He put a secret spell on Stan so that Stan could stay the way he is now.

If Stander is willing, he can change the dragon body at any time!

Two days ago, Shaman found Steiner in a hidden cave. Steader, who was once expelled by Fu, quickly reached a secret agreement with Shaman.

This matter, no outsiders know.

Of course, doing these is for the Yin United Army.

Although Shan Piao is nothing to worry about, he has invited some good helpers, which will be a lot of trouble.

With Stander joining in, this battle is guaranteed! .

Chapter 245

"Shaman, when will they attack? If I disappear for too long, the treasure in the lair will be targeted!"

"Two or three days at most."

"Really? I hope you don't make a mistake in your judgment! Also, remember your promise. Once the United Legion is wiped out, not only will the town name be restored, but also a lot of gold and silver jewelry will be given to me!"

"The premise is that you are in the fight, not hiding behind."

"Hey, our earth dragon never backs down!"


After talking for a long time, Stander spread his wings and flew away.

In the shadows, those eyes were fixed on Stand.

Sharman walked under the firelight, revealing his tall figure.

He was two meters high and five feet tall, wearing a white robe, with a thin body, a large gray beard, and eyes that were eerie emerald green.

"When the United Legion is cleaned up, and then Stan is subdued, no powerful creatures are allowed near Coil Snake Town, and they must be used by me."

Shaman's eyes were gloomy, and his allies' attention was already under his heart.

It's good to subdue an earth dragon and use it as a thug or mount!

Sharman whistled.


A dragon bat monster flew not far away.

Hover over the tower.

Sharman jumped out of the tower and landed firmly behind the dragon bat.

Gently slapped the dragon bat monster's neck, the dragon bat monster understood and flew into the distance.

Overlooking from a height, Coil Snake Town occupies a vast area.

The once prosperous town has been transformed into a wartime camp.

Street 317 was cleaned up to facilitate the deployment of troops.

The giant beast is carrying a huge boulder, north of Coil Snake Town in front, to build the outermost tall wall.

The surrounding area of ​​Coil Snake Town rang non-stop.

Not long ago, the perimeter was just a low wall, but now it is ten meters high and thick.

On the high wall, strong orcs, gray fog goblins, crypt barbarians, etc., are supervising the slaves to work all night and strengthen the fortifications.



early morning.

Wei Sheng has woken up.

There was a sound of a horn outside, and I couldn't sleep at all.

He simply washed, ate breakfast, and walked out of the tent with Xiaohu and Xiaofeng.

Sleeping on a big soft bed last night was much more comfortable than lying on animal skins.

It's just that the morning wake-up service is missing from Xiaohei, which is a bit uncomfortable.

In the tent next to it, the canine dwarf patriarch emerged.

He was fully dressed, and the tent was tidied by canine dwarfs.

"What happened in the morning?"

Wei Sheng stepped forward to ask.


The dwarf patriarch smiled awkwardly and said, "Sir Shanpiao ordered to set off this morning and strive to capture Coil Snake Town this morning."


Only then did Wei Sheng understand the meaning of the dwarf patriarch's smile.

Because Shan Piao told Wei Sheng yesterday that he would not attack Coil Snake Town until this evening.

As expected, he didn't tell the truth at that time, and he was still on guard against Wei Sheng!

It was only now that the departure was approaching that the canine dwarf patriarch did not reveal it.

If Wei Sheng was doing it carefully, it would be too late to notify at this moment.

Everyone's tent is ready, and the army is about to start.

Wei Sheng was not surprised.

If he is the commander of the United Legion, he must also be wary of a spellcaster who joins inexplicably.

Wei Sheng felt a little uncomfortable at most.

But it's better to go now, don't waste time.

The vanguard of the United Legion has set off.

After that was the middle led by Shan Piao, and Wei Sheng was also in the middle team, riding behind a giant beast, and laying lazily on it to take a nap.

Xiaohu and Xiaofeng were lying on the left and right, just like him making up their sleep.

Compared with one person and two beasts, Shan Piao, the major patriarchs, etc., are all tense.

A war is about to start, no one can rest assured!

"The newly added caveman didn't sleep well last night?"

Shan Piao heard the conversation beside him and looked back in confusion.

The speaker was Cezel, a spellcaster of the Blue Feather Tribe, with a hook beak, blue feathers all over his body, and a pair of broad wings.

Caesar and Shan Piao's father are old acquaintances, and they have played against Fu before, and their strengths are comparable.

In the United Legion, Cizer was the most powerful, followed by Shan Piao and Bai Yue, the patriarch of the swamp elves.

The three parties join forces, enough to compete against Sharman.

This is why the United Legion is optimistic about the outcome of the war.

"It's relaxing."

Bai Yue also looked back and smiled lightly.

Like all elves, Bai Yue has a slender figure, a handsome face, and is dressed in white. He is a very dazzling existence in the United Legion.

It should be said that the entire swamp elf army is dazzling, even if it is mixed in the legion, it is still incompatible.

Shan Piao retracted his gaze and smiled: "Maybe we know that we will win this battle, so there is no pressure?"

"Makes sense."

Cesar laughed.

Bai Yue shook her head and said, "Don't underestimate Shaman, he defeated your father."

"No, I didn't underestimate Sharman."

Shan fluttered loudly: "I just trust the strength of the two! When I think of being able to avenge my father, the blood in my body is boiling!"

"This battle cannot be lost."

Bai Yueyu said earnestly: "I'm betting on the future of the swamp elves. If I fail, the swamp elves in the back will retreat to a worse environment to survive..."

"Your Excellency Bai Yue, please rest assured, there will be no accidents."

Shan Piao joked: "You should ask the caveman, at least he is better than you in this regard."

The front army of the United Corps is the vanguard, the middle army is to take care of it, and the rear army is to transport the baggage.

All the way.

Wei Sheng went down from time to time to pick up the treasure chest.

Everyone saw him bending over and thought he had quirks!

In about two hours, the United Legion had dug to the eighth burrow.

The front, middle and rear armies all stopped.

Because the next burrow is Coil Snake Town!

There were no obstacles along the way.

Even when encountering crypt creatures, seeing that there are so many people in the United Legion, most crypt creatures just watch from a distance, or flee immediately.

Occasionally encounter a guy who doesn't have long eyes, and someone will take care of it.

To the eighth burrow, I saw Shaman's spies.

The spy dug into the soil and hurried back to tip off!

Wei Sheng's eyes fell on the earth wall in the direction of Coil Snake Town.

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