
Two hundred and sixty-four burrows.

Wei Sheng dug out the metal mine in front of him and jumped out of the big pit.

In this burrow, the materials are only metal mines, and the harvest is quite a lot.

Not to mention copper, iron, gold and silver, Zijin has 8 units in the account, and there is also 1 mithril.

Wei Sheng patted the dust on his body, put away the iron pick, and prepared to go to the next burrow.

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[Continue to dig up, there is nothing, it will only be a waste of effort. 】

[In the cave ahead, a dozen magma worms can be dug up. 】

[In the cave behind, there is a crystal treasure chest.A caravan that returned to Coil Snake Town ran into trouble and helped them repel the siege of the fire thieves in order to get some gifts. 】

[Dig to the left, there is a crystal treasure chest, and some resources can be collected. 】

[Dig to the right, there is a small fruit forest with strange pollen floating nearby, it is best not to touch it, otherwise you will become pregnant. 】

"There are crystal treasure chests in both directions!"

"On the one hand, there is no danger, and on the other hand, there is additional gain."

"Also, it's the caravan of Coil Snake Town!"

"What the hell is this fire thief?"

Wei Sheng thought about it and decided to do the caravan a favor.

One is for Coil Snake Town's sake.

Second, there are additional benefits.

This caravan may have left before Shaman occupied Coil Snake Town.

It is estimated that the news has not been received yet.

When Wei Sheng was digging the passage, he opened the illustrated book and searched for the fire thief.

Above is not displayed.

He speculates that the Fire Thieves may be an organization.

It may be a combination of many intelligent species.

The passage is not long, and the black membrane can be seen in more than [-] meters.

Wei Sheng stepped in with two pets.

Without seeing the surroundings clearly, the sound of shouts of killing and the collision of weapons was already heard in my ears.

The cave is relatively large.

There are camels and vehicles in the middle.

A group of centaurs, tauren, etc., dressed in uniform, guarded the camel beasts and vehicles, barely resisting a group of robbers from the outermost.

As Wei Sheng guessed, the Fire Thieves were a group of organizations, and they were composed of many ethnic groups.

Mantis, Rhinoceros, Viper...

All are notorious races in the underworld.

Such as mantis people, the racial characteristic is to steal for a living.

They were all fierce, and they were not afraid of death when they attacked.

The commander of this fire thief is the mantis people.

It has a triangular face, a sharp mantis knife on its arms, and a pair of emerald worm wings on its back.

He had already spotted Wei Sheng, turned his head slightly, glanced at his scarlet eyes, and stretched out his slender tongue to lightly lick the sharp edge of the knife.

"Kill passers-by."

The commander gave orders lightly.

Four mantis people rushed out immediately.

They were very fast, and with a slight leap, they drew an arc in the air, and the blade flashed...

"The risk factor is only in the seventies, how dare you make a mistake?"

Wei Sheng stood still, because the little fox had already shot.

Xiaofeng is relatively cumbersome, and only took a step, and all the mantis people who rushed to kill have been beheaded by Xiaohu!

After the little fox grew its seventh tail, the power value skyrocketed.

Shaped like a ghost.

Even Wei Sheng, it is not easy to capture its figure!

bang bang bang...

One body after another fell.

The soft throat area, all cut off.

After the little fox landed, the left forelimb was raised, and the sharp claws were stained with green blood.

It was a little disgusted, looked back at Xiaofeng who rushed out, and wiped its claws on Xiaofeng.

"Yeah yeah!"

Xiaofeng called out in dissatisfaction.

I don't know whether it's the little fox who grabbed the monster, or the little fox rubbing it on it.

Wei Sheng smiled and stepped forward.

The fire thief commander was still in astonishment and looked at the little fox in disbelief.

The mantis people are famous for their speed, but just now they couldn't see Xiaohu's movements at all. The speed of the other party was too fast.


The commander shouted 327.

The voice is harsh.

All the fire thieves stopped and returned to the commander in an orderly manner.

They focused on the attack just now and didn't notice the change. At this moment, when they saw the four companions fall silently, they immediately became alert.

"We are fire thieves!"

"If Your Excellency is just passing by, we can let you go, and even share this batch of prey with Your Excellency."

The commander was afraid of Xiaohu's ability and did not want to have too many casualties, so he quickly put forward conditions.

"If you said that at the beginning, I might be interested, but unfortunately you let your subordinates do it first."

Wei Sheng smiled playfully: "We haven't fought yet, are you cowardly? That would be boring."

"Hmph, who are we raging fire thieves afraid of? Your Excellency, don't know what's wrong, who has seen us raging fire thieves around here..."

Before the commander's voice fell, a force field wave ran through his body.


Wei Sheng pouted.


A black shadow flew out of the body.

Thousands of shadows enter the flock like tigers.

In a blink of an eye, all the fire thieves were killed.

"It's quieter now."

Wei Sheng smiled lightly and turned his head to look at the caravan in Coil Snake Town.

All the caravan members were stunned.

When he met Wei Sheng's gaze, his entire body trembled even more.

In the face of the fire thieves, they still have the courage to give it a try.

But if the enemy is Wei Sheng, you should offer all the goods obediently, and pray for the other party's life! .

Chapter 264

"This lord... don't do it, we are willing to offer all the goods!"

After a brief discussion among some members of the caravan, they stepped forward to negotiate with a wry smile.

And, step back to the end!

Because Wei Sheng is too strong, they have no idea of ​​resistance.

Life is important.

At most go back and declare bankruptcy.

"You are the Coiled Snake Town Caravan."

Wei Sheng rolled his eyes.

It looks like he's coming for a robbery.

"Yes, who is your Excellency?"

The caravan leader nodded and bowed.

Looking at it again and again, I just didn't think that there is such a number one person in Coil Snake Town.

"Do you know that Coil Snake Town has undergone drastic changes not long ago, and even Fu died."

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