CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 166 I hope to say goodbye to the French palace fight

"Congratulations to Little Bee for winning this BO3 game 2-1 and winning the first ticket to the Major European Division."

When the audience in the live broadcast room was praising Xu Beifang's excellent statistics, Play Machine frowned and said:

"In this European qualifier, the Little Bees have been in the adjustment stage throughout the entire stage. They actually have a lot of problems playing."

[Isn’t it great? You’re just talking nonsense when you’re playing with a machine]

[The data clearly exploded, and the game went quite smoothly all the way. It felt like the little bees were winning the championship]

[Sure enough, Jijizi is Xiao Xu’s biggest fan]


Even after seeing the audience's doubts, Wanmai still looked at the game from his perspective:

"Actually, in this BO3, according to the style of play, the Bees couldn't beat ENCE. They turned the tide purely by relying on their outstanding personal abilities."

"Xiao Xu and Zai Wu fought too many endgames and saved the world too many times."

"That's the problem. Don't forget that Xiao Xu plays a breakthrough position. Once he frequently takes over the endgame, it means there is a problem with the team's playing style."

"And looking at the games these days, apart from the tacit understanding between Zaiwu and Xiaoxu in the endgame, I didn't see a very beautiful counter-Qing..." Wanyimai took a breath and organized his words, " It just feels like the current Little Bee is more like two top players playing a game with three passers-by. They are all doing their own thing, and even the passers-by can’t compare to each other in terms of coordination.”

【That being said, it seems true】

[I just said why this game looks so weird]

[It’s always been the 2V endgame between Xiao Xu and ZywOo. Who wouldn’t be confused by this? 】

[I teased Xiao Xu before about moving from a Polish cell to a French cell, but I didn’t expect that he was right]

[This game is indeed too disgusting to watch. The big brother’s highlight performance is really good, but he can’t stand playing like this all the time]

[It seems that if you want to win the championship, you have to change the lineup. If that doesn't work, let's bring kennyS over. I heard that the contract expires in February]

【What are you thinking about? Buy another kennyS, do you think a small team like this can afford it? 】

Playing Machine sighed: "I still hope that Little Bee can adjust his condition. Otherwise, in this state, not to mention competing for the championship, he may not even be able to enter the legendary group."

After all, even if he is a model of personal ability, although Mori and Den in NAVI have three auspicious treasures, the fire man can occasionally use them, Zeus can call out very beautiful tactics, and although Edward has stretched his hips, he can also help the big brother in the team to Get the information.

The current Little Bee doesn't see any outstanding points except for the newcomer Zaiwu.

After watching the game in 2016, everyone in the CSGO professional circle knows the game well. He knows that NBK and RPK are capable, and even if their status declines, it should not be so serious.

And the most important thing is that Xu Beifang and Zaiwu are now passive.

It took Xu Beifang half a year to get the honor of TOP9. As Chinese people, they are very happy and naturally hope that Xiao Xu can go further.

But now after a game, they find that they are still behind bars, which makes people more anxious.

The playable machine knows in its heart that it is useless for them to worry. It depends on how Little Bee makes adjustments.

After finishing the ENCE game, Little Bee entered a short rest day.

Xu Beifang was aware of the team's problems, but seeing the team's excitement, he still planned to review the problem with them tomorrow.

After playing a BO3 game, he was a little exhausted. After returning to the hotel, he changed his clothes and went for a five-kilometer run, finally getting rid of those negative emotions.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, Xu Beifang adjusted the live broadcast equipment and edited the text:

"Laxative, I'm in Cato and I just qualified for the Major. Do you have any good advice if I want to win the championship?"

After checking that there were no typos, Xu Beifang directly clicked to start broadcasting.

Now his small station has more than 90,000 fans. As soon as the broadcast started, many fans flocked to the live broadcast room.

【coming! 】

[Xiao Xu is diligent, he started broadcasting just after finishing the game]

[The pentakill on Platform A today made me wet]


Looking at the barrages in the live broadcast room, Xu Beifang's mood gradually improved.

The smile returned to his face, and Xu Beifang asked: "Do you have any suggestions? Should we play the ladder or watch the DEMO together?"

[I just watched the game, why don’t you just watch the DEMO]

[It is recommended that Xiaoxu use Cato to kill S1mple and device and win the Major championship]

[I suggest Xiao Xu to solve the problems in the team. I don’t know what Xiao Bee thinks, letting a guy like Zai Weo give props every day]

[Indeed, it is recommended that Xiao Xu solve the problems within the team first, and then have a chance to compete for the championship]

[I have never seen a championship team that needs someone to stand up and perform all the time]

They were in the middle of the game, and some of their problems were obscured by the joy of victory.

But outsiders can detect problems very sensitively from a third perspective.

【drop! 】

[After receiving suggestions, kill star players such as S1mple and device to compete for the championship. The difficulty of the task is 10 stars. The specific reward depends on the degree of completion]

[After receiving suggestions, deal with the problems within the team first. The difficulty of the task is 3 stars. After completion, a D-level treasure box will be awarded]

Listening to the system prompts in his ears, Xu Beifang smiled bitterly and said: "There are indeed big problems in the team. I originally planned to talk about this issue during the review after the game tomorrow..."

"Forget it, just for today."

Xu Beifang said, turning on the second game of the European preliminaries, "Let's stop the live broadcast for now. You can watch the game for yourselves. You can just run away. I will solve the problem first, otherwise I will always be confused. .”

[Good guy, this is so exciting]

[The execution power of the North is still so high]

[I hope we can stop fighting in the French palace]

[God damn it, the French palace fight, you can’t let Xiao Xu come back and ask Danking to form a team to play a game, don’t be angry with me]


When Xu Beifang found the coach, he found him in the training room watching the video of the game just now.

"Coach, I think we need to review the current problem in detail. If we play the game in this way, we may not even be able to enter the legendary group."

The bald coach glanced at Xu Beifang and was a little surprised, "Have you also discovered the problem with Little Bee today? Our current performance is entirely supported by the upper limit of the body and the load."

"It should be a problem caused by the audition." Xu Beifang replied.

The bald coach also nodded, thinking that this might be the biggest problem.

The start-up Little Bee needs to qualify for the competition in various auditions, which to some extent slows down apEX's progress. Most of the leadership ideas are just to call a default.

Because in the audition, Little Bee was able to win most of the teams simply by default, without the need for further planning.

But today we met ENCE, the 11th ranked team in the world.

The strong sunlight makes everything visible!

Little Bee exposed too many problems.

Xu Beifang originally just felt that the recent games were a little weird, but in the amusement park just now, he realized that the entire team's current communication, cooperation, and scoring ideas for the game were too backward.

In what age are you still using dry pulling to break points?

With the individual ability of Team A to win NAVI through team CSGO, everyone is frantically absorbing the changes brought about by Team A's system.

Xu Beifang himself came from the great country of Qianla, so naturally he would not slander Qianla's method.

But in his opinion, Little Bee is not a matter of fighting or not. It is completely unconscious and does not even look like a team.

And he himself is now in an isolated state.

Completely pampered!

Seemingly sensing his doubts, the bald coach patted him on the back: "Don't worry, I'll call them over now and we'll discuss the issue clearly."

"We worked so hard to invite you from China during the offseason. We don't just want to go to the Major for a round trip. If there are problems, we will change them. The Little Bees will become a good team..."

"I'll ask questions later, you tell me your opinions, and then everyone can change it together. Now you are the absolute core of Little Bee, you don't have to worry about other problems."

Hearing the comfort from the bald coach, Xu Beifei breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this kind of thing must be brought up by the coach, otherwise it may not be resolved properly and there may be discord between team members.

The little bees in regular uniforms were called back.

apEX was a little confused: "Didn't it say that the review will only start tomorrow afternoon? Is there any schedule for today?"

This French CSGO player has a faint smile on his face. He is obviously very happy to be able to successfully qualify for the Major.

They were quite surprised that the coach suddenly called them to the training room.

"The main reason is that when we just reviewed the game, we found that there are too many problems in the team." XTQZZZ, who is always cheerful on weekdays, replied with a serious face.

apEX and others also knew that something was wrong, and each of them restrained their smiles.

"The first is apEX's current command problem. Your command on the defensive end is too conservative."

apEX thought about it carefully and found that this is indeed the case.

But he also has his own thoughts: "But if you can win by default, why do you want to play that risky style?"

It's like the offensive style that G2 likes. If you can win with one offense, why change your tactics?

"Is our default defense really good?" XTQZZZ asked.

apEX subconsciously wanted to answer of course, but he fell silent as he recalled the scene of the game.

But XTQZZZ added: "In a game, nearly half of the defense relies on Nice or Zaiwu's return defense, and only a few defensive points are scored on the front! You tell me I can win?"

"Which team's defense always relies on returning to defense to score??"

XTQZZZ was really angry. The tactical papers in his hand were smashed directly on the table and scattered all over the room.

The atmosphere in the whole room was tense and the air pressure dropped.

XTQZZZ scolded apEX: "Nice flew here from a foreign country in China to play the game. We promised to play the game with him as the core, but in the end, he became a role player in the game?"

"What you call regular defense can't get a normal score in the qualifiers. Although I got the qualification today, what about entering the Major later? Do you just expect to get that Major sticker to retire?"

Xu Beifang also knew that he had to take the initiative to say something.

"Doudou, if the team can withstand the pressure from the front, then I can indeed become a role player and only be responsible for my own area."

"But can I withstand the pressure now? I can't!" He said bluntly, "I'm not a very good person in the endgame. Although I can occasionally win the endgame with my performance, what I'm good at is going out. Get the information and confront others head-on."

"For example, on the defensive end of Shaer II, if I don't press forward to get the information in area A, how many times will NBK and RPK be able to switch to advantageous kills?"

"No, buddy, at least we start with 302. There are two people sitting in Area B, two sets of props guarding Area B..." Xu Beifang hammered the table a few times, "Is it so difficult to defend Area B? ?”

NBK and RPK are indeed speechless. RPK performed well overall.

NBK sat aside and just remained silent. With the team's overall upward trend, his average rating was 0.99, which already explained a lot of problems.

Xu Beifang once dragged four in VP. In fact, it is acceptable for his teammates to perform poorly, but if his personal condition is not good, the team must move closer to teamwork.

When everyone is thinking about working hard for a goal, as long as they try their best, Xu Beifang can accept the result.

He is a person who enjoys the process more. Although the results of several games are good now, the process is terrible. How can he accept it?

Zaiwu was at a loss next to him. It was the first time he saw Nice, a good-natured person, lose such a temper.

Although he himself was not satisfied with the game, he wanted to raise issues in the review and resolve them slowly, in order to maintain the team atmosphere.

But what Xu Beifang thinks is that the team's current style of play is more like a stubborn disease, and a strong medicine is needed to cure it.

The bald coach has already started the group, so he can't just follow behind and not replenish his shot.

"Then how to deal with the current problem?" apEX was silent for a long time, and his mind finally became clearer.

The victory brought about by fighting against the audition teams in the past two months made him lose some aggressiveness and forget the original purpose of rebuilding the team.

XTQZZZ said: "Develop defensive tactics around Nice. What he is good at is being at the front. You don't have to worry about him being killed by pressing forward, just cooperate with him to develop tactics."

"Then the position of the prop hand is changed from Zaiwu to NBK. Since Zaiwu can perform well, he does not need to assume the role of a role player."

"Do you have anything else to say?" The bald coach turned to ask Xu Beifang.

Xu Beifang replied: "We still have serious problems with our cooperation. We must communicate. I work hard to learn French, not just for cheering!"

"Now Team A has set an example for everyone on the field. We try not to do it in places where we don't need to do it. It's like today at the amusement park. I told you that I could help, but you didn't even answer. No, I just rushed forward with big steps."

"We are a team, not a five-black ladder!"

【drop! 】

[Suggested task, dealing with problems within the team, difficulty level 3 stars, completed...]

Seeing Little Bee begin to discuss the possibility of the next fight, Xu Beifang's tense face finally relaxed.

Compared with the completion of a suggested task, he was happy when the core issues within the team were solved.

The current solution to the problem is definitely only preliminary, and subsequent adjustments will need to be made continuously.

At least he's not standing still.

Xu Beifang has regained hope for the next Major.

Well, a little.

Thank you everyone for your enthusiastic feedback. I am making adjustments. I will make the positioning of the protagonist clearer and give a detailed description of the game later.

Thanks again for your feedback.

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