overcome."

"In the next few events, we will be more proactive in selecting these maps, and use a large number of games to directly raise the level of the maps."

The bald coach looked at the Gemini stars who were watching videos and patted apEX on the shoulder: "Come on, we still have a long way to go in the future."

The plot in Sydney ends here. Next, I will go back to China to start some daily activities, relax for a while, and try to resume updates tomorrow.

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