"It seems to be a divine gargoyle, with a risk factor of 188!"

"This... at least hundreds of them!"

"I can't beat one of them, but the boss actually raised hundreds of them!"

"66666, fight up there!"

The group of friends shouted, shocked by the scene in front of them.

Wei Sheng moved his lips and immediately activated hundreds of supernatural gargoyles. How strong should his subordinates be?

The battle in the air lasted for less than two minutes, and it was completely quiet, accompanied by a wailing that resounded through the sky.

The magical gargoyle flew back into the shield one by one and flew to different areas.

Another half minute passed.

Two divine gargoyles landed in the courtyard.


The corpse of the intruder fell to the ground.

"City Lord, things have been delivered."

One of the divine power gargoyles muttered.

Brian stepped out of the shadows and offered twenty souls to his hands.


Wei Sheng got up, put the soul into the base first, and then went to collect the body.

After doing this, let the divine gargoyle leave. .

Chapter 316

Although many members of the group cannot see all of them, they can make up for what happened just now.

Wei Sheng moved his lips and immediately dispatched a team of hundreds of divine gargoyles, and successfully hunted down the large flying creatures that attacked the base!

This one thing alone is enough to glimpse a corner of Wei Sheng's strength.

Everyone was naturally curious about this and asked questions one after another.

But Wei Sheng didn't respond at all.

Even if he answered, he had to say a few words.

As soon as the video conference ended, the matter was also uploaded on the World Channel.

"City Lord? Although this name is strange, it should be similar to the master. After my rune base has advanced to the epic level, I will also consider training some servants!"

"According to the description, it should not be an ordinary gargoyle. There are many possibilities of supernatural gargoyles. If there are hundreds of them, it will be an extremely terrifying fighting force!"

"The big guy is the big guy, you don't have to do it yourself, - I'm envious."

"No wonder the score will skyrocket..."

The players were talking.

Some people also guessed that Wei Sheng had taken the dungeon, but it was quickly drowned in so many news that it was inconspicuous at all.

The night passed quickly.

Xiao Yun and Rogers did not disclose the news that Wei Sheng won the dungeon.

Xiao Yuling and Song Yun are even more tight-lipped.

Great morning.

City Lord, the council hall.

Arakkoa Clan Chief Kang Man, Forging Guild President Huo Lie, War Soul Clan Chief Soul Shadow, Huo Ji'an Chief Anthony...

All the big figures of Kaiser's head and face are all summoned here.

There are dozens of them.

Every one of them can play an important role in the outside world.

"I don't know what the city lord told us to do?"

"Hey, it's definitely not a bad thing! Haven't you heard that they came over to deliver materials and earned a lot of rare equipment, making me greedy!"

"It's not for nothing, we exchange materials for it!"

"That's not bad, the city owner is very kind."

"Hopefully good..."

Most of the leaders were apprehensive, worried that Wei Sheng would turn over the old accounts.

Among them, some of them used to work for the three brothers and sisters of the Gold and Silver Clan, and they were worried about being liquidated in the past two days.

"The city owner is here!"

At this moment, shouts came from outside the conference hall.

The hall was instantly silent.

Everyone looked out.

Wei Sheng slowly entered the hall.

"Meet the mayor."

Salute one by one.

Wei Sheng nodded lightly, walked to the main seat, and sat down.

"Everyone sit down."


At this moment, they dared to find a seat to sit down.

It's just that some guys are too big and the chairs are not suitable, so they simply stand aside.

Fortunately, this conference hall is a large building, only one height, already more than [-] meters.

Even some giants can accommodate.

"City Lord, I don't know if you called us here today, what is the important thing to explain?"

Anthony spoke first.

This is also his task. The other leaders have explained it early in the morning, and only he is the most suitable.

Who made the Huo Ji'an family befriend the new city lord?

"There are two things I want to talk to you about."

Wei Sheng was not in a hurry to speak, he first picked up the tea made by the servant and took a sip.

"Let's talk about the first thing first. I don't know if you have a route map to other dungeons on hand?"

The voice fell.

The whole place was silent.

Every road map represents a business opportunity and can create a lot of wealth!

The new city lord suddenly mentioned it, mostly because he wanted it.

But asking them to let them out easily is tantamount to cutting flesh.

They have concerns.

Master the road map, may be seized business opportunities.

"You don't need to be so nervous, just ask casually."

Wei Sheng smiled lightly.

After a while, Anthony gritted his teeth and said: "City Lord, our Huoji'an family has a road map to the Donglin Underground City. If the city owner needs it, our Huoji'an family is willing to provide it."

"very good."

Wei Sheng nodded in satisfaction and said, "I won't let you suffer. You give me the roadmap, and I'll give you the equipment."

With a wave of his hand, ten pieces of equipment fell down.

"It's all rare rune equipment, you put it away first, and then give me the roadmap."

"I can also assure you, give me the roadmap, I'm not doing business, and I won't show it to the outside world. You can rest assured on this point, I'm not interested in the business of your Huo Ji'an family."

Wei Sheng glanced at the other leaders.

The last words were to allay their concerns.

Ten rare pieces of equipment are awards.

"Thank you, City Lord."

Anthony was overjoyed and quickly squatted down to check his equipment.

Check them out one by one, it is indeed a rare equipment!

"City Lord, I have a route map to the floating island here!"

"City Lord, our family has the map to Xuecheng!"

"City Lord..."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Statements one by one.

Since Wei Sheng made a promise, they were not ignorant.

Not to mention the exchange of ten rare equipment!

"Come one by one."

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