There are dozens of zeros in total.

Mostly small items.

There are also rations and drinks for gold-digging gnomes.

"Most things are useless and can only be broken down into materials."

"These look pretty good!"

"Two books, two scrolls..."

Wei Sheng put away all the other items.

The food and water left by the gold-digging gnomes are all linked to the trading channel.

There are four items left on the ground.

They are:

Soul Tear Learning Scroll;

Intermediate Will Enchantment Scroll;

"Understanding Soul Power and Charms from Scratch" book;

The book "Gandalf Takes You to Analyse Spells".

"Little fox, use it."

Wei Sheng threw the intermediate will enchantment scroll to Xiaohu.

He had used the same scroll last time to resist the Eye of Riot.

There are three items left, check the details one by one.

[Soul Tear Learning Scroll: Consuming runes can learn the scroll, which must be used in conjunction with the True Verification Technique. When the True Verification Technique detects that the target is lying, it will cause severe pain in the soul, and will not cause physical injury or death.To learn, you need to have a spell bloodline, and you need to consume 300 wind runes, 300 earth runes, 300 water runes, and 300 fire runes. 】

["Understanding Soul Power and Talisman from Scratch": A popular book on the basic knowledge of soul power and charm in the underground world. After reading it, you will have a basic understanding of charm and soul power. 】

["Gandalf Takes You to Analyze Spells": A book compiled by Gandalf, a powerful magician, explaining the experience of using various types of spells in a simple way, listing the advantages and disadvantages of various spells, although there is no specific method of use, but one After a mature spellcaster is familiar with it, it will improve the understanding of spelling. 】

Only scrolls can be used, two books cannot be used.

To learn, you must read!

"I thought Zhenzheng was a bit tasteless, and I can tell whether someone is lying by relying on hints."

"Now that there is Soul Tear, it can be used together in the future, provided that the True Appraisal Technique can take effect."

Wei Sheng recalled that the ability of Jianzhenshu was not [-]% successful.

The user's willpower must exceed the target to complete the appraisal.

The combination of the two spells can be used for interrogation, as well as tricks.

"These two books..."

Wei Sheng simply flipped through two books.

"Understanding Soul Power and Charms from Scratch" is relatively simple.

"Gandalf takes you to analyze spells" involves a lot of technical terms, just like reading a book from heaven.

Wei Sheng put away the advanced books and flipped through the basic book catalog.

Find some interesting titles and open them.

"It turns out that, I said that when using the golden light body protection, there will be some jerky, not all proficiency problems!"

"Charms can be divided into protection, spell, prophecy, energy, enchantment, illusion, transformation..."

"The strength of the spell depends on the caster..."

Wei Sheng became more and more fascinated, until the little fox stepped on the stone and made a clear collision sound, and woke up.

"Although there is no way to learn directly, it takes time to study, but both books are good things."

Wei Sheng said with emotion.

Just watching for a quarter of an hour is already very beneficial.

If he reads the entire book, it will be of great benefit for him to learn spells and even create spells in the future.

three minutes later.

Wei Sheng searched for all the supplies.

Get ready, check out the five directions.

[Continue to dig backwards, you can find a nest of bugs, the taste is not bad, and it can burst into pulp. 】

[In the burrow on the left, there are some resources, be careful to be swept up by the thunder fog! 】

[In the cave on the right, there are only sand and stones. 】

[Dig down, there is a silver treasure chest, there is a kobold swordsman who came out to hone nearby, don't underestimate him!As long as he doesn't admit that he is a warrior, he won't ask you to fencing. 】

[Dig up, there are two iron treasure chests, be careful of the seven-step snake nearby. 】

The best supplies are silver treasure chests.

If it wasn't for the reminder not to underestimate it, Wei Sheng would definitely not care.

"Is this kobold special?"

Wei Sheng thought to himself.

Kobolds usually come in groups.

It's the first time I've seen one alone.

They are timid and cowardly by nature, and it is even rarer to come out to hone.

"The kobold has a despicable character and likes to collect treasures, so he might attack me."

Wei Sheng imagined various situations and took out the shovel to dig.

PS: Happy Lantern Festival everyone~.

Chapter 211

The one hundred and thirty-fourth burrow!

The blades of grass swayed in the wind.

The burrows are all short weeds.

Wei Sheng had collected it before, but it was a little short, and it was troublesome to collect. It was useless except to feed the brain monsters.

So that Wei Sheng didn't have the slightest interest in seeing them.

There is enough grass in the planting shed, so there is no need to do more.

Before he knew it, he was no longer a low-level locust, and his appetite had grown!

Wei Sheng raised his head slightly.

A look came from not far away.

Familiar faces I haven't seen in a long time—


The other side is sitting on the grass.

There was a straight saber sticking beside him.

No scabbard.

There are circles of white cloth strips wrapped around the wooden handle, and the two white cloths at the end flutter in the wind.

The kobold was tall, measuring two meters in size.

The body is even stronger, and the abdominal muscles and chest muscles are visible at a glance.

He was wearing only a pair of shorts, and his face was quiet.

I was meditating.

After hearing the faint sound, he opened his eyes and looked forward.

"It looks different from ordinary kobolds, the difference in temperament is too big!"

With the help of the Eagle Eye technique, Wei Sheng could see the face of the opponent clearly, and he couldn't help but say, "No wonder he dares to come out to hone himself alone. I am afraid he is an outlier among kobolds, maybe the strongest or something."

Even the appearance looks a little different.

Eyes are very sharp.

The eyes of a swordsman!

No matter what the kobold swordsman was, Wei Sheng glanced over to find the location of the silver treasure chest.


Not far behind the kobold swordsman.

Wei Sheng walked forward silently without saying a word.

The spirit of the kobold swordsman, in the dull, full of chilling aura, seems to contain a powerful explosive force in the body.

step by step.


A huge creature suddenly emerged from the earth wall behind the kobold.

Four meters tall and muscular.

The brain is like a gorilla.

The body is covered with jet-black armor.

Wei Sheng stopped.

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