The other two were all dumbfounded.

Gray Mist Goblin, Strong Orc, Giant Dire Wolf...

The two silently opened the trading channel and searched for relevant information.

For a few materials, trade information on three crypt creatures.

The risk factor is not low, the number is hundreds...

The lord is so terrifying!

"Is this the combat power worth [-]?"

Xiao Yuling murmured.

"They're here to hunt down my crypt creatures, and I've set eyeliners outside."

Wei Sheng did not answer clearly, the total number of souls was 626.

With a thought, these souls fly away automatically.

It ends up in the warehouse where the material is stored.

"I'm going to collect their bodies."

Wei Sheng came to the window and stepped out.


Disappeared at once.

"Our lord is so terrifying."

Rogers shook his head and said, "This method, I don't know what kind of magic skills I practiced. After those black shadows went out, they never came back. When they were placed at night, killing people was invisible."

"No, those who came, actually found the shadow, but they couldn't deal with it, it was very strange."

Xiao Yun saw clearly, turned around silently, and walked towards the training range.

"I've realized the gap, so train hard."

"Such a cow?"

Rogers scratched his head.

If it weren't for the internal non-disclosure agreement, or he really wanted to go to the chat channel to brag!

Less than half a minute.

Wei Shengfei returned to the base.

There is another corpse!

Wei Sheng didn't take the Rune Base with him, so he only used Touch of the Void to wrap it around and bring it back.

The three discovered another ability of Wei Sheng——

Translucent tentacles!

"Tsk, if I have this ability, I will have a girlfriend in the future..."

Rogers' eyes flashed.

Xiao Yuling rolled his eyes and was speechless.

Xiao Yun trains silently.

Women have little to do with him now, after all, the parts can't be activated!

Wei Sheng dragged the body to the warehouse.

After they were all broken down, they returned to the conference hall.

The three were curious about Qianying.

Wei Sheng didn't explain much, only told the name of the ability.

So much so that they mistakenly believe that Qianying is also a spell!



Puff puff……

Head flying.

[System reminder: Soul +56]

Wei Sheng stepped forward and took away the bodies of the strong orc and the giant dire wolf.

Since the night before yesterday, almost every few hours, there will always be Shaman's minions chasing after him.

This is the seventh wave!

They seem to have received orders to die, and they persevere and follow, tirelessly.

Wei Sheng digs a limited number of times a day, and the pursuers can easily find him.

However, every time they were slaughtered by Wei Sheng, apart from being annoying, they did not cause any loss to Wei Sheng.

The frequency of the recent two waves of chasing soldiers has dropped significantly, and they are not willing to sacrifice inaction.

Wei Sheng stepped forward and took away the body.

Through the thick earth wall, use the detection technique.

The ripples swept across the dirt wall.

There are still dozens of figures in the cave behind.

Wei Sheng didn't want to waste the excavation times, so he could only wait in place.

If they're stupid enough, maybe they'll all be delivered.

Unfortunately, after waiting for half an hour, they sent two strong orcs to investigate first, and then there was no movement.

The two strong orcs naturally became the souls of the dead.

Unless the two strong orcs return to report, the large army will not come.

"I'm too lazy to waste time with you."

Wei Sheng took out his shovel with a sullen face, and digged upwards.

It was the first time in two days that it was up.

It's not that I want to get rid of the pursuers, it's just that there are good things in the crypt above.

[In the burrow above, there is a purple treasure chest, and there is a twisted spirit nearby. As long as you have a firm will, you can pass it unharmed. Once you pass the test, you will get unexpected rewards. 】

Wei Sheng had already checked the picture book of the Twisted Monster.

The information is as follows-

[Twisted Spirit: A rare creature that grows from the soil, it is difficult to kill, its body is a mass of twisted sand, and its recovery ability is stronger than that of the endless tentacles.They are not aggressive, but they often test the will of passersby. As long as the will is not firm, it will cause the victim to lose memory and fall into madness. Most of the time, it will distort the victim's cognition. For example, men think they are women and become Women's clothing boss.If you pass its test, your will and soul power will be significantly improved. 】

[Ability: Soil Assimilation, Will Distortion]

[Weakness: No lethality, unable to move. 】

[Danger factor: 128]

The risk factor is not high, and the ability is relatively special.

Soil assimilation gives twisted spirits near-immortal bodies.

Will Distortion, as the name suggests, is the main attack method and is only effective for the weak-willed.

Wei Sheng and the two pets had used the intermediate will enchanting scroll, which just happened to restrain this type of ability.

The upward channel was soon dug successfully.

The total length of the passage is more than [-] meters.

Across the black film, Wei Sheng used the detection technique to scan, and on the wall, he did find a slender figure.

Wei Sheng exited the passage.

Go down and pick up two pets, fly back into the passage, and enter the black membrane.

Later, Xiaohu and Xiaofeng can help him share the firepower, so there is no need to put them in the base.

And through the test of will, they can have a will to improve! .

Chapter 236

The one hundred and seventy-third burrow.

After Wei Sheng and the two pets stood firm, their eyes swept over quickly.

The first time I saw the purple treasure chest not far away, it was still so attractive.

Immediately out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the left side of the Purple Treasure Chest, with a soil pillar standing...

Looking closely, it's not actually a soil pillar, but a twisted spirit!

Its whole body is constructed of sediment, rooted in the soil, and connected to the ground as one.

No hands and feet, a pointed chin, and pointed ears.

The face has no mouth, only eyes and nose.

Among them, the nose is not used to breathe, but to smell.

It was staring straight at Wei Sheng.

Suddenly, Wei Sheng clearly felt the impact on his brain, like a giant hammer hitting the depths of his consciousness.

The same is true for Xiaohu and Xiaofeng, who shivered and stayed where they were.

Many pictures flashed in front of Wei Sheng.

Countless evil ghosts crawled out of the darkness and wrapped around him, sending chills down the spine and shuddering.

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