The water is still warm.


Wei Sheng raised his head and drank half a cup, licked his lips, and smiled: "You said just now that you were short of aunt's towel and toilet paper. I can't solve this aunt's towel. I haven't found the manufacturing map yet. I can sell you a batch of toilet paper later."

"it is good!"

Xiao Yuling blushed.

Not only her, but female players all lack aunt towel.

In better conditions, you can use a clean cloth instead, or use toilet paper.

If there are no conditions, their battle with the crypt creatures has not yet started, and blood is already flowing down.

Not to mention how tragic that scene was.

Sometimes I encounter bloodthirsty crypt creatures, and when I smell the blood, I feel excited.

"By the way, I already have signs of Xiaohu and Xiaofeng's new names."

Xiao Yuling suddenly mentioned this.

"Tell me."

Wei Sheng called Xiaohu and Xiaofeng to see if they could accept it.

"One is called Ah Li and the other is called Tongjiao, what about these two names!"

Xiao Yuling dipped his fingers in water and wrote four words on the table.

"Ali? Copper Horns?"

Wei Sheng pondered: "Why do you think it's the same as the original name? It's just that I took the fox character, you took the raccoon character? There are also copper horns, I don't think it is suitable, his appearance is stronger than steel, it is better to call it diamond horns !"


Xiao Yuling didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Because there are already golden horns and silver horns, it can only be called copper horns!"

"Hey, you said that, it seems not bad."

Wei Sheng naturally knew that the King of the Golden Horn and the King of the Silver Horn, such a connection was not bad.

"Okay, let's settle it."

Wei Sheng looked at Xiaohu and Xiaofeng and asked if they wanted to change their names.

As a result, the two little things shook their heads one after another.

"Since you don't want to change your name, Ahri and Tongjiao will be your nicknames in the future."

Wei Sheng changed his mind and took a compromise.

Anyway, it's a code name, it doesn't matter what it's called.

The matter was finalized, Wei Sheng and Xiao Yuling continued their training and learned spells.

In the dead of night, everyone fell asleep.

The next morning.

The monitor in the bedroom vibrated frantically.

This time, it is no longer the player who strayed into the burrow, but a group of tree spirits! .

Chapter 226


The crystal ball vibrated.

Wei Sheng suddenly opened his eyes.

Is there something wrong?

He looked at the crystal ball.

A dozen red dots appeared above.

The location is at the main entrance.

Wei Sheng put on his clothes and trousers, put on a piece of equipment without hesitation, and then grabbed the Black Mist Scepter in his hand.

More than a dozen red dots appeared at the same time in the morning, and most of them had no good intentions.

Wei Sheng looked down.

A dozen dryads!

"Could it be that the dryad has plans for me?-"

"If it's a female tree spirit, maybe there are other ideas."

"It's all male tree spirits..."

Wei Sheng heard the noise of fighting in the depths of the forest, looked into the distance and saw many big trees moving.

Obviously, something happened deep in the woods.

Below, more than a dozen tree spirits are sneaking around, and there are some differences from the tree spirits I saw yesterday, and there are some differences in temperament.

Suddenly, a translucent puppet jumped out and gave a weird smile.

The tree spirits at the front were all startled and jumped back.

Fear the Guard!

Buried by Wei Sheng last night, it was triggered at this time.

Those tree spirits were frightened, swaying all over, the flesh on their bodies vibrated violently, and their bodies became shorter and wider...

"Not a dryad!"

Wei Sheng suddenly realized.

At this moment, the intruder has turned into an ugly appearance.

Holding an axe, or a machete.

Wearing armor.

The bare skin is dark gray, all bald.

Fierce faces, each one is quite strong.

The picture book of the perpetrator automatically appeared in front of Wei Sheng.

[Strong orcs: They have the bloodlines of many kinds of beasts, and they fight for bravery. They only serve some powerful evil creatures. They often appear in groups. They have a strong body and melee combat ability, and have strong reproductive ability. 】

[Ability: Fierce Strike]

[Weakness: stupid brain]

[Danger factor: 56]

The ability is average, just launching an attack with double the power.

The risk factor is not high.

It's probably because of the hordes that it only reached 56.

If there is a single strong orc, the risk factor will drop.

"Have strong orcs invaded the burrows?"

"It's similar to the last time the gray fog goblins invaded the forest elves."

"Am I triggering the plot, or..."

Wei Sheng's eyes flickered, and many thoughts flashed through.

The tree spirits have all changed back to their strong orc appearances.

At first, they only wanted to use the appearance of the dryad to get close to the huge building here. Since it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it.

With a whistle, more and more strong orcs came out of the forest.

The dozen orcs disguised as tree spirits just now were just spies.

"There are still a lot of them, hundreds of them!"

Wei Sheng narrowed his eyes.

There are some strong orcs, and there are huge wolf mounts under them!

The illustrations reappeared——

[Giant Dire Wolf: Fierce and aggressive, with good jumping ability and speed, and amazing bite force.Once they are tamed, they will always be loyal to their masters, and they are the closest partners of the strong orcs. The strong orcs who have conquered the giant dire wolves will become wolf knights. 】

[Ability: Accelerate Charge]

[Weakness: Waist]

[Danger factor: 58]

Ability and risk factor are equally average.

Wei Sheng took out the book of spells.

Perform a detect spell.

Invisible ripples swayed.

Cover the entire forest.

One after another figure came into my mind.

No longer just dryads, but also a large number of strong orcs, giant dire wolves, and...

Several other large creatures!

The dryad seems to have engaged the intruder.

The figures of the two sides were mixed together.

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