CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 174 Children are ignorant and just dismantle chariots for fun! (1877)

Several games in Shaer made Big feel very uncomfortable. The score difference gradually widened and they were forced to call a timeout.

Whether it is to find a way to break the game or to cool down the opponent's hot touch, they must call this timeout.

gob b's brows almost knitted together. During the halftime break, he comforted the players that when it came time to select his own pictures, everything would fall into a familiar rhythm.

After coming to Sha Er, the rhythm is indeed familiar, and it is exactly the same as the script in Figure 1!

But who wants to get into the rhythm of being beaten violently by the opponent, you bastard!

gob b took a deep breath and began to straighten out his thoughts.

The opponent seems to be trying to steal the control of A at every point, so it is destined that there will only be two people in area B in the early stage.

Since Nice and RPK of the opponent A are hot, it is better to stay away from them and choose to cause trouble in area B.

After gob b had a clear idea, he explained it to the team, and then after saving up enough money, he directly sent a wave of quick withdrawals to Area B.

A wave of rapid and orderly explosive bombs increased the speed, although it was beaten one for one by NBK.

But all of them had spread out in area B and easily won the point.

Seeing this scene, Little Bee didn't even have the desire to return to defense.

Although the team's average economy already has a deposit of 8,000 yuan, this cannot be a reason for them to be stubborn.

Although it was a 4-on-4 endgame, the distance was too far and the pack points were lost too early, which made it impossible to return to defense.

"It would be nice if I could hit one more." NBK shrugged.

However, Little Bee and the others did not blame him.

Because of the fierce fighting in A University, apEX's opening tactics are biased towards A University, just to prepare for a wave of fighting with the opponent in A University.

Unexpectedly, the other party moved directly to Area B and stole chickens.

Fortunately, they are still far ahead and only lost one point, so there is no psychological pressure.

"In the next few rounds, our focus will be on the middle and we will quickly return to defense." apEX adjusted the focus of defense in a timely manner.

Xu Beifang's next few rounds also started his idle career in University A.

Big played to quickly raise B in several consecutive rounds, but NBK and apEX were in really good shape. In several waves of confrontations in the B area, there was no head-on defeat, and they even often gained advantages by exchanging numbers.

Coupled with Zaiwu's help from the big snipers on the sand, Area B was defended by them several times. Xu Beifang only needed to transform into A and a telephone pole.

"The other side really thinks that our District B is a soft persimmon, right?"

Although they have been able to defend successfully, the opponent's strategic moves still make apEX a little unhappy, "Nice, you follow me this point, we will directly attack the B1 layer and eat their B area!"

"RPK symbolically gives a flash bomb to A, and then goes to A to defend. The carrier is in the middle to help us set up the middle."

Although Doudou was a little unhappy with the other party's decision, he was still very rational.

This wave of fronting is not just pure anger, but a wave of rhythm adjustment. They must let the other party have a default awareness.

When the countdown ended, apEX gave a standard cigarette to light up the middle door, then came close to the middle door, leaned forward and rushed into the B1 floor.

Xu Beifang followed closely with AK in hand.

"Sudden aggressive forward push! The B1 floor will directly use force against you!! apEX stepped over with big steps, this wave depends on the marksmanship!"

After Xu Beifang entered the B1 floor, he walked quietly behind, originally planning to give false information.

But the moment apEX exchanged fire with the other party, he also saw the other party's figure. The information had been exposed, so there was no need to hide.

"Da da da……"

[Nice used AK47+apEX to kill nex]

"The front of the B1 floor is pushed!!" After nex was killed, he quickly reminded loudly in his voice.

At the same time, tabseN knocked out the NBK that jumped out of the smoke on B, and then immediately turned around and looked at the corner of the B1 floor.

A ferocious policeman rushed up from the spiral staircase on the B1 floor, and directly knocked out the bandit on the right side with a single stroke. tabseN immediately picked up his gun to kill him, and then turned the gun back to look at the B channel.

Just as tabseN was about to let down his guard, he heard nex shouting: "There are two floors on B1!!!"

tabseN quickly pulled the muzzle back, but saw a head swinging out and then pulled it back instantly.


[Nice used AK47 to kill tabseN with a headshot]


tabseN really doesn’t understand.

You poked out half of your head and killed me? ?

Is Origins 2 already here?

You don’t play like this! !

These two maps had huge negative emotions in tabseN's heart. Xu Beifang's leaning forward to shoot his head was the last straw that broke tabseN's mind.

He quietly leaned on the gaming chair and began to think about several core issues in life——

who I am? where am I? Why should I play CSGO?

"The bag was dropped on the B1 floor, but it's not easy to keep..."

Before Xu Beifang finished speaking, he heard the sound of a sniper shot in the middle.

[ZywOo used AWP to kill tiziaN]

"Okay, now there's no need to guard."

3 vs. 2 turned into 3 vs. 1. Xu Beifang retreated directly to the B package point to hold up the point.

He was superior in numbers, he just had to hold on.

The last remaining gob b picked up the mine bag, and then tried to move to small A to cause trouble in area A.

The result was that he was killed by a large sniper shot.

gob b was laughed at in front of the camera.

They called a timeout again, but it had no effect. Under the iron-barrel defense of Little Bee, Big's tank was almost torn apart.

The marksmanship of all of them was deformed to varying degrees, and several rounds that could have been won were overturned due to mistakes.

It was Xantares who made a brilliant three-kill breakthrough in the final game of the first half, killing all the big brothers in the opponent's area A before scoring another point.

During the halftime break, everyone in Big no longer had any pained expressions on their faces.

They looked at each other, and then smiled helplessly.

In today's BO3, they simply didn't play as well as they should, and couldn't even score basic points despite the opponent's tough defense.

After the fight, even Gob B, who was the conductor, was in a state of confusion, let alone the other members.

The score in the first half was fixed at 12:3.

From the situation point of view, there is basically no suspense about this one.

But Xu Beifang, as a fan of Tianlu, clearly understands that 12:3 is not a guaranteed win.

The smoothness of the game made everyone in Little Bee very excited.

During the half-time break, apEX even started a dance battle with Zaiwu. The whole scene was very joyful.

Entering the second half, Xu Beifang took out his butterfly knife and switched back and forth with Glock, "Report to Commander, Nice is ready, please give orders!!"

Xu Beifang's way of speaking made everyone in Little Bee smile.

Even NBK and RPK, two usually serious people, laughed.

"Emmm..." apEX cleared his throat, and then raised his tone, "Soldier 1, I will give you a P250 now, and annihilate them all later!"

"The rest of the people followed Soldier 1 and went to area B to lurk, waiting for NBK Private to carry out prop harassment on the outside of A. We can launch a general attack from the front!"

After saying that, a group of people couldn't help laughing.

This may be the happiness between men.

"Childish..." The bald coach complained speechlessly, but this kind of team atmosphere was also what he was pursuing.

After laughing, they all became normal again.

Xu Beifang led the team into the B2 floor, walking quietly to find the way to B1, and the others followed closely.

There was only one NBK left, holding a complete set of props, conducting reconnaissance outside Big Yellow Car A, waiting for apEX's instructions.

"NBK伱 throw a flash bomb into University A, and then take the initiative to explore the situation. If there is no one in University A, you can give them some cigarettes and flash bombs, and then try to move forward."

NBK started to take action after hearing the instructions.

apEX also took aim at the props in the B2 floor, "Nice, you can go forward to get the information. When the firefight occurs, I will give the flashbang and then refill the smoke."

"RPK, you're going to watch the B1 floor later. I won't let you help from the front, so you don't have to come over."

After hearing the command from the commander, Xu Beifang took the P250 and began to preview the search points.

Day after day of practice made him particularly proficient in the various conventional points of Lao Sanzhang.

Xu Beifang leaned against the wall at the back of the B2 floor, adjusted his sight, and first looked at the first preview point - the sniper position of the B bag point.

When a head appears in the field of vision, there is no need to adjust the sight, just pull the trigger.


[Nice used P250 to kill tiziaN with a headshot]

"There's someone on the B2 floor!! They came out with an early shot!! Help!!" tiziaN announced the location loudly in the voice message.

In this wave, he just saw the opponent's figure pull out, and then the bullet hit his head, without any chance to react.

Fortunately, in this wave, they have a defensive formation that favors zone B. They can return to defense very quickly, so they should be able to hold on...probably.

After being severely beaten on two maps, tiziaN has lost some confidence.

After tiziaN was knocked out, the whole Big started to move.

Because they saw that ID—Nice!

The big brothers on the opposite side are all on the B2 floor, and their offensive intentions are already clear!

But the most nervous person was Nex in area B. He was hiding in the white car and shivering.

Xantares acts as a hook for him at Gate B.

"Nice got a kill, and the little bee started to attack with explosive bombs at a faster speed!"

"Nice jumped forward, and he came directly to me with a P250 to get the information! Is Little Bee such a team now?"

"Xantares fired wildly, but Nice was not killed. Instead, he was killed by the loader and apEX's follow-up shot."

"Nex is very smart, he bows his head in the white car and becomes the sixth child! This wave may be very fatal!!"

When nex heard the beeping sound, he immediately stood up and opened fire, knocking out a few shots of apEX without armor in an instant.

"White car queen!!" apEX loudly reminded his teammates after being killed.

Xu Beifang also leaned against the bunker in an instant, with his crosshair positioned on the scalp of the white car.

Zaiwu glanced at Xu Beifang, and he understood the idea and started to put pressure on him.

nex heard the footsteps and had no choice but to get up, but was shot away by Xu Beifang.

"The B2 floor has entered, but he only has one drop of blood left!" RPK's reporting voice came from the voice.

Xu Beifang glanced at his and Zaiwu's blood levels, and immediately said: "I'll lay down the bag, and you can set up the gun."

He picked up the mine bag, entered the dead center and placed a safety bag.

After hearing the beeping sound, Zaiwu picked up the USP and walked quietly and slowly towards Channel B.

tabseN was wary of someone looking for him, but he didn't expect the other person to come over to him and was instantly killed by ZywOo with a headshot.

"2 against 1!" apEX reminded.

NBK, who was the hook in area A, was killed early, and now only the two of them are left to take over the endgame.

Someone suddenly came out of the dog hole, but before Xu Beifang could fire, there was a "pop".

[gob b used usp to kill Nice with a headshot]

"Dead spot bag." Xu Beifang reminded him and stopped talking.

While loading the gun, quickly move to the nearest bunker - that is, near the large box.

"In the 1V1 bullfighting time, the loader only has half health left, but gob b is an unarmored CT, so both sides have a chance in this wave."

"gob b swung out from door B, but Zaiwu had already heard the sound, King Qin circled the pillar!"

"Gob b wanted to go to the drip bag to pull the person out, but he didn't expect that the other party had already grabbed his back, and he was instantly killed with one shot!"

USP's crisp headshot sounded, and Little Bee won the pistol round in the second half!

At this moment, the status of the Big players has changed to not making noises and having fun! !

The score was too disparate, and the Big player's mentality was on the verge of collapse.

The little bee felt hot, and Xu Beifang immediately made several A-speed increases, successfully advancing the game to the match point.

After entering the match point, tabseN finally started to use his big sniper, and the gun barrel of this German tank began to blast out shells.

tabseN's performance helped them win 3 consecutive rounds.

But apEX made a spiritual move. After seizing control of A at the beginning, everyone immediately circled back to B1 from the gangster's house.

Then the main force rushed directly from the middle. tabseN did not expect that there would be so many people in the middle, and was torn apart by a bullet from apEX.

tiziaN in area B also failed to get a valid head.

In the end, the score of this hot sand city was fixed at 16:6. Little Bee won two maps in a row, locking in the BO3 victory in this game!

The first game after the adjustment of Little Bee showed great results!

The players from the Big team just felt like they were being bombed!

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