Wei Sheng was taken aback.


Another spring breeze blows.

This time, the wind didn't stop.

The green seedlings continue to grow.

Gradually become thicker and taller, straight up like a bamboo.

In just three minutes, they have all grown to three meters high.

They have all stopped growing.

A lump of material grows on the top, like a flower bud.

The spring breeze keeps blowing.

The green buds split open, and globs of green slime popped out.

When it falls to the ground, the elasticity is not bad. Like a ball, it rolls everywhere.


The first group exploded.

Slime splatters in all directions.

A ten-inch little green wood monster was born!

It looks like the tree Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy when he was a child, except that his body is mostly green.

He sat on the ground, stared at Wei Sheng with bright eyes.

The slime fell on the surrounding plants, and the plants actually began to grow wildly, which was more effective than fertilizer!

Puff puff……

More and more little green wood monsters broke the slime. 327

Plant sweet plants that grow wildly and spread all over the square room at once.

When Wei Sheng came to the Green Wood Monster Tribe, although it was not as good as the living environment of the forest elves, it was like a paradise.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that the mucus after the green wood monster was born can provide enough nutrients for the plants.

Even yellowish weeds can grow green when they encounter mucus.

The green wood monsters sat on the ground, opened their bright eyes, and looked around curiously.

Wei Sheng vaguely remembered the ugly face of the green wood monster at the time. One moment ago, he was hypocritical with him, and the next moment he dispatched the whole family immediately, preparing to kill people and seize treasures...

The silhouettes and the little green wood monsters on the ground could not coincide at all.

In terms of demeanor and eyes, it is completely different.

The little green wood monster is now as pure as white paper.

"The magical ability to regain a new life, even if the memory is all washed away, it is still a life."

"As in the legend, people will be reincarnated after death, and there will be no memory of the previous life. Isn't this another kind of reincarnation!"

Wei Sheng walked towards a small green wood monster and grabbed it.

"Aba Aba!"

The little green wood monster struggled under Wei Sheng's claws, still staring.

"It seems that it will take a lot of time to teach them to speak."

Wei Sheng won't go out in person, but Li Lu and Ya Lu can be in charge of teaching.

They have brought Xiao Cannu, and they must have experience in language teaching.


In the void, a shot pops out.

Catch all the little green wood monsters.

The little green wood monster panicked and kept chattering.

Wei Sheng didn't plan to keep them, otherwise the planting fields would be ruined by them.

Go to the next room and open a new room.

Season adjusted to spring.

They should like it.

Wei Sheng didn't know what they needed to eat, so he opened a pool on the ground and poured a lot of water into it.

Got a few more baskets of fruit and vegetables.

"All stay here honestly."

After Wei Sheng explained, he turned and left.

The little green wood monster ignored him and went to drink water or eat fruits and vegetables.

Wei Sheng came to the first floor and invited Li Lu and Ya Lu.

The little silkworm girl was going back and forth in the planting shed, busy.

When they saw Wei Sheng, they called him their master.

Although chattering is noisy, but surrounded by a group of elves, the whole person is in a good mood.

"Xiao Wei, what are you looking for from us?"

"The ice cream didn't fly away today, did it?"

The two little things were still thinking about ice cream.

"It really didn't fly away. If you want to eat, go to Xiao Hei and I told her."

Wei Sheng asked Little Black and White to strictly control the refrigerator, otherwise Lilu and Yalu could eat their stomachs bad.


"Little silkworm girls want to eat too, they haven't tasted it yet."

They have been with the little silkworm girl for a long time, and they also show affection, just like they treat the little sister.


Wei Sheng paused and said angrily, "Don't talk for now, I'll almost forget what I'm going to say if I interrupt you."


"I don't talk, save some energy to eat ice cream."


Wei Sheng smiled helplessly and said, "Come with me."

Pear Dew and Bud Dew followed along.

Once again came to the room of the little green wood monster.

The little green wood monsters were still eating, and when they heard footsteps, they stopped and looked at Wei Sheng.

It's not as raw as it was at the beginning, after all, the food Wei Sheng left behind is delicious!

"Teach them Common Tongue."

"I will keep Xiaohu and Xiaofeng, and they will help you supervise together. If you don't obey, let Xiaohu and Xiaofeng teach you a lesson."

Wei Sheng lowered his head again and explained a few words to Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.

The green wood monster has a changeable personality. Considering the safety of Lilu and Yalu, Xiaohu and Xiaofeng must be left behind.

"For the ice cream, leave it to us!"

Li Lu and Ya Lu were reluctant, but when they heard that they had enough ice cream, they were immediately full of motivation.

"Familiarize yourself with it first, work hard, and give you a snack for lunch."

Wei Sheng walked out of the room.

It was near noon.

In the past morning, he dug a total of 6 times, and he could stop and rest.

Wei Sheng first went to explain to Xiao Hei about cooking, and then went to the chair and read a book!

"For the trivial time before dinner, let's forget about serious books. Let's read comics from another world."

Wei Sheng took out the book Endless Tentacle Fighting Fox Lady.

Before flipping through the pages, check the fox lady information first.

A kind but cunning species with a slender figure and a seductive face.

"Yes, the plot is really exciting."

"Endless tentacles are really evil, alas..."

He browsed fast, but this time, he was meticulous enough.

"The book mentions the origin of the endless tentacles, with the blood of a giant demon..."

There is Yan Ruyu in the book.

Even if it was a comic, Wei Sheng still obtained some important information from it.

"As mentioned in this chapter, the crypt creatures with the blood of giant monsters often have super recovery ability."

"They like to walk with creatures with abyssal blood, because abyss blood represents chaos!"

"In the beginning of the comics, it was the bewildering monster with the blood of the abyss that caused chaos in the dungeon of Zhulin, which gave endless tentacles to take advantage of. Otherwise, how could the nobles witness their beloved lady fox being insulted?"

"In the end, he has something to do with Gandalf..."

Wei Sheng quickly read all of them, and was still not satisfied.

"By the way, the comic mentioned at the beginning that it was based on real events. I wonder if it can be found in the legendary story book?"

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