Overall there are some gains.

But, it's not enough!

Wei Sheng sat on the stone chair, closed his eyes, and digested the information obtained from the switch technique.

"The structure here is really complicated!"

"If you only use the switch technique, you won't be able to fully analyze the structure in the end. It seems that you have encountered a bottleneck and you can't go any further."

Wei Sheng frowned.

"It's a pity that I can't see it with my eyes, otherwise there should be a prompt."

Rest for a quarter of an hour and keep trying.

Wei Sheng's consciousness revolved around the light group.

Suddenly a light flashed in my mind.

In the books written by Gandalf, he has spent a lot of time explaining the switch art in detail, and believes that the switch art is a very delicate and complex spell...

Wei Sheng calmed down and recalled the introduction carefully.

Intuition told him that there might be clues inside.

Gandalf, in the whole book, is a long and odd one on parsing the switch.

"As long as it's a lock, the switch technique can be used..."

"Theoretically, as long as the number of times the lock is unlocked, the stronger the switch technique will be..."

"If you encounter a chain lock, you must open the inner and outer locks at the same time..."

Lines of text flashed.

"Chain lock!"

Like a rock-shattering, thunder in the middle of winter.

Wei Sheng was suddenly awakened.

"I have only seen the seal characters on the outside, and I have ignored them on the inside."

He sank.

Use the switch spell on the outside seal first.

At the same time, also aim at the light group.

The switch technique failed!

But Wei Sheng got different information.

"It's indeed a chain lock! And, not only are two interlocking, but one is interlocking!"

Wei Sheng's face darkened.

There are at least hundreds of chain locks.

It's just that the outermost seal characters are the most conspicuous and the strongest.

Hundreds of chain locks inside are invisible, and although they are not strong, they are all tightly fastened.

If you want to unlock it, you must use hundreds of switch techniques in a very short period of time...

Wei Sheng can't do it right now.

"¨'There is such a good opportunity, you can try a lot."

Finally found a way to solve it, Wei Sheng quickly cheered up.


Another group of crypt creatures came.

The guy in the lead had a bird's head on his head, and his body was covered in golden feathers.

When the nearby tower guards saw this guy, they were all shocked.

The big man in the dungeon!

The mutants of the arakkoa-

Golden Crow Barton!

At the same time, he is also a genius among the arakkoa.

The bloodline talent robbed the clansmen.

And unlike other arakkoa, their innate ability is the crow's mouth, and he is the golden crow's mouth.

Crow's Mouth, as the name suggests, is often a bad thing.

On the contrary, the golden crow's mouth is often a good thing!

"Barton, why did you come here?"

Cathead stroking his beard.

As soon as he saw the birds, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to give Patton a paw.

"Go out hunting..."

Barton's eyes fixed on Wei Sheng, and he said in surprise, "Hey, there is still a fool to decrypt it?"

"He's not a fool."

The cathead said with a smile.

"Hey, who doesn't know that Gandalf's secret tower can't be opened at all? He can't even open the secret tower with a caveman!"

Barton shook his head again and again and sighed: "It's a waste of effort."

"Barton, have you forgotten your mouth? Maybe if you say that, he really gets it!"

"how is this possible……"

Barton sneered.

The cathead was just joking, he didn't believe it at all.

Everyone laughed along.


The tower vibrates.

And get up!

Barton, the tower guard, etc., all smiles froze. .

Chapter 295

"Shit, are you really right?"

"No, is it really open?"

Tower guards came to the vicinity one by one to witness a scene that had never happened before.

Barton and his companions were stunned.

Could it be that he was really hit by the golden crow's mouth?

However, Patton has tried before, without success.

If you want to open the seal, you must not only rely on luck, but also have strength and find the right way!

"There are treasures left by Gandalf in the secret tower. Is this a credit to me?"

Barton's eyes rolled, revealing a trace of greed.

Later, I have to get close to this caveman and get a piece of the pie!

"what's the situation?"

Not to mention them, Wei Sheng was also a little confused at the moment.

I originally thought that there would be changes only after unlocking the layers of chain locks.

As a result, Wei Sheng only opened the first twenty chain locks, but the secret tower rose from the ground!

"Could it be that you mainly open the first twenty?"

"No, the remaining locks are silent, and the previous locks are merged again!"

Originally, Wei Sheng's limit was to open sixteen or seven at a time, and it would be more difficult to break through.

When he opened the lock just now, there was a force that pushed him, and he was able to break through twenty locks in one breath.

And this power comes from the Golden Crow Barton, who directly added a buff to Wei Sheng!

 340 The secret tower shook for a while, and like a rune base, it quickly shrank.

[System Reminder: Secret Tower +1]

Wei Sheng has a small silver pagoda in the city.


Things are included in the rune base.

The system reminds that the secret tower can decompose a large amount of mithril.

Wei Sheng thought for a while, but didn't agree.

Although the tower was taken away, it did not mean that all the chain locks were unlocked.

If it is decomposed, the internal character seal may disappear, and a device for practicing hands will be lost.

Wei Sheng plans to practice unlocking every day in the future until the lock is unlocked, and then try to unlock the seal in the bloodline.

"This friend..."

Someone is calling from behind.

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