"Yes, I and the other patriarchs were surprised at that time. I have never seen him like this before."

Shan Piao added to the side.

Wei Sheng smiled and shook his head.

Did these guys really think so?

I'm afraid I have other thoughts.

Zeno continued.

Creating a tense offensive atmosphere, the United Legion fell into a passive state for a while after the dragon appeared.

Until the arrival of the nine dragon bat monsters, Wei Sheng reversed the world with one person's power, first beheading the necromancer knight, and then fighting Shaman and slaying the dragon!

"The evil blue-eyed demon, even summoning a powerful god, can't help him!"

When talking about the gods, the mountain floated out to stop Zeno, and I didn't want him to say too much.

"Stand, notorious! He was the enemy of our Snake Town!"

"Stand spreads his wings and can cover half of Coiled Snake Town..."

Zeno used exaggeration here, but in fact, Stander is not that huge at all.

"Wei Sheng was covered in black armor, coming and going like the wind, punching Stander with a punch!"

According to Zeno's description, the battle was brilliant, as if Wei Sheng had descended to the earth like a soldier from heaven, beating Stan to the ground.

"He grabbed Stand's head with one hand, and Stand's body fell from the sky, blood spilling on the ground!"

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

"He completed the feat of slaughtering the dragon and saved Coil Snake Town."

The story ends here.

The camera shifts to the mural.

From left to right, Wei Sheng's figure does appear above.

Wei Sheng watched it from beginning to end, and shook his head with a smile.

Even though Zeno was at the scene at the time, there were still many beautifications and inaccuracies in the narrative.

It's hard to imagine how the whole version will change in the future when it is sung from generation to generation!

"The big guy is awesome!"

"6666, the first person to kill the dragon!"

Many players sent private messages to express their admiration.

After reading the private messages, Wei Sheng turned to the World Channel.

The video was uploaded to the chat channel half an hour ago, and people are still talking about it.

"Big Brother Wei is awesome, even a giant dragon can be slaughtered, Andre is a ball!"

... ...

"That's right, if Andre comes out to brag in the future, he should be shown the video."

"Everyone should see the size of Coil Snake Town? It's half the size of Coil Snake Town. How exaggerated."

"Wei Sheng's strength is unfathomable, and it is impossible for Andre to surpass it."

"Good guy, even the gods can't stop Big Brother Wei, is his strength equal to god?"

"Have any of you seen God? I haven't. Alas, this world is more dangerous than we thought, and even gods have appeared."

Some people were surprised at the prosperity of Coil Snake Town, and some people extracted key information from the video.

But one thing remains the same, everyone marvels at Wei Sheng's glorious deeds.

In the future, the legend of Wei Sheng will circulate in the world of the cave, which is incredible.

Although Andre was crushed, he did not give up the idea of ​​challenging Wei Sheng.

"That's just a stupid dragon, I'll show you the power of the dragon's bloodline! It's my duty to reshape the glory of the dragon's bloodline! In addition, receive a batch of new videos, private chat if you are interested, you should be in good shape, and the price is not a problem. !"

At the same time of passion, he does not forget his LSP duty.

Wei Sheng goes to the regional channel.

This video is also circulating inside, and they are calling Wei Sheng to ask the real situation.

To this, Wei Sheng simply replied: "In general, yes, there are some exaggerated elements in the details. Although I slaughtered the dragon, the earth dragon is not too powerful."

Wei Sheng told the truth, in the eyes of other players, it was full of Versailles.

Isn't the dragon too powerful?

That's what Big Brother Wei can say!Where.

Chapter 262

Wei Sheng's performance at Versailles in the group attracted everyone's complaints.

Later, someone asked him if he had decomposed the dragon blood.

"There is a group that has been decomposed, but the dragon's bloodline is relatively weak."

Wei Sheng also answered truthfully.

"Boss, can you trade? I'm willing to exchange 1000 runes!"

"You think beautifully, I don't know how much the benefits of the dragon bloodline are, I will trade with 1500 runes!"

"Boss Wei, I'm 1800!"

One by one.

There are no more than twenty players in the group with bloodline.

Also, most of them are spell blood, and only one is troll blood.

As soon as they heard that they had the blood of a giant dragon, they flocked to it like crazy.

Andre's rapid progress, everyone has seen it with their own eyes, and now ranks second among all players.

Everyone wants to be the second Andre!

   "Not for sale for now."

After Wei Sheng replied, a group of people were disappointed.

If you really want to sell the bloodline, the Frost bloodline will also be thrown out, and the price will not only be runes, but will require a lot of rare materials.

The news that Wei Sheng had the blood of a giant dragon spread outside, and the World Channel was hotly discussed again.

Andre was repeatedly slapped in the face, and players were happy to make fun of Andre.

In Wei Sheng's backstage private message, a bunch of people asked for the blood of the giant dragon.

"Great, the blood of the giant dragon sells me, and I will lick your feet in the future!"

"Boss Wei, ask for the blood of the giant dragon! I can be a cow or a horse for you!"

"Hey, can you give me the blood of the giant dragon, little brother, I can promise you under any conditions~"

Regardless of men and women, they all madly seek the blood of the giant dragon.

Wei Sheng was unshakable.

Bloodlines also affect a person's character.

The blood of the giant dragon can make a person become arrogant. Now it sounds nice, and he can be a pawn for Wei Sheng. Once he takes the blood of the giant dragon, he will probably change his face.

After dinner.

Wei Sheng came to the conference hall.

I only saw Xiao Yun and Rogers at the training range, but did not see Xiao Yuling.

When the two saw Wei Sheng, they stopped and cast their eyes.

"Brother Wei, you are really awesome. You actually finished the dragon slaughter without making a sound."

Rogers smiled: "If it wasn't for someone in my channel talking about it, I wouldn't even know about it!"

"Brother Wei, can you talk about the strength of the giant dragon? It's probably a few hundred meters long?"

Xiao Yun's focus is quite different.

"The rumors outside are too exaggerated."

Wei Sheng sighed: "Earth Dragon Stand is less than thirty meters long. You should know by looking at the proportions of the murals, that head is not as tall as me."

"That's great too!"

"Didn't Yu Ling come?"

Wei Sheng looked around.

"In the meditation room."

Xiao Yun replied.

"Meditation room?"

Wei Sheng's heart moved.

Could it be that Xiao Yuling also found a meditation method?

Compared to spells, meditation is easier to describe in words.

If there is really a meditation method, you can exchange it with Xiao Yuling.

Just like exchanging spells, Wei Sheng wants to learn from many families, so there is no harm in doing so.

Wei Sheng waited for a few minutes, Xiao Yuling didn't come out, he simply went to another meditation room to practice first.

About half an hour later, I heard a small door opening.

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