The opening of the passage was dug enough, and the three of them clenched their weapons and stepped in at the same time.

No matter if there is any danger.

After entering, it is directly lifted off by the floating thruster.

Wait until you see your surroundings clearly before making your next decision.

The whole morning went exceptionally well.

On the way, I only encountered two crypt creatures with average strength, and they all beheaded.

Also got some good resources.

Time comes to afternoon.

In the afternoon, the three continued to dig.

Meet a steelhair beast again!

With yesterday's experience, the three of them cooperated well and successfully killed the steel-haired beast.

One digging opportunity left today!

The three of them worked together and used their last chance.

It is now approaching evening.

When the three of them got out of the black membrane and were full of vigilance, they suddenly discovered the huge Gong in the burrow.

In front, there is a town!

Larger than any tribe they had ever seen.

The three of them cautiously explored forward with excitement and tension.

Maybe you can find something good here!

The premise is not to be hostile to the aborigines here. .

Chapter 260

The outermost wall of Coil Snake Town was not removed.

The trio finds the entrance.

Just dare to look far.

As far as I can see, there are some guards at the entrance.

They were looking at the guards.

The guards were watching them too.

After a few minutes, two canine dwarfs approached them.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that there was only a canine dwarf.

Mostly for questioning.

No apparent malice.

"You are the cavemen?"

The two canine dwarfs were polite and questioned loudly across a dozen meters.

They held the translator in their hands, and when the dog dwarf spoke just now, it was recorded immediately.

Talk to the translator again.


The voice of the translator is not low and can be heard on the opposite side.

In the video channel, everyone once talked about the fact that in the face of indigenous people, one must claim to be a caveman.

"Are you going to enter Coil Snake Town?"

The canine dwarf continued to ask.

"Yes, we are just passers-by, no malice, I don't know if we can go in and stay overnight!"

As usual, Tao Li negotiated.

She is more patient.

He speaks less aggressively, and is easily accepted by crypt creatures.

"As long as there is no hostility, Coiled Snake Town welcomes all creatures."

The canine dwarf strictly followed the instructions above.

"323 Thank you."

The three were overjoyed.

It seems that the residents of this Coiled Snake Town are very friendly.

"We have many masters in Coiled Snake Town. Lord Shanpiao and the others can even deal with giant dragons. You'd better not mess around."

Before going in, the canine dwarf gave a little warning.

Can deal with dragons!

Although the three of them have never seen a giant dragon, they can infer the power of the giant dragon.

Andre just swallowed the blood of the giant dragon, and the combat power value has increased by several thousand, let alone a real dragon!

The canine dwarf led the three into Coil Snake Town.

When they got inside, the three people really saw the huge size of Coil Snake Town, and the scenery along the way was infinitely good.

Just like the wilderness outside.

"We've just been through a war here, and we've only been slowly recovering since yesterday."

"It's also a caveman, why don't you know the common language underneath? You need to rely on foreign objects to help?"

"If you want to buy something, you can go to the street over there..."

Along the way, most of the canine dwarfs were talking, and the three of them were obedient.

Talk less, observe more, and it is not easy to make mistakes.

"Lord Zeno..."

While passing a street, they encountered a centaur.

The canine dwarf stopped to say hello.

"These three are..."

Zeno looked at the canine dwarf.

"Oh, passers-by who came to us today want to stay in Coiled Snake Town for a night. I'm going to take them to the hotel."

The canine dwarf told the truth.

"A caveman?"

Zeno smiled and said, "In this way, they will be handed over to me, and you can go back and do your own business."


Canine dwarf retires.

The three secretly inquired about the centaur's information and compared the strength of the two sides.

"The hotel is here."

Zeno motioned for the three to follow.

Afterwards, Zeno also found that the three of them could not speak common language, but fortunately, with the aid of equipment, everything was not a hassle.

Because of Wei Sheng, Zeno saw that the three of them were also cavemen, and their attitude was very friendly.

There was not much introduction along the way. When we arrived at the hotel, the boss gave them a free bill for Zeno's sake.

Coiled Snake Town has just recovered, there are no guests at all, and there are a lot of empty rooms.

"Brother Zeno, can you take us around? We need a local guide."

Zeno wanted to leave, but the three stopped him.

Appreciating the scenery is not the main purpose, exploring to find treasure chests is!

According to the rules of everyone's excavation, most of the tribes will have treasure chests.

Coil Snake Town must have it too, maybe it's a big treasure chest!

Zeno's status is not low, maybe some places have to take Zeno with him.

Furthermore, if you brush your presence with the NPCs in Coil Snake Town, you may be able to receive quests or complete some transactions.

"Okay, I happen to be more free, and I will show you around."

Zeno readily agreed to this.

They stop and go, and there are some places that really depend on Zeno to get in, like the library.

Unfortunately, along the way, I didn't find a treasure chest at all.

"It's okay, we've only visited less than one-third of the entire Coiled Snake Town. I don't believe it."

"Yes, I don't believe it either!"

The three comforted themselves, and wherever they went, they always had to search in a carpet-like manner.

Although Zeno felt strange, he didn't care.

From time to time, the three will turn on the shooting function to record the town of Coil Snake and upload it to the regional channel.

"Come to a beautiful town! This place is called Coil Snake Town, and it's so awesome."

"The entire burrow is very huge, I don't know what treasure chests can be found today!"

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