An elite unit needs constant polishing, and seeing blood is essential.

"Yes, Master."

The elemental elves answered in unison.

The demon was unable to speak, and only slapped his chest with his palm, making a muffled sound.

"Tsk, it doesn't look easy to provoke, they are still full of rare equipment..."

The commander-in-chief of this expedition, Kang Man, rode on a flying beast, and the elemental elves and demons arranged neatly down and down, tsk tsk praise.

There are [-] devils and [-] elemental elves, each with a piece of rare rune equipment, which is luxurious!

The expedition team was rectified and the whole army set off.

Wei Sheng watched them go away.

Tap the unicorn lightly and go in the other direction.

On the top of the city, Xiao Yuling and Song Yun prayed silently.

Wei Sheng came to the huge earth wall.

No digging is required this time.

With a wave of his hand, the earth wall in front of him quickly wriggled, forming an entrance.

Dividing the soil!

One of the spells that burst out of one of Kaiser's boxes.

Consume a small amount of soul power to separate sand and soil.

Efficiency is more than a little bit faster than mining.

Wei Sheng kept moving forward, and the sand and soil kept separating.

The Earth Separation Technique will only fail when it encounters a geomagnetic pulse.

After digging the black membrane, Wei Sheng entered and came to the next burrow.

For the sake of 4.9 insurance, he dug back again.

This time, the black film no longer restricts his travel, and he can shuttle at will.

All the way.

When encountering burrow creatures, any hostility will be erased at will.

About three hours.

Wei Sheng has dug more than a hundred burrows.

The period also includes stopping to rest, opening treasure chests, etc.

"The dragon's nest is ahead."

Wei Sheng's eyes fell on the earth wall, and a golden word prompt appeared.

[Dig to the left, you will enter the dragon's nest, where there are many evil creatures, the leader is a powerful dark dragon, and there are twelve dragons under his command.There is a lot of treasure here, as well as a colorful treasure chest. 】

It's similar to the information Wei Sheng got.

The strongest is the dark dragon.

Among the remaining twelve guardians, they are slightly weaker than the Abyssal Insect King. .

Chapter 318

The cave covers a vast area.

Although it is not as good as the burrow where the Kaiser dungeon is located, the terrain here is more dangerous.

There are several peaks protruding from the center of the cave.

One by one caves, strange rocks, from bottom to top, intertwined.

Everywhere was bare and not a single plant was seen.

Under the light, shadows swept across the ground.

In the sky, there are many flying creatures.

At the topmost position, there are twelve huge dragons, either coiled on the big stone pillar or lying on the top to rest.

Many mountain peaks form a strange lair. In the center, in front of a large cave, is a dark dragon with half-squinted eyes.

He is the Dark Dragon Greef, the ruler of the Dragon Nest, who is called a ruthless meat grinder by the outside world!

Because as long as he is stared at, no matter where it is sacred, he will eventually be ground into flesh by him.

Apart from his subordinates, this guy doesn't have any friends, and even if he did, he would grab it and eat it when he was hungry!

Like all dragons, the dark dragon likes to collect 20 episodes of treasure.

The cave behind Graf is about to fill up.

On weekdays, he doesn't like to move around very much.

First, to protect wealth.

Second, it is inconvenient to come and go between the burrows.


A figure fell.

"Master Griff..."

The voice is low and careful.

After all, the speaker, who is only two or three meters in size, looks like a kitten in front of the dark dragon.


Gref opened his eyes impatiently, glanced at it, and found that it was the spy he sent out, and said in a loud voice, "Is there any news?"

"Yes, that group of worms didn't take Kaiser, hey, I heard that the worm kings are all dead! They used the wormhole shuttle, they came out of their nests, and they were surrounded and beaten to death. The cavemen finally shot..."

The Wing Wolf danced and told excitedly.

It is small in size and has a head like a wolf, but it has a super fast flight speed and can shuttle in the sand.

In the Dragon Nest, the strength is low, and the usual errands are left to it.

"Oh? It's a bit of a surprise. If these bugs are trash, can't even the cavemen be defeated?"

Gref yawned and said, "I heard that there are some treasures on the insect side. Since all the insect kings are dead, you can go tomorrow and bring back all the treasures."

"Hey, obey!"

The flying creature said again: "Master Gref, shall we attack Kaiser? It's just a caveman..."

Greif raised his head and said viciously: "If it wasn't for Kaiser's protective shield, I would have taken Kaiser! Hmph, Kaiser has more treasures, and they only give a little every year, so I'm so fooled! Now that the city owner has changed, it is also my chance!"

"That's right, we're going to take Kaiser!"

Winged wolf howled.

Their voices spread in the dragon's nest, and all the creatures, big and small, cheered and clamored to attack Kaiser.

"Cather's shield, can we break it?"

Just as a guy with short eyes raised an objection, Gref opened his mouth and was a black flame, burning it out.

"Now Kaiser City is occupied by a caveman, how can such a humble race resist Lord Griff?!"

Wing Wolf took the opportunity to flatter.

Griff was very useful, and laughed: "Yes, maybe as long as I lightly paw, I can break Kaiser."

As a giant dragon, the arrogance in his bones is revealed inadvertently.


"What kind of guy dares to sneak in?"

Griff roared, and spit out a black flame toward the front.

At the same time, a scarlet beam flashed by.

The black dragon flames disintegrated in an instant!

Griff shivered all over, roared, and a black barrier condensed in front of him, like a mirror.


The scarlet beam broke through the black barrier again and pointed directly at Gref's body.

Griff was shocked.

Fortunately, the resistance just now gave him some time to dodge.


Only the body was penetrated by scarlet beams.

Rao is Griff's Lin armor with amazing defense, and it can't resist the scarlet beam.

In the open space in front, a figure gradually emerged.

A caveman!

"Hey, you didn't die?"

"Okay, just one more shot."

Wei Sheng let out a small yawn, and a ray of light gathered again between his eyebrows.

The scarlet light beam just now is the light of destruction, from the eye of destruction.

When Wei Sheng arrived at the local cave, he was invisible the whole time.

keep touching.

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