CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 182 Send G2 to reincarnate in a different world!

"Hey, Nice, can you cook today's spicy dish?"

On the way to the end of the dinner party, Xu Beifang heard Zaiwu asking him in a low voice.

Because the Little Bee Base is equipped with a kitchen, Xu Beifang often cooks two dishes for himself during rest days. They know this.

"Yes, I can, but it may not be as delicious as the restaurant made today."

Xu Beifang looked at Zaiwu with some surprise, "Why... who just said it's not spicy enough? I won't eat it in the future."

Zaiwu smacked his lips and seemed to have some aftertaste: "It's a bit too spicy, but it's delicious!"

"Just tell me next time you make it, and I'll taste a little bit..."

People are timid but greedy.

Xu Beifang felt that the image of carrying things in his heart became more three-dimensional.

After returning to the Little Bee base, they did not rest, but XTQZZZ pulled them to conduct a tactical review.

Although these two BO3 games went smoothly, there were still some rounds that were not played well.

Just because you win does not mean that your decision is correct. Sometimes it may just be that the opponent makes more mistakes.

XTQZZZ guided the Little Bee players to re-plan and change the rounds that were not played well according to their ideas.

"Nice, throw the smoke bomb that the gangsters in the Lost City throw on the B2 floor. We are now building a wave of tactics around that smoke bomb. This thing can be used as a ultimate move in the next Major." XTQZZZ said. .

Nice's performance in the team is getting better and better. Whether it is his performance in the game or some of his tactical concepts and game understanding outside the game, he is surprised.

For example, Nice updated CSGO when he first came to Paris. AUG and SG553 had done a lot of practice in advance.

Now that several months have passed, they have become the team most familiar with these two firearms.

The main reason why he was able to perform so well on the two maps of Amusement Park and Sha Er was because of this.

They have already mastered these two firearms, while other teams have just gotten started.

In terms of killing streak ability and gun position selection, it is not as good as Little Bee.

And the smoke bomb that Nice found out during the game today made him even more amazed.

This guy is so imaginative.

"Once this smoke grenade is used, it must be used to fake a fight." apEX said, "This smoke grenade exploded on the B2 floor. As soon as it was pulled on the opposite side, it was directly deceived."

"No, after using this ultimate move for the first time, the opponent will definitely be wary. Later, they can pretend to hit A, but in fact they will hit B with explosive bombs." apEX quickly thought of the second version of this smoke bomb. usage.

Xu Beifang didn't expect apEX to think of so many things at once, and also put forward his own ideas: "We should perfect the first wave of fake attacks first. Simply giving the first cigarette is definitely not enough."

"It's too fake that a smoke bomb exploded in Area B. Although the other side will be vigilant, it will definitely remain the same. At least one more person will have to pass by."

NBK looked at the map and added: "You can put a person on the B2 floor to pretend to be a bomb, or even send it directly in. On the middle side, if someone hangs here at the beginning, give an arch smoke to make it look like B is in the middle. Even better.”

A group of people talked to each other and gradually perfected the tactical ideas.

Zaiwu looked at this smoke bomb and felt that it would be a good use to end the game.

After the review training is completed, the daily training of Little Bee is completed.

The others left the training room one by one and began to enter their own leisure lives.

Only two Internet-addicted teenagers, Xu Beifang and Zaiwu, remained.

Zaiwu didn't plan to continue playing FPL today. Two BO3s a day made him a little tired, so he opened Battlefield 1 and started to have fun and relax for a while, feeling the joy of attacking and defending on the battlefield.

However, Xu Beifang knew that in less than 10 minutes, the aiming ability of the cargo would be mistaken for a plug-in.

Xu Beifang declined Zaiwu's invitation and entered the daily gun training session alone.

Turn down the sound of the gun, and then deliberately pull the crosshair to the heads of the opponents in TG deathmatch, killing them one by one.

The content of gun training was a bit boring, but Xu Beifang gradually got used to it, feeling the difference in each aiming action, and then making some minor adjustments according to needs.

Kill information belonging to him began to float across the upper right corner...

Now I can compete head-on with first-line riflemen like Big Team, but there may still be some gap compared to top riflemen like Twistzz and NIKO.

The next step to improve is to play against these players in various competitions and feel their styles, so that you can slowly become stronger.

Xu Beifang conscientiously completed the death-fight training, and then completed today's preview training.

Then he turned off the computer and returned to his room to wash up and rest.

Before going to bed, Xu Beifang remembered the C-level treasure box he got in today's competition, and opened it with a thought.

[C-level treasure chest is opening...]

[Have obtained tips for wearing Purgatory Town! Note: This technique can be used for penetration at various conventional points. PS: Learn S1mple skills and enjoy VAC life. 】

Xu Beifang almost couldn't hold his breath when he saw the explanation behind it.

As one of the strongest CSGO players, Ukrainian genius S1mple.

S1mple, who has not yet played professionally, once demonstrated cheating to his friends through a live broadcast. As a result, he was reported when he participated in Katowice 2014. Later, HR was unable to participate in the game. Coupled with the personality of being a stress monster, he was kicked out of the team. .

This incident caused a lot of controversy at first. Although he only demonstrated a wave of breakthrough points during the live broadcast, no one knew whether he had cheated when he was not live broadcasting.

However, S1mple's subsequent playing style in the game has always been called the USB flash drive kid and the target of VAC's attention.

Xu Beifang thought, and he appeared in the simulated space again.

He appeared in the town of Purgatory. Starting from the most basic banana path through the stone slabs, conventional or unconventional crossing points appeared in his mind.

For example, the gangsters pass through banana barrels on the second floor, and the church passes through the water tank in area B...

There are even several points on the A2 floor that pass through the big pit. You don’t have to be afraid of the electronic guy’s big pit in the future!

As for the big sniper who likes to directly set up A1 at the A package point, he can be directly penetrated to death in the A2 building!

There is also a commonly used point-piercing technique like A1 wooden fence piercing VIP.

After practicing for a while, Xu Beifang memorized many points.

He does not need to use this technique all the time, but if he confirms the opponent's position, he can start a wave of attempts in advance without exposing his body.

Xu Beifang once again felt that he had become a little stronger.

Still feeling sleepy for a while, he turned on his phone and scrolled through Twitter for a while.

There have been no major competitions recently, so this kind of qualifying tournament can also trigger a lot of discussion among fans.

After their game, there will be a game between G2 and Optic.

G2 entered the honeymoon period of the new lineup. The consumptive God of War was at full strength and killed 63 people on two maps.

G2 performed very strongly and finally took away Binbin and Xiaohei with a score of 2-0.

This led to qualification for IEM Sydney - which ended up falling between G2 and the Bees.

Fans in the French CSGO community fell into a carnival and opened the champagne in advance.

G2 fans all said that kennyS is coming back. The man who once asked Valve to change the rules for big snipers seems to have found his form. You don’t need to watch this game. When you wake up, it will definitely be another victory!

Little Bee has more Chinese fans because of Xu Beifang's relationship.

A fan who likes to play memes posted an emoticon on the forum.

The emoticon pack shows a picture of a classic dump truck reincarnated into another world.

But this time the dump truck had Xu Beifang's profile picture on it, and the social animal who was about to be reincarnated had G2's profile picture on it.

There is a string of words written on it, the dump truck is coming! !

It seems like G2 will be directly reincarnated into another world.

Fans of the two teams were having a great time in the forum, and some of them were even talking about it. One moment they were fans of G2, and the next moment they changed into Little Bee avatars.

And today's G2 is indeed not weak.

The once magnificent kennyS is now ushering in his last spring.

The newly added Jackz makes up for the shortcomings in firepower, although he may not be as explosive as riflemen like NIKO and Nice.

But JackZ's formulaic playing style makes it impossible for players to say anything disparaging.

French captain Shox is also in his final years. Although his firepower is insufficient, his experience is very sophisticated both as a free man and as a commander.

Today's G2, if handled properly, is also a team capable of competing for the championship.

Xu Beifang saw the discussion in the community and felt a little stressed.

Both teams are from France, and the two teams have a good relationship, so they often play training matches.

Whether it was before or after G2's formation change, the Little Bee's winning rate was not high, only about 40%.

But who the final winner will be depends on tomorrow’s game!

Xu Beifang drank the 'muscle repair potion' and began to fall asleep.

Only by ensuring that you are well rested can you perform at the level you deserve in tomorrow's game.

February 9, 2019.

7pm Paris time.

The players of Little Bee and G2 are ready to officially enter the BP round.

One thing to say, although the meeting with G2 was quite stressful, there was also one thing that made Little Bee relieved - that is, he finally didn’t have to drive a forklift.

There is a reason why this map is called a free map for the French. Not only does Little Bee not know how to play, but the level of G2 is not high either.

Little Bee is the preferred party for BP today.

They came up and removed the train as usual, and then G2 directly removed the forklift.

The next BP went smoothly. After all, it turns out that the apEX trio were originally members of G2, and now the map pools are almost the same.

Finally, after a round of BP, Figure 1 shows the purgatory town chosen by Little Bee.

Picture 2 is the hot sand city chosen by G2.

Picture 3 shows a picture of Death’s Amusement Park.

The two sides began to enter the server in Figure 1 and officially started the game.

There was also an episode here. Xu Beifang joined the wrong camp several times in a row and came to G2.

kennyS typed directly on the public screen: If you want to come over, we will drive to pick you up now.

The result is naturally a blocked text from apEX.

Amidst the laughter and laughter, the warm-up time ended and both sides began to prepare.

Vitality vs. G2.

Map: Purgatory Town

T: ZywOo, apEX, Nice, NBK, RPK

CT: kennyS, shox, JackZ, Boddy, lucky

The game officially begins!

Because it was Little Bee's own map selection, they started on the offensive side first.

"How to fight? How to fight?" Xu Beifang rubbed his hands, looking forward to it.

apEX thought for a while and said, "NBK and I will set up smoke bombs together, and then use a set of established tactics."

"Just give me two cigarettes, and then the large group will turn into Point A."

They also responded to apEX’s reminder.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang still got a P250 as usual.

According to the tactical practice, there was no rush at the beginning. Xu Beifang just held the gun rack and might jump A1's CT.

But after waiting for a long time, no one was seen moving.

He made acquiescence on the bandit's side, and the NBK and cargo on the A2 floor eliminated possible hidden dangers nearby.

"Come here and use tactics. A wave of bombs will explode directly, and then the target will be charged."

After the large forces were assembled, apEX and NBK began to explode.

A packet of light blocks the cigarette and blocks the opponent's return defense.

A smoke bomb under the cart blocked the field of view of A1, who was investigating the big and small pits.

Then with the help of a lot of flashes, the A1 foursome turned directly into the package point.

After a quick search, they unexpectedly discovered that there was no one at package A!

"Pay attention to big and small pits." NBK warned while putting his bag and opening the mic.

At this time, ZywOo, who was wandering upstairs in A2, also came out to take a look at the situation in Dakeng, "There is someone in Dakeng!!"

He peeked and fired twice at the police in the pit.

But since the location on the A2 floor is a disadvantaged gun position after all, ZywOo was directly taken away by a USP.

[JackZ used usp to kill ZywOo with a headshot]

Seeing this, Xu Beifang looked for an angle at the bag point, and finally saw JackZ emerging from the big pit, and fired two consecutive shots.


[Nice used P250 to kill JackZ with a headshot]

"How come you are gambling? Shox is now learning the style of Zeus?" apEX was a little strange.

Xu Beifang got a kill and saw that no one came out to replenish the gun. Before the smoke bomb dissipated, he hurriedly walked from the bag point to the big pit to increase the angle of guarding the bag.

He glanced at the small pit warily and found that no one was there, so he leaned directly towards the big pit.

But out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw an unknown black figure appear on the right side. He was so frightened that he immediately turned his head, but he still didn't have time...


[kennyS used usp to kill Nice with a headshot]

"There are still people in the big pit! kennyS is hiding there, take positions in the double pit!" Xu Beifang shouted loudly in his voice.

JackZ had just destroyed a big hole. In his information processing, the big hole was already a safe area.

But I didn't expect that there was another one hidden in the opponent's pit!

After kennyS defeated Xu Beifang, he also hid directly in the big pit, trying to lock down the positions of several people.

apEX immediately made a decision and quickly jumped to the graveyard to cause trouble for kennyS.

Because he knows that if he doesn't deal with the big hole kennyS, then when area B comes back to defend, this wave will not be able to win at all!

apEX's decision was very correct. When kennyS heard the footsteps, he knew he couldn't hide and took the initiative to peek out and find a spot to shoot.

NBK, who had no armor, exchanged two shots with him, and was shot in the head by kennyS.

However, apEX's replenishment shot finally succeeded, knocking out kennyS who was in a big hole.

But after a round of firefights, only the unarmored apEX was left to carry out this wave of angle gun lines in the big pit and the RPK at the package point.

The apEX with remaining health chose to hide first, fearing that RPK would fall into passivity in seconds.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was pulled directly out of the link smoke, and a bullet from shox knocked out RPK first.

The low-health apEX wanted to hide, but when faced with the opponent's attacks, he was forced to come out and find someone to fight with.

apEX's shooting skills were very smooth, and two bullets instantly killed the unpacked body.

But shox's pistol was really accurate, and he was instantly killed before apEX could retract his cover and readjust.

He looked at shox who had picked up the tongs and was unpacking them.

The Little Bees were involved in discussion.

"Yes!" NBK said in surprise, "This pistol round is really fun!"

They played a wave of established tactics. Unexpectedly, G2 directly played a two-person trap tactic in area A. The sudden appearance of kennyS really caught them off guard.

Fortunately, I put down the mine pack, and in the second round, I pieced together enough to give Zaiwu and Nice a long shot.

At night, I feel like my condition is back!

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