As for women, their fighting power is not weak, and some may also be with the team.

"I heard that Shaman has thousands of minions in Coil Snake Town. I'm afraid there are not enough people in your tribe."

"It's not enough, but this time it's a combined army, not only our dog dwarfs, but also hill dwarves, swamp elves, bear goblins..."

"Oh? It seems that the momentum is not small."

"Of course, the leader of the team is the son of floating, Shan Piao. He vowed to avenge his father and will definitely be able to retake Coil Snake Town! At that time, we canine dwarfs can also live in Coil Snake Town, so we don't have to stay here!"

The conversation between the two sides continued to deepen.

Wei Sheng gradually clarified the whole process.

Shaman, who appeared out of thin air, led an army into Coil Snake Town and killed Fu, the ruler of Coil Snake Town.

Shan Piao led some remaining troops to successfully break through the siege, and witnessed Shaman being injured by his father's stunt.

Recently, I lobbied everywhere to organize a joint force of thousands of troops in return for Coil Snake Town.

At this moment, they are heading for Coil Snake Town.

There are many elites in the team.

For example, the patriarch of the swamp elves, the iron pig knight among the hill dwarves.

The coalition forces are optimistic about the counter-offensive.

The canine dwarf wanted to move to a better environment to live in, but couldn't stand the flickering of Shan Piao at all. .

Chapter 239

All the canine dwarfs in the shelter come out.

Surrounding Wei Sheng, he solemnly thanked him for his rescue.

The gifts they gave Wei Sheng were nothing special, only gold and silver nuggets.

After the silver treasure chest is opened, only a low-level rune base upgrade scroll has a higher value, and the rest of the items are average.

However, the information obtained from the canine dwarf here is more critical.

Thousands of combined troops!

This trip is not alone.

Even, perhaps before Wei Sheng arrived at Coil Snake Town, Shaman and his minions were all wiped out.

Even if the combined forces couldn't beat Shaman, Wei Sheng would be able to take advantage of it.

Wei Sheng was unable to continue digging today.

On the grounds that the strong orcs may come again, they are temporarily stationed in the burrow.

In the evening, the dog dwarf held a thank-you banquet for Wei Sheng. In addition to the good drinks, the food at the banquet was not to taste.

"We have arranged a room for your Excellency, and we will also arrange for the beauties of the clan to accompany you..."

After the banquet, an older canine dwarf came to Wei Sheng and mentioned it with a smile.

"This...isn't right."

Wei Sheng smiled helplessly.

The canine dwarf beauty is also covered in long hair and has no interest in needles.

"Your bloodline must be strong, we hope you can combine with her and give birth to an offspring..."

The older canine dwarf beckoned to the rear, and a delicate female canine dwarf stepped forward and squinted at Wei Sheng from time to time.

"No, I have a place to sleep tonight!"

Before Wei Sheng could finish speaking, the person had already left.

The canine dwarf was still barking from behind, trying to hold him back.

Wei Sheng came to the open space outside the tribe and opened the rune base.

The canine dwarfs who followed were stunned when they saw the huge rune base.

"Everyone, please come back."

Wei Sheng turned back and smiled and entered the Rune Base.

I'm not full tonight, so let's eat the little black and white below.

If he had to choose between a puppet maid and a female canine dwarf, he would naturally choose the puppet maid.

After half an hour.

Wei Sheng patted his belly.

A bowl of hot fish and shrimp noodles makes the whole person feel much more comfortable.

In the sand, there are not only sand fish, but also crabs, shrimps, etc., which are relatively scarce, and can be caught occasionally by fishing traps.

Arrive at the conference hall after dinner.

After the three vassals finished their meal, they came one after another and were training.

There will be a new round of ranking updates tonight, but the three of them are not very interested, and they don't talk about it at all.

All they can look forward to is Wei Sheng's combat power.

Last time, Wei Sheng broke through [-], how much can it be this time?

Wei Sheng greeted the three of them briefly and entered the meditation room.

"Big Brother Wei seems to be outside a tribe..."

"There are a lot of houses over there, and it feels like the population is at least a thousand."

"Your channel must be number one again tonight."

"Hey, what more do you think? Since you became a lord, the quality of life has improved rapidly. Can you benefit from having a channel with our lord?"

The three chatted quietly.

Wei Sheng sat in the meditation room for more than an hour.

After dinner was almost digested, we went to the training range to practice.

From talismanism to fantasy kendo, all have not fallen.

When you are tired, sit on the massage chair!

"Here, warm water."

Xiao Yuling approached and offered a glass of water.

Wei Sheng just sat down, squinting his eyes and taking a nap, almost subconsciously said: "Put the water next to it, little black and white..."

"Little black and white?"

Xiao Yuling was puzzled.

Wei Sheng was shocked, opened his eyes, and turned his head quickly.

Maybe it was because of his guilty conscience, so he said bravely, "Well, I used to have a female friend named Xiao Heihe, who often gave me water, so I'm used to it."


Xiao Yuling put down the water, like a curious baby.

"Uh, not really."

Wei Sheng took a sip from the water glass to hide his embarrassment.

"Are you still alive?"

Xiao Yuling asked again.


Wei Sheng didn't talk nonsense this time.

Little Black and White was originally a dead thing and never lived.

"Sorry! It should have been in the burrow..."

Xiao Yuling sighed, her voice trembling slightly: "Some of my friends and relatives have gradually disappeared."

Wei Sheng turned around and wanted to tell Xiao Yuling the truth.

Compared with most people, Wei Sheng has no family, and there are very few guys who can be counted as friends.

I haven't contacted him yet, I'm afraid it's all over!

Wei Sheng is very famous. If he has acquaintances, it is easier to contact him.

It is not an easy task for most players to get in touch with family and friends.

The system does not have the function of searching for players. You can only swipe the world channel every day, or browse the trading channel and try your luck.

Or pay some price and ask the advertising alliance to swipe the screen, which is relatively expensive and cannot guarantee success.

The two briefly talked about some topics until Rogers shouted from the rear: "The score has been updated!"

The two stopped.

Turn on regional channels individually.

View member rankings -

Wei Sheng (56238, 15671, 175)

Xiao Yuling (9221, 3288, 121)

Chen Chen (8832, 2783, 136)

The top three remain unchanged.

Looking down, William's ranking has risen to fourth, and the combat power value has broken 2200.

The fourth place last time was a girl named Zhu Lingling, who was gone this morning.

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