CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 194 Famas, Xiao Xu is a professional!

The happy rest day is always short-lived, the next day the 2019 IEM Katowice Major Challenger Group game officially started.

Netizens have also entered the state of watching the game, and everyone is still quite curious about how the game will go on the first day.

For the domestic audience, although the first day of the game is just an appetizer, the three teams they are looking forward to will appear, and they are also paying considerable attention.

Then the Major challenger group opened, and in the first game, VG brought surprises to Chinese fans.

When playing against the veteran European team FNATIC, VG players 259 and A Zhong scored 50 kills, and finally defeated FNATIC with a score of 16-9.

Neither domestic fans nor foreign passersby expected the outcome of this kind of battle.

There was an upset at the opening of the Major, which was very surprising.

Many viewers even knew the name of VG during the guessing exercise. They were quite surprised that they could defeat FNATIC.

This also makes domestic audiences look forward to the next game between Little Bee and Tianlu.

Just after finishing a solo with Leon Kai, good-for-nothing brother Hamburger realized that the game had started after being reminded by the audience, and he and Leon Kai each turned their attention to the game.

"There is a picture! Both sides have entered the preparation stage, and the BP process is about to begin."

The game hasn't officially started yet, but Hamburger can't wait to see what happens in the game.

As Xiao Xu’s second team, Vitality has received many Chinese fans, and the CSGO video creator named ‘Waste Brother Hamburger’ is no exception.

But as he watched the game for several months, he gradually fell in love with the French team.

Watching them grow from scratch and climbing the rankings step by step, I look forward to their performance in the competition.

"The Little Bees have been in very good shape recently and played at a very high level in the qualifiers of IEM Sydney! Even though the prize money of the competition is not high and it is only an online event, they still work very hard to keep themselves at a high level. level."

"But there are still some doubts about the Little Bees on the Internet. Although their performance in the IEM Sydney Qualifiers was outstanding, it was only an online event. There are many examples of online dragons and worms. Can the Little Bees be online? Playing at the level he deserves is what many viewers are curious about."

In CSGO professional competitions, it is generally believed that Major \u003e all events, offline with spectators \u003e offline without spectators \u003e online competition.

Nowadays, the Major challenger group competition is considered to be full of gold content. Although there are no offline viewers to join in yet, no one will question its intensity.

Hamburger is very much looking forward to Little Bee’s performance in this Major and will slap those doubters in the face.

Leon Kai added next to him: "Tiedan joined the main team before this Major. Although he has not yet achieved results, as a future warrior appointed by Xiao Xu, he must still have certain strength. Although Tianlu has recently The results are not good, but I was able to enter the legendary group in the last Major, so I still have the strength.”

“And today’s first match in the Challenger Group told us that this is a Major and anything is possible!”

After Leon Kai finished speaking, he saw the BP screen appear on the screen.

The challenger group is a BO1 game, and Little Bee takes the lead in blocking the map.

In a BO1 game, Little Bee's BP ideas are quite clear.

When they came up, they directly removed the forklift and train.

"It's better to cancel the train."

At the Tianlu player table, Danking moved up on the e-sports chair, leaned on the back of the chair and smacked his lips, feeling a little pity.

The train map was Tianlu's strong map before the formation change, but after the formation change, Danking's sniper rifle level made them even more powerful on this map.

Danking's performance on the train has been quite good recently. If he can take out this map, he feels that his team's winning rate will be at least 60%.

However, in the BO1 game, they had psychological expectations that their strong plan would be banned, so they were not too surprised.

"Tianlu chose to remove the Nuclear Crisis and the Death Amusement Park. These two tactical maps have never been Tianlu's strengths." Leonkai spoke frankly and murmured, "But always banning it like this is not an option. Tianlu needs to find a way to practice!"

If you want to become a top first-line team, then you may not play a single map by relying on BP rules at most.

If you don't know how to play the two maps, there will naturally be a flaw that your opponent can see and easily target.

In the third map, Tianlu finally removed Sha Er after careful consideration.

Two maps, Maze City and Town, were left for Little Bee to choose from.

"Tianlu wants to fight us in the small town, then fight them." The big bald coach is quite confident, "They think this is their strong point, but I also think this is one of our strong points. Since neither Xu, let’s see who’s town is stronger!”

In the first game of this Katowice Major, this usually kind coach showed amazing offensiveness.

He believes that the strength of Little Bee is also tenable in this Major. In subsequent matches in the Legend Group, it may hit a wall due to issues such as the map pool.

But the challenger group competition can still be used to build up self-confidence for your own players.

And he was not trying to comfort the players. Little Bee's small town winning rate is indeed very high. In the last ten small town battles, they only lost 2 games, which shows that they are in strong form.

Purgatory town?

In the Tianlu battle room, all the players looked at each other and smiled.

After leaving this map behind, they became more confident. On this map, Tianlu had created many miracles, which gave them confidence.

Besides, Little Bee's current world ranking is only 14th, which is worse than they were last year.

If handled properly, they believe they will be fine.

The match map was confirmed, and players from both sides entered the server a few minutes later.

The sword fight ended and the little bee won.

In the end, Tianlu started as the offensive side, and Little Bee started as the defensive side.

Little Bee vs. Tianlu

Map: Purgatory Town

T: Danking, Xcc, BnTeT, someone, Attacker


The barrage of "Come on, Little Bee" and "Come on, Tianlu" floated in the live broadcast room. Hamburger also hung up the voice chat with Leon Kai and began to try to explain the game.

"Okay, dear viewers, welcome to the 2019 IEM Katowice Major Challenger Group match. I am the commentator for this match."

"When we come up, we can see that Little Bee has set up a package in the middle. Link and A1 each stand with two members, and Doudou defends in area B alone."

"Nice is holding a usp and swinging towards the middle of A1. He still wants to take the initiative to get information, but what is it? Danking just hit Nice and killed him instantly?"

"It's 5 on 4 in the first minute and 30 seconds?"

After seeing the kill information in the upper right corner, Danking raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Xu Beifang's style in the game.

This middle lane dared to take the initiative to peek for the second time. Is the North too bold?

However, they have to be careful this time, otherwise they will really get the information to go to B.

After Danking got the first kill, he didn't approach the main force. Instead, he took the initiative to look for opportunities in the middle.

"Tiedan was peeking and harassing in the middle. After getting the information, he peeked out and instantly killed NBK who was grabbing the item. Moreover, he also saw the barrel of the second person's gun, so it was clear how to fight now."

"Area B started to speed up, and apEX exploded with thunder and blood, but Tianlu suddenly made a sudden appearance! The kid instantly killed Doudou! Tianlu is in a good state."

Hamburger was a little surprised. He didn't expect that when Tianlu came up, he gave Little Bee a blow in the head, killing him three times in a row, making this endgame unplayable.

Danking also wanted to be greedy in the middle, but was killed instantly by the loaded weapon.

However, even after killing Danking, Zaiwu and RPK had no desire to return to defense. They chose to save a half armor to prepare for the gun in the next round.

During the garbage time of protecting the gun, Dou did not blame the defeat in area A, because in the game of pistol round, the frontal marksmanship benchmark was more important.

And it was his decision to get information in the middle at the second time.

Tianlu played too carefully in the early stage, and there was no movement at all, leaving him unable to judge.

At this time, it was also a wise move to let the heavily defended area A go out to get information, but I didn't expect Danking to be so good at jacking off that he could kill the two people in area A instantly.

C4 was ticking in area B, and Dou started to plan the tactics for the next point: "Saved two and a half armors, and we will be stronger in the next point."

Then he looked at Xu Beifang, "Nice, I will give you a Famas in a moment. You have full armor and props. When we start 3B, you will try to use props to control the Banana Road. Then I will Work with NBK to find a way to intersect near Banana Road and liberate Area B."

Recently, Little Bee has studied a lot of ideas about dynamic defense. This formulaic style of play, which requires very little marksmanship, has quickly gained their favor.

As long as Xu Beifang's strength is used to take control of Banana Road, and then let Xu Beifang return to area A, in a sense, an iron-barrel-like defense of area A will be formed.

second round.

Xu Beifang purchased full armor and equipped it with a smoke bomb and two flash bombs for use in the fight on the banana lane.

Picking up the famas thrown by Bean, he walked directly towards the banana path.

He took out the smoke bomb, aimed it at a rough point, and threw it directly toward the bandit's mouth. The smoke blocked the view of the entrance to the banana lane.

Xu Beifang threw a world flash with double keys, and then followed NBK and looked into the banana tunnel.

NBK played a half-armor MP9 at this point. It was so aggressive that it jumped forward and charged forward, quickly searching all the banana grooves and tree positions.

"There is no control over the banana lane on the other side."

After taking control of the banana lane, apEX immediately pushed forward, all the way to the groove.

NBK stayed in the tree position, and the two formed a crossfire.

Even if apEX only has one unarmored usp in his hand, if the opponent touches it silently, they can at least replace one with this cross.

Xu Beifang, who was at the back point, was not in a hurry and was waiting for the opportunity near the barrel.

The defensive strength of the two teammates in Banana Lane is really too weak, and it is still early. The teammates in Area A have not felt any pressure in Building A2, so they are not in a hurry to return to defense.

"Little Bee's banana lane control map is as fast as ever. With only two props, they took all control of the banana lane."

"What did Tian Lu say the next time? Burn the barrel and search closer?"

Tianlu's behavior surprised Hamburger, "They actually took the initiative to use fire to count them. Is this still Tianlu?"

"A groove fire directly burned apEX out, but the repair gun failed to repair apEX and hid it in the tree. Now if apEX can take the initiative to sell, maybe there is a glimmer of hope for the Little Bee structure!"

Tianlu didn't know that there was one hidden in the tree position early on. If apEX took the initiative to die, then in Tianlu's heart, the tree position had already killed many people, and it was a 'safe area'.

apEX listened to the footsteps of the gangster from the tree position. They had already communicated through the voice. As soon as the opponent pushed inside, he immediately rushed out to die, creating opportunities for NBK and Nice.

But the sound of the lighter plunged both Shubi into despair.

A fire was thrown into the tree position, and apEX and NBK were forced to rush out and forcefully find a fight with each other.

Xu Beifang, who was behind, saw this scene and knew that he could not wait any longer, so he took the initiative to step on the barrel. For the bandits advancing into the banana tunnel, this was a difficult scalp position to deal with.

Xu Beifang is able to have such a strong dominance in Banana Road because of his endless tricks.

Baicai (Attacker) took a hair dryer and fired it with one stroke, burning both CTs to death in one stroke.

After getting this wave of kills, he said with a smile: "Fortunately, I set a fire, otherwise this wave may have been tricked."

He really didn't expect that there would be two people standing close to each other at the beginning of the Banana Lane. As soon as he met the European team, he felt the huge difference from the Asian rhythm.

After getting two kills, the cabbage cutter charged forward.

Banana Road has already lost two people, and there is no one to make up for it later, so it is likely to be a 3A position.

But just as he took a few steps forward, he heard a bang on his head.

[Nice used Famas to kill the Attacker with a headshot]

"Barrel on!!" Baicai was quite surprised, but immediately reported the points to his teammates.

Danking carried Galil forward and adjusted his sight as he moved, intending to tear Xu Beifang into pieces directly.

Xu Beifang did not stand still. After getting the first kill, he glanced at the small map - a loader holding a full-armored sand eagle was heading this way.

He calculated the positions of the bandits and Zaiwu. If he was killed, Zaiwu could reach area B first.

So Xu Beifang planned to fight in the banana lane.

After getting off the barrel, he took a few steps back to prevent the other party from hearing the sound of his ring pull, and directly threw a double-button instant flash.


The flash bomb exploded, Xu Beifang pulled out, and at a glance he saw the bandits covering their eyes and jumping into the groove in the banana lane.

Famas chased and fired. The first wave of short sweeps only hit the man in the groove four times. Famas's damage was not enough to kill him.

When Xu Beifang saw the bandits coming out again, he immediately pulled back a little to avoid the opponent's sight, and then dealt again.

The crosshair quickly aimed at his head. In such a narrow passage, it was very convenient for him to adjust quickly.

"Nice grabbed the timing and knocked out one on the banana lane. He could have stopped at this time, but according to his character, it is absolutely impossible to give up!!"

"Dodge by yourself! Kill by yourself! Famas beat Danking to a trace of blood, and the gangster Xcc came out to make up for it, but he didn't hit Nice either!!"

"Nice continued to push forward. He wanted to kill the bandits in the groove, but the bandits pulled out a BnTeT. Nice was finally killed, ending his sinful life!!"

[Do you know what it means to be the best Famas user in the world? ! 】

[Hero Famas, Xiao Xu is a professional! 】

[This time I had to bite the bullet and hit 2.9, I was dumbfounded]

In the endgame of 5 versus 3, two Famas were suddenly replaced by one. If Danking hadn't reacted quickly enough, this wave would have been 1 versus 3. This wave of Banana Road exchanges, Tianlu did not Earn, but it is a bit passive.

"When there are 20 seconds left, let's hold together and push to the banana lane." BnTeT communicated with others in the unique Tianlu language.

After Danking heard this, he quietly moved forward slowly.

Time passed little by little, and they kept listening to the movement in the corridor, but did not hear any footsteps returning to defend themselves.

After giving the policeman a cigarette and a coffin fire, Tianlu started to charge directly.

No one was found at the first moment, so the kid took the mine bag directly next to the coffin and carried it out.

BnTeT continued to search the three boxes and the dead center, and then suddenly saw a policeman emerge from the three boxes.


[ZywOo used Desert Eagle to kill BnTeT with a headshot]

Zaiwu picked up the AK47 on the ground, pulled it directly to the left, and fired at the kid who was hurriedly cutting the gun.

Danking saw this situation and quickly came over to help.

He held three boxes and waited for the load to be pulled horizontally.

But the time above his head had already jumped red, and Zaiwu didn't take the risk of being counter-attacked immediately.

"The other party only has a trace of blood." Xu Beifang reminded.

However, the load remained steady. It was not until he heard Danking's approaching footsteps that he pulled it out and fired at Danking's body.

[ZywOo used AK47+Nice to kill Danking]


In the CSBOY live broadcast room, MO, who was explaining the game, had a blank expression.

Although he has left Tianlu, he is still very concerned about his old club, and he also wants to see what Tianlu will be like now after he is no longer there.

The opening pistol round was very beautiful, but the situation suddenly changed in the second round.

After getting two kills in the banana lane, he started to cut the knife. Is Baicai trying to hit the ladder?

There is nothing wrong with the attack in the next 20 seconds, but why are all the points not searched?

Where does this bad habit come from!

20 seconds is completely enough!

BnTeT what are you doing?

Was Little Bee overturning the situation? Didn't you get any bonus from the pistol round? ?

As Tianlu's former captain, MO's expectations for them have dropped to a lower level.

But the game was still early, so MO adjusted his breathing and planned to continue to take a look at Tianlu's performance in the spear round.

Sorry, we have guests at home today for the holidays. We were surrounded by children all day long, and we didn’t send them back until evening. This chapter has 5,000 words. I will work harder to see if I can continue to code one chapter and strive for 10,000 words today.

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