If they are willing to cut the meat, everything is easy to say.

Wei Sheng had in-depth exchanges with the major leaders.

From the appeasement, to the operation of Kaiser, ask and explain everything clearly.

Originally it was fun, but suddenly Wei Sheng's voice changed: "When I arrived at Kaiser yesterday, I wanted to buy some materials, but there are very few on the market. I heard from some merchants that everyone here has a monopoly on these materials."

The major leaders present froze in their hearts, knowing that business was coming.

"Mythril, Moonlight Sand, Purple Gold, Geomagnetic Crystal, Memory Gem, Bloodline Jade, Earth Essence..."

Wei Sheng pointed out the same materials, but did not say the quantity, just stared at them with a smile.

"The city owner said a number, in order to celebrate your ascension, we can send a generous gift."

Dwarf Huo Lie was the first to make a statement.

In his opinion, it shouldn't cost much material, and if you can give it, you can give it.

As long as you have a good relationship with Wei Sheng, there will be many benefits in the future!

"Yes, yes, what is the city lord's order, just say it."

Claire, the president of the Grey Snake Chamber of Commerce, is also a man who sees the wind and quickly caters to him.

The main reason is that there are not many rare materials in Claire's warehouse, and it is not distressing to give them all.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Therefore, he did not hesitate to express his position.

When the rest of the leaders saw the two bastards talking, they had no choice but to express their willingness to send some materials.

"I don't want just a little, I want everything!"

Wei Sheng's voice fell, and everyone, including Anthony and Conman, was shocked.

This appetite is really big!

The value of these materials is not generally high.


"City Lord, what do you use so much for? As far as I know, even epic equipment doesn't need so much..."

Most were silent, only a few spoke.

These guys who spoke were all Wei Sheng's targets last night, and the materials in their warehouse accounted for most of them.


"It's not epic equipment, but I'm going to create legendary equipment."

Wei Sheng smiled and said coldly, "You can also not give it, but... it doesn't mean I won't take it myself."

"Since the city owner needs it, it is naturally offered!"

"Ha, since the city owner wants to create legendary equipment, we have no problem!"

Their expressions changed, and their attitudes took a turn for the worse.

Having said this, it is impossible to bargain with Wei Sheng.

If you dare to object at the scene, you may not be able to get out of the arena!

They even suspected that Wei Sheng didn't even want to build legendary equipment, it was just an excuse to go down the slope.

Legend has it that the equipment must be a very powerful forging master, and must meet harsh conditions, not just talking.

Even if Huo Lie were to give him a legendary blueprint, he would not be sure to create it.

"After everyone goes back, send all the materials to the central city master's mansion, and I will receive them there."

"It's better not to play tricks. You should know that Kaiser is all under my control."

"Cooperate with me well, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future."

Wei Sheng stopped talking nonsense and waved for them to leave.

They also have estates outside of Kaiser.

Distributed in different burrows.

Not too far from Kaiser.

And formed a large gathering place, like Coiled Snake Town.

If they left Kaiser, there was a place to go.

So, ask for a stick and a date, don't scare them off.

In the future, Kaiser's trade activities, as well as going out for mining, hunting, and defending the enemy, will require their assistance.Where.

Chapter 307

The so-called City Lord's Mansion is nothing but a huge palace in the center of Kaiser.


Solemn atmosphere.

Wei Sheng encountered an attack on his way to the City Lord's Mansion.

An offensive united by the henchmen of the three brothers and sisters of the gold and silver clan.

Of course, before they did anything, Wei Sheng had already noticed it and killed them in advance.

In fact, there are still some clansmen left in the gold and silver clan.

There is no need for Wei Sheng to do anything, the slaves they once enslaved and the forces they have offended will help Wei Sheng clean up.

Wei Sheng came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and a group of creatures had been waiting here for a long time.

Among them, some are officials of Kaiser's underground city, and some are servants of the city lord's mansion, all waiting for the new city lord.

Wei Sheng briefly said a few words to them, leaving only the city commander Dave, and the rest were sent back to their original positions to continue to operate the huge city lord mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion also has a butler.

But Wei Sheng was about to dismiss the opponent.

Even if the steward is no longer loyal to the Gold and Silver Clan, he cannot stay.

The housekeeper only manages the internal affairs of the City Lord's Mansion and can be changed at any time.

As for the city order, it is the highest administrative official of Kaiser Dungeon.

Dave is also an arakkoa, and he is also Barton's uncle, so he can be trusted for the time being.

The two sides walked and talked.

Wei Sheng simply understood the operation of Kaiser, and only temporarily added a command to Dave——

We will strengthen public security management recently!

The rest of the decrees remain unchanged.

Dave received his brother's orders early, and he obeyed.

This is a great nobleman. Whether the arakkoa can go further in the future depends on him!

After Dave left, Wei Sheng found an open space in the city lord's mansion and expanded his rune base.

Wei Sheng entered the epic rune base and met a group of little guys.

"Xiao Wei, why haven't you come back all day!"

"We're worried to death."

Li Lu and Ya Lu talk the most, chatting non-stop when they meet.

The little fox rushes up again to kiss and hug and hold it high...

Wei Sheng comforted them one by one, and briefly mentioned the case of Kaiser's underground city.

"You don't have to be confined to this rune base in the future, you can go outside, as long as you don't leave the dungeon, you can go wherever you want."

Wei Sheng pushed open the door.

The little guys all followed.

When you see the huge palace, you are either surprised or stunned.

"I know Cather!"

"I know too! Xiao Wei, you have become the city owner of Kaiser's underground city. It's amazing."

Lilu and Yalu flew high into the sky and quickly returned.

"It's so big outside!"

"Can we have a bigger plantation?"

They hugged each other, excited.

"of course."

Wei Sheng smiled: "I'm not too satisfied with Kaiser's overall layout. I'll rearrange it when I'm free, and I'll get you a big plantation."


"Xiao Wei is so nice, mua~"

The flower elf moved to the left and the right, pressed against both cheeks and quickly touched it.

"Don't run around for now, stay in the city lord's mansion first, I still have something to do, I'll come out later."

Wei Sheng turned around and returned to the epic rune base.

On the way back to the City Lord's Mansion, he had already received all eleven treasure chests into the Rune Base.

While the guy delivering the materials is still on the way, open the box first.

Wei Sheng came to the first floor.

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