Simple ingredients can make a difference.

Soon, bowls of hot noodles came out of the pot.

The fragrant smell is fragrant, which makes people very appetizing.

A few bowls of noodles are served.

Xiao Hei Hei came to Wei Sheng and said, "Sir, do you want to blow it for you?"


Wei Sheng shook his head and said, "You don't need to eat noodles."

"Okay, sir."

Little Black and White stood aside.

Everyone ate the noodles.

Pear Dew and Ya Lu eat noodles by the root.

As soon as he finished eating, he flew to Wei Sheng's shoulder, or on his head, chatting non-stop.

"The buds of that tree should bloom tomorrow."

"No, it's tonight!"

"Li Lu is a big idiot, definitely tomorrow!"

"Hmph, Yelu is the idiot, we bet!"

"Just bet, just bet... I'm not afraid of you!"

Two little things come and go, no one will give in.. 0

Wei Sheng trusts Ya Lu's statement more.

Although they are all confused, Ya Lu is a little smart, Li Lu is a little fool in Ya Lu's eyes.

The two little things quarreled for a moment and flew downstairs.

On the way to the conference hall.

Xiao Yuling and Xiao Yun had already met two flower elves, and it was the first time Rogers had seen them.

Lilu and Yalu stayed in the conference hall for a while, then went to the planting shed.

A few minutes later, Wei Sheng also came to the planting shed, mainly to check the status of the silkworm girl tree.

As the two little things said, those flower buds have opened slightly and are about to bloom.

Wei Sheng looked up and down, returned to the conference hall, and continued to practice spells.

The entire training range is large enough.

Even if there are a few more people, it doesn't seem crowded.

In a blink of an eye, it was half an hour later.

Wei Sheng was immersed in his practice when he heard the call of Ya Lu and Li Lu.

"Xiaowei Xiaowei, the silkworm tree is blooming."

"A lot... A lot of flying little things grow!"

"When we came out, the buds on the silkworm tree had already bloomed several times."

"Go down and see!"


They flew into the conference hall without stopping.

A little excited, and a little apprehensive.

"Okay, I'll go now."

Wei Sheng rushed out of the conference hall.

Don't take the elevator, jump down directly from the stairway, and land smoothly with the help of the floating thruster.

The three people in the conference hall looked at each other. 4.9

"Silkworm Tree? What is that?"

"Never seen or heard of it."

"Is the translator inaccurate?"

Can understand mainly rely on Xiao Yuling's translator.

"When Big Brother Wei comes back, we will ask more carefully. It seems that a lot of strange things have grown."

"It can only be so."

The three continued to practice.

Inside the planting shed.

Wei Shengfei generally rushed in.

At a glance, I saw the little creatures flying near the silkworm tree.

Sweep the detection technique.

There are hundreds of little silkworm girls!

They are only half the size of flower elves.

Has a pair of butterfly wings.

Some wings are pure white and some are pure black.

All of them look cute, just like small porcelain dolls, with two crystal tentacles on their heads, without strands.

As soon as they saw Wei Sheng, they all hid behind the leaves, stuck out their little heads, and watched carefully. .

Chapter 223

The silkworm girl hid behind the leaves.

Kind of curious.

Also a little scared.

In their eyes, Wei Sheng's size is equivalent to a giant, full of intimidation.

It is far less friendly than the two young ladies who just left.

They murmured and talked to each other.

small volumn.

And it is not the common language of the underground world, but the language of the silkworm family.

Wei Sheng couldn't understand anyway.

Standing there staring blankly.

A few seconds later, Li Lu and Ya Lu also flew in.

"Xiao Wei, look at them, don't wear clothes, don't be ashamed."

"Are they also flower elves? But I didn't grow like this when I was young..."

"Li Lu, you are a fool and a fool. Our wings are different from theirs! They are all called Silkworm Nursery Trees, they must be Cannibal Nurses."

"Hey, that makes sense! But Ye Lu is the fool, I'm smart."


The two little things started bickering again.


Wei Sheng said helplessly: "They are a little afraid of us, can you communicate with the little silkworm girl?"

"I'm not afraid of us, I'm afraid of you."

After Li Lu finished speaking, she rolled on Wei Sheng's shoulder with a smile.

"Yeah, when they came out just now, they were still close to us, maybe they regarded us as..."

Ya Lu chuckled: "Take us as 20 mothers."

"Can communicate?"

"Yes, it may be because they grow from plants. Our flower elves can communicate with plants, and we can understand them anyway~"

"Okay, go up and appease them."

Wei Sheng pondered for a moment, then said, "Don't they think that you two are mothers, so they say I'm father."

"Isn't Xiao Wei taking advantage of us?"

"Hmph, you need an ice cream to be a father!"

Bud Dew and Pear Dew are less willing.

Mainly because Mrs. Wei Sheng...

Well, they are too big to be their husbands.

"Okay, enough ice cream, no matter how you communicate, in short, let them not be afraid of me, just accept me."

Wei Sheng smiled helplessly.

Looking back now, what I just said was a bit ridiculous.

"Then we say you are the master?"

Li Lu and Ya Lu quickly flew up the silkworm girl tree when they heard that they had ice cream to eat.

As soon as the little silkworm girls saw the two little things, they all gathered around.

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