
Xiao Yuling smiled and nodded.

The two entered into meditation.

Sit face to face.

"Brother Wei, meditation pill!"

Xiao Yuling reminded.


Wei Sheng took out the meditation pill, raised his head and swallowed it.

So did Xiao Yuling.

As soon as the effect of the medicine comes up, immediately practice the blending meditation method.

It's just that this time when the spiritual force contacts, the feeling is extremely strange.

The two sides were all jolted, and their breathing couldn't help speeding up.


Wei Sheng let out a breath of turbid air, and his will gradually sank.

Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

Mental strength is indistinguishable.

Compared with the previous few meditations, the consciousness is more confused, and only each other is left in my mind.



The next day.

Wei Sheng walked out of the meditation method and had a headache.

This plot is fucking bloody!

A thousand calculations, one step less!

With meditation pills alone, there is no problem.

However, the fusion meditation method is special, and it has the effect of meditation pills. The double 4.9 squares of spiritual power are entangled together, which affects the whole body. In the end, he was pushed down by Xiao Yuling.

If Wei Sheng remembered correctly, Xiao Yuling was indeed the first to act last night. He was passively defending, and he couldn't bear it until the end.

After half an hour.

Xiao Yuling walked out of the meditation room.

When he saw Wei Sheng, his body froze.

"Big Brother Wei..."

Xiao Yuling shrugged and shouted, his eyes dodged, completely different from the previous feeling, and his voice trembled slightly, as if he was a little embarrassed to see Wei Sheng.

"Well, you go back to wash first, then come over later, and we will have breakfast together. What do you want to eat, I will let Xiao Hei prepare it, she is good at cooking."

Wei Sheng sighed.

The matter has come to this point, you can't always turn your face and ignore people.


Xiao Yuling wanted to refuse, but the words changed again.

Escape is not the solution. .

Chapter 273

Wei Sheng temporarily changed the conference hall to include the entire rune base.

In this way, Xiao Yuling can move in the entire rune base.

Mainly for the convenience of having breakfast.

Little Black and White is busy in the kitchen.

Wei Sheng and Xiao Yuling sat down face to face, the atmosphere was a little stiff.

Lilu, Yalu, Xiaohu, etc. were all temporarily taken away by him.

"Talking about our business, last night... It should be a problem with the meditation pill. I don't know if a piece of meditation will cause some impulses."

At that time, Wei Sheng felt that he was in the cloud and everything was not practical, so he didn't restrain himself.

"Blame me."

Xiao Yuling's cheeks were flushed, and she said angrily, "I was the one who made the move first. I... thought that in the dream, the mental feeling was too strong, so I couldn't hold back."

"Can you do whatever you want with me in a dream?"

Wei Sheng couldn't help laughing: "Since this has already happened, I will be responsible for you, and I can also give you some compensation."

"That's what you said!"

Xiao Yuling raised his head and said quickly: 20 "In the future, I will often come to you to eat and drink. It's just a breakfast. I have already smelled the fragrance, you will really enjoy it!"

"Okay, it's not bad for you to open your mouth."

Wei Sheng laughed dumbly.

I thought she wanted the lion to open his mouth, it seems that she also knows the proportions.

"What's steaming in the pot?"

"Pastry, I don't know if it suits your taste."

"Really fragrant..."

Xiao Yuling deliberately avoided the embarrassing topic of last night and only talked about food.

Seeing this, Wei Sheng did as she wished.

When Li Lu and Ya Lu were on the table, Xiao Yuling turned to talk to them, leaving Wei Sheng aside.

Finished breakfast.

Xiao Yuling hurried back.

Wei Sheng offered to meditate at noon.

Xiao Yuling hesitated for a moment, but agreed.

In the afternoon, the two did meditate together.

As for post-meditation, some things can be continued even after half-doing it!

In the blink of an eye, it was a few days later.


Wei Sheng's fist easily killed a giant beast.

[System reminder: Soul +23]

The huge corpse fell.

Wei Sheng put the body into the base.

The current location is three hundred and thirty-six burrows.

Another round of updates last night.

Wei Sheng's battle strength didn't increase much, a total of 20832.

The newly added spells are: burning ray, levitation, defense augmentation, alarm enchantment, and lightsaber.

The burning ray is the opposite of the frost ray.

Even if it falls on copper and iron, it can form a burning surface.

Alarm formation, set up an area, once the boundary of the area is crossed, Wei Sheng will be given feedback as soon as possible.

Light saber art, condensing a big sword with silver light, and launching it towards the target, it can condense hundreds of big swords at the same time!

The awakening scroll also exploded two.

One is the absolute zero degree that can only be used by the Frost Bloodline, and the other is the Will Strike that can only be used by the Void Bloodline.

Wei Sheng now has no shortage of runes, and he only accepts rare materials for sale.

Therefore, except for the Bronze Skin and Dragon Flame Awakening scrolls that were sold at the beginning, none of the remaining scrolls were sold.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that no one will be able to bid.

There is only one small metal mine in this crypt.

Wei Sheng took out the pickaxe and quickly dug it out.

The main harvest is only 1 unit of purple gold, and the rest is gold, silver, copper and iron, which is incomprehensible.

"The first few burrows have too little harvest, and the last two burrows are the highlight."

When Wei Sheng opened the silver treasure chest in front, a medium-sized map appeared.

According to the map instructions, Wei Sheng has dug the first three, and the most harvest is only metal mines.

However, the latter two burrows are all good things.

The next burrow is marked as an ancient corpse, and the next burrow is a purple treasure chest!

"The digging direction is to the left..."

Wei Sheng turned to look.

The golden word prompt appears——

[Continue to dig to the left. A purple-gold coffin is buried under the sand. A pair of ancient corpses are buried next to each other. The ancient flame lord who was infected with the madness arrived here not long ago. Once invading, it will provoke terror. 】

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