CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 155 The bulldozers are coming! (1277)

"Send! At 12:16, Little Bee still failed to win map 1. Nexa and huNter scored 50 kills together and won this map strongly." Masisi took another look at the data, "Okay, actually Little Bee On Bee’s side, Xiao Xu and Xiao Fatty even got 47 kills in total, but they still couldn’t win.”

"But in a BO3 game, it's normal to fail to win on the opponent's map, not to mention that the French have never been good at this forklift. Now I just hope they can adjust their state so that they can win the game on their own map. Fight well.”

The time of the forklift was fleeting. Faced with Nexa's constipated acquiescence, Xu Beifang was quite helpless. The opponent used a wave of map control style to curb his performance.

In this game, he finally spent most of his time on the defensive side defending at the package points. The structure of the Forklift map restricted him.

His side is actually quite good. Even if he is forced to face the enemy at a package point, he can always get good kills.

But once the opponent chooses to defend in area B, the exchange of numbers between the two brothers NBK and RPK becomes a bit of a headache.

Xu Beifang took a long breath and began to adjust his emotions.

"My performance on this map was too poor. I should have relied more on you to break points in the first half." apEX was very dissatisfied with his performance.

The bald coach reminded him in time: "Since we have lost the first map, let us put him behind us now. How to win the next two maps is the most important thing."

"This is much more difficult than in Asia before." Xu Beifang lamented that the European Shark Pool is indeed well-deserved.

Fortunately, Figure 2 is the purgatory town they chose, and they all have confidence in this map.

Having just won the top 9 in 2018, Xu Beifang didn't want to be unable to participate in the Major, so he began to quickly adjust his emotions.

Purgatory Town was Little Bee's own choice, so they started as bandits.

"Come on, come on, let's all be enthusiastic and win a few rounds, everything will be fine." apEX took the initiative to twist the rope, and then explained the tactics of the pistol round, "They may be in Area B of the pistol round on the stone slab Make moves nearby, and we will conduct a fake attack on Area B immediately."

"Zaiwu, you light up a smoke and a fire. When you really hit the A later, use props to suppress the big pit."

"Nice, I'll throw you a handful of P250. Stay at the bandit's mouth and in the middle to get information."

The early instructions were issued and everyone set off.

"Okay, welcome back to the live broadcast room, let us see the pistol round in picture 2."

"Nice got a handful of P250 here. LETN1 immediately planned to walk to A1 and jump to VIP to get the information... Oh!!!"

Wind and waves arose from the flat ground. Originally, the two sides were still in an open formation.

LETN1 from the main perspective is also a regular gameplay in the town. Take A1 from the link, get the information on the middle road, and then go to VIP to play a spring head to get the information on the side road.

This style of play has a high fault tolerance rate. The most important thing is that it allows CT to know the information about the side channels in the pistol game, so as to avoid being sent to the second floor at the beginning.

But they just watched LETN1 jump from the middle to A1 - while the person was in the air, he was directly shot down by a bullet.

[Nice used P250 to kill LETN1 with a headshot]

Masisi laughed looking at the UI where there were only four people left on the CT side: "Xiao Xu hit him with a forklift and got angry. In the pistol round, it's like an automatic trigger. It's really an exaggeration. LETN1 doesn't want to play anymore, haha .”

He was very clear about the process of the gangster's attack on A1. It would only last a few tenths of a second. This kind of jump would not necessarily be possible if he used a sniper rifle to attack many people on the ladder. Xu Beifang started. Use a wave of P250, and even send it to LETN1 and it will explode.

Masisi said he couldn't understand it at all.

Xu Beifang also raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that he could react to this shot.

He used this shot like a sniper rifle. The first thing he did was to hold off the person who jumped over from the other side.

If no one comes out next, he will pull down the crosshair.

Unexpectedly, the other party really jumped and he actually caught it.

Xu Beifang suddenly received good news, which surprised apEX, so he immediately gave the next instruction: "NBK, let's go forward and fake a wave. You three will go directly to A to speed up."

The two immediately started moving, preparing to put pressure on Area B.

As for the closer side of Banana Road, CT has made a 3B package.

nexa sent huNter a CZ at the beginning, and then another thunder.

huNter stood close to the stone slab with CZ in his hand, and another teammate was seducing him on the yellow wall. As soon as the opponent appeared, he would directly throw out the thunder, and he could cooperate with huNter to instantly clear out the people who were closer.

However, his teammates were suddenly killed instantly at the beginning, which somewhat disrupted his chances.

EspiranTo asked with some concern: "Should I go back to defense?"

His teammates suddenly delivered the first kill, and now there was only one person left in area A. ottoNd could not withstand the pressure at all.

"I won't go back." Nexa had her own thoughts in mind, "Now that I have gone back, all the early design was in vain... But you can go to the board and shake it to get some information."

After hearing this, EspiranTO immediately came to the board and swayed, and was instantly shot to death by apEX and NBK.

"apEX did not stop after getting the kill, but continued to push forward, but how many seconds can huNter's CZ last??"

"huNter stood in front and clicked CZ to drop one in a second. He pulled over and knocked out the second one. The banana lane was directly cleared by a wave!!"

"A wave of B goes to fast attack to A, but knowing that there are two people in area B, now we only need to face one person in area A. Load the items and directly burn the big pit fire on the A2 floor, use props to count, Nice is carrying P250 jumped into the package point and began to search for the opponent's location."

"Otto stood at kennyS's position, but can he really become kennyS? Good guy, Nice must have been really angry. This Otto just fired a shot and turned around and was instantly killed."

A smooth advance in Zone A brought the game to a 3-on-2 endgame.

"Don't get down from the carriage. Go and take care of A1. I'm making some arrangements." Xu Beifei opened his mouth to lay out the endgame.

After putting down the mine bag, RPK jumped directly into the small pit and began to help Xu Beifei look at the origin of the link.

A1 has something to help keep an eye on it, so there is no need to worry.

Little Bee's endgame became more stable. huNter and nexa had no props in this endgame and it was extremely difficult to defend. They tried to pass through the link as a group, but RPK used the picked up usp to shoot continuously and easily headshot them.

The pistol round was successfully won.

The slightly suppressed emotions in the team were instantly released.


"Well played RPK!!"

apEX bumped fists with the two young men next to him, and then said with an excited face: "Believe in yourself, everything will be as good as this pistol round!"

Xu Beifang smiled and shared with his teammates: "Do you know how I got the first kill just now? He jumped towards A1 and I caught it in the air."

"Ah! Wasn't he gunfighting with you in A1?"

When Xu Beifang got the first kill, the round had just begun. Everyone only saw the kill information but not the specific content.

"I hit you while I was jumping in the air. My hand feels better, brothers." Xu Beifang shouted, "It's our turn next!!"

CT here.

Nexa is asking the reason: "What's the situation? Why did you die immediately at the beginning? Didn't I just ask you to go to the side channel to get some information?"

As a conductor, he knows the seriousness of the atmosphere within the team and does not want to put too much pressure on his teammates.

But once a teammate's thinking goes wrong, they must adjust back.

LETN1 was also a little helpless: "I just went to get the side channel information, but the moment I jumped over, the bandits snatched it away."

huNter didn’t quite believe it: “Is it so accurate?”

"I would rather it was because of an illness, then I still have a chance to adjust." LETN1 replied.

Hearing this, nexa said with emotion: "As expected of the TOP9, these star players are all perverts."

Entering the second round, under the command of nexa, they chose a strong attack and still set up a set meal in the banana lane.

Nexa grabbed the flash bomb from behind early, and HunTer and his teammates held CZ and Sand Eagle at the banana lane to wait for the counter-clearance.

Facing the bandits who rushed over with submachine guns and wanted to improve their performance, huNter told them with his strength.

Even if CZ gets a big chop, specialized players like them can still use it.

[huNter used CZ75 to kill apEX with a headshot]

[huNter used CZ75 to kill RPK with a headshot]

Even though the flames that spread later were scalding him to death, huNter's kills were already in place.

"There are at least two left in Area B. One is behind and the other is on the yellow wall." apEX quickly shouted, "There are two left in Area A. Let's pick them up quickly!"

Xu Beifang was very fast and immediately put up the smoke barrier.

NBK in Building A2 seized the opportunity for the opponent to exchange cigarettes and rushed out to kill the enemy on the balcony.

It's just that the Otto bird sniper clicked after the link killed him with a headshot.

"Get off the safety bag and I'll set up the gun." Xu Beifang said to Zaiwu.

"Yeah." Zaiwu explained his thoughts while inputting the wealth code, "In the endgame of 2 versus 3, there may be a few people coming from the opposite side. They want to pick up guns. Why don't we just kill them at A1 later? Caught."


Although it was a 2-on-3 endgame, the teammates around him were reassuring.

After putting down the thunder bag, the two bandits came to A1 together.

Xu Beifang leaned against the wall on the side of the hay cart, peeking a little to find someone.

Zaiwu held Galil against the wall on the right side. Although there was no specific communication, they had a tacit understanding.

"The two bandits walked together from the middle. Little Bee's endgame choice was relatively radical. He directly pushed A1 to defend... It can even be said to be offensive, actively looking for someone to kill." Masisi commented on this decision, "2 on 3. In the end game, it is indeed a good choice to take the initiative to find someone to fight with."

"But at such a close range as A1, the opponent is facing two submachine guns. Is this really a good decision?"

Actively peeking A1 is actually a disadvantageous gun position, but Xu Beifang, as the hook, still has to actively peek.

EspiranTo was successfully hooked by him, and he aimed and fired while holding CZ.

But Xu Beifang pulled back and then went out to shoot.

[Nice used SG 553 to kill EspiranTo with a headshot]

As soon as Xu Beifang got the kill, he found someone jumping out from behind the wall on the right to shoot again.

[nexa used Mac-10 to kill Nice with a headshot]

[ZywOo used Galil to kill nexa]

Xu Beifang was caught off guard by the opponent, but fortunately, Zaiwei replenished his shot quickly enough and did not give the opponent time to adjust.

After this kill, Zaiwu picked up Xu Beifang's 553 and immediately returned to A1.

The other party entered the package and waited for a full 5 seconds before looking towards the package.

CT starts strong and has a bird sniper, so it is impossible to have thunder clamps.

So Zaiwu is very confident.

Then he heard the sound of footsteps, stopped and immediately set his gun.

[ZywOo used SG553 to kill ottoNd]

"2 against 3, we almost lost." Zaiwu said with a smile.

Xu Beifang laughed: "It seems that our cooperation is very good."

After winning the strong start game without any risk, the opponent has no money and is forced to enter the ECO stage.

However, Xu Beifang still warned: "Be careful, these guys across the street like to make set meals."

In just two rounds, they were defeated by the opponent's package combination and died twice in a row.

Thanks to his reminder, this time Zaiwu took the initiative to enter Area B to explore the point. Then Zaiwu and Electronic Brother had a common topic - how should ANTI-ECO deal with the array of five USPs?

Zaiwu was killed, but apEX had no intention of letting them save the AK47. In the end, they surrendered the gun and won the point without any risk.

After arriving at the spear station, Xu Beifang looked at his position and proactively suggested: "How about I grab a banana for this point, and one of you can help me put two flash bombs in the back."

"They should have a big sniper, so be careful." apEX reminded, "Go and help him personally. If there is a fire, just put out the fire for him. Don't save props."

He was aware of Xu Beifang's dominance in the Banana Road, and he was looking forward to this round of competition in the Banana Road.

The countdown was over, and Xu Beifang already had an idea: "I'll give him a Dilemma Fire later, and then I'll jump directly to the tree pile to get the information. If he gets closer and doesn't put any pressure, NBK, you can grab a stone slab for me." Flash, I pushed forward quickly."

"Okay, but don't be so fast. If I catch you right away, I might not be able to keep up with your pace." NBK replied.

After several months of training, he also understood the terrifying ability of the guy in front of him, and there was no doubt about it.

The countdown ended, and CT chose a 3B defensive start on the banana lane.

At the first moment, ottoEd's big sniper did not go directly to the wooden board because of his poor position. Instead, he came to the yellow wall and planned to help his teammates pick up a pass.

Then soon he saw a figure emerging from the pile of trees.


Before he could swing the muzzle upward, an SG553 bullet had already hit his head.

[Nice used sg553 to kill ottoNd with a headshot]

"One for the tree position! One for the tree position!!" ottoNd quickly explained the information, "He is not even white in the banana lane."

"It shouldn't be." Nexa is still confident in her own sparkle. How could it not be white in a place like a tree?

Xu Beifang covered his eyes and retreated to the tree pile.

As a good player in the banana tunnel, after he entered the banana tunnel and threw the fire, he started to duck to the left. When he heard the flash bomb exploded, he stood up from the tree pile and used his short field of vision to kill the person who was standing upright. Instant kill.

But after regaining his vision, he didn't intend to stop there.

"NBK, help me catch the flash, I have to move forward."

The opponent's near-ignition time was not long, and Xu Beifang had no idea of ​​putting out the fire.

"Here you go, back flash!"


After the flash bomb exploded, Xu Beifei stepped on the fire and rushed forward. HuNter was still holding on to the props. He was just about to waste time to replenish the slate smoke. This time, he was completely white. He hurriedly hid behind the sandbag.

But Xu Beifang got the vision and pursued forward with SG553.

The huge red wine bottle still couldn't withstand the SG553's fire.

"Nice! What a gun!!" The praises of his teammates came from the voice, but Xu Beifang didn't pay much attention to it for the time being.

Instead, he came closer to the yellow wall, quickly swung around and fired an advance shot at the police house.

At this moment, I saw a piece of B-cigarette smoke flying out from the police house.

"There is only one police officer left in Area B. Can you help me shine the police officer's light?" Xu Beifang said quickly in his voice.

NBK responded: "No flash, can't help."

Xu Beifang still decided to give it a try, and took the initiative to throw a flash bomb behind him, and then rushed directly out of the smoke the moment the flash bomb exploded.

"Da da da……"

The moment he took out the smoke, he could clearly see Nexa covering her eyes, and the barrel of the gun was pressed against his head.

"It feels like Electronic Brother is possessed." Xu Beifang joked with a smile.

Although this wave was still killed, they got the information that there was only one person in Area B, leaving Little Bee with a 4 vs. 3 endgame.

Little Bee chose to speed up area A, and then saw area A empty.

Watching the time above turn into C4 countdown, nexa said helplessly: "Save your gun, this wave of banana lanes is not done well, let's think of a way."

He was a little helpless. If he hadn't used his luck this time, otherwise the guy in Area B would have broken through alone in 1 minute and 30 seconds. He would have bulldozed them all like a bulldozer.

Originally, they felt quite relaxed when they won the first picture at the beginning of the BO3 game.

But after entering the second picture, Nice's nerve gun, the delicate endgame of the two people, and this wild banana lane breakthrough made them all feel a little bad.

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