CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 184 A teammate was seriously injured and fell to the ground to unleash Sushu’s potential! (6

The sixth round of the first half was a crucial round.

If this point is lost, the score will be overtaken by G2.

As usual, Xu Beifang brought ZywOo to take control of the banana lane. He lost a barrel fire at the beginning and jumped into the groove.

After a second, the opponent fired a mid-range fire and a rear mine.


The damage from the grenade is not fatal, but it may become a foreshadowing if the gun is fired later.

After all, the M4 can already kill him instantly with one shot.

The fire burned quietly in the middle. Xu Beifang moved to the tree position, but he ate another grenade that exploded in the middle, leaving only half of his health.

"There are at least two people in Area B."

As he spoke, he stepped directly onto the tree pile and glanced at the yellow wall with a spring head, but did not find anyone standing upright.

After the first wave of map control, Zaiwu came over to help and gave a yellow wall fire and stone flash.

Xu Beifang quickly searched several regular locations behind the stone slab.

The CT in Area B fired a slate smoke, but with the Yellow Wall Fire blocking it, Xu Beifang was not worried about the subsequent anti-Qing rebellion.

The thunder bag was still at home, and apEX did not issue an order for a general attack. Xu Beifang and Zaiwu simply communicated and turned into a posture of one person standing upright and the other hiding behind.

"G2 gave the middle road smoke, and the three of them went forward to hit the A2 floor."

"JackZ jumped straight through the VIP window at the VIP entrance, and saw someone! JackZ followed the gun very quickly, and fortunately there was a bunker to cover it. NBK survived." The old handsome guy explained.

After being shot at by the opponent, NBK immediately shouted in the voice message: "There is a roof in front of the A2 building, it may be a set meal!"

The professional game is different from the passerby game. On the roof of the A2 building in Purgatory Town, it is usually a two-person package to play crossfire.

So NBK immediately reminded RPK who was near the spiral staircase, worried that he would make a mistake in a hurry.

apEX, who was caught in the banana lane, heard their answers and guessed the opponent's approximate position: "Come here and hit B directly. The opponent should start in 3A."

There are two players standing on the A2 floor. The opponent does not put too much pressure on the banana lane at the beginning, so there is no reason to go short at the beginning of the link.

After the apEX order was issued, NBK quickly started from the sewer and headed towards the banana road.

After hearing Doudou's instructions, Xu Beifang, who was at the front, also started to attack inside.

Find a reference object on the wall, and then look at the police house - there is no one!

Then peek at a box of straight racks - half of the body appears in the field of vision.

Xu Beifang immediately fired twice, then walked a long way to the right and saw the opponent's head.

"Da da da……"

[Nice used SG553 to kill Boddy with a headshot]

"Oh!! This wave of Nice once again breaks through alone. Only one person defends Area B. Does Little Bee know this information?"

Masisi answered, "Little Bee probably didn't know. They didn't expect G2 to dare to play like this. They only put one person to defend in area B the second time. Now it depends on how Little Bee handles it."

After Xu Beifang destroyed a box of CTs, he immediately pointed the crosshairs at the police. Now only the police could pose a threat to him.

He didn't see anyone at first, so he fired a few bullets at the policeman's house, meaning I'm watching you, come out if you dare.

Then he took out a smoke bomb and threw it at the policeman's house.

The smoke bomb was handed over, and Zaiwu, who was hiding behind the stone slab, rushed over to help.

The two started to move forward together. There should be only one person left in Area B. They just had to eat this person.

apEX, who was originally running towards Area B, was not particularly anxious, but slowed down.

"There's something wrong with the movement in Area B. It feels like Area B is air defense now. You two go forward and test it out. If there's no one around, I'll go over and deliver the package."

"If there is anyone, RPK and NBK, please go to Area A and pick them up quickly."

In the past few rounds, apEX gradually figured out G2's playing style today. Whether it was returning to defense or betting points, they moved very quickly.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu slowly moved forward, when a police flash turned them all white.

The two immediately jumped back behind the bunker.

But then there was a thunder under the stage, and the second and third one flashed off the stage.

"At least two opponents are required to defend back!" Zaiwu shouted, "You can just turn around and hit A."

"You can come here, we are not in a hurry, we will wait for you to come over and push forward together." apEX slowed down the team's rhythm again.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu walked back quietly, but they still gave them a set of props to feint attack, delaying the opponent.

"G2 made a mistake in being too anxious this time. They had too many props, which were directly read by Little Bee."

"In this case, a wave of bombs will be launched in Area A. The five-person team of Little Bees has already gathered outside Area A and will directly start a wave of explosive bombs."

"At this point, if shox can't get a valid kill, G2 will just save the gun."

Masisi said: "Now let's see how many people shox can kill. shox took the initiative to come to find trouble with A1, but he didn't expect to pull out and see three people, who were opened fire and taken away directly."

"Master A didn't kill anyone, so it's just like Xixi said, area B needs to save its guns." The old handsome guy added.

[Why are there so many props thrown away? 】

Masisi saw the barrage question and explained: "Because G2 is really panicking. This wave of single-B CTs were blocked by Xiao Xu alone. G2 lost even one defensive player in the B package. They didn't Knowing what's going on inside, we can only use props to delay time, put enough pressure, and make the little bees afraid."

"This wave of G2 played very well. It's normal to hand over props, but they didn't expect Xiao Xu to be so quick and come directly to find someone. Boddy was in the box area to investigate, and Xiao Xu gave him directly Seconds."

“It can only be said that Xiao Xu’s frontal breakthrough has been completed.”

The score came to 4:2.

In G2 voice, shox is making adjustments.

He looked at the positions of his teammates and distributed them: "kennyS, go to area B with your big sniper. You have to put some pressure on Nice, otherwise he will have too much fun in the banana lane."

Before this game, they had watched several Bees games.

Nice's banana lane control map, then charge head-on. Once you don't give enough pressure, he will be able to completely eat the banana lane after the first round of props.

The main reason for this score was that Zone B was eliminated, which forced them to return to defense and allowed the opponent to read too much information.

So letting kennyS's big sniper pass by can at least cause some trouble for the opponent.

"As for area A, JackZ and you guys can double stand up and down in the stable later."

"Doudou is very calm today!" Xu Beifang smiled and fist bumped with apEX. In this round, apEX pulled twice, and he quickly judged the opponent's thoughts.

The last wave took them into the minefield of single-A defense and easily scored a point.

apEX smiled complacently. Such a calm judgment was definitely rare for him.

After taking a look at the positions of his teammates, he said, "Try changing speed on the Banana Road. If the opponent doesn't stand closer at the first time, we will hide in the opponent's B-pass smoke and speed up later."

G2 has started 3A2B for several consecutive rounds, and apEX is going to use a speed change to remind G2.

The countdown ended, and Zaiwu, who was in the first position, cut and walked all the way to the banana lane in order to gain time.

Then cut out SG553 and look towards the corner of the yellow wall, directly grabbing the opponent's timing.


Zaiwu saw the opponent's field of vision, but he couldn't even fire his gun and was directly killed by a big sniper bullet.

[kennyS used AWP to kill ZywOo with a headshot]

RPK said: "I'm going to step on the fire and take a chance. Nice, please help me put out the fire."

As he said that, he pulled directly to ZywOo's position and fired at the corner.

kennyS was knocked out of half of his health, but he did not retreat.

Locking the opponent's position, how can a sniper endure it at this time?

Big sniper scope - draw the gun quickly!


[kennyS used AWP+boddy to kill RPK]

Xu Beifang's fire was extinguished, but he failed to save RPK.

The reaction of kennyS's sniper rifle is too fast. If you just use dry pull and timing to hit him, it will be difficult to get a chance.

Xu Beifang looked at the smoke bomb in the middle of the banana road, squatted and jumped onto the pile of wood near the tree.

He originally planned to get some information, but found that Kenny's head was still standing straight at the corner of the yellow wall.

Fine-tune the sight immediately.

"Da da!"

[Nice used SG553 to kill kennyS with a headshot]

In a round of firefight in area B, the two sides exchanged heads. Xu Beifang wanted to test the follow-up, when he saw a B-tong smoke exploded.

"What do you say? Continue to mention B?" He turned to ask apEX, the conductor's judgment affecting his subsequent actions.

"Turn around and hit A." apEX deduced based on the behavior pattern of G2.

kennyS in area B was killed, and the follow-up defense proved that there was at least one person, and it was very likely that he would become 2A2B again.

So apEX chose to turn around and play A.

In a large area like point A, the defensive odds against 2B are obviously greater.

Xu Beifang gave a flash bomb to the B channel, picked up the props dropped by his teammates, and started to move to the middle.

apEX had already given a linked smoke bomb, and when they saw Xu Beifei following, they started to move forward.

But as soon as the link smoke exploded, a fire flew from the link, blocking their progress.

"G2's defense was very smart today. This wave of people dropped in zone B but they didn't defend at all. They still adopted a structure that favored the middle."

"JackZ's back flashed in the stable, and he continued to add smoke bombs in the middle. NBK swung out of the boiler room and got the linked shox information first."

"Nice grabbed a flash bomb in the middle, and pulled out an instant flash NBK and the apEX in the smoke in the middle."

"apEX was quickly eliminated, but NBK from the boiler room replaced JackZ in the stable, but this wave of 2 for 1 is not profitable!"

After throwing the instant flash, Xu Beifang arrived late. According to the information provided by his teammates, he directly faced A1 and rushed out the smoke bomb.

Lucky under the stable wanted to hide, but Xu Beifang found an angle and beat him to death with a shuttle.

After knocking Lucky away with a shuttle, Xu Beifang instantly turned around and looked at Link.

But I didn't see anyone rushing out of the link, so I quickly entered the pack point with the mine pack, planning to put down the mine pack first and then deal with the endgame.

After taking a brief look at the dead center box, Xu Beifang placed a default package.

But a second before the thunderbolt, he suddenly saw a man walking out from behind the box on his left hand.

shox: Er woman!

Xu Beifang was so frightened that he shivered. This CSGO is really a scary game!

"Da da da!"

[shox used M4A4 to kill Nice with a headshot]

Looking at shox being unpacked, Xu Beifang was stunned!

He knew that the link belonged to one person, so he immediately patched up Lucky and immediately turned around to hold the link, just because he was worried that Shox would jump out of the smoke and catch him.

But when shox didn't come out, Xu Beifang thought that the other party was trying to be more steady, so he went directly to the bagging point to release the bag.

But looking at it now, shox was not in A1 at all, and had entered the package point to hide early.

As expected of a French backless man.

shox's weird thinking made him confused.

As the thunder bag was removed, the score reached 4:3.

The successfully put down mine packs, coupled with the economy they had accumulated before, allowed them to fight two long gun rounds.

But in the next two long gun rounds, they fired a bomb in area A and a link clip in B.

But kennyS's sniper rifle caused them too much trouble. The mayor's hands were really hot today!

The score was directly overtaken to 4:5.

Sure enough, even G2, which has always been ridiculed for its abstract play style, the combat effectiveness shown in the game is quite exaggerated.

With an economy of over 3,000, apEX thought for a while and explained the strategy for this point: "In this wave, use short guns, leaving an economy of about 2,000, and then you have to save money for the next point to buy snipers."

kennyS sniped unscrupulously, partly because Little Bee didn't have a sniper rifle to restrain him.

"Just hit a wave of quick moves in area B and see if we can seize a time difference."

There is something to be said for the speed increase in Zone B of Banana Road. Once the CT's response is not good and they are blinded by their flash, there is still a chance to get good kills in the short range firefight.

Xu Beifang, who was in the first position, bought a half-armor Tec-9. At the beginning, he threw a slate smoke to extinguish the fire, and then threw a thunder bomb into the sandbag area.

After giving out the two props, look to the right throughout the process.

The team lost points continuously and G2's momentum put a lot of pressure on him. He had to seize every opportunity to create a comeback for the team.

"If you don't have enough money, the little bee will come directly to you to do violence to you!"

NBK's flash bomb worked well. After Xu Beifang stepped out from the stone slab, he saw kennyS covering his eyes and jumping back.

The sparks at Tec-9 were about to pop out, and the bullets hit kennyS's back like crazy.

[Nice+NBK flashbang used Tec-9 to kill kennyS]

Xu Beifei kept on pursuing and quickly collected usable information.

He pointed the Tec-9 at the police CT in his hand, and then heard the footsteps near the box.

"The policeman and the box have one each!"

After Xu Beifang fired two shots at the opponent, he took out the AWP he picked up and started shooting.

G2 members are sick again! !

After retreating for the first time, there was no anti-props, but the M4's strafing was intended to suppress rushB's large force.

Xu Beifang's sniper rifle killed the policeman. When he saw half of the figure, the sniper opened fire directly.


[Nice used AWP to kill bodydy]

"There's one more in a box!! Giving the police cigarettes will eat up the people in the box!" Xu Beifei shouted urgently in his voice.

They got two kills in area B, and the defense in area A will definitely come quickly.

In this wave, only by seizing the time difference can they stand a chance to make a comeback!

"There's no smoke, I just put out the fire and dropped it!" NBK reported from behind.

apEX shouted loudly: "Then go to the policeman's house and pull him directly off the stage!"

After that, he took the lead in the charge, threw a flash grenade at the policeman's house, and started charging down the stage with his P250.

"They knew there was another package spot. Even at this time, shox was unwilling to reveal his back, but he stood on the right side of the three boxes and was completely covered in white!"

"I was stuck in time and collected one for nothing, but RPK Sand Eagle directly made up for it!"

"But the police's defense was in place. Lucky shot RPK and apEX to death in one shot! Nice moved to the audience, there is still a chance, but this grenade!"

"He still didn't survive!"

There was a crazy exchange of fire in Area B, and in the end only Zaiwu was left to face a 1V2 endgame.

All his teammates had fallen to the ground, and Zaiwu no longer paid attention to the situation behind him. He came to a close point and sucked the sniper rifle into his hand.

Only the breathing of his teammates was left in the voice. Zaiwu glanced at the small map and began to think about the opponent's current location.

Move back with the big sniper, try to move as far away from the bunker as possible, and use the principle of near, far, and small to maximize the advantage of your sniper rifle.

The big sniper moved closer and closer, but he didn't find any enemies in the policeman's house.

"The police officer had a person hidden on his left and right hands respectively. JackZ and Lucky were not in a hurry and were very calm during the fight."

"Zaiwu didn't find anyone at the first time, but the thunder bag fell at the policeman's house, and he had to push it forward."

"JackZ in the corridor pulls out to get the information. This wave of carriers is aiming to the left...the carriers!!!"

Masisi and the handsome guy in the live broadcast room were both shocked.

From their perspective, the carrier was like a perspective, using a large sniper scope to firmly hold Lucky's position.

Then JackZ pulled out from the corridor on the right, and they all thought that this wave of goods was about to be sent.

As a result, he aimed left, flicked right, and flicked the gun in one frame!

Zaiwu, don’t be too outrageous! !

The moment his teammate was killed, Lucky immediately pulled out to replenish his shot.

But Zaiwu pulled back instantly and avoided his follow-up shot.

Lucky moved forward quickly and silently, and got close to the policeman's bomb position. His follow-up shot missed, and his position was locked. He had to put himself in the opponent's psychological blind spot.

In the endgame of 1 vs. 1, everyone in the Little Bee was very nervous. If they could score this point, they might be able to get an advantage in the first half. This is a good result.

But if this point cannot be won, the score may not be ideal.

Xu Beifang and his teammates looked at the scene very nervously.

Although they all understand the personal abilities of Zaiwu.

But after all, he has an unarmored sniper in his hand, and he doesn't have the mine pack on him. This endgame is very passive.

The odds of winning are not very high.

Time passed quietly above their heads, making the breathing of everyone in Little Bee become solemn.

Zaiwu pressed the silent step button throughout the whole process. He did not turn on the camera this time to avoid exposing his own information.

I watched the coffin for a while to make sure no one was pulling it across.

Zaiwu glanced at Lucky's previous position in a half-body position.

Then he pushed quietly towards the police house and came to the area under the flower bed, squatting and peeking to the right.

When you see the police in your field of vision, fire immediately!


[ZywOo used AWP blind sniper to kill Lucky]

"Oh!! Zaiwu did it!!" Masisi shouted passionately in the live broadcast room, "This is an unarmored sniper 1V2, Zaiwu is here again!!!"

"On the front, Xiao Xu gave him a breakthrough and opened up the situation. With Zaiwu, he was able to catch the endgame. The Little Bee Twin Stars are really exaggerated!! This endgame is so awesome."

The old handsome guy took a breath and said, "Every operation of Zaiwu's is so reasonable, like a clairvoyant, he locks the opponent's position and then looks for opportunities."

"If what you see in Xiao Xu is unparalleled positioning ability, then Zaiwu has information processing capabilities that are like a see-through version. His main perspective makes you feel that he knows where people are."

"The little bee training room is going crazy haha!"

The moment the target was shot down by a blind sniper, the nervousness of the members of Little Bee suddenly exploded.

Xu Beifang turned his head and looked at Zaiwu excitedly. Zaiwu's performance in this endgame made his face full of "fuck".

apEX couldn't help it anymore, he directly showed the advantage of French tenor: "Oh!!!!!!!!!"

The eyes of the two brothers NBK and RPK were also filled with astonishment.

The two kills in the endgame of the loading game, whether it was the one who aimed left and right, or the blind sniper who was silently touching his face, left them stunned.

Although they know that Zaowu's level is very good, Xu Beifang's more intense breakthrough ability.

The abilities displayed by Zaiwu don't seem to attract attention, but they just make them feel stable and always able to get kills.

But in this endgame, as professional players, they were able to understand how terrifying the thinking was only after a brief review.

At that time, Zaiwu thought about the opponent's position, playing style, subsequent choices, and how to deal with it based on his own unarmored AWP.

All aspects have been taken into consideration, everything is so reasonable, and now they can't believe that they have won this endgame.

apEX's excited voice resounded throughout Little Bee's training room, but he still felt extremely excited. He shouted a few more words in Chinese in the training room: "Ziwu Twist Pen!!"

Hearing this, everyone in the training room also stopped and laughed non-stop.

This is the strongest ability of Dou Dou, a powerful comeback at a faster pace. Under his guidance, the morale of the entire team can be raised.

【what? Do you think you are awesome? 】

【Konger Bar】

[How to play with two wall hangings? 】

[Dou Dou shouted excitedly in the room, as if everything was related to him haha]

[This is what I like to watch in Little Bee’s competitions. I get so excited every time at apEX. I’m so happy.]

[It shouldn’t be Kong’er, maybe it was taught by Xiao Xu]

[The North teaches people to talk about the quintessence of the country]

【Zaiwu is indeed awesome! ! I’m dumbfounded by this endgame]

[The big sweet potato is so fierce]

[G2: There is a lock on the opposite side and a penetration on the other side. How do you play this? 】

The game screen entered a pause, which was called out by G2.

Whether it's the attrition caused by the little bee's appearance in the early stage, or the handling of the subsequent endgame.

This round they were all full of loopholes.

They can still understand the opponent Nice's positive ability, and they were attacked in the first wave mainly because they did not expect that the opponent would speed up and hit B.

kennyS was completely eliminated, there is nothing to blame.

Later, Boddy did not expect that the opponent had already picked up a sniper rifle and was about to use the rifle to suppress him.

There are more or less mistakes.

But what the hell is this endgame? From their perspective, in their 2-on-1 endgame, even when they looked at the location of the minefield, they were both peeking out.

Very steady, very calm.

Even Team A can't find any fault with this kind of discipline.

After hearing the big sniper's scope, they chose a double pull, which was also a reasonable decision.

But the load was handled too quickly. Jack knocked it out with just one look, and Lucky didn't even make up for it with his shot.

Lucky was very innocent. After the shot failed, he changed positions in time without standing up straight. Even though he calculated the time correctly, he bet that the opponent would not dare to change the point directly.

But who would have thought that Zaiwu would come over with a sniper rifle and show his face!

Eat, eat, eat!

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