Chapter 292


Intense light shines in the burrow.

"Stop and rest."

"Watch out."

"A few over there, a few over there..."

Alice was wearing a white gauze dress, commanding the forest elves to deploy.

In this trip to Kaiser Dungeon, in addition to her and Chia, there are more than [-] forest elves.

Many days ago, they had left the forest and could reach Coiled Snake Town today.

After the change of the geomagnetic pulse, the distance between their residence and Coil Snake Town became longer, but as long as they passed Coil Snake Town, the road behind them would be shortened a lot.

If all goes well, in less than ten days, you can arrive at Kaiser Dungeon!

After the forest elves sat down, they took out dry food and fruit one after another.

Sow seeds and cast spells.

In just a moment, large mushrooms grew, and finally turned into hard stools.

Once left, the spell can be cast again to turn the stool back into a seed.

"Mother, I just figured it out, I'll see Wei Sheng soon."

Chia came over and said with a smile.

"you like him?"

Alice asked abruptly.

The mother and daughter looked at each other.

There was a trace of scrutiny in Alice's eyes.

"No, no."

Chia shook her head again and again.

"Otherwise I've been talking about it for the past two days? Your aunt is also in Kaiser. Why haven't you mentioned it recently."

"How can..."

Qi Ya can't say that she treats Wei Sheng as her father.

"Wei Sheng is not a forest elf after all, so I don't recommend you stay with him."

Alice tried to keep herself calm.

It's not that she's a caveman, but that she already has a relationship with Wei Sheng. It would be embarrassing for Wei Sheng to end up with Qi Ya.

"What's wrong with the forest elves and the cavemen? Wei Sheng said that this is called racism!"

Chia muttered in dissatisfaction.

If the mother cares about Wei Sheng's race, how can she bring the two together in the future!


Alice's eyes widened suddenly and she said, "Don't you really want to..."

"Humph, I won't tell you!"

Chia grimaced and ran away with a smile.


Alice sighed.

If Qi Ya insists on going with Wei Sheng in the end...

What should she do as a mother?

Can Wei Sheng reject her daughter?

Alice suddenly didn't want to meet Wei Sheng on this trip, but it was absolutely impossible.

Because Qi Ya had a microphone, as long as Wei Sheng was in Kaiser, it was easy to get in touch.

While thinking about it, I suddenly heard someone whispering.

Alice suddenly returned to her senses and looked at the earth wall behind.

One after another figure appeared here.

"It's Charming Monster!"

"Wow! So beautiful!"

There are not many creatures that can make forest elves sigh about their beauty, and Charming Monster is definitely one of them.

Charming monsters are the complete opposite of forest elves.

Charming Monster exudes a completely different charm, and is very attractive to males.

Forest elves are more holy and pure, and the attraction to males lies in whether the aesthetics are the same.

For example, the aesthetics of trolls have always been strange, and it is only by charming stone girls and female trolls that they can be attracted.

"It's actually a rare Charming Monster..."

Alice glanced at the male elf and secretly said: "They are not strong, as long as you are careful, nothing will happen."

"good afternoon everyone."

A Charming Monster wearing a light green brocade robe and a wreath on his head slowly stepped forward, his speech and demeanor were full of elegance, which was completely different from the other Charming Monsters.

Not too flattering!

The rest of the charm monsters can easily make males think of some indescribable things, but this charm monster is full of wisdom in his eyes, and he can't bear to blaspheme.

"You should be forest elves, right?"

The Charming Monster smiled lightly and said, "I'm Kailantriel, the patriarch of this Charming Monster, can you let us rest as well?"

"Well, we are forest elves."

Alice met Galadriel's gaze and smiled: "I'm Alice. This is not our residence. If you just stay and rest, please feel free."

"Thank you."

Galadriel exclaimed: "I heard about the beauty of the forest elves, and I saw it today, and it really is."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"Are you going to Coil Snake Town?"

"Currently... but, the final destination is Kaiser."

"Hey, it seems that we are on the same road, and we are also going to Kaiser Dungeon."

"is it?"

"We're going to Cather to join a friend."

"We're going to visit relatives..."

Under the conversation on both sides, they gradually became acquainted.

When each other felt that the other party was not malicious, Galadriel offered to go together, and Alice agreed.. 0

The more charm monsters, the safer the road.

Charm Monster is an air force, which can make up for the shortcomings of the forest elves.

Charming Monster and Forest Elf had enough rest and set off again.

Arrive at Coil Snake Town before dark!

The Charming Monster was covered from head to toe, revealing only a pair of wings.

Otherwise, entering Coil Snake Town might make some male creatures crazy!

And it will cause some trouble.

The arrival of the forest elves and the charm monsters aroused the attention of the new residents of Coil Snake Town.

Soon after, Bai Yue, the patriarch of the swamp elves, arrived.

He is friends with Alice and is surprised that Alice will come to Coil Snake Town.

The two sides briefly talked about the old days, and then Bai Yue arranged for the forest elves and the charm monsters to stay.

Because of the busy business recently, Bai Yue didn't stay too long.

In the evening, Shan Piao, Bai Yue and others took the initiative to visit the forest elves and invited guests to visit the town.

Considering the special nature of Charming Monster, Galadriel refused to invite him.

In this way, only the forest elves agreed to go out.

Galadriel probably didn't expect that if she was also present, she would learn about Wei Sheng's legendary deeds from Shan Piao and the others!

To her, Wei Sheng was just a passerby.

Walking in the dangerous underground world, maybe the little man has died in some crypt.

Or, are heading to a different place.

Meeting Wei Sheng at Kaiser?

Galadriel only thought about it two or three times.

The probability is too small.

on the square.

 4.9 The forest elves such as Alice and Chia were amazed by the exquisite and detailed murals.

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