Wei Sheng took out the shovel.

Check out the Hundred-Eyed Giant's profile.

No doubt, another giant breed.


[The Hundred-Eyed Giant: A bloodline among the giants, the strength is comparable to that of a golden giant, with a height of at least [-] meters, and a fist can destroy a mountain.There are a hundred eyes all over his body, and even when he is resting, he will open a few.And his eyes have super insight, even if it is invisible, it is easy to be detected by him. 】

[Ability: Insight Capture, Destruction of Death Light, Sonic Defense]

[Weakness: Egomaniac]

[Danger factor: 388]

View capabilities.

[Insight Capture: Insight into the invisible ability to capture high-speed movement. 】

[Destroy the death light: a ray with super power, with the power to tear the earth and destroy the mountain peak. 】

[Sonic Defense: With a loud roar, it forms a thick protective cover that can withstand powerful attacks. 】


Wei Sheng didn't take it seriously at first, but after browsing the information, he couldn't help but slap the shovel in his hand.

The last time the Blue-Eyed Silver Dragon had a risk factor of just over [-], but this Hundred-Eyed Giant's risk factor is actually almost [-]!

To a certain extent, the ability to capture insight has restrained Wei Sheng.

One is that it is impossible to stealthily attack, and the other is that the advantage of speed may not be fully exerted.

of course.

The Mist Cloak is still on cooldown and cannot be used at all.

"It can be attacked and defended, and its size is extremely huge!"

"It's a pity that his attack methods are relatively simple. He relies on brute force in melee combat, and shatters the dead light in long-range combat. My ability can also restrain him."

Wei Sheng is fast, and it is not a big problem to avoid the melee attack of the hundred-eyed giant.

The long-range ray-like ability can be restrained by mirror bounce!

Wei Sheng probably had a combat idea, and the digging was even more relaxed.

Channels are hundreds of meters long.

"It's finally done."

Wei Sheng put away the shovel and twisted his neck.

After a while, step into the black film.

The three hundred and sixty-two burrows!

In the middle sat a huge body.

On its body, there are hundreds of closed eyes.

All over the body.

There are also large eyes on the arms and feet.

Densely packed.

Fortunately, Wei Sheng didn't have intensive phobia, otherwise he would lose half of the battle!

Most of the eyes were closed, with a few still open.

Those eyes caught Wei Sheng's figure, and all eyes opened in an instant!

The Hundred-Eyed Giant didn't get up, but all of his eyes were fixed on Wei Sheng, full of hostility.

Even sitting on the ground, the two are very different in size.

Wei Sheng stood on the ground and raised his head.

The perceived pressure exceeds that of the dragon!

"Arrogant guy!"

"Don't take me seriously at all, and don't even bother to stand up."

Wei Sheng narrowed his eyes.

The superstring particles spread continuously, covering the whole body.

"Dare to despise me, then you will pay the price!"

Wei Sheng rushed out abruptly.

The speed increase brought by the superstring armor, and the activation of the haste ability...

In just a moment, he had disappeared from the spot.

The eyes of the hundred-eyed giant suddenly widened.


Flesh and blood flew.

Wei Sheng punched the outside of the hundred-eyed giant's right leg.

In fact, his movements just now were all under the insight of the Hundred-Eyed Giant's eyes, but the Hundred-Eyed Giant was indifferent and allowed Wei Sheng's fist to hit him.

In the eyes of the hundred-eyed giant, what if a bug bites?

As the data shows, this guy is rough-skinned, arrogant, and doesn't care.

The Hundred-Eyed Giant didn't know that he was wrong until the punch almost pierced his calf.

The worm not only bit him, but also devoured a large piece of meat!

"Damn bedbugs!!!"

The hundred-eyed giant roared, stretched out a big hand, and slapped it fiercely.


Wei Sheng had already passed by in a flash.

When it reappeared, the foot stepped on the back of the hundred-eyed giant's hand.

The Hundred-Eyed Giant raised his hand, and Wei Sheng used his strength to run up along his arm.


The Hundred-Eyed Giant was a little flustered, and hurriedly used a sonic defense.

A silver film gradually formed on the surface of the body.

Wei Sheng had already jumped into the air, from bottom to top, an uppercut hit the chin of the hundred-eyed giant.

The Hundred-Eyed Giant had already seen Wei Sheng's movements. Although he couldn't keep up, he reacted instinctively, raising his head sharply, trying to get out of his fist.


The hundred-eyed giant fell down.

This punch did not penetrate the chin, but the huge impact force shattered the Adam's apple of the hundred-eyed giant!

At the same time, those eyeballs gathered light and were ready to go.

"The defense is really good."

With the help of the aura wing, Wei Sheng slid down quickly, stepped on the chest of the Hundred-Eyed Giant, and jumped again, easily slipping away from the Hundred-Eyed Giant's palms.

Originally a lore punch, the Hundred-Eyed Giant had insight in advance, and with the reaction time, raised his head and sonic defense, he barely died.

call out!call out!call out!

A beam of light shot out, rushing in all directions.

The shattering death light of the hundred-eyed giant!

Just now, he was gathering momentum, and it was only launched at this moment.

The hundred-eyed giant laughed horribly, as if he had seen Wei Sheng being shot by the sieve.

"Good come!"

Wei Sheng laughed strangely.

The distance between the two sides has been so far away, which just gives the Hundred-Eyed Giant a taste of being backlashed.

I saw him flying past the Hundred-Eyed Giant, his fingers spread apart, and a smooth mirror surface with the height of a man formed in front of his body.

There are more than thirty shattering death lights falling on the mirror.

According to different angles, reflect one by one, and return all of them to the hundred-eyed giant! .

Chapter 286

More than thirty shattering death lights all bounced back!

The rest of the shattering death light fell on the earth wall, and there was a loud bang, which shows that the power is strong and should not be underestimated.

The hundred-eyed giant was still covered with a thin film, but he never thought that Wei Sheng would have such a move, and some parts were directly shot through!


The hundred-eyed giant was beaten again, and there were many holes in his body.

"Do it yourself."

Wei Sheng had already slid over.


Fall from a height.

The sole of the foot just kicked on the forehead of the hundred-eyed giant.

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