CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 141 People who believe in miracles are as amazing as the miracles, right?

"S1mple was fooled into shooting, confirmed the location, and had the opportunity to put down the arch bag. But Nice did not go back to put the bag in the first time, but instead came forward to chase the person, so there is no time for this wave!"

The voice of the player playing the machine was repressed. In his opinion, Nice's operation was a bit too reckless. It was obvious that as long as he put down the mine bag, he could make a long-term plan for the follow-up, but Nice chose the most dangerous way of playing.

The atmosphere in the VP battle room was almost frozen, and the members held their breath, as if they were worried that the sound would be too loud, which would affect Xu Beifang's operation.

The moment Xu Beifang sneaked into S1mple's position, the four members of VP subconsciously raised their hands, and then Xu Beifang ran towards the police house, which made their hearts skip a beat.

The terrifying power of the S1mple sniper rifle made them seem to be able to see Xu Beifang being hit by a large sniper bullet in the next second.

But their hands still didn't put down, looking forward to something as usual.

Xu Beifei caught up to his face, and his quick movements gave S1mple no time to even pull the bolt. The gunshots that usually sounded noisy were extremely pleasant at this moment.

With the blood flying from the body of the fly head opposite, the picture freezes, and there are 2 seconds left above the head. The system prompt sound at this moment is so wonderful...


The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly burst out. The VP players took off their headphones and roared excitedly at their teammates next to them.

They also stood up one by one to look for those around them to embrace their emotions, and the entire battle room became a mess!

The shouts beside him exploded, and Xu Beifei felt his adrenaline surge at this moment. He pulled off the earphones with his right hand, clasped his arms and shouted crazily.

Byali, who was sitting next to him, rushed towards him, "We won!! We won!!"

Pasha and others also hugged each other in celebration. From the camera, we could clearly see how excited the VP members were at this moment - in less than 10 seconds, most of their members' faces were visible to the naked eye. turn red.

"We are in the quarterfinals!! Quarterfinals!!" Xu Beifang also shouted excitedly to Byali with a ferocious look on his face.

Then his eyes met Pasha and the others who were holding him on the other side. The two came together and puffed out their chests and bumped into each other. Then the entire VP team hugged each other excitedly and jumped up and down.

It took them less than 10 seconds to go from silence to noise pollution.

But these 10 seconds were a release process for VP's emotions. Before entering the Major, they had never even dreamed of being in the top eight.

How did you know that you would go all the way from the qualifiers to the group stage, and then from the group stage to the knockout stage!

This journey has been so dreamy!

"Brother, you are so damn daring to fight. I can't believe you would chase someone in that situation. It almost killed me." Pasha patted Xu Beifang on the back and said with lingering fear.

Xu Beifang took a long breath. The moment he won, his adrenaline was soaring. Now he was very excited. He wanted to calm down.

“Actually, my rationality told me at that time that it would be the best choice to go back and unpack, and then use the big jump to jump onto the long box. But at that time... I don’t know why, I rushed out, thinking about fucking S1mple directly. That’s it!” Xu Beifang laughed, “In the end I succeeded!! Haha!”

NEO patted Xu Beifang on the back, calmed down and said: "It's not easy. This point is really thrilling. It seems that next time I compete, I will take a quick-acting Jiuxin Pill."

"Then you should prepare more."


The room was now in chaos because of their celebration. Byali's gaming chair was knocked over because he moved too much.

But even so, no one will be dissatisfied at all because of the chaos in the room. For them today, there are two things that can dilute all the bad things.

One thing is successfully advancing to the quarterfinals.

The other thing is - defeated NAVI!

It’s a win-win!

ropz's peripherals had been sorted and put in his backpack. The game was over, but he did not return to the lounge. Instead, he stood quietly outside the competition room in a daze.

The shouts in the VP room made him so envious, and he wanted to shout loudly with his teammates after the game, but today's opponent was FAZE, and his strength really didn't allow it.

Although the setback in Boston in 2018 gave FAZE a huge psychological blow, it is not something their "youth training camp" can defeat.

The final game was settled at 8:16, with a score difference of 8 points.

Looking at Nice who looked up and laughed, ropz couldn't help but lament the horror of talent at this moment.

But I have to say that VP is an absolute dark horse in this Major.

As a pure newcomer, Nice led the old guys like VP to fight all the way and even won NAVI today.

"It's really an exaggeration." ropz murmured.

"This is also their best chance." A familiar voice came, interrupting ropz's meditation.

He heard the sound and went out, only to see it was his teammate Snax, who was also a former member of VP.

The tall Snax analyzed lightly: "VP and NAVI collided. Although it doesn't look good, this round is also the best time for VP to advance, and they also seized the opportunity."

"But it's too exaggerated to be able to win against NAVI, which is currently ranked second in the world."

Snax shook his head: "Don't think too much of being second in the world. Before this Major, NAVI even lost to the Northern Lions in BO3. A few months ago, they also lost to the Tianlu team of China. , even being taken away 2-0, Tianlu’s ranking at that time was almost 20, which is no different from VP now.”

"The current upper and lower limits of NAVI are very exaggerated." Snax continued, "The fault tolerance rate of Bo1 is already low. Zeus also likes to bet on points, so the fault tolerance rate is even lower. Electronic brother was also a little misfired today, relying solely on S1mple. , it’s normal not to win.”

"But VP is different, Nice is alone in C?" ropz asked strangely.

Snax explained: "S1mple is a sniper, and Nice is a rifleman. It seems that Nice's statistics are a few fewer kills than S1mple, but why is everyone saying that Nice is a perverted guy? Because of his breakthrough attempt rate and success. The rate is too high!”

"His style of play is also very different from the mainstream. He has a great impact on the overall battle situation. However, this time the Major is over, there is a high probability that Nice will usher in the rookie wall."

Snax patted ropz on the shoulder: "It's like you played very well in the first year of your career? In the second year, you gradually felt the pressure. At the same time, for this reason, everyone will start to target you next. "

"It's a pity that S1mple ranked first in kills and still didn't win." ropz shook his head and said.

Covering his eyes with his thick palms, S1mple pulled off the earphones with one hand, as if he could not see the settlement screen.

The room was silent, and the sound of headphones hitting the keyboard was so harsh at this moment. The data cables of the keyboard, mouse, and headphones were all curled together, making it even more depressing under the dim light. S1mple opened his eyes and smiled a little, but his smile was as bitter as a song.

The shadow of his palm could not hide the result of the game. As soon as he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to return to the scene just now. After being cheated by the opponent, he shrank back.

I thought that Nice would go back to put the bag back, and he would be able to seize the opportunity to go out at this time and catch the opponent off guard.

But he didn't expect that when he looked for an opportunity in repeek, the other party directly stepped forward.

He actually has some excuses to look for.

For example, Huo Man and Edward are always given for nothing, and they do not play any role in their positions, and they do not even play any role in involvement.

Electronic Brother, who had high hopes from him, was also a little unlucky today. In the first half, he and Huo Man had a bad experience due to friction over some trivial matters.

As the commander, Zeus's betting strategy didn't have much effect today, and he took the initiative to give away heads many times.

In the last round, as long as the others hit one more point to reduce some of the pressure on him, he can win this point and have the opportunity to continue chasing at the match point.

But these are actually meaningless. If you haven't fought, you haven't fought. This kind of thing doesn't make sense.

When you lose, everything you say seems like an excuse.

The VP players walked towards them. Although they deliberately adjusted their emotions, they could clearly see the high spirits of the young man.

S1mple complained in his heart that Xu Beifang played like a mad dog and only shook hands briefly without talking much.

"We still have a chance. We will play BO3 tomorrow. Cheer up." Zeus really wants to win. It can also be said that everyone who participated in the Major wants to win.

But as the team's commander and captain, Zeus is trying hard to get everyone's mood adjusted.

After losing this BO1, they cannot give up. After all, although they are unwilling to enter the 2-2 group, they can only work hard to adjust and strive to win tomorrow's game.

Seeing the VP people leaving, S1mple didn't say anything. He stood up and slowly packed away his peripherals, his mood slowly straightening out as the messy peripheral cables came together.

After winning NAVI, VP officially entered the Legend Group competition with a score of 3-1, which is the quarterfinals!

Xu Beifang declined the interview with the competition team because of some discomfort in his stomach.

The four VPs who were waiting were caught by Li Wenzhe.

"Hello, can I interview you now?" Li Wenzhe asked politely.

MICHU waved his hand: "I don't want to be interviewed outside of the media day."

Li Wenzhe was a little disappointed, but this result was still expected. It is normal for players not to accept interviews unless it is a media day.

Pasha, who was sitting there, looked at it for a while and asked, "Which media company are you from?"

Li Wenzhe replied: "I am a perfect e-sports professional and serve the Chinese media."

"From China?" Pasha suddenly realized, "I remembered you. You did an interview for Nice at the Zotac Cup, right?"

Li Wenzhe shook the white hair on his forehead and replied: "Yes, I am from China, and I am also friends with Nice."

"Since we are Nice's friends, we can be interviewed." Pasha replied.

Because of Xu Beifang's relationship, they have a very good impression of China, and they also have a good feeling in IEM Injury and Zotac Cup.

Li Wenzhe raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised by this answer.

You must know that MICHU had vowed not to accept interviews before.

"First of all, congratulations on advancing to the knockout rounds. How are you feeling now?"

Pasha took the microphone and began to answer: "It's great to win NAVI. We didn't expect this result. Everything feels good now, whether it's the team atmosphere, communication, or results. , everything is fine.”

Li Wenzhe nodded and continued to ask: "Actually, the person I want to interview most today is Nice. After all, he is my friend. But Nice is not here. I would like to ask you what is your most intuitive feeling when he joins?"

NEO took the microphone, pondered for a few seconds and replied: "Our experience, playing style, cognition, and communication between teams have all changed. I think the main reason is that the playing style has changed a lot, and also because Nice is too special. incredible!"

When Li Wenzhe heard this praise, he felt comfortable all over. Hearing that the players from his country were slowly making a name for themselves, they felt like a child growing up.

"Nice is indeed an outstanding player. Can you tell me your evaluation of him?" Li Wenzhe gestured to the VP crowd.

Byali: "You're a cheater."


pasha: “My good workout buddy.”


Li Wenzhe seemed quite surprised by such a series of answers from VP. He also knew that this interview had content.

"The game with NAVI just ended, the bullfight between Nice and S1mple. What are your thoughts?"

Byali shook his head and sighed: "It's a game between masters and two perverts. I can't think of any good ideas. I can only say that I'm stupid."

NEO said from the side: "It was really scary to watch at the time. He didn't have enough time in the bullfight to chase the opponent, but maybe this is the confidence of the young players. He believed that he could get the kill, and S1mple also believed that he could pull it horizontally. If you come out and find opportunities, in the end Nice will be better at the game."

"This is a victory for the bold."

During the interview here, Li Wenzhe heard someone shouting not far away: "Hey! Baldy!!"

No need to think about it, it must be that guy from Xu Beifang.

When he was at IEM Shanghai, Xu Beifang heard Joseph calling his nickname and started shouting it too.

He now wants to go back and cut Joseph into pieces.

"Come, give me an interview!" Now that he has been caught, Li Wenzhe has no intention of letting Xu Beifei go.

"You played well in today's game. Congratulations to you for successfully advancing to the quarterfinals of the Major. Domestic netizens are very satisfied with your performance, but I also hope you can continue to move forward in the future."

"That's too difficult." Xu Beifei sighed.

Now we are in the top eight, and if we go further we will be in the top four.

Moreover, everyone knows their own business. The weakest point of VP right now is the map pool.

After the quarterfinals, all competitions will be BO3 games. The fault tolerance of both sides will become very high. The overall strength is not enough, and it will be extremely difficult to advance.

"It does require some miracles to happen." Li Wenzhe also understands the current situation of VP. It is already very remarkable to reach the quarterfinals.

"But I believe in miracles." Xu Beifang said to the camera, "After all, people who believe in miracles are as great as miracles, right?"

At this moment, Xu Beifang's smile was confident and bright, and the expression on his face was wanton.

Li Wenzhe only thought of one word - high-spirited!

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