"I'm a ghost, it really is a big guy, and he can create his own spells! From the fireball technique to the fire dragon, what is this called? !"

Rogers suddenly said excitedly: "This also shows that spells can be created freely, hehe, maybe I can do it too! Yes, I also want to start with fireball..."

The guy babbled, turned and left the conference hall.

"It's just a feverish moment."

Xiao Yun shook his head slightly towards Xiao Yuling and said, "Brother Wei must have mastered the principles in order to succeed. Rogers has not learned a few spells, so he should not be able to."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?


Xiao Yuling took it seriously.

Because she was recently reading the book "Understanding Soul Power and Charms from Scratch".

The content is profound and difficult to understand.

But Wei Sheng read it all before throwing the book to her to study.

As far as she knew, Wei Sheng had other books for reference, and he had more theoretical knowledge than most players.

It was already eight in the evening.

All players' scores are updated in one round.

Wei Sheng still occupies the top spot and cannot be shaken.

The same goes for channel rankings.

This time, Wei Sheng's combat strength, comprehensive score and progress are: 66281, 23662, 349 respectively.

Compared with the last time, the combat power value has increased by about one thousand eighteen.

... ... ...

The rest of the players had the highest combat strength in the early [-]s, which was a far cry.

In the regional channel, everyone only briefly chatted about Wei Sheng's score, and then turned their attention elsewhere.

World Channel is the same.

Except that there were more curious players at the beginning, and they were reluctant to talk later.

The reason is simple, it's all numb!

Everyone knows that Wei Sheng's combat strength must be the first, and it's just that it rises more and less.

"Wow, Wei Sheng's battle strength is actually [-], awesome!"

"Hehe, what's so strange about this, if one day he burst out with tens of thousands of combat power values, that would be big news."

"Indeed, I'm used to it anyway, why don't you pay attention to the dark horse!"

"I heard that the ability of the void bloodline focuses on mental power and will, and can create illusions, which is awesome!"

"You said, will the camps be divided according to blood in the end?"

The whole process was almost the same, and it quickly moved from Wei Sheng's score to other places.

If Wei Sheng is squeezed from the throne one day, it may cause heated discussions again!

After the score is updated, the video conference will be held as usual.

The number one channel, the reward has been slightly changed.

There are still three rewards.

Blessing BUFF has not changed.

Tomorrow's mining times increase by 10.

The third reward is related to the first chest opened tomorrow.

For example, the first chest tomorrow is a silver chest, which can open rune eggs.

If it's a purple treasure chest...

Legendary manufacturing drawings and a lot of materials must be produced.Where.

Chapter 282

For the channel number one reward, Wei Sheng's income will undoubtedly be very large.

First, he can see the prompt.

Even if there is no prompt, I got a super large map today, and there is a purple treasure chest at the location of the temple above!

Therefore, it is inevitable to obtain a legendary manufacturing map.

In the regional channel, there are also several players who, like Wei Sheng, also have maps on hand.

Originally, they planned a route that was relatively safe, but the first treasure chest tomorrow was of a lower level.

Make a decisive temporary change, even if it is a little dangerous, you must give it a try!

At the end of the video conference, Wei Sheng and Xiao Yuling meditated for more than an hour.

"Your mental strength... has risen a lot today!"

After the meditation was over, Xiao Yuling was stunned.


Wei Sheng pondered for a moment, then said, "In addition to absorbing the spell blood, we can also absorb other blood."

This important news has not been known for the time being.

"Huh? Don't you mean you can only absorb one kind of bloodline? I think some players have tried it, but the giant bloodline and the spell bloodline can't be absorbed at the same time."

Xiao Yuling wondered: "Does Big Brother Wei have a way to absorb it?"

"Some blood vessels can be absorbed, and some can't. If you find them in the future, you can try to absorb them."

Wei Sheng paused and said, "Even if you can't absorb it, try to keep it. If you want to sell it, you can give it to me."

As long as the character defenses in the depths of the bloodline can be broken, even if there is a main bloodline, it may be absorbed.


Although Xiao Yuling didn't understand, he nodded obediently.

Perhaps, Wei Sheng has already touched a special level and mastered some kind of special information!

Xiao Yuling left the meditation room.

Wei Sheng remained where he was, and took out a piece of inheritance jade and stuck it on his forehead.


The inheritance jade slip trembled slightly.

This piece was not given by Avalon, but the first inheritance jade slip made by Wei Sheng.

Since yesterday, Wei Sheng has been idle, and will send the method of using the net of shadows inside.

The input and output methods are the same, and they must be attached to the forehead.

It's just that when inputting, he needs to use mental power to draw.

It took more than an hour for Wei Sheng to stop, and his mental energy was not small.

"It's finally done."

"The inheritance jade slip can be used multiple times, as long as the soul is injected."

"Find Yuling to try the effect first, and see what needs to be improved!"

Wei Sheng is the producer and has mastered the web of shadows.

No matter how you use the Inheritance Jade Slip of the Web of Shadows, it will not take effect.

Wei Sheng walked out of the meditation room.

Xiao Yuling just came from the base to the conference hall, wiping the ends of her hair, wearing light pajamas.

"Yu Ling, there is something I want to try for you."

Wei Sheng smiled.


Xiao Yuling noticed that there was a trace of ill will in his eyes, his face was slightly red, and he hesitated: "I think it's better to blow dry my hair first..."

"You hold this thing first, blow dry your hair later, stick this thing on your forehead, and try it out."

Wei Sheng stepped forward and delivered the inheritance jade slip to her.


Xiao Yuling was stunned.

Actually thinking wrong!

"I'm going back to my room later, I just had a whim, and I want to try some more spells."

Wei Sheng walked to the training range without turning his head.

Regarding how to increase the power of the fire dragon and fire lion, he just drew the inheritance jade slip, and he suddenly had an idea, and he couldn't wait to test it.

"Well, you go to bed early."

Xiao Yuling fled away.

two hours later.

A gigantic wind dragon spreads its wings in the sky.


It opened its mouth wide and let out a silent growl.

Although there was no sound, in an instant, the momentum of a giant dragon appeared.

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