CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 135 I don’t want to be proud in defeat! (677)

"It's a 1 vs. 1 endgame! It's hard to say because there is only one Nice left here!"

"Nice rushed up with big steps and made it clear that he wanted to fight you. He was not afraid at all!"

"Golden God is in a panic now. He wants to find an opportunity, but Nice's handling is better!!" Masisi shouted excitedly, "Awesome!! Nice won this one-on-one endgame, so the score is also It came directly to 16:14!!”

"Let us congratulate VP for winning the final victory of this BO1 game, awesome!" the old handsome guy added, "It's really not easy. This game went from being behind at the beginning to constantly chasing points in the follow-up. VP has played great!"

"After winning the third round, they have officially entered the 2-1 group. If they can win tomorrow's BO1, then Nice will lead the team into the top eight of the legendary group!!"

When Masisi thought about that scene, Nice was on the big stage in London, with audiences from all over the world cheering for him, and he couldn't help but get goosebumps - that scene was so beautiful and so nostalgic!

[Xiao Xu is awesome! ! 】

[Come on VP! ! Fuck the odds! ! 】

[This was a really good fight, and Byali also contributed a lot. He withstood the pressure in Zone A, otherwise it would have been a bit difficult to beat FNATIC]

[VP was upset again. To be honest, there are many dark horses in the Major this time! 】

[Yesterday Big smashed FAZE, today VP smashed FNATIC, this Major is really exciting]

[Actually, JW was still sick. If he didn’t draw his knife that round, he would have hit two people]

[The whole thing ruined the game, this JW is really speechless]

【2-1! ! There is only one BO1 left now. Come on tomorrow! ! 】

The cheering barrage filled the entire live broadcast room and even blocked the lens of the VP player seat, forcing the audience to turn off the barrage to check the players' situation.

The moment he won the endgame, the VP room shouted excitedly.

Xu Beifang pressed the keyboard with one hand to unpack, and freed up the other hand to high-five each other to celebrate with his teammates.

As C4 was successfully removed, he let out a deep breath, then took off his headphones and looked at his teammates with a smile.

"Tough one."

"But at least the result is good, we are the final winners!" NEO turned to look at him. This bespectacled commander looked much more rational than in the game.

At least Xu Beifang thinks so.

Perhaps his madness is not as great as that of Zeus, one of the strongest commanders in the world today, but it is also more extreme.

He placed most of his chances of winning the game on Xu Beifang alone.

Zeus likes to make crazy gambles on tactics, but NEO puts this gambling nature on people.

Fortunately, Xu Beifang's performance today proved that NEO's thinking was also correct.

"So why doesn't anyone praise me?" Byali looked at his teammates in confusion, "I am obviously the one who killed the most people today."

MICHU took a look at the data: "Because you have served as a special forces soldier for too many rounds, you have stolen all the heads!"

Byali's data is indeed a bit watery, because FNATIC especially likes to fly to the second floor in today's economic bureau.

But their flying tower was only successful once, and the rest were caught many times by Byali near the big pit.

This is also the reason why Byali's data is a step ahead of others.

"I'm suing you for slander!!" Byali gritted his teeth angrily when he heard this, "I did it all based on my ability, why should I call it robbery?"

Xu Beifang heard the chat between the two and came over to give Byali a high-five. "It was a good fight! Fortunately, you are in Zone A, so I don't need to go back to defend."

Which one is more important, the kills in the ECO round or the kills in the long gun round? Different players have different answers.

But Byali's ability to win among so many ANTI-ECOs today also proves that he handled it very well and did not let the opponent find a chance to make a comeback. He deserves this MVP title.

"Take a look!!" Byali said to MICHU, "You should be knowledgeable, do you understand the value of the God of War in the Big Pit!"

A group of people chatted and laughed, and under the guidance of Kuben, they also came to the other party's room to shake hands.

FNATIC felt a little disappointed. After all, they lost the game and no one was happy.

But overall, their mood was quite optimistic. At least when Xu Beifang looked over, they could keep a smile on their faces.

Xu Beifang held the bald man's right hand and nodded his chin slightly.

I didn't plan to say anything, but the big bald man spoke up: "The young man played very well. In the first training match, he beat us with a ping of 130. I still remember it."

"The main reason is that you didn't know my playing style at the time, haha." Xu Beifang replied with a smile.

The bald man took out a piece of paper, picked up the hat and wiped the sweat on his head, and quickly put it on again: "I was thinking at the beginning that if you can persist in the future, I will definitely see you on the field. I didn't expect it. We’ll meet again at the Major.”

"VP is a very good team. Everyone has worked hard for this Major." Xu Beifei responded.

This is actually true. Apart from the management, VP's current overall atmosphere really makes him very comfortable.

During the game, he belongs to the "throne within the team" environment. Outside of the game, Xu Beifang is a team favorite.

Pasha and NEO are both very good to him. Muscle Stick takes him to exercise every day and often teaches him some life experiences, although most of them are useless to Xu Beifang.

Byali and MICHU also treated him quite well. In the entire VP team, Xu Beifang, except for the bad feeling due to the boss and manager who he had never met, everyone else gave him positive feedback.

Even though their level is not very high, they are still trying their best to teach themselves game experience and attitude towards their profession. Pasha even yesterday was trying his best to find a good way out for himself.

Many of these things were partly earned by Xu Beifang through his own strength.

But VP gave him the feeling that he was not just a colleague, but a true teammate who cared about each other and had good memories.

So Xu Beifang's words were not just compliments, but came from the heart.

"Come on!" The bald man stretched out his fist to touch him again, "I hope we can still have such a wonderful game next time we meet."

Because of their relationship with Pasha and others, they have a good impression of this VP's junior.

And judging from Xu Beifang's performance in the Major this time, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a first-line shooter. From now on, we will all be friends in the same circle, so it's okay to get to know each other.

Xu Beifang and everyone in FNATIC shook hands with each other and came to JW's side.

After a brief handshake, he finally couldn't hold it back and asked JW:

"The backstab led to the overturn. Do you regret it?"

He wasn't looking for post-game humiliation, but he genuinely wanted to ask the question.

JW didn’t care, but replied very generously:

"Regret? There must have been a moment."

Xu Beifang was a little confused, "This is a Major-level event. Shouldn't we play cautiously and go all out?"

JW smiled and glanced at Pasha and others not far away. He thought it was the career philosophy conveyed by the God of War and Muscle Stick to the young people in front of him.

"Their concept is quite good, but you have to know that every professional player is different. As you said, you were cautious. In the last game just now, weren't you also fearless and not afraid of stepping forward to challenge Golden? ?Are you afraid of losing the game?"

"That's not possible." Xu Beifang shook his head. Perhaps because of the trust in the team, he is known for his boldness in many operations during the game.

Finally, after locking the position of the Golden God, all he wanted to do was use marksmanship to solve the problem and never let the Golden God choose another position.

I never worried about not being able to win with frontal marksmanship.

"That's what I mean." A sunny smile appeared on JW's face. "Everyone's understanding of the game is different. My understanding of the game is that killing a person costs 300, and stabbing a person costs 1,500. Doesn't it mean killing a person with a knife? Five?”

Xizt next to him heard a punch and hit JW on the arm, "It's all nonsense, this guy is just a dagger addict!"

JW rubbed his arm in pain and smiled and expressed his true thoughts: "For me, the fun of the game is more important than anything else. Making myself happy is the first thing. Besides, this is not the first time that FNATIC has lost a game because of the knifeman. ”

"You're quite proud, aren't you." Xizt punched him again.

"But a competition of Major level..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by JW, "Competitiveness is certainly important, but you have to know that I have three Major championships!! The medals I have won may be more than the number of games you have participated in. .”

Xu Beifang's eyes suddenly became clear, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

3 Major titles! !

This JW really has the confidence to treat the Major game as an entertainment venue, it’s so special that it’s Versailles! !

Xu Beifang felt that his world view had been greatly impacted.

"But it's not a loss?" Pasha came over and added, "It's like saying that someone is not a Major champion!"

At the 2014 Cologne Major, VP was the original Major champion.

Hmm... Just like FNATIC, they both won the championship through NIP.

In some ways, they actually have a lot in common.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore. Your new family won't be able to stand it if we continue talking to you." JW waved his hand in disgust.

Xu Beifang followed the troops back to the players' bench. While packing his luggage, he turned around and asked:

"Is JW really three Major champions?"

NEO thought for a while: "Although there are limitations of the times, CSGO competition in that era was not as difficult as it is now, but JW did win three Major championships in FNATIC. This is indeed true."

"The dynasty of Team Cosmos!" Xu Beifei exclaimed.

He knew that the FNATIC team was very powerful and that they had won Major championships, but he didn't know such an astonishing number.

It's actually a bit exaggerated.

"Major champion..." Xu Beifang recalled the scene when they won the Zotac Cup. The equipment there was simple and there were only a few thousand people, which made them excited.

The current Major level stage is much higher than the Zotac Cup in terms of competitiveness and gold content.

Stand on that stage and win the championship, with tens of thousands of people cheering for you.

"It must taste great."

Xu Beifang's voice was full of yearning.

NEO smiled and replied: "So it depends on whether we can live up to our expectations. If we play well, it will be a BO1 and we will directly enter the big stage!"

"We definitely don't want to think about this Major, but the top eight champions still have a chance to have extravagant hopes. Whether we can make the offline audience cheer for us depends on our own performance!"

When Xu Beifang heard these words, his heart was already scratched.

He can't wait to start the next game now, no matter who his opponent is, just smash him to pieces.

But today their game is over. Even if Xu Beifang wants to play, there is no place to play.

Everyone packed up their peripherals and returned to the lounge.

In the player tunnel, Xu Beifang saw someone standing there puffing away smoke outside the Tianlu Lounge.

"Take it back for me. I'll go to Tianlu to have a look." Xu Beifang said to NEO.

NEO took the peripheral bag and nodded: "Go ahead."

He knew that Xu Beifang had a good relationship with everyone in Tianlu. After all, they were fellow villagers.

The kid took a deep breath of cigarette, and then exhaled it deeply, as if this could relieve the depression in his heart.

"What's going on? Standing outside smoking alone? Did your girlfriend dump you?"

The kid looked up and saw Xu Beifang walking towards him.

He took out a box of Huazi from his pocket and handed one over: "Want one?"

Xu Beifang took Hua Zi, then took out the lighter from the cigarette case, lit the cigarette, but did not smoke it, just let it burn quietly.

"Come with me." He looked at the cigarette butts on the ground at his feet, and already knew Tianlu's battle situation today without asking.

"What about the rest?"

"There was a quarrel inside for a while, and we were all dealing with our emotions." As soon as the little ghost spoke, he couldn't stop himself.

"We just played a BO1 with HR and failed to win at 10:16. Tianlu's map pool is still too shallow, but this map could have won!" His expression was very self-blaming, "I didn't grasp today's game. , in the end, I actually managed to score single-digit kills. If I had performed as usual, I would have definitely won this one!!"

He leaned against the wall, raised his head and said helplessly: "The current record is 1-2, we will play a BO3 tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow... I hope there will be a game the day after tomorrow."

He found it difficult to accept that the entire team was in a very passive situation due to his own reasons.

In this year's Major, the Legend Group adopted a slightly special format.

In the Legend Group, except for the one that was eliminated, the rest of the games are BO1.

Tianlu is a team in the legendary group, and even though the map pool is relatively weak, playing a BO1 game has some advantages for his side.

If I can win today, I will play another BO1 tomorrow and have a chance to enter the championship group, which is the quarterfinals! !

"There is a chance!" Xu Beifang said consolingly, "Actually, everyone is very satisfied with our performance this time. Being able to break into the legendary group competition is an achievement that was unimaginable before."

The kid looked in the direction leading to the competition area and was silent for a long time before saying, "But I hope to get a better result!"

"I hope I'm not just in the legendary group, I want to enter the top eight, I want to get it and continue on... I hope Tianlu's evaluation will no longer mean "glory despite defeat", I want real honor!!"

Although Xiaogui really wants to convince themselves that they still have a chance, BO3 competition is not their strong point.

Whether it is strength or luck, they are slightly lacking.

"Everything will be fine, let's work hard together." Xu Beifang didn't know how to comfort the kid, so he could only listen to the kid's talk.

After the kid said something, he dropped the cigarette butt in his hand and stepped on it a few times.

Thanks to Xu Beifang for accompanying him to smoke this cigarette, the kid turned around and entered the lounge to start leading Tianlu and others to prepare for the battle.

The joy of victory disappeared in Xu Beifang's heart, and some sense of urgency also appeared in his heart.

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