More concentrated than human skin tone.

The cave figure who invited Wei Sheng to dance is a half-breed, with a high nose, blond hair and blue eyes, and the figure of a devil...

Her name is Ai Xi, the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Syracuse.

At that time, including Aisi, a total of several powerful daughters jointly issued an invitation.

Wei Sheng finally chose Ai Xi.

After all, only Aisi fits his aesthetic, and the rest include tauren female warriors and half-sheep beauties...

After the dance, Ai Xi came to make a toast.

"Respect our dance just now, Lord City Lord."

Ai Xi glanced into the distance, turned around and winked at Wei Sheng, and said playfully, "My father insisted that I come to toast, Lord City Lord can do whatever he wants."

"Okay, then respect the dance we just did."

Wei Sheng nodded with a smile, touched a glass with Ai Xi, and raised his head to drink.

Aisy also had half a glass of spirits, which he drank in one gulp, without any ambiguity.

"Can I take the liberty to ask, which group of cavemen does Lord City Lord belong to? I'm very curious, which bloodline is it that makes a hero like you appear."

Aisi's fingers gently curled the ends of her hair, her beautiful eyes seemed to be able to speak.

Originally, she didn't have much feelings for Wei Sheng.

Until today, she saw Wei Sheng come forward and turn the tide...

At that time, she had already developed admiration for Wei Sheng.

When Wei Sheng named her to dance with her just now, it made her heart beat faster.

Although it was her father who asked to come over for a toast, she also showed a little reluctance, but she was actually very happy. .

Chapter 361

After Wei Sheng came to the underground world, he read a lot of books.

There are many introductory books on racial change.

The first is the origin of the cavemen...

It evolved slowly from an alien species in some ape-like crypt creatures.

Like the barbarians, they are brothers with the cavemen, but they are different branches in the evolutionary process.

After a long period of evolution, the people of the burrows have appeared in different skin colors.

Later, they were differentiated according to their skin color, and they migrated to different regions.

In recent times, the cave people can be roughly divided into eight branches.

The cavemen in the area of ​​Kaiser, Xuecheng, and Donglin City are called the Children of the Wind.

Because this burrow caveman is good at using wind attribute skills, whether it is spells or bloodline abilities.

At this time, Ai Xi asked, Wei Sheng would not tell the son of the wind, because in the same area, the other party might be more familiar.

"I should be from Euphorbia..."

Wei Sheng deliberately hesitated, not looking too sure.

The Euphorbia clan is far away from here, and the two clans may never meet each other for a lifetime.


Ai Xi said in surprise: "The area of ​​the Euphorbia is a bit far from here."

"I'm not sure, the elders told me so."

Wei Sheng didn't explain too much.

There is no need to explain to Aisi.

What if it was dismantled?

With his current strength, unless a powerhouse above a demigod arrives, even if he finds out that he is a transmigrator, he is not afraid.

"Speaking of the Euphorbia..."

Aisy tilted her head and pondered: "It is said that Master Gandalf came from Euphorbia."


Wei Sheng's smile instantly froze.

According to his guess, Gandalf was at least a demigod, and he might have heard the news!


Gandalf is also a caveman?

Wei Sheng raised his brows and said, "Why do some of my books record that Gandalf is of another race and seems to be a star elf?"

Starlight elves are like elemental elves, and they cannot compete with the elves.

They are somewhat similar to the cavemen, with more luxuriant beards and hair, often in the form of beards.

The most special feature is the eyebrows, which are raised obliquely, long and elegant.

There are no eyeballs in the eyes, only two rays of light, which are similar to titanium alloy dog ​​eyes in the dark night.

Wei Sheng read some books to describe Gandalf's appearance as a star elf.

In an indescribable color comic book, Gandalf also looks like a pure star elf, with a pair of green eyes.

"My Lord, the records in the book are sometimes not detailed."

Ai Xi smiled and said, "My grandfather once met Master Gandalf. According to him, Master Gandalf once told a story. In the early years, he was a member of the Euphorbia clan, and it was only later that he gradually changed his bloodline. ."

She looked left and right, and leaned into Wei Sheng's ear.

Some words seem to not want to be heard by outsiders.

"My grandfather also said that Master Gandalf has the ability to change blood, and the star elf is just a form of him."

"Lord City Lord, this is an absolute secret. Even my father and clansmen don't know it. Grandpa only mentioned it to me before his death."

Ace's voice was soft and languid.

After telling the secret, she backed away with a smile and said, "I'm revealing such a secret to you, does the Lord of the City want to reward me?"

Wei Sheng didn't answer immediately, but lowered his head into deep thought.

This was undoubtedly the secret news that shocked him.

First, there was a misunderstanding about Gandalf's race.


And the most important point.

Change the bloodline!

Wei Sheng calmed down, looked at Ai Xi, and said calmly, "Do you know how Gandalf changed his bloodline?"

"It may be a spell, after all, he is a legendary speller! It may also be some medicine, he is also a powerful alchemist! Oh, it may also be relying on some magical items..."

Essie continued to talk about several possibilities.

Wei Sheng sighed.

It seems that Ace is not clear.

Wei Sheng just asked casually.

According to his guess, since Gandalf knew how to untie the shackles of the bloodline, it was obvious that he had a thorough research on the bloodline, and it was not surprising that he mastered the ability to change the bloodline.


Not far away came the call of Ai Xi's father.

"Lord City Lord, don't forget my reward."

Aisy smiled playfully and walked away briskly.

"I promised to reward her?"

Wei Sheng shook his head and smiled, poured himself a glass of wine, and raised his head to drink it.

At this time, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The player's data has been updated for a while.

On the day of the last score update, Wei Sheng was already absorbing the blood of the abyss.

· 0 for flowers · 0

That night, Wei Sheng's battle strength had already experienced a sharp rise.

Later, in the video conference, Wei Sheng also unlocked his bloodline and directly blocked the voice of the group members.

"Look at the scores..."

Wei Sheng turned on the regional channel.

There was a lively chat inside.

"The big guy is arrogant..."

"Yao Shou, why is the power value of Wei Boss still rising so much?"

"Andre also said today that he has reached a bottleneck, and it is difficult to increase the combat power value. This..."

"Andre is a scumbag, [-] points lower than Big Brother Wei!"

"The second battle power value is not Andre, but there is still a big gap with the big brother Wei."

"The realm of the boss, we can't understand it!"

...... 0

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