The two goblin bear mercenaries left.

There was a lot to gain from this conversation.

According to Goblin Bears, they don't go very far every time they go out.

In a few days or ten days, the passage in the burrow will change.

Wei Sheng has always been regarded as the existence of the air wall in the passage, and the bear goblin's statement is the geomagnetic pulse!

The soil that the geomagnetic pulses pass through will be extremely hard, and no amount of strength will be able to dig it.

The geomagnetic pulse will change direction every once in a while, resulting in the change of the channel.


They just can't see the treasure chest.

In the cave world, there are many items left over from ancient times, such as rune eggs, which can be dug with luck.

After they dug the passage,

You can also see the black membrane, why it exists, some say it is the cause of the magnetic pulse, and some are related to the gods.

In short, very mysterious, there is no accurate number.

Wei Sheng followed them into the passage. After the goblin bear passed through, he tried to enter again, but was rejected.

This passage leads to the ice and snow cave. Wei Sheng wanted to try to see if there were any bugs, but the result was obvious.

When he exited the passage, the sand quickly healed.

Wei Sheng also tentatively asked Goblin Bear why he could only pierce the membrane in one direction.

The goblin bear was not surprised, and told that some lifeforms were special.

As for the reason, I still don't know.


The iron treasure chest is on the sand pile not far away.

Wei Sheng stepped forward to check.

toxic free and safe.

Select On.

[System Reminder: Iron Treasure Chest +1]

[System Reminder: Map (Medium) +1]

[System Reminder: Earth Rune +2]

[System Reminder: Wind Rune +1]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +1]

[System Reminder: Fire Rune +1]

[System Reminder: Cloth +8]

[System reminder: cotton thread +12]

There is no manufacturing drawing.

But there are enough runes.

And there is a medium-sized map!

Maps are really good stuff.

Wei Sheng spread out the map.

In the middle is a red dot.

Extending outward, densely packed burrows.

Wei Sheng took out a piece of charcoal.

Circle some important materials and continue to plan.


Wei Sheng frowned.

Saw a novelty.

"The lost spell bloodline? What is this?"

Wei Sheng draws a circle in the cave of the blood of the spell.

There is one digging opportunity left today.

If you want to dig up the blood of the spell, you can only wait until the next day.

"Go to the nearby burrow first, and then go to dig the blood of the talisman tomorrow. I hope the magnetic pulse will not change the next day!"

"In addition, after digging the blood of the spell, you can take this route and the harvest is relatively large. There is also a golden treasure chest!"

Wei Sheng used charcoal to draw a route.

All premise is that the geomagnetic pulse does not fluctuate.

Wei Sheng put away the map, took out the shovel, and dug to the left burrow.

[In the cave on the left, there is a nest of sand bees that can collect a lot of honey, and under the hive, there is a copper treasure chest and some supplies. 】

Overall, the supplies are not very good.

If there is no map, Wei Sheng would prefer to go to the right, where there is an iron treasure chest.

After two minutes.

Wei Sheng arrived at the fifty-first cave.

Exhausted digs for the day.

Wei Sheng saw the huge beehive at a glance.

About one meter in diameter.

The sand bees came in and out in large numbers.

The copper treasure chest is below.

If you walk past, you may be stung.

"A fire to clean?"

"If you draw them away..."

Wei Sheng thought of a way.

Use the Rune Hive!

I don't know if the rune hive is more attractive to sand bees than their hives!

Wei Sheng came to the other end of the cave and opened the rune base.

The Rune Hive is hanging on the fifth floor balcony of the base.

Wei Sheng took down the rune hive and flew to the top of the base.

That is, similar to the position of the spire, and then hang the rune honeycomb.

Add 1 soul.

Activate the Rune Hive.

He stood there and watched for a while, saw the black-pressed sand bees flying here, and left quickly.

Except for some sand bees still in the hive who didn't come, all those who didn't go home outside were led away.

"Haha, it works."

Wei Sheng hid away and looked at the rune hive again. A large number of sand bees wandered around the fake hive.

Some sand bees who just returned from collecting honey sent the thick honey in, flew out again, and burrowed into the soil.

Some sand bees even returned to the original hive to steal honey!

And bite the sand bees that stay in the hive.

"Is this even the smell on the body changed?"

Wei Sheng was speechless.

Different bee colonies have different scents.

When encountering swarms of different scents, it is bound to fight to the death.

In less than a minute, more sand bees were assimilated.

Now, they all become Wei Sheng's wage earners!

A sand bee corpse fell on the ground under the hive.

Wei Sheng went to collect the copper treasure chest at this time.

The sand bees went back and forth on it, not stinging people because they were not near their recognized hives.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Except for the copper treasure chest, all the available materials in the burrow were swept away.

Wei Sheng returned to the base and opened the copper treasure chest.

[System Reminder: Copper Treasure Chest +1]

[System reminder: +1 for the perfect shovel manufacturing drawing]

[System Reminder: Water Rune +1]

[System reminder: 250ml pure milk +2]

A perfect manufacturing map appeared inside!

Unfortunately, it's not a rune device.

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