Like above, this floor is equally bright, with many buildings.

"Map! Map! The map of the underground part of Kaiser! With it, you can't get lost!"

Wei Sheng stopped and looked at the sound.

Some people set up stalls on the side of the road, selling paper maps.

Wei Sheng spent some gold to buy a large scribbled map.

The labels above are not detailed.

It took Wei Sheng a lot of effort to gradually understand.

Originally, Kaiser is divided into upper city, middle city and lower city.

The upper city is on the ground, and Wei Sheng is currently in the middle city.

If you continue to go deeper, from the tenth floor down, it is the lower city.

There are ten floors in the middle city and eighty-eight floors in the lower city!

Far beyond Wei Sheng's imagination.

On the ground, he thought that the scale of Kaiser was not particularly large, and it turned out that there was a Siamese city underneath.

If an entire dungeon rises from the ground...

The scale far exceeds the epic base!

"This soil layer is also really thick. If you want to put away Kaiser, I'm afraid it will not be easy. The middle and lower cities are almost connected to the soil layer."

Wei Sheng is only guessing, and he can only know if he can actually operate it if he becomes the master of Kaiser.

From the map, Wei Sheng can also learn some information.

Most of the lower city of Kaiser is not a residential area, but planting land, water sources, etc., mainly to provide the survival resources of the dungeon.

Wei Sheng simply strolled around and returned to Shangcheng again.

Uptown is the most prosperous.

If you want to buy some good stuff, you can definitely only look up the city! .

Chapter 299

"Go slowly, little brother, welcome next time!"

The shop owner smiled and sent Wei Sheng away.

A quarter of an hour ago, Wei Sheng entered a store in Shangcheng and bought a lot of items.

Unfortunately, among these items, there are not many rare materials.

Geomagnetic Crystal, Bloodline Jade, Memory Gem, Moonlight Sand, only a few units of each.

Wei Sheng spent a lot of silver and gold nuggets.

Purple gold and mithril are also used as currency, so they are not displayed in the store.

Because of its rarity and high value, the aurora has not been seen.

"Go to the next one."

Wei Sheng glanced at it, and in this commercial street, there were more than a dozen stores of similar size.

If each family can provide a few units, this time, they can also get dozens of units.

Wei Sheng continued to go shopping.

As with the first store, rare materials are scarce in each one.

Under Wei Sheng's inquiry, Fang knew that these materials were monopolized and very few of them were put on the store shelves.

The monopoly is the Blacksmithing Guild.

Most of the internal members are weapon shops, weapon blacksmiths, etc.

They control the channel, but any weapon materials will be bought in large quantities as soon as possible.

Some big families, forces, and warehouses will also have materials stored in their warehouses, and they will not be easily sold.

The major stores usually have very little stock in their hands. If Wei Sheng came earlier, he could get more.

Basically, as soon as it arrives, it will be sold out quickly.

"If I can become the master of Kaiser, a large number of materials they have stored can be used by me, and it is not impossible to create legendary equipment!"

Wei Sheng walked out of the last store on the street, his eyes flashing.

Just now, the shop owner described that there are thousands of rare materials in the forging guild warehouse, and the materials in the hands of the major families are also overwhelming...

Anyway, Wei Sheng is greedy!

It was getting dark.

Consumed a lot of gold and silver today.

At the same time also received a large amount of supplements.

The way of using the Charm Stone Girl has also changed to only gold, silver and scarce materials, such as copper, iron, wood, and stone, and it is no longer possible to rent it.

Wei Sheng came to the luxury hotel under the name of the Huoji'an family.

I chose this place because I wanted to get along with the Huo Ji'an family.

Some information, you can't find any guy on the street and ask for it.

Like those store owners, they are also ignorant.

Wei Sheng entered the hotel.

After showing the sign given by Merlin, even the accommodation fee was waived, and they were directly arranged to the VIP room.

Wei Sheng was not hypocritical, and accepted the extraordinary treatment at the hotel with peace of mind.

Not long after, a bear man came to the door.

The other party claimed to be a collateral line of the Huo Ji'an family, and came here to ask Wei Sheng's token of origin.

"It turned out to be Brother Merlin. He has been away from Kaiser for a while. According to the past, it may take more than a month to come back~".

Borg, whose blood is not pure, said with a smile: "Since Big Brother Merlin gave the brand to your Excellency, you must have something special..."

Hesitant to speak.

"I'm a spellcaster."

Wei Sheng showed his career directly.

I think this is also the information that Borg hopes to obtain.

"No wonder!"

Borg suddenly realized: "Your Excellency has come to Kaiser for thousands of miles, I must be tired, I will not disturb you..."

"Don't go now, I have something to ask you."

"Please speak, Your Excellency."

"There are a lot of questions, you still come in, we will sit down and talk slowly."

Wei Sheng made a gesture.


Borg enters the room.

The two sat down to talk.

During this period, the hotel serves delicious drinks and side dishes.

Wei Sheng's question naturally revolved around the three descendants of the old city lord.

However, at the beginning, he did not directly cut into it, but said that when he bought materials today, some rare materials could not be obtained, and he hoped that the Huo Ji'an family could help.

Borg couldn't decide, he could only say to go back and report.

Afterwards, Wei Sheng successfully moved to why the materials were so hard to buy, and Boger answered the same as the shop owner.

When it comes to forging guilds, the issue of guild alignment is inevitable.

It is also logical to talk about the three major forces competing for Kaiser.

"I don't really suggest which side you should join. Our Huoji'an family will not take the initiative to stand in line. Once you stand in the wrong place, the consequences will be disastrous!"

When Borg mentioned this, he sighed again and again.

"They allowed you not to stand in line?"

Wei Sheng could see some of Borg's troubles.

"So, this matter is very troublesome. Our Huo Ji'an family has a great business, and we can only rely on the patriarch to deal with it, rely on our previous relationships, and survive in the cracks."

Borg hesitated.

It seems that some words are inconvenient to speak to outsiders.

Wei Sheng was thoughtful.

The Huoji'an family specializes in business and has strong financial resources.

If he is one of the three major forces, he will definitely force the Huo Ji'an family to make a statement.

No one wants the Huo Ji'an family to stand on the competitor's side.

If it can't be used by me, it's better to destroy it.

The Huo Ji'an family has been able to last until now, which shows that this family is not simple.

"¨'Hey, let's not talk about this matter. Your Excellency mentioned the arena many times just now. Well, if you are free tomorrow, you can take your Excellency to the arena to play. I'm sure you will have an eye-opening experience."

"I still have something to do, so I'll go back first. Your Excellency rest early."

Borg leaves the room.

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