
Recently, most of the discussion content revolves around the bloodline.

The dragon blood is undoubtedly the most eye-catching, and Andre is also a blockbuster.

Wei Sheng was fascinated, and suddenly came up with a system reminder.

The Dragon Flame Awakening scroll transaction is completed, and the runes and materials have arrived!

The price Wei Sheng set for the Dragon Flame Awakening Scroll is not low.

Requires 1000 runes + 50 units of rare materials.

Among them, the geomagnetic crystal required 30, and it took more than a day to hang, but it was the first to shoot.

"Could it be Andre?"

Wei Sheng opened the transaction record, and it turned out that the buyer was Andre.

"Very good, the geomagnetic crystal directly broke 124, and now it is [-]!"

The materials to build the tuner have been collected.

It also means that superstring armor can be manufactured!

ding dong~

Buyer private message reminder.

Wei Sheng opened it and saw that Andre had just sent a message.

"Thank you for your scroll, I will rely on it to surpass you a little bit!"

Andre formally challenged Wei Sheng.

The dragon bloodline turned him into an arrogant arrogant. Even if there was a big difference in combat power between them, he still dared to provoke him. He seemed to believe that the dragon bloodline would become the first sooner or later.

"He took it for granted."

Wei Sheng ignored it.

Andre was dazed by the dragon's blood pulse, and his self-confidence was bursting. Later, he would understand how difficult it is to improve after the battle strength exceeds [-]!

Wei Sheng opened the manufacturing list.

Choose a tuner...

Confirm to build!


There was an hourglass-shaped object the size of a palm in Wei Sheng's hand.

Both ends of the hourglass are crystal and metal, but the surface texture is different.

There are many small shiny particles inside.

This is the tuner!

Wei Sheng found epic superstring armor.

Select, confirm to build! .

Chapter 241

All materials come together.

In the light, like the tuner of an hourglass, it flips up and down, and the light particles inside run back and forth.


[System Reminder: The epic superstring armor is successfully built~]

The light disappears.

Condensed into a black bracelet.

Wei Sheng stroked his fingers lightly.

metallic feel.

The surface is unremarkable.

Wei Sheng put the bracelet on his right wrist.

The width of the bracelet is only about the thickness of a finger. After putting it on, it immediately fits the skin and touches it without any bulge.

"Try the effect after transformation."

Wei Sheng clenched his right hand into a fist.

The bracelet vibrated slightly.

From the right wrist position, the black - spreads quickly.

In an instant, a set of pitch-black armor formed on the surface of Wei Sheng, tightly fitting to the surface of his body with smooth lines.

The black spread upward, covering the head together.

Under the shackles of the superstring particles, the top of the spellcasting cloak shrank inward and turned into a small cloak.

The shape of the armor is not fixed, and the superstring particles can change according to the user's thoughts.

"It feels good!"

Wei Sheng took a step forward, moving his muscles and bones, without any sense of restraint.


He stepped on.

Exploded in situ.

The figure has disappeared in the position just now.

The next moment, appeared in the training range.

Simple punch -


The upper body of the target was blown to powder.

You can see the power of this punch.

In the training range, there was almost only a black line, Wei Sheng flashing back and forth between the targets.

Boom boom boom...

If the eyesight is not enough, it will mistakenly think that the target is broken at the same time.

The distance between the two targets was at least five meters, and Wei Sheng didn't punch at the same time, he just moved too fast.

"If you encounter a black armored beast, even if you don't need a spell, you can still kill it with one punch."

"No, I feel like I can kill a dragon!"

"If you use fantasy kendo again..."

Wei Sheng raised his right hand, and the superstring particles extended from his fingertips to form a sharp weapon.

The target has recovered.

He kept trying.

In the blink of an eye, all targets were cut off.

"It's not as good as making the sword flexible in changing moves, but it can also give full play to the advantages of fantasy swordsmanship."

Wei Sheng thought about it, the dark armor faded, and it turned into a bracelet in a blink of an eye.

Between retraction and release, free as you like.

Such a set of superstring armor can make people's combat effectiveness skyrocket.

But not ordinary people can control it perfectly.

If you want to maintain the armored form, you need to continuously inject soul power.

After half an hour.

Wei Sheng put away the rune base and started today's excavation.

The direction was chosen last night.

Check back before you go.

The prompt has changed.

It can be seen that the geomagnetic pulse has changed last night!

[Continue to dig forward, and you will encounter refugees from Coil Snake Town. They are a little pitiful, maybe they can donate some water and food. 】

[In the burrow on the left, you will enter the swamp. 】

[In the burrow on the right, there is a silver treasure chest. The two mountain beasts have just stopped to rest and are thinking about grabbing something to eat. Your agile body is enough to play with them. 】

[Dig up, there are two iron treasure chests, and some resources can be collected. 】

[Dig down, there are two magma wells, and a group of poor worms who have been driven out of the tribe are hunting. 】

Wei Sheng re-checked the five directions, then took out two map crystal balls and compared them.

"Before the geomagnetic pulse changed, this was the route."

"After the change, there are two magma wells dug down here, and the swamp to the left..."

Wei Sheng eliminated one route and left four routes.

"It is also necessary to determine the situation of a burrow."

He pondered for a moment, opened the illustrated book, and inquired about Tuoshan Beast.

Data emerges.

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