Since Xiao Yun became an undead species, he spoke coldly and stood in front of him like a zombie.

Wei Sheng briefly introduced the usage of the four enchanted items, and then informed the price.

All four enchantments are limited to one purchase.

Xiao Yun and Xiao Yuling bought one each.

"I don't really want to use suture balls."

Xiao Yuling touched her arm, and when she thought of the sutured scar, she felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Yun didn't care.

They have all become undead species, not much.

Five minutes to prepare.

Wei Sheng listed four kinds of enchanted items, and dumped all the links to the regional channel.

Everyone is fighting.

Xiao Yuling is relatively honest, and did not purchase from the regional channel.

In just ten seconds, all the enchanted items were sold out!

This time, not only can runes be traded, but also runes can be replaced with purple gold, earth pith, ice crystal silk, geomagnetic crystals and memory gems.

After a round of trading, the income of the four-element rune is about [-].

Another 1 purple gold, 2 pith.

As a result, the four-element rune on Wei Sheng's hand increased sharply, all exceeding [-]!

"Hey, I didn't get the suture ball! Big guy, can you sell one to me privately?"

A certain hapless man madly summoned Wei Sheng.

In a battle, he lost an important part, and it was always a hassle to go to the toilet.

Now that I know the suture ball, I am full of hope for life again!

"You look for the parts first, and after you find them, I can sell you a suture ball alone."

Wei Sheng looked at him pitifully and replied simply.

"Thank you boss, I'll go to the whole big one!"

The other party is grateful to Dade, and almost regards Wei Sheng as a reborn parent.

Only when one has been an eunuch can one understand the difficulty and inferiority of eunuchs.

At this point, Wei Sheng only stayed in the channel for a while, and then sent the two vassals away to continue digging today!

Remaining times today: 6.

Wei Sheng put away the rune base.

Look in five directions.

[Continue to dig down, nothing. 】

[In the burrow on the left, there is a copper treasure chest. There was a war not long ago. The ground was in a mess, and there was a huge corpse lying on the ground. 】

[In the burrow on the right, there is a silver treasure chest, you will enter a swamp, a group of missionaries of mixed creatures pass by, as long as you claim to believe in the Great Dark Night God, you can deceive something from them.If you kill them, your luck will decay today. 】

[Dig forward, the yellow sand is full, be careful of the discolored monsters lurking in the yellow sand, search carefully, there are some supplies. 】

[Dig backwards, a group of gnolls are drunk, the scene is a bit spicy, it is not recommended to enter. 】

On the left is the direction Avalon left.

Since the huge corpse is displayed, it means that it is not Avalon, but a crypt creature that is beyond its own power.

"Mixed creatures? Do you mean different crypt creatures mixed together?"

Wei Sheng consulted the illustrated book, but there was no result. Most likely, it was not referring to a single species.

"Killing them will bring luck..."

He couldn't help but wonder if it was because he believed in the Great Dark Night God and was sheltered by him.

Sounds a bit wicked!

"It depends on the situation after entering. If you can't fool you, don't kill it, can you be trapped?"

Wei Sheng was certain.

Take out the shovel and dig to the right.

After a few minutes.

The one hundred and thirty-fifth burrow!

A smoky smell hit the nostrils.

This is swampland.

Several crooked roads lead to different earth walls.

At a glance, not far away, a group of crypt creatures in black robes are resting.

They all looked here.

Tauren, half-goat, lizardmen, goblins...

All looked indifferent, with gloomy eyes.

They wore the same clothes, black robes, their faces covered under the hoods, iron rods stood beside them, and dark chains hung around their necks.

"I didn't expect to meet the followers of the Great Dark Night God here!"

Wei Sheng pretended to be excited, and approached step by step along the trail.

When the group of missionaries heard this, their expressions softened a little, and the leader showed a gentle smile: "Do you also believe in a great god?"

"Of course, the Great Dark Night God is omnipotent and the greatest god!"

Wei Sheng climbed up the pole without any ambiguity.

"Eternal night will come."

The leader crossed his hands in front of him and read it in his mouth.

The other missionaries did the same, chanting in unison: "Eternal night will come."

Do the play to the end!

Wei Sheng also learned their posture and read it together.

It's just that his mouth is usually sharp, but at this moment he blurts out vaguely!

All the missionaries of the Great Dark Night God raised their heads one after another, their eyes showing vigilance.

Wei Sheng thought it was his own problem, and continued to read it again: "Eternal night will come..."

Still vague.

Even if he gritted his words a second time, it was still the same.

It seems that there is a force somewhere, changing Wei Sheng's pronunciation!

Wei Sheng was covered in hair.

Could it be...

The Great Darkness is haunting?

Because his heart is not sincere, so he can't read it?

He didn't have time to think about it, the missionaries in front were filled with righteous indignation, and their faces were fanatical.

"This is a heretic!"

"Can't even read the teachings clearly, he must be deceiving us!"

"Damn, kill him!"

They grabbed the big iron rod beside them, no matter how bad the surrounding environment was, they rushed over.

This infidel who pretends to be a believer of gods must be punished and drowned in a swamp! .

Chapter 216

This group of missionaries is not powerful.

Wei Sheng looked at it at a glance, and the Tauren and Lizardmen were more powerful.

Not a dragon blood lizardman, not worth mentioning!

It's just that Wei Sheng felt a little empty in his heart just after comprehending the mysterious power.

Even the teachings of dishonesty cannot be clearly slaughtered. If this group of guys is really killed, their luck will definitely decline.

"Take them, as long as you don't kill them, but let them go crazy, should you be fine?"

Wei Sheng was going to use the mad eyes to destroy their spiritual will.

A group of guys on the opposite side are already holding big iron rods, and they are rushing up to shake people!

There are twenty of them.

Wei Sheng took out the magic spell.

In the blink of an eye, a huge net of shadows condensed and wiped them all out.

"Damn heretics!"

"Let's work hard together to open this big net!"

"Ahhh, bedbugs!"

All were overwhelmed by a huge force.

Even the most powerful tauren fell, unable to struggle while sitting on the ground.

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