Wei Sheng walked into the base.

"Go to Xiaohu and Xiaofeng to try to master the language."

His heart moved.

Since they can speak any language, non-intelligent races should be fine.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng are supervising the work of the Aoki Monster.

Ever since Wei Sheng learned about the effects of the Aoki Monster's sweat, they have to do double the hard work every day!

Wei Sheng euphemistically calls it exercise.


Seeing Wei Sheng, Xiaohu quickly trotted forward, rubbing his head on his calf to please.

Wei Sheng displayed his proficient language, and immediately understood what Xiaohu said just now——

Kiss, hug, hold high!

In the past, he could read the general meaning by relying on the connection between the owner and the pet, but now it is more clear.Where.

Chapter 287

After testing the new spell technique, Wei Sheng ruthlessly pushed the little fox away.

The latter looked depressed!

After strolling around the planting shed and the planting field, he ordered Xiao Hei to make lunch.

During this period, Xiao Yuling came to the base.

The two sat down snuggling.

"Do you want to eat eyeballs?"

Wei Sheng asked suddenly.


"Yes, the giant's eyeballs can improve eyesight."

"Stop talking, I won't be able to eat later!"

Xiao Yuling shook her head again and again.


Wei Sheng smiled and opened the private message in the background,

Send a message to each of the other two vassals.

Ask them if they need eyeballs.

Rogers also disliked it, only Xiao Yun wanted to buy a pair to try!

Xiao Yun now doesn't even have a sense of taste, and everything he eats is like chewing wax, let alone eating two eyeballs.

Wei Sheng gave Xiao Yun a pair of eyeballs in exchange for 1 unit of Geomagnetic Crystal and 1 Rune.

"Tell me how you feel after eating."

Wei Sheng replied with a smile.

Then turn on the regional channel.

Just dump the link in the channel.

The price of each eyeball is 1 unit of rare material, and the rune will not be changed for the time being.

"Fuck, are these eyeballs going to be eaten raw?"

"Mom, who is so heavy on taste, someone has already placed an order?"

"Hundred-eyed giant! My day, I have seen the information before, this guy's risk factor is almost [-], and Big Brother Wei can actually hunt and kill him!"

"6666, he really is a hundred-eyed giant. How terrifying should Big Brother Wei be?"

"It looks so big, I'm afraid I can't swallow it whole, I have to slice and eat the sashimi..."

"Stop talking, I want to vomit!"

"Uh, it's actually okay. I tried it just now, but it will burst into the mouth, sticky, and the taste is okay. It can be used for lunch."


Only a dozen players placed orders.

There are still plenty left.

Some players have discovered the origin of the eyeballs, and they are all shocked.

According to the data, the hundred-eyed giant is [-] meters tall, and it can kill a group of people with a single slap. I don't know how Wei Sheng hunts them down.

Everyone has a new round of understanding of Wei Sheng's strength.

"Is there anyone else who needs it?"

Wei Sheng asked.

A few minutes later, only sixteen in total were sold.

Among them William...

In order to become stronger, this guy has been fighting hard recently, and now it is not a problem to eat a big eyeball.

In the income materials, the number of geomagnetic crystals is 2, plus the original number, a total of 201.

In this way, all the materials for the silver dragon ring are assembled!

"Yu Ling, you start first, I want to build the same equipment."

Wei Sheng patted Xiao Yuling's waist.


Xiao Yuling got up and stood aside.

Wei Sheng couldn't wait to open the manufacturing list.

Choose a silver dragon ring.



[System Reminder: Epic Silver Dragon Ring Successfully Created]

A dragon roar appeared out of thin air, resounding throughout the base!

A silver-white ring, with a humming sound, fell from a height.

There are also two small translucent wings on the ring, shaped like a giant dragon.

Ring face is a dragon head, ferocious and mighty.

The silver dragon ring hovers in the air.

After wandering around Wei Sheng, it finally fell into Wei Sheng's hands.

One rolled down and automatically caught in the index finger of Wei Sheng's left hand.

and gradually disappear.

Wei Sheng looked down and saw an extra circle on the surface of his index finger, which corresponds to the silver dragon ring.

Just like the Starlight Pendant, when you wear it, your blood will flow and your abilities will be improved.

"This is... what level?"

Xiao Yuling was shocked.

When the dragon roar came out just now, he was shocked.

She thought there was a dragon invasion.

"Epic silver dragon ring."

Wei Sheng stroked the place where the ring disappeared, just like the other two pieces of epic equipment, they all turned into symbols, and there was no bulge.

"Another piece of epic equipment, so you already have four pieces of epic equipment!"

Xiao Yuling was shocked.

There isn't even a single piece of epic equipment out there, and the best players are just a rare piece of equipment.

"It's five pieces. Today, in addition to the ring, there is a pendant."

Wei Sheng responded with a smile.


Xiao Yuling's smile froze.

five piece!

too exaggerated.

"I'll go outside to test the effect of the equipment."

Wei Sheng flew out from the balcony.

When they got outside, they threw out several spells and bombarded them indiscriminately.

The test results are naturally satisfactory.

The amplification ability is weaker than that of the star pendant.

"What an exaggerated power!"

Xiao Yuling stood on the balcony, resting his chin with one hand, marveling at the power of Wei Sheng's talisman.. 0

There was a big explosion at every turn, and the momentum felt like it could knock down a mountain.

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