CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 127 C9 feels like the keyboard is leaking milk like crazy! (377)

Thursday, September 13, 2018.

The weather in London is sunny, and Xu Beifang found out after divination that today is VP's lucky day.

The rest time after the qualifiers passed quickly, and they entered the intense schedule period from a relaxed state.

The group stage of the Major also officially started on September 12th, which is yesterday!

The group stage - that is, the legend group competition, the first round is a confrontation between old and new legends.

The eight teams that emerged from the qualifiers are nominally new legends.

The members of the championship team of the last Boston Major, that is, the top 8 teams, are the old legends.

New and old legends will compete against each other on the first day, and then enter different groups to screen and compete based on the conditions on the first day.

Why today is their lucky day, because today their opponent is the last Boston Mjaor champion, the team that made Big Cousin, Rain God and others wake up from nightmares countless times - C9.

However, it seems to be strong, but after C9 won the Major, the lineup became scattered. The core members Banana Man and Tazi Ge moved away, forcing the championship lineup to reorganize.

Their current situation is very similar to the state of Red Star after the Krakow Major, with the overall level declining seriously.

VP did a review during the rest day and carefully compared the strength of the opponents. It can be said that C9 is the worst team.

So being able to meet them on the first day is definitely great news.

But VP will not open the champagne just because they got a good grouping, because they themselves were able to break into the legendary group, which is a bit of an upset. They know very well the consequences of disrespecting the game.

And to be honest, C9 is only in the throes of substitutions now, and the players' personal strength is not weak.

The trio of Boston Major champions, skadoodle, RUSH, and Autobot.

Golden God, who transferred from FNC, and STYKO Stika from Mouz, although he was always known as Mouz's only softie in the later stages of Mouz.

This group of people are very famous players in the entire professional circle, and if you have any slights, they may make you pay a heavy price.

So after VP entered the game, everyone was ready.

C9's first map selection, after a quick BP, both sides left a desert city as a BO1 game map.

"By the way, everyone seems to really like playing in the Lost City this time." Xu Beifang said with emotion.

In this official Major competition, except for the match against Big, their Mystery City was actively banned, otherwise other teams would have kept their Mystery City.

Could it be that they think their Lost City is weak?

"I don't understand." Pasha shook his head, "But isn't this what we want?"

"Since they dare to choose, we naturally have nothing to fear."

The BP picture selection is over and everyone fist bumps with each other.

"Come on, come on! Get good results on the first day!"

Both parties enter the server.

Map: Lost City in the Desert

T: STYKO, automatic, RUSH, Skadoodle, Golden

CT: pashaBicePs, Nice, NEO, MICHU, Byali

The game entered the preparation time, and NEO also began to issue defensive instructions in the pistol round.

"Nice, is it okay for you to be alone in the police house in Area A? I want to bet on a 4B heavy defense." NEO turned around and asked.

Generally speaking, the single A method is to let Byali play, but he is a little worried that his old friend's operation will be a little wrong.

So after thinking about it, I still want to let Xu Beifang have some fun at the police house. After all, Nice has stronger personal abilities and can handle things better on the spot.

"No problem." Xu Beifang replied, "You can arrange the tactics. Normally if I have an idea, I will tell you directly."

He found that NEO relied too much on his attitude during the competition.

This is not good at all.

Rather than being a team leader, Xu Beifang wants to be a part of the team.

His current special status is only due to the special environment within the team, and he does not want to compete for power.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang purchased a semi-armor and went directly to the policeman's house to set up his gun according to the initial plan.

"On the second day of the London Major Legends Group match, VP will play against C9. I will be the commentator for Aihua!"

Shiquan Road Street Smart, the only mage designated by CNCS, the poisonous milk immortal said hello to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Then he continued: "In the qualifiers, our young Chinese player Nice performed very well, with a rating of fifth in the qualifiers. We can still look forward to it in the group stage."

"Okay, let's take a look at the configurations of both sides in the pistol round. C9's side has two smoke bombs, two flash bombs, and one grenade."

"On the VP side, only the policeman is defending. So in this wave of Nice defending alone, the policeman will be in trouble!"

"Area A was directly given platform smoke and arch smoke, planning to attack the police house! As long as the bandits spread out their formation, Nice will not have any gun positions at the police house. This wave of VP gambling is not ideal. !”

A wave of explosive bombs unfolded in the opponent's area A. After Xu Beifang was half white, he directly released the policeman's gun position.

"Raise A to the other side, ten thousand! Get back quickly!"

After quickly reporting the location via voice call, Xu Beifang stood behind the policeman and set up his gun to protect the phone booth area.

A bandit pulled out, and Xu Beifang held up the usp and fired to locate it.

"Puff, plop, plop!"

[Nice used usp to kill STYKO with a headshot]

"The policeman is at the back, let's attack him!!" STYKO had never fired a gun before, so he quickly reported the point to his teammates.

Their tactic for this wave was to seal off one side of the platform, then pounce on the policeman to gain control, and fight the policeman while preserving the spot.

So no matter what, the police must ensure that they capture it.

RUSH also knew the seriousness of the problem and immediately rushed into the police house with Brother Auto.

Xu Beifang relied on the bunker to control his position so that he could be seen by only the other person as much as possible.

"Nice is fighting and retreating, but this wave of two people on the opposite side is chasing, it's going to be over!!"

"A flash bomb turned Nice all white, what!! Nice killed Brother Automatic for nothing?"

"RUSH finally made up for the shot, but the situation was not ideal for them. Although the police stationed below also put down mine packs, VP all spread out and returned to defense."

What was left for VP to defend was a 4-on-3 endgame.

"Nice, you fought well. Is there one policeman left just now?" NEO praised, and then asked about the situation.

Xu Beifang added: "I'm not sure. My second kill was for nothing. There must have been at least one of the police officers."

Now the police have determined that there is at least one, one near the bag box, and one whose information is unknown.

"You can wait for MICHU to take action, don't worry, I have pliers and can take my time." NEO reminded.

He and Pasha took small B and went back to the arch to defend, while MICHU directly pressed forward and bypassed the back path, and was already near A1.


[MICHU used usp to kill Golden with a headshot]

MICHU, who pushed forward to A1, caught the guy in a mysterious position and killed him with one shot.

The situation became clear now, and only a long box and the policeman's were left.

After the position is determined, VP directly advances across the board.

The rest of RUSH and skadoodle can't be stopped at all!

The score came to 1:0.

Brother Automatic was a little speechless: "It's all white and it can hit me in the head. It's too unlucky."

He plays the big brother position in the team, and he is in a position where he frequently roams and harvests, so he rarely encounters the kind of unlucky problems encountered by breakthrough players.

If Brother Electronics knew that he just complained about being killed once by an all-white opponent, he would definitely despise him!

Where is this?

Although they lost the pistol round due to the influence of police officer Nice, they successfully put down mine packs, giving them an economy of about 2,200 this round.

After thinking about it, RUSH made a decision: "You Glock will go out this minute, I will send out an unarmored Sand Eagle, and in the next round I will shoot a spear."

As a commander, RUSH is very rational. This map has a medium gun range, but it is still not suitable for short guns.

When the economy is sufficient, quickly transitioning to the long gun game is the best option.

As for issuing an unarmored sand eagle, let Automatic Brother and Dudou look for opportunities.

Brother Auto had a good touch. With his teammates pulling the gun line for him, he used the unarmored Sand Eagle to kill two members of VP.

Although he lost in the end, replacing two firearms for 700 yuan was still a profit no matter what.

Wait... RUSH did the math again, and Byali and Pasha on the opposite side blew 4 times with MP9.

It seems that they are losing blood!

RUSH chose to put this bad idea through his mind and began to lay out the tactics of the long gun round.

Thanks to their previous financial savings, they directly purchased a fully armored AK47 with props, but the props were not that abundant.

In this case, generally the attacker has two strategies that are the best options.

One is to directly explode a wave of bombs at the beginning to increase the speed.

The second is to stay stuck until the end of the default time and use all the props to launch an attack.

RUSH chose the first one, just like his name: "Give VIP smoke and smoke inside the arch at the beginning, and we will directly play a wave of rapid A-games."

"Brother Auto will go to the middle lane alone to harass you, deceiving the opponent that there are many people in the middle lane. If you find that something is wrong, you can also push him directly from the arch."

At the end of the preparation time, according to the tactical plan at the beginning, they directly gave a VIP smoke and an inner arch smoke, and then headed towards their tactical area.

RUSH led the team to A1 and saw the A1 fire at the first sight.

He had already grabbed a smoke bomb in his hand and threw it directly to put out the fire. The opponent's incendiary bomb didn't even cause him any harm.

Xu Beifang didn't expect this incendiary bomb to have much effect. It would be good if the opponent could give information in advance.

"Byali, throw a flash bomb at A1 or my head."

A1 has many moves and the opponent has a strong desire to attack. Xu Beifang cannot let them continue like this.

"Give it!" Byali, who was standing at the police house, heard this and threw a flash bomb at A1.


The flash bomb exploded, and Xu Beifang, who was ready, pulled out from behind the short box.

Within sight, two bandits, all in white, were seen.

"Da da da……"

[Nice used M4A4 to kill RUSH with a headshot]

A wave of counterattacks succeeded in getting the first kill, but Xu Beifang was not satisfied because he clearly saw someone on the other side jumping back to A1 for nothing.

"Byali fired another flash into A1. There was someone inside A1 just now. I cleared it out!"

"Wait a minute..." Byali knew that Xu Beifang needed an instant burst flash, so he walked a few steps forward to the long box and got ready.

Seeing that Xu Beifang was in position, he started to take action.

The flash bomb was shot from the long box, drew a beautiful trajectory in the air, and finally exploded on the left side of the A1 exit.

STYKO jumped back with white eyes. He just sighed that he was fast, and then said to his bellyband behind him: "Can you throw a lamppost to dodge? When the smoke dissipates, I will clear it and get closer."

The first wave of offensive rhythm was interrupted, and they had to slowly revitalize it later.

But before Dudou could reply, there was a sudden "ding" sound and the screen lit up!

"Da da da……"

[Nice used M4A4 to kill STYKO]

"A1 has been cleared!! Hurry up and replenish your guns!!" Everyone in STYKO was dumbfounded and quickly shouted to remind their teammates.

He did not expect that the opponent would get the first kill in a wave of counter-Qing, and would be followed by a second wave of more aggressive counter-Qing.

After Xu Beifang got the kill, he jumped back to A1.

Then, he walked quietly again, leaning against the right side of A1's cigarette, and returned to the position where A1's right hand was pressed against the wall.

"Awesome!" Aihua exclaimed, "This wave of A1's series of counter-clearances directly destroyed C9's offensive formation."

"And Nice's play style is still aggressive. He hasn't even left yet - I may understand his thinking. He has already killed two of them in this wave and not a single drop of blood has been lost. Why not be more aggressive and liberate the entire A1?" .”

"But what does SKadoodle say? As a top player, he will definitely search for this position! This time it depends on the marksmanship."

Then they saw a surface search point in Dudou, and Xu Beifang took him away with two shots.

The rhythm of Aihua's explanation suddenly stopped.

"Oh, sorry, Sika Duoduo, I'm sorry! It was too early for me to speak."

[Haha, Sister Hua’s milk supply is getting stronger and stronger]

[The mage’s on-site practice, I originally planned to search the left side of my bellyband, but I don’t know why my field of vision was sucked away from the front]

[It’s really awesome. Apart from Huang Xudong, I only recognize Aihua for being such a poisonous person]

[Hahaha, I started laughing already]

Dudou only dared to come out after hearing the footsteps, intending to play with an A1 one-way cigarette.

A little pressure is enough to let the automatic brother in the middle find an opportunity.

But he never expected that Nice would dare to fight like this.

From what they saw in the qualifiers, they knew that Nice liked to challenge others.

But I am still a little bit disturbed by this kind of aggressiveness. Which player will be aggressive and push forward three times in a row! And it’s still in one round.

This was purely a psychological game that killed their A1 trio.

At the same time, Brother Auto, who was wandering in the middle, killed B's small MICHU.

But just when he was about to advance towards the small passage B, the pasha in the VIP pulled out and killed him with a sniper shot.

During the rest days, although Pasha went to the Air Force with NEO for two days, he never missed the basic training every day.

Another teammate was killed, leaving a golden god standing in the sewer. He squatted directly in the kitchen of the B2 building and started to protect his gun.

In the endgame of 1 vs. 4, although the opponent did not see the thunder package, there was basically not much room for maneuver.

Instead of giving another AK47 to the opponent, we should reserve our strength to provide Brother Auto with a hero AK.

There was not much money, and VP had no intention of surrendering his gun. He came to A1 and changed into those AK47s, and won the point steadily.

The AK47 saved by C9 did not play a crucial role in the next step.

The balance of victory is tilting crazily in the direction of VP, who are working very hard to score.

However, they suffered repeated setbacks on offense. Pasha seemed to have regained his form and continued to use his big sniper in the middle to reduce their numbers.

The offense in zone A was even more uncomfortable. They couldn't even determine Nice's specific position. He played well downstairs in A2, in the short box, long box and even in the sandwich.

The score went all the way to 8:0.

C9 finally couldn't withstand the pressure and called the first tactical timeout of the game.

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