CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 146 I will get there! (977)

Because of Xu Beifang's participation, the nature of the entire exhibition match changed, causing the match to speed up amid laughter and laughter, and the end time exceeded everyone's imagination.

The competition team has actually intended to let the rookies loose, but it can't be too exaggerated in the exhibition match. After all, the atmosphere is here.

"Then let us congratulate Team Nice, our rookie group." Playing Machine was very happy in the live broadcast room, "Nice won the championship in the exhibition game, so it can be regarded as the championship."

Five makeup photos of Xu Beifang instantly appeared on the big screen.

【Wonderful! This is an exhibition match]

【The happiest episode】

[I was talking on the phone with my girlfriend when I watched it. She thought I was laughing at her because her lipstick was crooked and she had already broken up]

[I never thought that a person who is usually so serious would let himself go in an exhibition game]

[I hope that future exhibition matches will be based on today’s standard, it’s so interesting]

Everyone spoke highly of today's exhibition match. After all, they laughed from beginning to end. Originally, I just wanted to see different professionals competing in the team. It was like watching an FPL game and there was not much difference.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Nice led everyone into the live-action session, and some of the audience members who were not laughing at all had their faces frozen with laughter.

"Cheer for the two teams, they contributed to a joyful exhibition match!" The host held up the microphone to mobilize the audience's emotions.

The audience at the scene was very supportive, and their emotions were very high. They cheered and screamed for a while.

"Smooya, unfortunately you lost this game. How does it feel to be tortured by Nice and the others?"

Smooya, wearing sexy pink shorts, stood shaking her legs, took the phone and replied:

"I'm actually a little bit unwilling to lose the game. After all, Nice guy cheated. It's not fair."

Xu Beifang then looked at Smooya and smiled at him. He knew something was wrong:

"But later I found out that he was not cheating. There were only 200 gigabytes of learning materials in the USB flash drive."

Xu Beifang quickly stepped forward to grab the microphone and said, "I would rather be questioned and cheated by you."

[Xiao Xu: I did it, I did everything! 】

[That innocent Xiao Xu has died during the Major exhibition tour]

[200 g, Xiao Xu’s frequency is very high! 】

[It’s normal for young people to be energetic 233333]

The host asked questions one by one, and finally came to Xu Beifang.

Banks held up the microphone and asked: "Hello, my teammate, those 200g..."

Xu Beifang turned around to leave, and the audience watched with great joy.

"Okay, let's go over those study materials, although it's a bit regretful." Banks put his arm around Xu Beifang's shoulders and asked, "How do you feel now after winning this game?"

"It's pretty good." Xu Beifang replied, "It's really nice to be able to enjoy the joy brought by the game without any scruples and listen to everyone's smiles."

"Then do you have anything else to say to everyone?"

"Thank you everyone for cheering me today. Although it is just an exhibition match, I really enjoy this moment."

The audience burst into applause.

Immediately afterwards, Banks came to Zaiwu with a microphone in hand: "Our FPL Passer King, do you have anything to say about this game?"

Zaiwu was very cautious, clasping his fingers and shaking his head: "NO, I don't know!"

The cute little fat man spoke, turning the whole venue into a sea of ​​joy again.

"I like your style!" Banks said with a smile, then turned to look at the camera, "The wonderful All-Stars have brought us hors d'oeuvres, and then we will officially enter the final game of the 2018 London Major!"

"The final between NAVI and Astralis, among them, we will see the final winner of this series!"

"Let's stay tuned in 20 minutes!"

Xu Beifang was in front of the stands, watching the London Major finals with the members of VP.

On the stage, NAVI and Team A were exchanging harsh words. Looking at the calm Astralis members, Xu Beifang understood clearly that the fairy tale of Danish CS was finally about to begin.

In the eyes of the audience, this game has a lot of suspense. After all, the gap between the two sides' paper strength is not big, and they have not lost a single knockout match.

But the forum has been discussing which one is stronger, team CSGO or individual CSGO, and the results finally came out today.

Team A is now the team with the strongest team spirit.

As for NAVI, no one dares to say that their current level is higher than that of S1mple, and even the device does not have the ability to say so.

If we talk about the content of the exhibition match, it makes everyone happy.

The confrontation in this final was an adrenaline-filled moment for the audience.

Throughout the BO3, S1mple and Electronic Brother played many highlight moments, but in the runner-up position, they failed to take a step forward.

Zeus and gla1ve have always been discussed as to who is the strongest commander in the world. After this game, they finally have the answer.

In the Nuclear Crisis, Zeus's tactics were completely read by gla1ve too many times.

They had a chance to win Nuclear Crisis, but Team A used CZ to cross the betting points in K1 several times to complete the comeback. gla1ve's purely predictive play style has shown that he has understood the thoughts of Zeus. Eaten thoroughly.

With S1mple falling to the ground in the amusement park, this London Major, which has been remembered by countless people, finally came to an end.

Team A won the game with a score of 2-0, and after the end, the lights throughout the game turned maple leaf red.

At the end of the game, Zeus cried and fell into Brother Electronic's arms. In today's game, no one blamed his teammates and no one caused friction, but they still missed the Major championship.

The victory in this game is a victory for Team A and a victory for the newcomers.

Zeus and Edward in the NAVI lineup are still too old. In comparison, all members of the A team are 23/24 years old, and they are obviously powerless to perform at this level.

Amid the cheers of the audience, newcomer Demon Man took the lead and won the second Major trophy belonging to Team A.

The air column machine erupted in the stadium, the lights shone brightly, and red ribbons fell from the sky, making Team A feel like they were under a maple tree.

Xu Beifang filmed this scene with his mobile phone to encourage himself.

In fact, according to traditional custom, the players will hug their coach after winning the championship.

But perhaps because Zonic is a relatively heavyweight, Team A still breaks this e-sports tradition by focusing on it.

After all, if you really want to pick up Zonic, you need at least two teams, otherwise there may be news that Team A was sent to the hospital just after winning the championship.

Xu Beifang took out his mobile phone and uploaded the photo he had just taken to the Xiaopo website. This time he did not mess around, but solemnly promised:

"I'll get there!"

He picked up a red ribbon that fell on his hair. He originally wanted to put it in his pocket and take it back, but after thinking about it, he left it in the venue.

He still wants to win this kind of thing.

The 2018 London Major is an event full of regrets and a transition between the old and the new.

But on September 24, 2018, the curtain finally came to an end.

On October 1, 2018, Xu Beifang, a member of VP, finally saw what his headquarters looked like.

It's just that he doesn't have time to appreciate these buildings for the time being, because he is here to buy out his contract this time.

"Nice is a very good player. This time we were able to reach the quarterfinals of the Major, at least with half of his contribution, or even more!"

"He is a player as good as Demon Man, former Pasha and Snax!"

VP's CSGO branch manager listened quietly to coach Kuben's words, and no longer had the previous neglect mentality.

Before this Major, his neglect of CSGO was mainly due to the impact of PUBG.

Secondly, it was because of the decline in his division's performance that he was looking for a way out.

But after the latest round, I found that PUBG is not a complete game, and even basic professional events are not complete. Compared with the mature CSGO, it can only be regarded as a toddler.

What's more, after several attempts, VP's PUBG division failed to achieve results.

But CSGO suddenly broke out, and it was difficult for him not to take it seriously.

"I understand. The boss also told me this before. I will give Nice a contract that he cannot refuse!" The VP manager believed that the price he offered was something that the young man could not refuse.

"Kuben, go and call Nice in."

Kuben nodded, quickly went out and brought the people in, and then took the initiative to leave the room, leaving them to talk in detail.

"Hello, Nice. I heard Pasha and the others talk about you a lot, and I've wanted to see you for a long time." The smile on the VP manager's face almost reached his ears.

Xu Beifang felt ill-intentioned when he looked at it.

"From the time you were discovered by Faceit, to the time you were gradually reused, and then to the time when you reached the top eight with the team at the Major, your value is far beyond our imagination."

"So after discussion, we decided to give you a different contract, one worthy of your worth."

"Although pasha will retire next, NEO will remain for the time being. We will find a new leader to replace him, and we will also find new players to supplement the team's firepower. VP will become a regular in that competition again and will once again have the ability to compete for the Major championship. Ability!"

"Next, VP can build a team around you, and we will make you an absolute rising star in the next professional arena!"

Then he handed the drafted contract to Xu Beifang.

Before lunch, Xu Beifang felt that he was already stuffed by the cakes drawn by the VP manager.

Xu Beifang opened the contract and slowly looked at the details inside.

This contract is much more complex than the previous temporary contract, and the overall value is much higher than that contract.

The salary offered to him by the club increased from 400 euros per week to 15,000 euros per month.

Then Xu Beifang has to cooperate with the team's training, advertising shooting, etc. during working hours.

The contract duration is 3 years and the buyout fee is 600,000 euros.

In fact, this contract is not too exaggerated relatively speaking. No matter the salary, contract, or even the buyout fee, it is relatively reasonable.

But there is a problem:

"I'm quite satisfied with everything else, but why is this clause about building a team with me as the core not included in the contract?"

The VP manager laughed and said, "How come this is included in the contract? But if you need it, we can add it to the contract."

"My next goal is to compete for championships in major tournaments. I need the team to be competitive. The salary level is secondary to me. There are no players who can win in Poland, and you didn't tell me that. Which players might be selected..." Xu Beifang did not continue because everything was left unspoken.

The VP manager saw Xu Beifang's reluctance and took the initiative to increase the stakes: "These will all be available. We are all observing the market. Once any gunman comes out, we will take the initiative to contact you, and the boss also agreed. As long as you sign If you are famous, I will give you a Mercedes-Benz worth $500,000!"

When Xu Beifei heard this, he felt suffocated instantly.

"Sorry." He pushed the contract back, "I will seriously consider this."

Then he took out the temporary contract from the backpack placed aside.

"I don't want to discuss transfers and other issues with other teams within the contract, so I'd better buy myself out."

In fact, it does not count as a buyout. This is originally a temporary contract with only a few hundred euros in liquidated damages.

"Have you really thought about it?" VP manager still didn't want to give up, "That's a $500,000 Mercedes-Benz! And not all teams can build a team with you as the core. Even if VP has found worse players , but you are still the core of the team."

"If you go to other teams, you won't have such good treatment and resources as VP."

Xu Beifang smiled and said: "You may not understand that in the Major, it is not that I need to eat resources, but that VP needs me to eat resources."

"I never wanted to be a team dominant player, but the VP environment forced me to take on this responsibility. As expected, Pasha and the others were right. Our concepts are very different."

The VP manager sighed. He had always had conflicts with Pasha, and he was not angry when Xu Beifang said this.

But I have to say that Nice's choice was correct, because they couldn't find anyone at all, and now they just want to keep him.

Now that he can't stay, he understands that the CSGO branch may not even exist.

After all, even the basic first-line competitiveness is gone. Why does this team still need to exist?

Not everyone, like Xu Beifang, can speak Polish.

Morelz was already one of the few young talents in Poland before, but they already knew the result.

Originally, according to the plan, after this London Major, Pasha retired, NEO found a second-tier team to play with, and then sold Byali and MICHU.

Because of Xu Beifang's appearance, they changed their plan.

They wanted to keep him here slowly, but now that Xu Beifang didn't want to stay, they had no choice.

Maybe we still have to go back to the decision to disband the branch.

"Then I wish you all the best for your future."

The VP manager still sent his blessings to this young man who will bring VP glory again.

Xu Beifang paid off the liquidated damages of the temporary contract, that is, his own buyout fee.

Treated teammates and coaches to a meal in Poland.

Let pasha and NEO help me keep an eye on the team, and I spent a few days traveling in Poland under their leadership.

He entered the airport on the next map and got on the plane back home.

He restrained his broken hand.

Then the added number above was correct. Yesterday, 8 was changed to 6. It was a mistake by hand.

Next comes the short offseason.

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