
The meat inside was all slag.


Rachel's tears were about to fall.

The few remaining pieces of meat are gone, it's all to blame for the six-legged giant tooth beast!

Rachel was frightened, not annoyed even if she was almost caught.

The only thing that makes me angry is that the barbecue is gone.

"We can't let it rest in peace either!"

Rachel's anger rose from her heart.

Then he led the little sisters and kept throwing stones or spraying magma at the six-legged giant tooth beast.

The six-legged giant tooth beast was indeed harassed, even more annoyed, and even more reluctant to leave.

It hid in the distance and continued to lie down and wait.

From the confrontation in the morning to the afternoon, the six-legged giant tooth beast still did not leave.

The lava mermaid was tired, and no matter how good-tempered Rachel was, she also cursed.

a moment.

The space in front of the earth wall shook.

A figure appeared.

No, it should be two.

A caveman rides a unicorn!

It was Wei Sheng who came.

After leaving the fire dwarven tribe, continue the journey.

There was a delay in the middle, and I arrived here before two o'clock in the afternoon.

I came here naturally to find lava mermaids.

Now Wei Sheng's Rune Base already has a magma pool, which is more than enough to hold a magma mermaid.

When the mermaid used bubble beads to exchange barbecue with Wei Sheng, there was also a friendship between them.

What's more, when he left, Wei Sheng casually promised the magma mermaid that he would come back...

At that time, it was just perfunctory words, but I never thought that it would be realized one day.

"Hmph, you want to sneak attack on me!"

Wei Sheng glanced at the six-legged giant tooth beast.

When he appeared, the six-legged giant tooth beast had already pounced.

Before coming in just now, he had checked the prompt, and he was not surprised at all about the sneak attack of the six-legged giant tooth beast.

In his eyes, the six-legged giant tooth beast is extremely slow, like a snail.

"It's Xiao Wei!"

"Xiao Wei be careful!"

The magma mermaid didn't see Wei Sheng's surprise at all, but only paled in shock.

Don't Xiaowei just came back to visit them, and was immediately swallowed by the six-legged giant tooth beast!


An invisible big hand slapped the six-legged giant tooth beast flying.

Wei Sheng waved his palm, and the hand of the void grabbed the neck of the six-legged giant tooth beast.

Work hard!

The neck was pinched.

The six struggling big thick legs went limp.

"The risk factor is only more than [-], and you dare to make trouble in front of me."

Wei Sheng took away all the soul and body.


Break up a bunch of meat pieces.

Although this guy is not strong, the leg meat is really tender and chewy.

"Wow, Xiao Wei is amazing!"

"Okay, the big guy was killed."

"Xiao Wei, help us breathe out a bad breath, good!"

The lava mermaid cheered.

"Xiao Wei!"

Rachel shouted, plunged her head into the lava, and quickly swam to the shore.

Wei Sheng has already driven the unicorn to the shore.

Rachel fluttered in the magma and flew into the air with her arms open.


Wei Sheng smiled and caught Rachel in the air.

But instead of hugging her, she put a princess hug on Rachel from a different angle.

"Xiao Wei, I didn't expect you to come back to us so soon! You were amazing just now!"

Rachel's lips had already moved to Wei Sheng's cheek, and she quickly made a print.

"You women who drink magma are different. The temperature on your body is the same as that of fire."

Wei Sheng teased: "The lips too, tsk."

After all, throw Rachel directly into the lava lake.

"Everyone, long time no see."

Wei Sheng glanced at the barbecue grill on the shore, and laughed: "It seems that you are going to eat barbecue? Suddenly a big guy disturbed your Yaxing, so I will prepare a barbecue for everyone, let's eat it. Talk."


The magma mermaid raised her hands in approval. .

Chapter 339

"I haven't done a barbecue for a long time, and you have a good time."

Wei Sheng made a delicious little barbecue.

And it is inserted with iron sticks.

There is a big difference in the soul from the barbecue that the mermaid usually tastes!

"Would you like an iced drink?"

Wei Sheng took out bottles of iced cola, juice, etc., and packaged them all in cans.

This technique was obtained from the Huoji'an family.

The business jointly operated by the City Lord's Mansion and the Huoji'an family, Coke and Sprite have become popular in the upper classes of Kaiser City.

Due to production reasons and insufficient supply, it cannot flow to the middle and lower layers.

Wei Sheng hopes to plant black juice, white juice and other fruit trees on a large scale in the future to expand production.

Find another player and provide this player with carbonated beverage manufacturing blueprints to learn, and this player will produce carbonated beverages exclusively...

Players are pretty much the production machines.

As soon as the output increases in this way, the entire dungeon, and even the underground world, can be popular!

"It's a little cold, I don't know if you can drink it."

Wei Sheng poured out a little Coke first and asked Rachel to try it.

I'm not afraid of Rachel's eating problems, Wei Sheng's healing technique is enough to solve it.

Rachel took a small sip, not only was it fine, but also shouted that the taste was strange!

Wei Sheng divided more than [-] bottles at a time. Basically, a bottle should be divided into three parts and filled with cups.

The lava mermaid drinks a drink while grilling.

"Mmmm, delicious..."

“So delicious!”

"I've never tasted this before!"

"Coke is better than lava!"

“The BBQ tastes good...”

They were full of praise, and their mouths did not stop.

Wei Sheng simply chatted with them about some household things.

Also mention the dungeon by the way.

"Are you the lord of the dungeon?"

Rachel was surprised: "We've never been to a dungeon, only heard from some business travelers..."

They can't leave the lava for long, and even if they can, their tails won't allow them to walk on the ground.

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