CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 132 You kid, stop pretending to aim!

CT "After winning the long gun round, VP lost 4 rounds in a row. Now the score is 2:7. They have to calm down." Masisi said helplessly, "The flusha and big bald head in area B feel so good. In that situation just now, three people were beaten to death by flusha, so I can only say that he is worthy of being a top 2 player."

Pasha was the TOP3 player in 2014, and flusha was the TOP2 player in 2014!

This guy is famous for his unreasonable penetration and smoke mixing, which often makes his enemies unable to understand. Some people in the forum are now calling him a cheater.

Although a timeout was called, VP's economy at this point was only over 3,000, which was only enough for them to play the Half Armor Sand Eagle.

This timeout is more of an adjustment strategy after losing consecutive points.

"Save money for this point first, and keep at least two thousand for the next round." NEO explained his thoughts, "Since they are so strong in the banana lane, then in the next point we will directly play a wave to speed up, and it will be the same set of bananas. The way to do harassment is to keep quiet and fly to the second floor."

In the map of Purgatory Town, the frontal battlefield is still unable to open up the situation. Flying to the second floor will become a good idea - at least in VP's tactical library.

"Then don't come to the Banana Road for now." Xu Beifang bought a half-armored sand eagle and a smoke bomb in the store. "The first wave of props on the opposite side of the Banana Road is very stressful, wait until the second time and try again." Hit this way."

Everyone else didn't have much ideas. This round, everyone was using half-armor and short spears. They were all looking for opportunities, so they didn't have too many ideas.

When the timeout ended, Xu Beifang took the half-armored sand eagle and came to the Banana Road alone.

He was in a good position, but he didn't want to enter the banana lane. He took out a smoke bomb and threw it towards the wall on the left side of the banana lane. The smoke bomb finally exploded next to the stone slab, forming a slate smoke.

This smoke bomb can block the opponent's view of the banana lane, making them temporarily safer.

It can also effectively reduce the opponent's desire to push the banana in front.

But the flash bombs in the sky of Banana Road exploded continuously, and the other party's desire continued like a succubus!

Xu Beifang held the sand eagle and prepared to take action!

"Here we come! FNATIC still starts with a heavy defense of 3B, but this time, depending on the situation, we plan to directly control the Banana Road."

"Nice's smoke bombs are no deterrent to them. If the opponent pushes them forward, does he have a chance to kill them?"

The moment the smoke from the gangster's mouth flew in, Xu Beifang saw a fly head emerging from the smoke, quickly pulled the crosshair to the left, and then fired continuously!

The moment the smoke exploded, a kill message appeared in the upper right corner.

[Nice used the Desert Eagle to penetrate the smoke and kill Flusha with a headshot]

"Nice really knocked one out! Awesome!!" Masisi praised, "But Nice didn't intend to leave. He was hit by a thunderbolt, and he got another shot!!!"

"I'm going! In the smoke, Sha Ying killed another one with a headshot! A perfect double kill with no vision, the banana path was directly penetrated by him, and the ashes of the big bald head and flasha were blown away!"

"I'm going to go, you kid, stop pretending to aim, you just stole gla1ve's blood sample during the game with Team A yesterday, right?"

[This can give him a headshot! 】

[Originally, I wanted to learn the operation by watching the live broadcast. How do I learn this kind of operation? 】

[What kind of education did Nice receive?]

[Wearing a smoke helmet again, right?]

[Losing points continuously, I finally stopped acting! 】

The two consecutive kill messages in the upper right corner made Xu Beifang stunned.

"I'm going, two brothers are dead on the Banana Road!!" Xu Beifang came to his senses, ignored the smoke from the Banana Road, and rushed into the Banana Road.

He was extremely lucky and got two kills directly.

Now Banana Road is just one member at most, a 5-on-3 endgame.

If there is a chance to pick up those two spears, there is hope for a comeback!

Even if he is knocked out by the opponent, his ability to find out the opponent's information is beneficial to the team!

"The VP army rushed directly into the banana lane. I really didn't expect that Nice was beaten by Nice at the beginning. It was just a sand eagle!" The old handsome guy lamented the magic of Nice.

Masisi continued to explain the game: "At the beginning, because they wanted to compete for control of the banana lane, Nice defeated two in a row. Now FNATIC still has one Xizt left in area B. JW and draken in area A are doing it on the A2 floor in the early stage. The package will not be able to make up for it for a while."

"Now it depends on how many Xizt can fight."

Xizt advanced quietly with the M4, but his teammates couldn't defend him, and they couldn't defend him at the back point for the time being.

He knew that he had to take the initiative, otherwise the point would be overturned!

Hearing footsteps near the barrel, Xizt pulled out and pulled the trigger.

With the headshot line in place, he took away one of the opponent's members with his first bullet, but when he was about to turn his fire on the second person——


Sha Ying's headshot was crisp and clear, leaving him helpless.

[Xizt used M4A4 to kill Byali with a headshot]

[Nice used the Desert Eagle to kill Xizt with a headshot]

At the same time, MICHU, who was behind the break in area A, took the initiative to attack, but failed to catch a good timing. He faced the gun and was shot down by the opponent.

[JW used AK47 to kill MICHU]

Area B directly dropped the mine pack, leaving VP with a 3-on-2 endgame.

"Don't waste any time. I don't have much health, so I'll just set up my gun at my position and wait for the other side to come over and replenish my gun." Xu Beifang reminded.

Although he had an M4A4 in his hand, he took a full mine from the opponent at the beginning and was only at half health.

In this case, two bullets will kill you immediately, so you don’t dare to mess around.

After losing points continuously before, he finally found an opportunity this time and he didn't want to miss it!

"My position is not very good, so I can only help keep an eye on the police." NEO said.

After he put down the thunder bag, because he didn't know the speed of the opponent's return to defense, he chose to play off the stage.

But when I came back to my senses, I found that this position was very awkward and it was difficult to form a linkage with my teammates.

Because Xu Beifang is in Sanxiang and Pasha is in Banana Road.

Both teammates are in defensive positions, so it would be awkward for him to be in the middle.

But before he could think about what to do, he saw two grenades flying from the police house and landing directly in front of him.

boom! boom!

[JW+draken grenade killed NEO]

"Here I go, this information reading ability is awesome!"

"They know that the other party has not sealed the coffin, so there is a high probability that it will be in the back garden or under the stage. After all, they just dropped the bomb, but this time they chose to blow up the stage together, and NEO took off directly!"

"Is the ending between Nice and Pasha worth looking forward to?"

Knowing that both of them were at the police house, Pasha moved quietly and quickly to the groove on the right side of the B channel.

In this position, as soon as the opponent unpacks, he can directly pull out and shoot in advance.

"Nice, I want you to fight first, or you can hide and wait for the other side to come for you. Let's buy time." Pasha said.

Xu Beifang knew that it was too late for Pasha to change positions. They really couldn't play a good linkage, so now they can only do this.

"If I don't win, don't rush to make up your mind." Xu Beifei replied.

After he finished talking about his thoughts, he set his crosshair at a position outside the bunker on the left, ready to fire at any time.

Hearing the footsteps of the coffin, he chose to take the initiative!

A big back appears in the field of vision, and the opponent is searching for dead spots.

"Da da da!"

[Nice used M4A4 to kill Dreken with a headshot]

The moment he got the kill, Xu Beifang quickly retreated, leaving only 5 drops of blood in his body.

Pasha saw the kill message appear in the upper right corner, listened to NEO and others shouting "coffin" in the voice, and shot directly at that area.

JW was shot by a bullet and was a little confused for a moment, so he quickly took two steps back.

"Da da da!"

The bandits in the three-box area within his field of vision pulled out again, and he quickly pulled the crosshair over.

But the opponent was already squatting down and firing at him!

[Nice used M4A4+pashaBicePs to kill JW]

‘MVP——Nice has eliminated the most enemies and is playing your MVP song to everyone——Blitz Kids promising young people! ’

'trump card! Nice wiped out the entire enemy team! ’

"This 2-on-2 endgame! Nice, who took the initiative to look for opportunities, under the cover of his teammates, killed all the defenders in area A!!" Masisi exclaimed in the live broadcast room, "This is the current dean of VP , the most powerful man in the qualifiers! I'll hit the breakthrough! I'll make up for the finishing shots! I'll even pick up the endgame! There's nothing else this man can't do!"

"One five-kill kill! Let VP start scoring again!!"

The wonderful kills in the live broadcast were replayed, and Xu Beifang's two shots of the sand eagle through the smoke instantly filled the barrage with question marks.

【What almighty king! VP only needs one Nice, VP only needs one Nice! 】

[It’s too outrageous, he does all the work]

[So Nice found four people to play the game, right?]

[I stood up immediately after seeing this. Is this a comeback in the ECO game? 】

[FNATIC really didn’t have any good ideas in this game. Two people were killed by no vision at the beginning. How to play this? 】

Everyone in the VP battle room was in high spirits.

Cheers and shouts erupted the moment Xu Beifang got the last kill.

"Nice, you are my god!! Five kills!!" Byali shouted.

Xu Beifang also raised his arms and shouted, and then shouted to the teammates beside him: "Brothers, come and give me a fist bump, and let me lend you the power of Pentakill!"

Byali and pasha immediately extended their fists.

Xu Beifang bumped their fists hard: "Do you feel the magic of my pentakill? Brothers, let's start chasing points!!"

The performance of their teammates allowed them to start scoring again, and the young people's high morale also improved their mood.

For a moment, it seemed that the power of the Pentakill was really passed on to them!

The score reached 3:7. Although VP completed the comeback, they still played according to the plan during the timeout.

Control the Banana Road first, then make a wave and fly to the A2 floor.

Classic tactics, but often simple and practical.

The countdown ended and Xu Beifang entered the banana lane.

He threw a dilemma fire towards the barrel, but did not rush into the banana tunnel.

His choice was correct, because in the next second he saw two mid-section thunders flying towards him.

If he enters the tree position or groove for the first time, he will lose at least half of his health.

"Byali and I are pushing forward together. I feel that they haven't left yet." Xu Beifang pulled Byali into the banana lane.

It seems that because of the heavy losses in the last round, they did not dare to go deep into the banana lane.

But in the VP tactic, you must at least get all the information in the areas behind the barrels and sandbags.

The opponent fired two thunders at the beginning, which made him a little worried.

The two of them slowly pushed forward into the banana road, one from the left and the other from the right. Xu Beifang moved to the tree position and quietly held the barrel near it.

Byali took advantage of the situation and came to the stone slab.

Then he came to peek at the corner of the yellow wall. After making sure that no one was standing at the corner, he held the stone slab horizontally and said, "Byali, try burning a sandbag on fire."

Upon hearing this, Byali took out an incendiary bomb, lit it, and threw it towards the sandbag.

Follow-up CT showed no reaction, the sandbag fire burned quietly, and no sign of anyone was seen.

"Just pay attention to the false door and keep pushing forward."

His idea just now was to let Byali use the timing of throwing props to deceive the CT that may be nearby to come out and seize the opportunity.

Because the Molotov cocktail makes a sound when lit.

Generally speaking, if you stand close to someone, you won't be able to react when you hear it.

Sure enough, the two people moved forward together and took control of all the nearby points, without finding any sign of anyone.

"The last point was hit hard at the Banana Lane. FNATIC chose to change its defensive method and look for opportunities at the back point."

"The bald man is standing on the three boxes, and Flusha is standing on the coffin. Then this wave is a way of playing without going forward."

"Nice came over to do some searching and saw Flusha. She was so accurate! When we met, she knocked out half of Flusha's health, and she was almost dead with a headshot!"

Flusha spent the rest of his life lamenting that today's young people are not human beings and have higher standards than themselves.

He quickly threw a fire towards the B channel to intercept the opponent.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Xu Beifang continued to throw a flash bomb into Area B.

After completing the feint, the two quietly returned to the center.

The gathering on Floor A2 has been completed, and a wave of explosive bombs has begun!

"VP made a regular silent move again, but Xizt who was in the link was really fooled, because this wave of flusha only had half health, and there weren't many props in area B, so the pressure was still a bit high, so he wanted to get back to defense in advance."

"A wave of explosive bombs has begun! Let's see how the two buddies in Area A fight!"

The opponent's props flew towards him. Draken, who was standing in the big pit, knew that the situation was not good, so he quickly handed over a big pit one-way cigarette.

While protecting yourself, you also leave yourself room for output.

In the big pit, Draken was using the one-way smoke and quickly shot in short bursts to kill a bandit who passed A1.

[Draken used M4A4 to kill pashaBicePs]

He didn't dare to continue messing around, so he quickly moved his position and held up the A2 floor.

But it was very bad this time. The continuous flash bombs made Draken's vision completely white.

MICHU in Building A2 pulls out and kills him instantly with a single stroke.

"NEO's flash is very good, and all the CT holes in the big and small holes are completely white!"

"But JW covered his eyes and caught Byali who was too far, then turned around and squatted down to catch the MICHU above his head!!"

"Can he still operate? He stood up again and looked at Baodian, but Nice killed him instantly with a headshot!"

Masisi took a look at the UI situation: "In this case, their double pit position can be considered as completing the task, leaving Nice and NEO with a 2-on-3 endgame. The VP situation is not optimistic."

Xu Beifang completed the recharge and went directly to the bag to click on a safety bag.

"NEO, just stand in the small pit and don't get up in a hurry. They are returning to defense 3 on 2, so they should give the sound first."

After Xu Beifang put down the mine bag, he entered the dead center and counterattacked A1.

If NEO can withstand it, it would actually be his best choice to get up and get the information.

But Xu Beifang was really worried that he would be instantly killed by the opponent from a distance, and he would be too passive in that case.

The FNATIC trio has returned to defend the link, and they only have two flash bombs left in their hands this time.

After a round of discussion, we decided to directly attack from the front as a group.

Xizt threw two flash bombs at the graveyard, blinding the bandits in the area.

Xu Beifang covered his eyes and retreated to the dead center, temporarily avoiding it.

NEO saw the whole process of the flash bomb being thrown in the small pit and put the flash bomb away.

Then he stood up and took a look...

"Three links!! They came directly from the front!!"

He reminded loudly, opened fire to seduce, and then crouched down, not daring to lock fire.

NEO in the small pit was doing crazy output, but Xu Beifang didn't dare to take the initiative to pull horizontally, because at the moment when he was defeated, he had stepped back to find cover, so his position should have been locked.

With his back to the dead center, the crosshair was positioned on the right side of the bunker, ready to fire at any time.

The moment the fly head appeared, Xu Beifang opened fire.

The trigger was pulled, and the man in front of him fell down.

Xu Beifang immediately shrank back: "NEO, you have to help me!!"

The opponent's continuous flash bombs disrupted his chances, leaving him in a very restricted position.

After hearing this, NEO finally became bold, squatted down and moved to the right to get the view.

"Da da da."

[NEO used AK47 to kill KRIMZ with a headshot]

"2 against 1!!" Byali shouted in the voice.

NEO no longer showed his face, and the remaining Flusha rushed directly into the bunker to cause trouble for Xu Beifei.

After confirming the location of the footsteps, he directly pulled out his gun in advance.

[Nice used AK47 to kill Flusha]

"VP did a great job in this endgame!" Masisi praised, "With a 2-on-3 disadvantage, FNATIC was completely overwhelmed by positioning."

"NEO's hook in the small pit was very good, and Nice dealt with the opponent's protruding face head-on. The opponent originally locked him, knocked him out, and then looked at the small pit."

"Unexpectedly, there was no frontal fight, and 2 on 1 turned into 1 on 1, and the big bald man who was holding the hole was also dead. How can we still play?"

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