The sling beast knelt down on its front legs and raised its lower half of its height.

This is helpful for throwing large rocks.

Whoosh whoosh!

A large stone flew into the air.



Most of the stones hit the wall.

A few also fell into the town.

On the top of the wall, strong orcs, gray fog goblins, etc. are disheartened.

The united army burst into bursts of shouts, and the morale rose again.

At the same time, the Union Army was advancing forward.

In Coil Snake Town, there are also stones flying out, mostly steel-haired beasts!

Those big stones were either blocked or smashed into the open space.

Until it was [-] to [-] meters close to the high wall, the damage of the United Legion was extremely low.

The high wall has been smashed with a big gap.

There was also a huge army standing inside, and the two sides stared, and the contact battle was about to start.

"Army attack!"

The mountain waved an order.

Except for the teams reserved in advance, the United Army started to charge.

Shan Piao handed over the command to the centaur Zeno, riding a unicorn, holding a staff high, and taking the lead.


Both sides shouted loudly.

In the sky, many figures appeared.

The United Legion also has corresponding flying creatures.

Shaman rode behind a dragon bat monster and looked at Shanpiao below.

"Shaman is there!"

Shan Piao gently tapped the mount.

The unicorn grows crystal wings on both sides.

The wings flapped and flew to the sky.

White Moon and Cesar have taken off in flying creatures.


A dragon roar.

In the distance, in Coil Snake Town, a larger figure rose.

Earth Dragon Stand!

All the members of the United Legion changed their expressions.

Only Wei Sheng applauded in his heart.

The dragon skin finally has it!Where.

Chapter 247


"My God, it's a dragon!"

"It's Stander!"

The morale of the United Corps plummeted.

Stand flew over his head, a huge shadow shrouded above, and the dragon's might radiated invisibly, making the United Army on the ground unable to breathe.

"Humble bugs, meet death."

Stand's voice resounded through the sky.

Only one of them met, and the two strong feathered birds belonging to the United Legion were burning and falling downward at a high speed.

The feathers of the hard-feathered bird can withstand flames, but they can't bear a mouthful of high-temperature dragon flames!

The battle below has also begun.

Shaman's army in Coil Snake Town rushed out.

The meat grinder has been sold here!

Red eyes have been killed on both sides.

"Really intense."

Wei Sheng was temporarily assigned to the reserve army.

Not only him, but also several other talismans.

Centaur Zeno trotted back and forth on his horse's hooves, his attention mostly in the air.

Shan Piao, Bai Yue and Caesar have already been fighting with Shaman.

Both sides cast spells and communicate with each other.

Stand suddenly joined the fray, faintly breaking the balance and leaning towards Shaman.


The nine necromancers rode the dragon bat monster out of the air battle and swept to the ground.

They were originally assisting Sharman against the air power of the United Corps.

Stander joins in, allowing the Necromancer enough to free his hand.

Sharman acted decisively and asked them to attack the ground forces.

The dragon bat glided past, spewing dragon flames.



Every time a dragon flame falls, it can always burn some members of the combined force to death.

"Watch your defenses!"

Zeno's eyes widened, the dragon bat monster was rushing towards the reserve force.

There are a total of five talismans, all standing in front.

Wei Sheng spread his hands, and a cloud of black mist spread along his arm, gradually condensing into a black mist scepter.

Clouds of black mist wrapped around his right arm.

"Epic equipment!"

The half-goat talisman on the side stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

This unobtrusive cave man...

Actually owns an epic staff!


Zeno's reminder came from the front.

The half-goat talismanist looked shocked and turned his head quickly.

Now is the time to fight, so I can't take care of it too much!

Dragon flames fall...

Several talismans bear the brunt.

The sparse javelins were deflected by the dragon bat.

The spellcaster either dodged or summoned a shield.

Wei Sheng's body was covered with translucent armor, which was not damaged at all.

"Do you still want to go?"

He snorted softly.

Tentacles shoot out from the void.


Grab the dragon bat monsters firmly.

There are eighteen in total, and each one traps one of the Dragon Bat monster's legs.

"what's the situation?"


The Reserve Army was taken aback.

The few spellcasters turned their heads to look at Wei Sheng, and were even more surprised.

"Give it all down to me."

Wei Sheng waved the black fog scepter, brushing out nine force field waves in a row.

The dragon bat monsters screamed one after another.

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