Wei Sheng asked a question, and the deformed strong orc answered.

Sharman was born not long ago.

In different burrows, find gray fog goblins, strong orcs, etc., and conquer them with force to form a combined army.

After that, attack Coil Snake Town and successfully win it.

The ability of the deformed strong orc came from Shaman, who forcibly injected two souls into the body of the deformed strong orc.

Sharman not only aimed at the forest elves and dryads, but aimed at all kind and pure creatures.

Use them to sacrifice Shaman's allegiance.

"I don't know who Shaman is loyal to. So far, he has sacrificed three times!"

"Every time, a huge vertical eye will appear in the sky, and the souls of all sacrifices will twist and fly to the huge vertical eye."

"When he sacrificed, the air would freeze, the entire burrow was shrouded in blood red, and we would only hear the buzzing, like tinnitus."

"As long as the vertical eye disappears, everything will return to normal."

"Once, when I looked up at that eye, I felt like my soul would be sucked in..."

The deformed strong orc spoke of the sacrifice in awe, and mentioned many descriptions that were not within the scope of the question.

When Wei Sheng tortured the spell technique, he got an embarrassing result.

The two souls can only be used, and they are not mastered at all!

They are not talismans, and they don't even have talisman blood.

Shaman used a secret technique to give the spell to the deformed strong orc. The number of uses is limited, and he needs to return to Shaman to replenish the ammunition.

"This secret technique is strange, and it can also give spells to outsiders."

Wei Sheng analyzed in his heart: "There should be some restrictions. For example, two souls must be injected! Otherwise, why are they only given to deformed strong orcs? There are even restrictions on injecting two souls."

All the questions have been asked.

Wei Sheng had already moved to kill.

"Do not kill me!"

"Master Shaman cast a spell on us. Once you kill us, you will be marked by Master Shaman, and a steady stream of troops will come to you!"

"It's good for everyone to let us go!"

"Even if we go back, we won't dare to look for you again, no, as long as you leave here, we won't find you at all!"

The two souls were anxious, sometimes male, sometimes female.

The last reliance.

Bet that Wei Sheng didn't want to cause trouble.

[They are not lying. 】

Gold letter prompts beating.

Wei Sheng is not stupid.

Since killing them will be marked, you can use a knife to kill.

Temporarily detain the deformed strong orcs, wait for other crypt creatures to be found, and let the crypt creatures do it.

This is over.

The Treant Tribe thanked Wei Sheng for saving his life again and again.

They gave many gifts, mostly fruits.

"You heard it too, this is not a place to stay for a long time, it's better to go to the forest elves."

"Alice has agreed to this matter, you can go with confidence."

Wei Sheng had just communicated with Alice through a microphone.

"It can only be done for the time being. If your Excellency leaves, we really can't resist Shaman."

The tree spirit sighed helplessly.

It is uncomfortable to be forced to leave home and change anyone.

Half an hour later, the dryad set off to leave.

A big tree rose from the ground.

The team is mighty.

Wei Sheng left in the opposite direction.


One hundred and forty-three burrows.

After Wei Sheng came in, he threw the deformed strong orc bound into a ball to the ground.

In the last cave, he had already noticed that there was a black armored beast in the local cave.

"Your Mightiness……"

The deformed strong orc felt inexplicable.

Originally staying in the prison well, the last burrow was released again.

"The good show officially begins."

Wei Sheng smiled slightly, brought two pets, and flew into the air.

The deformed strong orc realized that something was wrong, and reluctantly turned his head, and saw a black armored beast looking straight at it.


The black armored beast rushed in.

"No! Your Excellency, please save me!"

"Damn, you are cheating!"

"help me!"

Deformed strong orc hysterical, face contorted.

Seeing the black armored beast getting closer and closer, he was so scared that tears fell. Before the black armored beast's fist fell, his malicious eyes drifted to Wei Sheng.


Wei Sheng was stunned.

Because a line of tips appeared on the deformed strong orc.

[If you kill him indirectly, you will also be marked by Shaman. 】

Wei Sheng wanted to block it.

The deformed strong orc has been smashed into flesh by the black armored beast.

Two gray air masses floated out.

A group fell on the black armored beast.

The other group is flying towards Wei Sheng!

Wei Sheng will not sit still.

Continuously cast spells, still unable to block.

He watched helplessly as the air mass entered his body.

Mark from Sharman!

"Smart is mistaken by smart."

Wei Sheng let out a long sigh.

To put it bluntly, information is missing.

The deformed strong orc is not lying, killing him will indeed be marked by Shaman, including indirectly killing him!

"Perhaps, even he doesn't know about this marking spell, and with this effect, Shaman must have concealed some information from him."

Wei Sheng quickly accepted the reality.

Things have come to this point, only one step at a time.

The black armored beast was still hopping on the ground, even jumping up to attack Wei Sheng.

The power gap between the two sides is huge.

Wei Sheng easily killed the black armored beast and gained 10 souls.

The air mass entered the body, and he did not perceive anything unusual.

With poison-inducing beads, no toxins are sucked out.

If it is a curse, it will also be resisted by the holy charm.

The mark was silent, but Wei Sheng felt uncomfortable, as if there was an eye stalking him.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

For half a day in the morning, a total of 10 burrows were excavated.

The best chests are simply silver chests.

A lot of materials are available.

In addition, I found a crystal mine halfway, and the number of geomagnetic crystals in it is 34!

To make a tuner, you need 100 Geomagnetic Crystals.

Wei Sheng already has 79 units.


Currently Wei Sheng owns: Zijin 162, Earth marrow 166, Chalcedony 660, Soul 7890.

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